·03. 玛达肋纳继承了玛格达伦城堡
·05. 耶稣谈到玛达肋纳的家人
·06. 玛尔大对耶稣谈到玛达肋纳
·08. 沉默的玛丽亚的预言
·12. 耶稣安慰玛尔大
·19. 玛尔大邀请玛达肋纳去听耶稣讲
·21. 迦巴拉附近的山中宝训
·24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣
·27. 法利赛人在葛法翁会堂与耶稣对
·31. 玛达肋纳、狄娜和圣母的外貌
·32. 玛尔大劝玛达肋纳重见耶稣
·33. 玛达肋纳的奢华装束
·34. 玛达肋纳和她的同伴出发去听耶
·35. 玛达肋纳的第二次悔改
·37. 圣妇照料客栈
·42. 玛达肋纳对耶稣的爱
·43. 耶稣告诫祂的追随者要不停地祈
·45. 圣妇们的工作
·54. 耶稣教导新门徒
·58. 耶稣责备门徒对玛达肋纳的诽谤
·59. 玛达肋纳获得珍贵的香膏
·64. 童贞圣母、玛达肋纳和克罗帕的
·65. 撒旦在橄榄园控告耶稣
·66. 耶稣的跟随者在祂痛苦的山园祈
·67. 在橄榄园中
·68. 耶稣同情圣母和玛达肋纳的痛苦
·69. 向耶稣显明祂的苦难
·70. 犹达斯和法利赛人
·71. 耶稣的跟随者得知祂被捕的消息
·72. 士兵们嘲笑玛达肋纳对耶稣的膏
·73. “你这最不幸的母亲啊!”
·74. 伯多禄向圣母玛利亚承认他否认
·75. 圣母玛利亚、若望和玛达肋纳在
·76. 十字苦路
·77. 玛达肋纳明白她在耶稣受难中的
·78. 圣母和玛达肋纳,在耶稣鞭打之
·79. 玛达肋纳的外貌
·80. 圣母玛利亚和圣妇们走向哥耳哥
·82. 经师和法利赛人在哥耳哥达山上
·83. 在十字架脚下
·84. 「我的天主!我的天主!祢为什
·85. 「完成了!」
·86. 耶稣被长矛刺透
·88. 玛利亚接抱耶稣在怀中
·89. 圣母和玛达肋纳清洗耶稣的伤口
·90. 圣妇们和其他人帮助准备安葬耶
·91. 耶稣的圣身准备好被埋葬
·92. 送葬队伍
·93. 耶稣被安葬
·94. 从葬礼回家
·95. 圣妇们准备药草和香料去敷抹耶
·96. 玛达肋纳和圣妇们去膏抹耶稣的
· 97. 玛达肋纳在空墓旁
·98. 玛达肋纳向门徒的通报
·99. 复活的主显现给玛达肋纳
·100. 伯多禄和若望看到空墓
·102. 玛达肋纳的神圣勇气
·103. 耶稣再次显现给宗徒
·104. 伯达尼基督徒的爱
·105. 基督徒团体
·106. 耶稣升天前
·107. 伯多禄第一台弥撒之前
·108. 圣母移居厄弗所;拉匝禄和他
·109. 圣母离世
浏览次数:1203 更新时间:2022-2-7

51.Jesus Teaches in Jericho and Elsewhere


From Bethania Jesus goes to Jerusalem with John and

Matthew to visit and instruct His friends in the city.

He takes leave of His disciples, telling them to meet Him

at the end of three months at Jacob’s Well, and

taking with Him only three youths, He travels through the lands of the Three Kings.

The Apostles and disciples disperse some returning home,

others traveling about the country teaching.

Jesus returns with many new disciples and sends them to help the Apostles.

He then travels to Ephron with the three youths, teaching at villages and farms along the way.













From Epron Jesus dispatched the three trusty disciples to meet the holy women who, to the number of ten, had reached the rented inn near Jericho. They were the Blessed Virgin, Magdalen, Martha, and two others, Peter’s wife and stepdaughter, Andrew’s wife, and Zacheus’ wife and daughter. The last mentioned was married to a very deserving disciple named Annadias, a shepherd and a relative of Silas’ mother.

耶稣从厄斐龙差遣三个忠实的门徒去迎见那十个到耶利哥的圣妇,她们是圣母、玛达肋纳、玛尔大和另外两个人,伯多禄的妻子和继女,安德肋的妻子,以及匝凯的妻子和女儿。 最后提到的匝凯的女儿嫁给了一位堪受赞扬的门徒,名叫安纳迪亚斯,他是牧羊人,也是息拉母亲的亲戚。

Peter, Andrew, and John met Jesus on the road, and with them He went on to Jericho. The Blessed Virgin, Magdalen, Martha, and others awaited His coming near a certain well. It was two hours before sundown when He came up with them.The women cast themselves on their knees before Him and kissed His hand. Mary also kissed His hand, and when she arose, Jesus kissed hers.


Magdalen stood somewhat back. At the well, the disciples washed Jesus’ feet, also those of the Apostles, after which all partook of a repast. The women ate alone and, when their meal was over, took their places at the lower end of the dining hall to listen to Jesus’ words.


He did not remain at the inn, but went with the three Apostles to Jericho, where the rest of the Apostles and disciples along with numerous sick were assembled. The women followed Him. I saw Him going into many of the houses and curing the sick, after which He Himself unlocked the school and ordered a chair to be placed in the center of the hall. The holy women were present in a retired part. They had a lamp to themselves. Mary was with them.


After the instruction, the holy women went back to their inn and on the following morning returned to their homes. Crowds were gathered at Jericho, for Jesus’ coming had been announced by the disciples. During His teaching and healing on the following day, the pressing and murmuring of the Pharisees were very great, and they sent messengers to Jerusalem to report. Jesus next went to the place of Baptism on the Jordan where were lying numbers of sick in expectation of His coming. They had heard of His reappearance and had begged His aid.


There were little huts and tents around, under which they could descend into the water. I saw too the basin in the little island in which He had been baptized. Sometimes it was full, but again, the water was allowed to run off. They came from all parts for this water, from Samaria, Judea, Galilee, and even from Syria. They loaded asses with large leathern sacks of it. The sacks hung on either side of the beast, and were kept together over the animal’s back by hoops. Jesus cured numbers. Only John, Andrew, and James the Less were with Him. (Vol.3,pp. 580-582)

施洗地点周围有小茅屋和帐篷,人们可以从那里下到水里。我也看见了小岛上的水池。耶稣在那里受洗,有时候它是满的,但水还是会流失。人们从各地,从撒玛黎雅、犹太、加利肋亚,甚至叙利亚,就是为了这水池里的水。 他们用大皮袋装满水放在驴背上。皮水袋挂在驴背的两侧,并用铁环固定在驴背上。耶稣治愈了大量的人。只有若望、安德肋和小雅各伯与祂在一起。 (第 3 卷,第 580-582 页)



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