Visitof Saint Dieudonné, Pope
Ecstasyof October 24, 1878
Saint Dieudonné (St. Adedodatus I) is alsoknown by his Latin name: Deusdedit.
A Roman by birth, he became pope in 615 AD.
During his pontificate a pestilence raged inRome and he worked to relieve the plague-striken.
In all ancient Benedictine menologies, he iscalled a Benedictine monk, but there is no evidence of this. Feast Day Nov. 8
The Webmasters of the Sanctuary Website alsoremind us that: “… the seventh century was a difficult period for the Church asit began to establish its autonomy while new governments formed from the remnantsof the larger Empires after their collapse.
After waves of persecution of the earlycenturies, after the great storm of heresies, after the barbarian invasions,the Ship of St. Peter held fast.
But other dangers loomed on the horizon:Islam and the ambitions of the powerful of this world.
St. Deusdedit, (also known as St. AdeodatusI), was one of the first twenty popes who ruled the Church during the seventhcentury.
Do not forget them! They do not forget us, asthis ecstasy shows.”
“I am Pope St. Dieudonné. I come to say aword on behalf of Our Lord.
Dear brothers, we suffer everywhere and thecross is seeded under our steps. It rises like a great harvest, it alone bloomsat all times.
Neither winter nor the ice stops its floweringI ruled on a Pontifical Throne, I ruled in peace, I ruled in pain. There isalways two steps: the summer and winter.
I suffered cruelly for the support and thecause of the Church.
At every instant we talked and we cried. Thestorm and the disorders have risen against the Church and its Head. But I didnot falter an instant.
I governed the Church of God with tears.
I myself asked for the support and comfort(of the Church?). But all vanished at my word.
我亲自请求 (教会?) 的支持和安慰,但都在听到我的话后无影无踪了。
Everything seemed to run away to allow allthe cruel enemies of God to approach, to break the Church and its Throne.
I strongly maintained the Holy Church and myduty, seriously threatened.
I heard the whistle of the instruments ofdeath all around my prison.
Armed with the Crucifix and the statue of theQueen of Heaven, I conquered, I won over my weakness.
I was victorious after a terrible struggle.Almost all the representatives of God have suffered and have been martyrs, heldprisoner.
Let us pray for our Brother and Father whoreigns at the moment (i.e., Pope Leo XIII).
让我们为我们的兄弟和父亲祈祷 (即现任教宗良十三世)。
The pain and grief hanging over the Churchand the Holy See.
The venerated remains of the man who diedafter so much pain and tears and after a long captivity of pain, tears andimprisonment, are able to provide, by the force of his holiness, the brilliantvisible miracle for the one that currently reigns.”
(“Pius IX was forced to flee to Gaeta from 1848 to 1850 and then consideredhimself a prisoner in the Vatican to protest against the confiscation of Churchproperty. He died in 1878.” = This paragraph is a note offered by the SanctuaryWebsite, explaining why Pope Pius the IX is described as an imprisoned martyrby St.Adeodatus.)
St. Adeodatus continues: “For the holy PopePius IX will be elevated one day to a very high sanctity and this sanctity oflove and tenderness will stop terrible calamities that are reserved for theRoman city.
Today, in this city, (Rome?) we hear deafsounds, we see in Heaven these preparations and these arrangements under theodious government of this man, this race, which he has already made suffer somuch, so much wailing.
今天,在这个城市,(罗马?) 我们听到聋子的声音,我们在天上看到这民族这恶者政权的这些准备和安排,已经使他(良十三世)遭受了如此多的痛苦,如此多的哭泣。
Apparently, he promised to support, defend,and provide the reinforcement and support for the captive martyr. But in thebottom of his heart, he thinks otherwise.
In the bottom of his heart, a dark secret ishidden and is veiled from the eyes of humans but not those of God!”
(“Thisman”: this could be some government official who was plotting against Leo XIII,or, this could be a prediction concerning the Great Monarch who will alsosuffer imprisonment and a spiritual martyrdom like Pius IX)
(“这个人” :这恶者可能是一些密谋反对良十三世的政府官员,或者,这也可能是一个关于大君主的预测,他(这大君主)也将遭受监禁如比约九世那样的精神殉道。)
“Dearbrothers, we have nothing to do but pray and submit for the hour of God isdetermined.
Every man is no more than a grain of dust.
To make a miracle of peace and reconciliationin all these threatened powers, do not count, do not rely on the arm of fleshbecause there is only God who can do what He had promised to set free thosepowers threatened, divided, revolted.
Now, a word of encouragement and love of God.
Dear brothers and sisters, you also had theexperience of earth and of Heaven.
You searched the earth for that which toconsole you and you have found grief, bitterness and pain.
You have relied on Heaven and you have founda powerful strength and divine consolations that revived in you in the deepestagony, I mean suffering, despair and pain.
Nothing, on earth, can truly console the manwho loves God richly and liberally.
Is it those weak creatures who are steeped ina little dust and reign on earth for one hour?
(难道)是那些沾了点灰尘,且仅能短暂驾驭的软弱受造物(世人)吗? (注:人生犹如寄尘,短暂好似一小时,为爱主的人难道会依恋如此软弱的受造物?)
Is this the strong soul that will findhappiness and love? No, it disgusts the soul. The heart feels a repugnance.
The rest of the body does not seek and triesto enter (happiness?) by ties and friendship.
身体的其馀肢体不愿寻求(天主),并试图通过联结和友谊进入 (幸福?)。
If you want to save a lot (of effort), if youwant to possess Heaven on earth, flee creatures, flee conversation, stay awayfrom their presence and put yourself in the presence of Him who is Almighty andEternal.
Our souls are suffering from mortalattachments.
The crying of the soul is like a pure goldthat spreads before the Lord as the aroma of the sweetest perfume.
God's love is so powerful, so strong, sounited, so sweet and fragrant that to withdraw the soul from the love of God islike plunging it into the mud and corrupt water.
Follow this road of love, live (as)solitaires in love, solitary in the presence of God.
It is in solitude that the Shepherd sawHeaven open and the sheep contemplate its beauty.
I compare the love of creatures to bird limebecause once they are rooted in this mad love that is without merit or profit,they can not withdraw, it is stuck on all sides, the clothes themselves arestuck.
(Next sentence, closest translation: All ittakes is something very little to become an attachment that is made by humanhands.)
One keeps, by this attachment, their soul andheart in deprivation.
By this (earthly) love, they hold the gatesof Heaven closed ...
因着这种 (属世的) 爱,他们紧紧地关闭着天堂的大门……
I am not defending (against) charity, on thecontrary, but I do not like this attachment, these supports that are only postsof earth. (I.e, stakes tying us to earth.)
Live in love, sigh to see Love. Glide in lovelike an eagle that, for strength to rise, approaches the rays of the sun. Belike it, imitate it. We are on the earth to fly to God, to love God and to liveHis love.
Courage, dear brothers and sisters in thecross!
But the fruit will be so beautiful in heaven,once entered, you will wish to be human again to suffer on earth as Heaven isso beautiful, Heaven is so sweet, the happiness of heaven is great!
I leave you at the foot of the Cross in theloving tenderness of Jesus and his Sacred and Adorable Wounds that are sourceswhere your souls draw strength ...
O Crux Ave, it is at the foot of the Crosswhere God's love reigns and the happiness of souls ...”