我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
浏览次数:1465 更新时间:2020-11-27

Devotion to OurLady of the Lilies


From the"Breton Stigmatist", pp.63-65.


On Tuesday 23rdof June 1936, a young girl from Blain had brought Marie-Julie a lily that hadbeen placed before the Blessed Sacrament at the parish church during the feastof Corpus Christi.


This lily wasplaced in the arms of the big crowned statue of Our Lady of Lourdes whichdominates the bedside of Marie-Julie and it remained there during the entireecstasy.


ng the ecstasy,replying to a total offering of Mare-Julie in her name and the name of all herfriends, Our Lady said:


"As areward I have in my arms this beautiful white flower which recalls the mostbeautiful of my virtues...scatter this spotless flower...


ryone take asmall bit home, it is I myself you will carry away, the Queen of Lilies, theQueen of Peace, the Queen of Prodigies, the Queen of Miracles."


Then at the endof the ecstasy, at the last blessings, Our Lady said to Marie-Julie. "Givea small piece (of lily) to all my small children, it is the flower of my Jesus,with a delicious scent blessed on earth...


There must bemany lilies for Jesus."

对耶稣来说,一定有许多百合花。 」

People presentwere under the impression that the lily placed in the arms of Our Lady ofLourdes during the ecstasy took on the same freshness as when if it had justbeen cut.


On TuesdayFebruary 2nd 1937, feast of the Purification of Our Lady, during her particularmorning ecstasy, Marie-Julie thanked her for all the graces of protection in accidents,of preservation in accidents and cures granted to people who had recourse tothe fragments of the lily.


Our Lady thenconfirmed her words of the preceding 23rd of June, when Our Lord interruptedher saying.


"RememberMy Mother, that I had given My blessings before thine." The Our Ladycontinued: "I blessed this lily after my Divine Son, it will do manymarvels..." and she asked Marie-Julie to have her invoked under the titleof Our Lady of the Lilies.

「请记住我的母亲,我在你的祝福之前就已经给了她祝福。」圣母继续说道:「我以我圣子的名义祝福这朵百合花,它将创造许多奇迹……。 」她请求玛利亚.茱莉以“百合花圣母”的名义来呼求她。

Two days lateron 4th of February, during the usual ecstasy, Our Lady said the followingwords:


"Littlefriends, give me this title; Mother of Purity, Lily of Purity without stain.


Spread my loveon earth by this Lily which has adored Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle, by thisbeautiful Lily where Jesus has placed His purest graces, the most glowing love.


I will givemany graces, I will even work prodigies, I will give health back to the sickwhen they are touched by this beautiful Lily of purity."..."Oh,little children of the earth, come to my heart, invoke me as Our Lady of the Lilies,Mother of Power, Mother of Prodigies..."

我要施惠于人,我要创造奇迹,我要使生病的人得到这纯洁美丽的百合花的抚慰,恢复健康。」 「大地的孩子们,到我的心里来吧,请把我呼唤为“百合花的圣母”,“大能之母”,“奇事之母”……。

ThenMarie-Julie said: "It does not surprise me, good Heavenly Mother, that ashower of graces overflowed from thy heart to fall on this Lily which thou hastwatered with thy favours, this Lily the white corollas of which thou distributeto encourage us to have recourse to thee,predisposing us (to trust) to tell usthat this Lily will take us to Heaven, as it took the Most Holy Virgin with herbeautiful virtues, to the Kingdom of her Divine Son, to love and adore Himeternally.


Jesus has saidmany times: "Mother, give thy graces to thy small children on earth, Igive Mine, I mingle them with thine, thine with Mine, is it not the samethings, so that it is two great blessings that flow on them from this blessedLily; their eyes do not see them but the eyes of the souls, their souls are notunaware..."

耶稣多次说过:「母亲,把你的恩宠赐给世上你的孩子们吧。我把我的恩宠赐给我的孩子们,我把我的孩子们和你的孩子们融合在一起,你的和我的融合在一起,难道不是同一回事吗?因此,这(你和我)两个伟大的祝福,从这个蒙福的百合花流向他们;他们的眼睛看不见、祝福,但灵魂的眼睛是看得见,(只是)他们的灵魂、没有意识到……。 」

Blessings andpromises were renewed on different occasions, notable on 8th of April 1937,bythe Blessed Virgin:


"Oh, mylittle children, I bless you will all my heart, I bless you with the heart ofOur Lady of Lilies."

「哦,我的孩子们,我全心地祝福你们,我用百合花圣母的心祝福你们。 」

On 10th of June1937, by Our Lord:


"Littlefriends, I give your Lilies the same blessing that I gave those which protectedyou and which made you find the name so dear to My Gentle Mother of 'Our Ladyof the Lilies’, distribute them...I will work miracles, I will do extraordinaryprodigies for My chosen ones on earth..."

「可爱朋友们,我把同样的祝福赐给你的百合花,你要将百合花给出去,就像我的祝福保护了你们,使你们发现“百合花圣母”这个名字对我“温柔的母亲”是如此可爱的一样。我要行奇迹,我要为我在世上所拣选的人行非凡的奇迹……。 」

And againon 18th of July 1939: "I bless the Lilies and give them my powers torelive poor suffering."

1939年7月18日,主又说:「我祝福百合花,赐予它们我的力量,减轻痛苦。 」

During anecstasy, Our Lord having spoken of roses, violets, etc., that were presentedduring ecstasies and which received blessings and graces, He added thatnevertheless it was to the lily, as being her privileged flower, that Our Ladyreserved her greatest benefits.


The bulbs ofthe lilies that were in the small enclosure behind Marie-Julie's cottage were removedon her request on 8th of December 1938.


They wereblessed by our Lord, some during the ecstasy of the day, the others during theWay of the Cross the following day.


Our Lordpromised that the lilies of those bulbs would be blessed as soon as theyappeared on earth and it would be enough to present the flowers of the petalsbefore the Blessed Sacrament exposed to have the same blessings and privilegesof the preceding ones and that in this way the devotion to Our Lady of theLilies would be assured and continued after the death of Marie-Julie.


上一篇:163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪夫人
下一篇:165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了即将到来的惩罚(一)


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