·03. 玛达肋纳继承了玛格达伦城堡
·05. 耶稣谈到玛达肋纳的家人
·06. 玛尔大对耶稣谈到玛达肋纳
·08. 沉默的玛丽亚的预言
·12. 耶稣安慰玛尔大
·19. 玛尔大邀请玛达肋纳去听耶稣讲
·21. 迦巴拉附近的山中宝训
·24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣
·27. 法利赛人在葛法翁会堂与耶稣对
·31. 玛达肋纳、狄娜和圣母的外貌
·32. 玛尔大劝玛达肋纳重见耶稣
·33. 玛达肋纳的奢华装束
·34. 玛达肋纳和她的同伴出发去听耶
·35. 玛达肋纳的第二次悔改
·37. 圣妇照料客栈
·42. 玛达肋纳对耶稣的爱
·43. 耶稣告诫祂的追随者要不停地祈
·45. 圣妇们的工作
·54. 耶稣教导新门徒
·58. 耶稣责备门徒对玛达肋纳的诽谤
·59. 玛达肋纳获得珍贵的香膏
·64. 童贞圣母、玛达肋纳和克罗帕的
·65. 撒旦在橄榄园控告耶稣
·66. 耶稣的跟随者在祂痛苦的山园祈
·67. 在橄榄园中
·68. 耶稣同情圣母和玛达肋纳的痛苦
·69. 向耶稣显明祂的苦难
·70. 犹达斯和法利赛人
·71. 耶稣的跟随者得知祂被捕的消息
·72. 士兵们嘲笑玛达肋纳对耶稣的膏
·73. “你这最不幸的母亲啊!”
·74. 伯多禄向圣母玛利亚承认他否认
·75. 圣母玛利亚、若望和玛达肋纳在
·76. 十字苦路
·77. 玛达肋纳明白她在耶稣受难中的
·78. 圣母和玛达肋纳,在耶稣鞭打之
·79. 玛达肋纳的外貌
·80. 圣母玛利亚和圣妇们走向哥耳哥
·82. 经师和法利赛人在哥耳哥达山上
·83. 在十字架脚下
·84. 「我的天主!我的天主!祢为什
·85. 「完成了!」
·86. 耶稣被长矛刺透
·88. 玛利亚接抱耶稣在怀中
·89. 圣母和玛达肋纳清洗耶稣的伤口
·90. 圣妇们和其他人帮助准备安葬耶
·91. 耶稣的圣身准备好被埋葬
·92. 送葬队伍
·93. 耶稣被安葬
·94. 从葬礼回家
·95. 圣妇们准备药草和香料去敷抹耶
·96. 玛达肋纳和圣妇们去膏抹耶稣的
· 97. 玛达肋纳在空墓旁
·98. 玛达肋纳向门徒的通报
·99. 复活的主显现给玛达肋纳
·100. 伯多禄和若望看到空墓
·102. 玛达肋纳的神圣勇气
·103. 耶稣再次显现给宗徒
·104. 伯达尼基督徒的爱
·105. 基督徒团体
·106. 耶稣升天前
·107. 伯多禄第一台弥撒之前
·108. 圣母移居厄弗所;拉匝禄和他
·109. 圣母离世
浏览次数:1342 更新时间:2022-1-14

23.  Magdalen Witnesses Cures and Exorcisms


It being late in the day, Jesus prays and dismisses the multitude with His blessing.

He and His disciples begin their descent of the mountain and

are invited to dine at the home of Simon Zabulon, the chief of the synagogue in Gabara.




Magdalen and her companions followed Jesus. The former went among the people and took her place near the sick women, as if to render them assistance. She was very much impressed, and the misery that she witnessed moved her still more. Jesus turned first to the men, among whom for a long time He healed diseases of all kinds. The hymns of thanksgiving from the cured and their attendants as they moved away, rang on the breeze. When He approached the sick females, the crowd that pressed around Him and the need that He and His disciples had of space forced Magdalen and the holy women to fall back a little.

Nevertheless, Magdalen sought by every opportunity, by every break in the crowd, to draw near to Him, but Jesus constantly turned away from her.

玛达肋纳和她的同伴跟随着耶稣。玛达肋纳走在人群中,坐在生病的妇女旁边,似乎是在帮助她们。她非常感动,目睹病人的痛苦更让她感动。耶稣首先转向男人,祂在很长一段时间内,治愈了他们中间的各种疾病。当病人和他们的陪伴离开时,感恩的赞美诗在微风中回荡。当耶稣靠近患病的女性时,人群拥挤在他的周围。他和他的门徒需要更大的空间来医治病人,迫使玛达肋纳和圣洁的女性后退一点。 尽管如此,玛达肋纳却想方设法,寻找人群中的每一个突破口,想亲近祂,但耶稣却不断地远离她。

He healed some women afflicted with a flow of blood. But how express the feelings of Magdalen, so delicate, so effeminate, whose eyes were quite unused to the sight of human suffering! What memories, what gratitude swelled the heart of Mary Suphan when six women, bound three,and three were forcibly led to Jesus by strong servant maids who dragged them along with cords, or long linen bands! They were possessed in the most frightful manner by unclean spirits, and they were the first possessed women that I saw brought publicly to Jesus. Some were from beyond the Lake of Genesareth, some from Samaria, and among them were several pagans. They had been bound together only upon reaching this place.


Ordinarily they were perfectly quiet and gentle; they offered no violence to one another. But anon, they became quite furious, screaming and hurling themselves here and there. Their custodians bound them and kept them at a distance during Jesus' discourse, and now when all was nearly over, they brought them forward. As the afflicted creatures drew near to Jesus and the disciples, they began to offer vehement resistance. Satan was tormenting them horribly. They uttered the most awful cries and fell into violent contortions. Jesus turned toward them and commanded them to be silent, to be at peace.

通常情况下,她们非常安静和温柔;她们没有互相激怒。但是很快,她们变得非常愤怒,尖叫着,四处乱撞。看守他们的人,趁耶稣讲道的时候,把她们捆起来,远远的隔开。既将完了,再把她们带到了前面。当受苦的人靠近耶稣和门徒时,她们开始强烈抵抗。撒旦正在可怕地折磨她们。 她们发出了最可怕的叫声,身体剧烈的扭曲起来。耶稣转身对她们说:不要作声,保持安静。

They instantly stood still and motionless; then He went up to them, ordered them to be unbound, commanded them to kneel down, prayed, and laid His hands upon them. Under the touch of His hand they sank into a few moments' unconsciousness, during which the wicked spirits went out of them in the form of a dark vapor. Then their attendants lifted them up, and veiled and in tears, they stood before Jesus, inclining low and giving thanks. He warned them to amend their lives, to purify themselves and do penance, lest their misfortune might come upon them more frightfully than before.    (Vol. 2, pp. 476-477)

她们立刻静止,一动不动了;然后耶稣走到她们跟前,吩咐给她们解开捆绑,她们跪下祈祷,耶稣按手在她们头上。在祂的手的触摸下,她们陷入了片刻的昏迷,在这期间,恶灵以一种黑暗的蒸气的形式离开了她们。然后她们的臣仆把她们扶起来,她们蒙上面纱,流着泪,站在耶稣面前,俯下身来感谢。 祂警告她们要改过自新,净化自己并痛悔,以免她们的不幸比以前更可怕。 (第 2 卷,第 476-477 页)

下一篇:24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣


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