October 20, 1903 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)
Marie-Julie begs Our Lord not to send punishments, butHe replies: "My daughter, sinners are too numerous and too guilty.
They have abused My graces. Especially those who haveMy Adorable Body at their disposition because of their state, and profane it.No, I can no longer forgive, justice has to be done. Soon you will need allyour faith."
他们滥用了我的恩宠。尤其是那些领受了我可敬的圣体,却因为他们个人的状态而随意处置,并亵渎它(圣体)的人。不,我不能再宽恕了,正义必须得到伸张。很快,你将会需要(用到)你所有的忠信。 」
October 29, 1903 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, pp. 28-29)
"The warnings of the Holy of Holies have beendisregarded... .
His words were rebuffed by those who should havepropagated them, listened to them and increased the grace of love. The missionsthat Our Lady fulfilled on Earth have not been known. No notice was taken ofher most solemn words... .
There was a revolt against her revelations...fromthose who should have spread these words in the whole of France...but what aheavy cross awaits them!
A heavy burden will overwhelm them... A distinctjustice is reserved for them..."
January 5, 1904 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 40)
Our Lady: "Satan is joyful, he travels all overthe world...in the enclosure of his houses where the disciples who follow hisdoctrine live, where he reveals his satanic secrets to them to lose theirsouls.
He gives his advice and the (leaders of hishell-hounds) drink long draughts of his doctrines that are made up ofsacrileges and spells."
撒殚给出了牠的指点,而牠的(地狱猎犬的首领)畅饮牠的教训,那都是由亵渎和咒诅组成的。 」
Same Day:
January 5, 1904 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 42)
Our Lord: "The souls who love Me will see Me...My temple overthrown and in other places such filthy desecrations that thepreceding centuries had never seen...."
Same Day
January 5, 1904
The consequences of this degradation are before oureyes.
Here is what the Blessed Virgin foretold:
“The French peoplewill become very miserable.
All the doors have been wide open to all languages, tothe foreigners, to all those who wish to enter this cursed Sodom (Paris) wherethe Justice of my divine Son, is suspended over it.”
(Note: If thiswas a prophecy for back then, can you imagine how Our Lady feels about the EUnow?)
February 9, 1904
The Blessed Virgin:
“My belovedchildren, there are very few open minds on this side and yet, Heaven punishesthe earth, Heaven is distant from the Earth, I mean to say, my divine Son riseson a very high throne in His Eternal Heaven.
He told me often, He, weeping, – a King who isweeping, a Spouse who weeps, a Father that mourns the loss of His children – Heoften said to me, yes, while weeping, that the holy sacrifices are no longeroffered in this France where I was so loved by hearts of faith, so well servedby hearts animated by the faith.
My beloved mothers of the Cross and dear children ofthe Cross, all the treasures of the Most Holy Sacrifice were celebrated in aforeign Land and attract the blessings to it while curses fall on the Earththat I would hardly call my kingdom ...
My beloved children, all is engaged in an irreparableloss, I mean the salvation of souls of children.
The nourishment of these poor little souls should befor them the bread of love of their Immaculate Queen, the Queen of Heaven.
I suffer to see these souls as pastures delivered tothe enemy of the salvation of souls; it is the goodness of my Divine Son thatSatan takes to himself and to appropriate it, (i.e. he takes advantage of God'smercy to the earth) he has his supporters in every corner on the Earth. Idespair, yes, I despair of saving those souls without immense peril andmultiplied souls and bodies.
Marie-Julie intercedes and the Blessed Virginanswered:
“After thedelivery of young adolescent souls to Satan, the enemy of souls, I mean to saythat most of these children have entered the path of corruption and these soulshave not received a drop of this perfume of my virtues of purity; it is in veryimmense pain, because if you saw the number, you would be frightened and evenstruck as if by a mortal blow.
Marie-Julie: “Holy Mother of Immaculate Heaven, wesuffer from what you suffer.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「天堂无玷的圣母啊!你受的苦我们也受。 」
The Blessed Virgin: “My dear children, that carefreemothers who no longer have the faith,that guilty fathers thrown into circleswhere they do nothing but offend my Divine Son.
In heaven, what a responsibility! They do not thinkabout that, what terrible misfortune!”
在天堂里,这是多么大的责任啊!他们连这一点也不去想,真是可怕的不幸啊! 」