November 23, 1882
"All the workers, whose employmentprovided a daily occupation that prevented them from engaging in evil.
The designs of those who rule Francehave resolved to remove from the worker all work, all employment."
那些统治法国的人的计划已经决定剥夺工人的所有工作,所有就业机会。 」
"My children, there will be no morerest. Night and day, the riders (les coureurs), (agitators) are engaged inevil: fire, horrible murder.
They will use the violent powder toreduce into shreds the strongest walls ever built on the earth."
他们将用暴力的火药,把地球上有史以来最坚固的墙,夷为平地。 」
(This could be a prediction of the 1930s GreatDepression that led to WW II, however, this also sounds very much like theeconomic crisis and civil unrest of today, beginning 2008.)
October 17, 1883 On the Count ofChambord's death.
"It will rest where the Good Godhas placed us,and much prayer. France did not deserve the one who was to saveit, God has removed him from the earth; It is the first chastisment."
「它将安息在好天主给我们安置的地方,还有许多祈祷。法国不配得到拯救它的人,天主把他从地球上挪走了;这是第一次惩罚。 」
(Note: If France had prayed more and desiredthe King, it appears God was prepared to send the Count of Chambord as theGreat Monarch, but as France did not do penance and change its ways,the comingof the Great Monarch is delayed.)
October 17, 1883 (“The Breton Stigmatist”,Book, p. 32)
Prediction the Holy Species will beprofaned. "They will be thrown in the mud."
预言圣物将被亵渎。「他们会被扔进污泥里。 」
"The wicked will commit all kindsof horrors.
The Holy Hosts will be dispersed on theroads.
They will be discovered in the mud.
The priests as well as the faithful willpick them up and will carry them on their breasts."
司祭们和虔诚的人要把它们拾起,抱在胸前。 」
(Note: this is happening. I personally know ofreports in Co. Cork, Ireland sometime in the 1990s of thieves breaking intochurches, stealing the chalices and ciboriums with consecrated Hosts, and thenthrow Them out the car windows as they made their escape. People were findingthe Blessed Sacrament all over the roads covered in mud.)
(注:这正在发生。我个人曾听说,在20世纪90年代的某个时候,在爱尔兰的科克(Co. Cork),有小偷闯入教堂,偷走教堂里供奉的圣物,然后在他们逃跑时把它们从车窗里扔了出去。人们发现圣体上面到处都是污泥。)
January 4, 1884 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 44)
Our Lord; "I have done everythingfor My people. I sent My mother on earth.
Very few believed her words. My voicewas heard everywhere through the victims I Myself had chosen and on whom Iworked marvels and prodigies.
They were despised andpersecuted...."
Same Day:
January 4, 1884 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 44)
Apparently, about the Three days ofdarkness: "The earth will become like a vast cemetery.
显然,关于三天的黑暗:「大地将变成一个巨大的墓地。 」
The bodies of the wicked and the justwill cover the ground.
The famine will be great...Everythingwill be thrown into confusion...
The crisis will explode suddenly, thepunishments will be shared by all and will succeed one another withoutinterruption..."
危机将突然爆发,惩罚将由所有人分担,并将不间断地接踵而至…… 」
Same Day: More on the Three Days ofDarkness
January 4, 1884
Our Lord: "There will be three daysof physical darkness.
For three days less one night, therewill be a continual night.
The blessed wax candles will be the onlyones that give light in this terrible darkness: only one will suffice for threedays, but in the homes of the wicked, they will not give any light.
During these three days and two nights,the demons will appear under the most hideous forms.
You will hear in the air the mosthorrible blasphemies.
The lightning will enter your homes, butwill not extinguish the candles; neither wind, nor the storm can put them out.
Red clouds like blood will ride acrossthe sky.
The crash of thunder will shake theearth.
Sinister lightning will cut across thedense clouds, in a season when they never occur. (In winter, or the end ofMarch?)
The earth will be shaken down to thefoundations.
The sea will rise thundering waves thatwill spread across the continent (Tidal wave).
Blood will flow in such abundance thatthe earth will become a vast cemetery.
The corpses of the wicked and therighteous ones will litter the ground.
The famine will be great. Everythingwill be in turmoil and three-quarters of men will perish.
The crisis will break out suddenly.
The chastisements will be common in theworld to swell up and will succeed one another ceaselessly.
When My people have fallen intoindifference, I have begun to threaten him.
Today, it deserves My justice.
I came on earth; they want Me out, takeaway My Holy Tabernacle, reversing My Cross and ignoring My Power.”
我来到世上;他们却要我离开,拿走我的圣龛,颠倒我的十字架,忽视我的能力。 」
“O Lord,” said Marie-Julie, “have mercy!”
「啊,主啊,」玛利亚.茱莉说,「求你垂怜! 」
Our Lord: “Yes, I will pity the goodpeople, but the others, I will swallow.
The earth will open and they willdisappear forever."
地必裂开,他们必永远消失。 」
(Note: We must remember not to look outduring those days, or we will be struck dead.)
April 24, 1884 (“The Breton Stigmatist”,Book, p. 32)
Our Lord: "Priests will separatethemselves from the voice of authority in greater numbers.
A scandalous freedom of disunion, oflevity, will spread in all the dioceses of France."
分裂和轻浮的自由丑闻,将在法国的各个教区蔓延开来。 」
November, 14, 1884 (“The BretonStigmatist”, Book, p. 32)
"Our Lord showed me the number ofapostasies at the time of the fatal event...It will be the ministers of God,who will be the first to begin, not all of them...
This punishment will open the Heavensand the God of vengeance will appear with a display of justice....
Never had I seen from so close the angerof God.....
December 24, 1884 (“The Breton Stigmatist”,p. 32)
"In all the past centuries, not onewill resemble this epoch."
「在过去所有的世纪里,没有一个会像现在这样。 」