·03. 玛达肋纳继承了玛格达伦城堡
·05. 耶稣谈到玛达肋纳的家人
·06. 玛尔大对耶稣谈到玛达肋纳
·08. 沉默的玛丽亚的预言
·12. 耶稣安慰玛尔大
·19. 玛尔大邀请玛达肋纳去听耶稣讲
·21. 迦巴拉附近的山中宝训
·24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣
·27. 法利赛人在葛法翁会堂与耶稣对
·31. 玛达肋纳、狄娜和圣母的外貌
·32. 玛尔大劝玛达肋纳重见耶稣
·33. 玛达肋纳的奢华装束
·34. 玛达肋纳和她的同伴出发去听耶
·35. 玛达肋纳的第二次悔改
·37. 圣妇照料客栈
·42. 玛达肋纳对耶稣的爱
·43. 耶稣告诫祂的追随者要不停地祈
·45. 圣妇们的工作
·54. 耶稣教导新门徒
·58. 耶稣责备门徒对玛达肋纳的诽谤
·59. 玛达肋纳获得珍贵的香膏
·64. 童贞圣母、玛达肋纳和克罗帕的
·65. 撒旦在橄榄园控告耶稣
·66. 耶稣的跟随者在祂痛苦的山园祈
·67. 在橄榄园中
·68. 耶稣同情圣母和玛达肋纳的痛苦
·69. 向耶稣显明祂的苦难
·70. 犹达斯和法利赛人
·71. 耶稣的跟随者得知祂被捕的消息
·72. 士兵们嘲笑玛达肋纳对耶稣的膏
·73. “你这最不幸的母亲啊!”
·74. 伯多禄向圣母玛利亚承认他否认
·75. 圣母玛利亚、若望和玛达肋纳在
·76. 十字苦路
·77. 玛达肋纳明白她在耶稣受难中的
·78. 圣母和玛达肋纳,在耶稣鞭打之
·79. 玛达肋纳的外貌
·80. 圣母玛利亚和圣妇们走向哥耳哥
·82. 经师和法利赛人在哥耳哥达山上
·83. 在十字架脚下
·84. 「我的天主!我的天主!祢为什
·85. 「完成了!」
·86. 耶稣被长矛刺透
·88. 玛利亚接抱耶稣在怀中
·89. 圣母和玛达肋纳清洗耶稣的伤口
·90. 圣妇们和其他人帮助准备安葬耶
·91. 耶稣的圣身准备好被埋葬
·92. 送葬队伍
·93. 耶稣被安葬
·94. 从葬礼回家
·95. 圣妇们准备药草和香料去敷抹耶
·96. 玛达肋纳和圣妇们去膏抹耶稣的
· 97. 玛达肋纳在空墓旁
·98. 玛达肋纳向门徒的通报
·99. 复活的主显现给玛达肋纳
·100. 伯多禄和若望看到空墓
·102. 玛达肋纳的神圣勇气
·103. 耶稣再次显现给宗徒
·104. 伯达尼基督徒的爱
·105. 基督徒团体
·106. 耶稣升天前
·107. 伯多禄第一台弥撒之前
·108. 圣母移居厄弗所;拉匝禄和他
·109. 圣母离世
浏览次数:1608 更新时间:2022-1-14

1.The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen

The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom six died young. Of the nine that survived, only four were living at the time of Christ’s teaching. These four were: Lazarus; Martha, about two years younger; Mary, looked upon as a simpleton, two years younger than Martha; and Mary Magdalen, five years younger than the simpleton. The simpleton is not named in Scripture, not reckoned among the Lazarus family; but she is known to God. She was always put aside in her family, and lived altogether unknown....

Lazarus looked much older than Jesus; he appeared to me to be fully eight years His senior. Lazarus had large possessions, landed property, gardens, and many servants. Martha had her own house, and another sister named Mary, who lived entirely alone, had also her separate dwelling. Magdalen lived in her castle at Magdalum.

Lazarus was already long acquainted with the Holy Family. He had at an early period aided Joseph and Mary with large alms and, from first to last, did much for the Community. The purse that Judas carried and all the early expenses, he supplied out of his own wealth....



拉匝禄看起来比耶稣年长得多;在我看来,他比主大八岁。 拉匝禄拥有大量财产、土地、花园和许多仆人。玛尔大有自己的房子,另一个名叫玛利亚的妹妹(智障玛利亚),完全独自生活,也有她单独的住所。玛达肋纳住在她位于玛格达伦的城堡里。


The father of Lazarus was named Zarah, or Zerah, and was of very noble Egyptian descent. He had dwelt in Syria, on the confines of Arabia, where he held a position under the Syrian king; but for services rendered in war, he received from the Roman emperor property near Jerusalem and in Galilee. He was like a prince,and was very rich. He had acquired still greater wealth by his wife Jezabel, a Jewess of the sect of the Pharisees.He became a Jew, and was pious and strict according to the Pharisaical laws. He owned part of the city on Mount Zion, on the side upon which the brook near the height on which the Temple stands, flows through the ravine.


But the greater part of this property, he had bequeathed to the Temple, retaining, however, in his family some ancient privilege on its account. This property was on the road by which the Apostles went up to the Cenacle, but the Cenacle itself formed no longer a part of it. Zarah's castle in Bethania was very large. It had numerous gardens, terraces, and fountains, and was surrounded by double ditches.The prophecies of Anna and Simeon were known to the family of Zarah, who were waiting for the Messiah. Even in Jesus’ youth, they were acquainted with the Holy Family, just as pious, noble people are wont to be with their humble, devout neighbors. (Vol. 1, pp. 334-335)

但是,他把这笔财产的大部分遗赠给了圣殿,然而,由于这个原因,他的家族还保留了一些古老的特权。这分产业是在宗徒们前往晚餐厅的路上,但晚餐厅本身不再是它的一部分。匝拉在伯达尼的城堡非常大。城堡有许多花园、露台和喷泉,周围环绕着双道壕沟。亚纳和西默盎的预言(路222-23)为等待默西亚的匝拉家族所知。即使在耶稣年轻的时候,他们也熟悉神圣家族,就像虔诚高贵的人习惯于与谦逊虔诚的邻人相处一样。 (第 1 卷,第 334-335 页)

2. Magdalen’s Childhood

Magdalen, the youngest child, was very beautiful and, even in her early years, tall and well-developed like a girl of more advanced age. She was full of frivolity and seductive art. Her parents died when she was only seven years old. She had no great love for them even from her earliest age, on account of their severe fasts. Even as a child, she was vain beyond expression, given to petty thefts, proud, self-willed, and a lover of pleasure. She was never faithful, but clung to whatever flattered her the most. She was, therefore, extravagant in her pity when her sensitive compassion was aroused, and kind and condescending to all that appealed to her senses by some external show. Her mother had had some share in Magdalen’s faulty education, and that sympathetic softness the child had inherited from her.



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