·Genesis Chapter 1(创世纪)
·Genesis Chapter 2
·Genesis Chapter 3
·Genesis Chapter 4
·Genesis Chapter 5
·Genesis Chapter 6
·Genesis Chapter 7
·Genesis Chapter 8
·Genesis Chapter 9
·Genesis Chapter 10
·Genesis Chapter 11
·Genesis Chapter 12
·Genesis Chapter 13
·Genesis Chapter 14
·Genesis Chapter 15
·Genesis Chapter 16
·Genesis Chapter 17
·Genesis Chapter 18
·Genesis Chapter 19
·Genesis Chapter 20
·Genesis Chapter 21
·Genesis Chapter 22
·Genesis Chapter 23
·Genesis Chapter 24
·Genesis Chapter 25
·Genesis Chapter 26
·Genesis Chapter 27
·Genesis Chapter 28
·Genesis Chapter 29
·Genesis Chapter 30
·Genesis Chapter 31
·Genesis Chapter 32
·Genesis Chapter 33
·Genesis Chapter 34
·Genesis Chapter 35
·Genesis Chapter 36
·Genesis Chapter 37
·Genesis Chapter 38
·Genesis Chapter 39
·Genesis Chapter 40
·Genesis Chapter 41
·Genesis Chapter 42
·Genesis Chapter 43
·Genesis Chapter 44
·Genesis Chapter 45
·Genesis Chapter 46
·Genesis Chapter 47
·Genesis Chapter 48
·Genesis Chapter 49
·Genesis Chapter 50
·Exodus Chapter 1(出谷记)
·Exodus Chapter 2
·Exodus Chapter 3
·Exodus Chapter 4
·Exodus Chapter 5
·Exodus Chapter 6
·Exodus Chapter 7
·Exodus Chapter 8
·Exodus Chapter 9
·Exodus Chapter 10
·Exodus Chapter 11
·Exodus Chapter 12
·Exodus Chapter 13
·Exodus Chapter 14
·Exodus Chapter 15
·Exodus Chapter 16
·Exodus Chapter 17
·Exodus Chapter 18
·Exodus Chapter 19
·Exodus Chapter 20
·Exodus Chapter 21
·Exodus Chapter 22
·Exodus Chapter 23
·Exodus Chapter 24
·Exodus Chapter 25
·Exodus Chapter 26
·Exodus Chapter 27
·Exodus Chapter 28
·Exodus Chapter 29
·Exodus Chapter 30
·Exodus Chapter 31
·Exodus Chapter 32
·Exodus Chapter 33
·Exodus Chapter 34
·Exodus Chapter 35
·Exodus Chapter 36
·Exodus Chapter 27
·Exodus Chapter 38
·Exodus Chapter 39
·Exodus Chapter 40
·Leviticus Chapter 1肋未纪
·Leviticus Chapter 2
·Leviticus Chapter 3
·Leviticus Chapter 4
·Leviticus Chapter 5
·Leviticus Chapter 6
·Leviticus Chapter 7
·Leviticus Chapter 8
·Leviticus Chapter 9
·Leviticus Chapter 10
·Leviticus Chapter 11
·Leviticus Chapter 12
·Leviticus Chapter 13
·Leviticus Chapter 14
·Leviticus Chapter 15
·Leviticus Chapter 16
·Leviticus Chapter 17
·Leviticus Chapter 18
·Leviticus Chapter 19
·Leviticus Chapter 20
·Leviticus Chapter 21
·Leviticus Chapter 22
·Leviticus Chapter 23
·Leviticus Chapter 24
·Leviticus Chapter 25
·Leviticus Chapter 26
·Leviticus Chapter 27
·Numbers Chapter 1户藉记
·Numbers Chapter 2
·Numbers Chapter 3
·Numbers Chapter 4
·Numbers Chapter 5
·Numbers Chapter 6
·Numbers Chapter 7
·Numbers Chapter 8
·Numbers Chapter 9
·Numbers Chapter 10
·Numbers Chapter 11
·Numbers Chapter 12
·Numbers Chapter 13
·Numbers Chapter 14
·Numbers Chapter 15
·Numbers Chapter 16
·Numbers Chapter 17
·Numbers Chapter 18
·Numbers Chapter 19
·Numbers Chapter 20
·Numbers Chapter 21
·Numbers Chapter 22
·Numbers Chapter 23
·Numbers Chapter 24
·Numbers Chapter 25
·Numbers Chapter 26
·Numbers Chapter 27
·Numbers Chapter 28
·Numbers Chapter 29
·Numbers Chapter 30
·Numbers Chapter 31
·Numbers Chapter 32
·Numbers Chapter 33
·Numbers Chapter 34
·Numbers Chapter 35
·Numbers Chapter 36
·Deuteronomy Chapter 1申命记
·Deuteronomy Chapter 2
·Deuteronomy Chapter 3
·Deuteronomy Chapter 4
·Deuteronomy Chapter 5
·Deuteronomy Chapter 6
·Deuteronomy Chapter 7
·Deuteronomy Chapter 8
·Deuteronomy Chapter 9
·Deuteronomy Chapter 10
·Deuteronomy Chapter 11
·Deuteronomy Chapter 12
·Deuteronomy Chapter 13
·Deuteronomy Chapter 14
·Deuteronomy Chapter 15
·Deuteronomy Chapter 16
·Deuteronomy Chapter 17
·Deuteronomy Chapter 18
·Deuteronomy Chapter 19
·Deuteronomy Chapter 20
·Deuteronomy Chapter 21
·Deuteronomy Chapter 22
·Deuteronomy Chapter 23
·Deuteronomy Chapter 24
·Deuteronomy Chapter 25
·Deuteronomy Chapter 26
·Deuteronomy Chapter 27
·Deuteronomy Chapter 28
·Deuteronomy Chapter 29
·Deuteronomy Chapter 30
·Deuteronomy Chapter 31
·Deuteronomy Chapter 32
·Deuteronomy Chapter 33
·Deuteronomy Chapter 34
·Joshua Chapter 1若苏厄书
·Joshua Chapter 2
·Joshua Chapter 3
·Joshua Chapter 4
·Joshua Chapter 5
·Joshua Chapter 6
·Joshua Chapter 7
·Joshua Chapter 8
·Joshua Chapter 9
·Joshua Chapter 10
·Joshua Chapter 11
·Joshua Chapter 12
·Joshua Chapter 13
·Joshua Chapter 14
·Joshua Chapter 15
·Joshua Chapter 16
·Joshua Chapter 17
·Joshua Chapter 18
·Joshua Chapter 19
·Joshua Chapter 20
·Joshua Chapter 21
·Joshua Chapter 22
·Joshua Chapter 23
·Joshua Chapter 24
·Judges Chapter 1民长记
·Judges Chapter 2
·Judges Chapter 3
·Judges Chapter 4
·Judges Chapter 5
·Judges Chapter 6
·Judges Chapter 7
·Judges Chapter 8
·Judges Chapter 9
·Judges Chapter 10
·Judges Chapter 11
·Judges Chapter 12
·Judges Chapter 13
·Judges Chapter 14
·Judges Chapter 15
·Judges Chapter 16
·Judges Chapter 17
·Judges Chapter 18
·Judges Chapter 19
·Judges Chapter 20
·Judges Chapter 21
·Ruth Chapter 1卢德传
·Ruth Chapter 2
·Ruth Chapter 3
·Ruth Chapter 4
·1 Samuel Chapter 1撒慕尔纪上
·1 Samuel Chapter 2
·1 Samuel Chapter 3
·1 Samuel Chapter 4
·1 Samuel Chapter 5
·1 Samuel Chapter 6
·1 Samuel Chapter 7
·1 Samuel Chapter 8
·1 Samuel Chapter 9
·1 Samuel Chapter 10
·1 Samuel Chapter 11
·1 Samuel Chapter 12
·1 Samuel Chapter 13
·1 Samuel Chapter 14
·1 Samuel Chapter 15
·1 Samuel Chapter 16
·1 Samuel Chapter 17
·1 Samuel Chapter 18
·1 Samuel Chapter 19
·1 Samuel Chapter 20
·1 Samuel Chapter 21
·1 Samuel Chapter 22
·1 Samuel Chapter 23
·1 Samuel Chapter 24
·1 Samuel Chapter 25
·1 Samuel Chapter 26
·1 Samuel Chapter 27
·1 Samuel Chapter 28
·1 Samuel Chapter 29
·1 Samuel Chapter 30
·1 Samuel Chapter 31
·2 Samuel Chapter 1撒慕尔纪下
·2 Samuel Chapter 2
·2 Samuel Chapter 3
·2 Samuel Chapter 4
·2 Samuel Chapter 5
·2 Samuel Chapter 6
·2 Samuel Chapter 7
·2 Samuel Chapter 8
·2 Samuel Chapter 9
·2 Samuel Chapter 10
·2 Samuel Chapter 11
·2 Samuel Chapter 12
·2 Samuel Chapter 13
·2 Samuel Chapter 14
·2 Samuel Chapter 15
·2 Samuel Chapter 16
·2 Samuel Chapter 17
·2 Samuel Chapter 18
·2 Samuel Chapter 19
·2 Samuel Chapter 20
·2 Samuel Chapter 21
·2 Samuel Chapter 22
·2 Samuel Chapter 23
·2 Samuel Chapter 24
·1 Kings Chapter 1列王记上
·1 Kings Chapter 2
·1 Kings Chapter 3
·1 Kings Chapter 4
·1 Kings Chapter 5
·1 Kings Chapter 6
·1 Kings Chapter 7
·1 Kings Chapter 8
·1 Kings Chapter 9
·1 Kings Chapter 10
·1 Kings Chapter 11
·1 Kings Chapter 12
·1 Kings Chapter 13
·1 Kings Chapter 14
·1 Kings Chapter 15
·1 Kings Chapter 16
·1 Kings Chapter 17
·1 Kings Chapter 19
·1 Kings Chapter 20
·1 Kings Chapter 21
·1 Kings Chapter 22
·1 Kings Chapter 18
·2 Kings Chapter 1列王记下
·2 Kings Chapter 2
·2 Kings Chapter 3
·2 Kings Chapter 4
·2 Kings Chapter 5
·2 Kings Chapter 6
·2 Kings Chapter 7
·2 Kings Chapter 8
·2 Kings Chapter 9
·2 Kings Chapter 10
·2 Kings Chapter 11
·2 Kings Chapter 12
·2 Kings Chapter 13
·2 Kings Chapter 14
·2 Kings Chapter 15
·2 Kings Chapter 16
·2 Kings Chapter 17
·2 Kings Chapter 18
·2 Kings Chapter 19
·2 Kings Chapter 20
·2 Kings Chapter 21
·2 Kings Chapter 22
·2 Kings Chapter 23
·2 Kings Chapter 24
·2 Kings Chapter 25
·1 Chronicles Chapter 1编年纪上
·1 Chronicles Chapter 2
·1 Chronicles Chapter 3
·1 Chronicles Chapter 4
·1 Chronicles Chapter 5
· 1 Chronicles Chapter 6
·1 Chronicles Chapter 7
·1 Chronicles Chapter 8
·1 Chronicles Chapter 9
·1 Chronicles Chapter 10
·1 Chronicles Chapter 11
·1 Chronicles Chapter 12
·1 Chronicles Chapter 13
·1 Chronicles Chapter 14
·1 Chronicles Chapter 15
·1 Chronicles Chapter 16
·1 Chronicles Chapter 17
·1 Chronicles Chapter 18
·1 Chronicles Chapter 19
·1 Chronicles Chapter 20
·1 Chronicles Chapter 21
·1 Chronicles Chapter 22
·1 Chronicles Chapter 23
·1 Chronicles Chapter 24
·1 Chronicles Chapter 25
·1 Chronicles Chapter 26
·1 Chronicles Chapter 27
·1 Chronicles Chapter 28
·1 Chronicles Chapter 29
·2 Chronicles Chapter 1编年纪下
·2 Chronicles Chapter 2
·2 Chronicles Chapter 3
·2 Chronicles Chapter 4
·2 Chronicles Chapter 5
·2 Chronicles Chapter 6
·2 Chronicles Chapter 7
·2 Chronicles Chapter 8
·2 Chronicles Chapter 9
·2 Chronicles Chapter 10
·2 Chronicles Chapter 11
·2 Chronicles Chapter 12
·2 Chronicles Chapter 13
·2 Chronicles Chapter 14
·2 Chronicles Chapter 15
·2 Chronicles Chapter 16
·2 Chronicles Chapter 17
·2 Chronicles Chapter 18
·2 Chronicles Chapter 19
·2 Chronicles Chapter 20
·2 Chronicles Chapter 21
·2 Chronicles Chapter 22
·2 Chronicles Chapter 23
·2 Chronicles Chapter 24
·2 Chronicles Chapter 25
·2 Chronicles Chapter 26
·2 Chronicles Chapter 27
·2 Chronicles Chapter 28
·2 Chronicles Chapter 29
·2 Chronicles Chapter 30
·2 Chronicles Chapter 31
·2 Chronicles Chapter 32
·2 Chronicles Chapter 33
·2 Chronicles Chapter 34
·2 Chronicles Chapter 35
·2 Chronicles Chapter 36
·Ezra Chapter 1厄斯德拉上
·Ezra Chapter 2
·Ezra Chapter 3
·Ezra Chapter 4
·Ezra Chapter 5
·Ezra Chapter 6
·Ezra Chapter 7
·Ezra Chapter 8
·Ezra Chapter 9
·Ezra Chapter 10
·Nehemiah Chapter 1厄斯德拉下
·Nehemiah Chapter 2
·Nehemiah Chapter 3
·Nehemiah Chapter 4
·Nehemiah Chapter 5
·Nehemiah Chapter 6
·Nehemiah Chapter 7
·Nehemiah Chapter 8
·Nehemiah Chapter 9
·Nehemiah Chapter 10
·Nehemiah Chapter 11
·Nehemiah Chapter 12
·Nehemiah Chapter 13
·Tobit Chapter 1多俾亚传
·Tobit Chapter 2
·Tobit Chapter 3
·Tobit Chapter 4
·Tobit Chapter 5
·Tobit Chapter 6
·Tobit Chapter 7
·Tobit Chapter 8
·Tobit Chapter 9
·Tobit Chapter 10
·Tobit Chapter 11
·Tobit Chapter 12
·Tobit Chapter 13
·Tobit Chapter 14
·Judith Chapter 1友弟德传
·Judith Chapter 2
·Judith Chapter 3
·Judith Chapter 4
·Judith Chapter 5
·Judith Chapter 6
·Judith Chapter 7
·Judith Chapter 8
·Judith Chapter 9
·Judith Chapter 10
·Judith Chapter 11
·Judith Chapter 12
·Judith Chapter 13
·Judith Chapter 14
·Judith Chapter 15
·Judith Chapter 16
·Esther Chapter 1艾斯德尔传
·Esther Chapter 2
·Esther Chapter 3
·Esther Chapter 4
·Esther Chapter 5
·Esther Chapter 6
·Esther Chapter 7
·Esther Chapter 8
·Esther Chapter 9
·Esther Chapter 10
·1 Maccabees Chapter 1玛加伯上
·1 Maccabees Chapter 2
·1 Maccabees Chapter 3
·1 Maccabees Chapter 4
·1 Maccabees Chapter 5
·1 Maccabees Chapter 6
·1 Maccabees Chapter 7
·1 Maccabees Chapter 8
·1 Maccabees Chapter 9
·1 Maccabees Chapter 10
·1 Maccabees Chapter 11
·1 Maccabees Chapter 12
·1 Maccabees Chapter 13
·1 Maccabees Chapter 14
·1 Maccabees Chapter 15
·1 Maccabees Chapter 16
·2 Maccabees Chapter 11玛加伯下
·2 Maccabees Chapter 2
·2 Maccabees Chapter 3
·2 Maccabees Chapter 4
·2 Maccabees Chapter 5
·2 Maccabees Chapter 6
·2 Maccabees Chapter 7
·2 Maccabees Chapter 8
·2 Maccabees Chapter 9
·2 Maccabees Chapter 10
·2 Maccabees Chapter 11
·2 Maccabees Chapter 12
·2 Maccabees Chapter 13
·2 Maccabees Chapter 14
·2 Maccabees Chapter 15
·Job Chapter 1约伯传
·Job Chapter 2
·Job Chapter 3
·Job Chapter 4
·Job Chapter 5
·Job Chapter 6
·Job Chapter 7
·Job Chapter 8
·Job Chapter 9
·Job Chapter 10
·Job Chapter 11
·Job Chapter 12
·Job Chapter 13
·Job Chapter 14
·Job Chapter 15
·Job Chapter 16
·Job Chapter 17
·Job Chapter 18
·Job Chapter 19
·Job Chapter 20
·Job Chapter 21
·Job Chapter 22
·Job Chapter 23
·Job Chapter 24
·Job Chapter 25
·Job Chapter 26
·Job Chapter 27
·Job Chapter 28
·Job Chapter 29
·Job Chapter 30
·Job Chapter 31
·Job Chapter 32
·Job Chapter 33
·Job Chapter 34
·Job Chapter 35
·Job Chapter 36
·Job Chapter 37
·Job Chapter 38
·Job Chapter 39
·Job Chapter 40
·Job Chapter 41
·Job Chapter 42
·Psalms Chapter 1圣咏
·Psalms Chapter 2
·Psalms Chapter 3
·Psalms Chapter 4
·Psalms Chapter 5
·Psalms Chapter 6
·Psalms Chapter 7
·Psalms Chapter 8
·Psalms Chapter 9
·Psalms Chapter 10
·Psalms Chapter 11
·Psalms Chapter 12
·Psalms Chapter 13
·Psalms Chapter 14
·Psalms Chapter 15
·Psalms Chapter 16
·Psalms Chapter 17
·Psalms Chapter 18
·Psalms Chapter 19
·Psalms Chapter 20
·Psalms Chapter 21
·Psalms Chapter 22
·Psalms Chapter 23
·Psalms Chapter 24
·Psalms Chapter 25
·Psalms Chapter 26
·Psalms Chapter 27
·Psalms Chapter 28
·Psalms Chapter 29
·Psalms Chapter 30
·Psalms Chapter 31
·Psalms Chapter 32
·Psalms Chapter 33
·Psalms Chapter 34
·Psalms Chapter 35
·Psalms Chapter 36
·Psalms Chapter 37
·Psalms Chapter 38
·Psalms Chapter 39
·Psalms Chapter 40
·Psalms Chapter 41
·Psalms Chapter 42
·Psalms Chapter 43
·Psalms Chapter 44
·Psalms Chapter 45
·Psalms Chapter 46
·Psalms Chapter 47
·Psalms Chapter 48
·Psalms Chapter 49
·Psalms Chapter 50
·Psalms Chapter 51
·Psalms Chapter 52
·Psalms Chapter 53
·Psalms Chapter 54
·Psalms Chapter 55
·Psalms Chapter 56
·Psalms Chapter 57
·Psalms Chapter 58
·Psalms Chapter 59
·Psalms Chapter 60
·Psalms Chapter 61
·Psalms Chapter 62
·Psalms Chapter 63
·Psalms Chapter 64
·Psalms Chapter 65
·Psalms Chapter 66
·Psalms Chapter 67
·Psalms Chapter 68
·Psalms Chapter 69
·Psalms Chapter 70
·Psalms Chapter 71
·Psalms Chapter 72
·Psalms Chapter 73
·Psalms Chapter 74
·Psalms Chapter 75
·Psalms Chapter 76
·Psalms Chapter 77
·Psalms Chapter 78
·Psalms Chapter 79
·Psalms Chapter 80
·Psalms Chapter 81
·Psalms Chapter 82
·Psalms Chapter 83
·Psalms Chapter 84
·Psalms Chapter 85
·Psalms Chapter 86
·Psalms Chapter 87
·Psalms Chapter 88
·Psalms Chapter 89
·Psalms Chapter 90
·Psalms Chapter 91
·Psalms Chapter 92
·Psalms Chapter 93
·Psalms Chapter 94
·Psalms Chapter 95
·Psalms Chapter 96
·Psalms Chapter 97
·Psalms Chapter 99
·Psalms Chapter 100
·Psalms Chapter 101
·Psalms Chapter 102
·Psalms Chapter 103
·Psalms Chapter 104
·Psalms Chapter 105
·Psalms Chapter 106
·Psalms Chapter 107
·Psalms Chapter 108
·Psalms Chapter 109
·Psalms Chapter 110
·Psalms Chapter 111
·Psalms Chapter 112
·Psalms Chapter 113
·Psalms Chapter 114
·Psalms Chapter 115
·Psalms Chapter 116
·Psalms Chapter 117
·Psalms Chapter 118
·Psalms Chapter 119
·Psalms Chapter 120
·Psalms Chapter 121
·Psalms Chapter 122
·Psalms Chapter 123
·Psalms Chapter 124
·Psalms Chapter 125
·Psalms Chapter 126
·Psalms Chapter 127
·Psalms Chapter 128
·Psalms Chapter 129
·Psalms Chapter 130
·Psalms Chapter 131
·Psalms Chapter 132
·Psalms Chapter 133
·Psalms Chapter 134
·Psalms Chapter 135
·Psalms Chapter 136
·Psalms Chapter 137
·Psalms Chapter 138
·Psalms Chapter 139
·Psalms Chapter 140
·Psalms Chapter 141
·Psalms Chapter 142
·Psalms Chapter 143
·Psalms Chapter 144
·Psalms Chapter 145
·Psalms Chapter 146
·Psalms Chapter 147
·Psalms Chapter 148
·Psalms Chapter 149
·Psalms Chapter 150
·Proverbs Chapter 1箴言篇
·Proverbs Chapter 2
·Proverbs Chapter 3
·Proverbs Chapter 4
·Proverbs Chapter 5
·Proverbs Chapter 6
·Proverbs Chapter 7
·Proverbs Chapter 8
·Proverbs Chapter 9
·Proverbs Chapter 10
·Proverbs Chapter 11
·Proverbs Chapter 12
·Proverbs Chapter 13
·Proverbs Chapter 14
·Proverbs Chapter 15
·Proverbs Chapter 16
·Proverbs Chapter 17
·Proverbs Chapter 18
·Proverbs Chapter 19
·Proverbs Chapter 20
·Proverbs Chapter 21
·Proverbs Chapter 22
·Proverbs Chapter 23
·Proverbs Chapter 24
·Proverbs Chapter 25
·Proverbs Chapter 26
·Proverbs Chapter 27
·Proverbs Chapter 28
·Proverbs Chapter 29
·Proverbs Chapter 30
·Proverbs Chapter 31
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 1训道篇
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 2
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 3
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 4
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 5
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 6
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 7
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 8
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 9
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 10
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 11
·Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
·The Song of Songs Chapter 1雅歌
·The Song of Songs Chapter 2
·The Song of Songs Chapter 3
·The Song of Songs Chapter 4
·The Song of Songs Chapter 5
·The Song of Songs Chapter 6
·The Song of Songs Chapter 7
·The Song of Songs Chapter 8
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 1智慧
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 2
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 3
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 4
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 5
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 6
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 7
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 8
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 9
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 10
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 11
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 12
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 13
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 14
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 15
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 16
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 17
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 18
·The Book of Wisdom Chapter 19
·Sirach Chapter 1德训篇
·Sirach Chapter 2
·Sirach Chapter 3
·Sirach Chapter 4
·Sirach Chapter 5
·Sirach Chapter 6
·Sirach Chapter 7
·Sirach Chapter 8
·Sirach Chapter 9
·Sirach Chapter 10
·Sirach Chapter 11
·Sirach Chapter 12
·Sirach Chapter 13
·Sirach Chapter 14
·Sirach Chapter 15
·Sirach Chapter 16
·Sirach Chapter 17
·Sirach Chapter 18
·Sirach Chapter 19
·Sirach Chapter 20
·Sirach Chapter 21
·Sirach Chapter 22
·Sirach Chapter 23
·Sirach Chapter 24
·Sirach Chapter 25
·Sirach Chapter 26
·Sirach Chapter 27
·Sirach Chapter 28
·Sirach Chapter 29
·Sirach Chapter 30
·Sirach Chapter 31
·Sirach Chapter 32
·Sirach Chapter 33
·Sirach Chapter 34
·Sirach Chapter 35
·Sirach Chapter 36
·Sirach Chapter 37
·Sirach Chapter 38
·Sirach Chapter 39
·Sirach Chapter 40
·Sirach Chapter 41
·Sirach Chapter 42
·Sirach Chapter 43
·Sirach Chapter 44
·Sirach Chapter 45
·Sirach Chapter 46
·Sirach Chapter 47
·Sirach Chapter 48
·Sirach Chapter 49
·Sirach Chapter 50
·Sirach Chapter 51
·Isaiah Chapter 1依撒意亚
·Isaiah Chapter 2
·Isaiah Chapter 3
·Isaiah Chapter 4
·Isaiah Chapter 5
·Isaiah Chapter 6
·Isaiah Chapter 7
·Isaiah Chapter 8
·Isaiah Chapter 9
·Isaiah Chapter 10
·Isaiah Chapter 11
·Isaiah Chapter 12
·Isaiah Chapter 13
·Isaiah Chapter 14
·Isaiah Chapter 15
·Isaiah Chapter 16
·Isaiah Chapter 17
·Isaiah Chapter 18
·Isaiah Chapter 19
·Isaiah Chapter 20
·Isaiah Chapter 21
·Isaiah Chapter 22
·Isaiah Chapter 23
·Isaiah Chapter 24
·Isaiah Chapter 25
·Isaiah Chapter 26
·Isaiah Chapter 27
·Isaiah Chapter 28
·Isaiah Chapter 29
·Isaiah Chapter 30
·Isaiah Chapter 31
·Isaiah Chapter 32
·Isaiah Chapter 33
·Isaiah Chapter 34
·Isaiah Chapter 35
·Isaiah Chapter 36
·Isaiah Chapter 37
·Isaiah Chapter 38
·Isaiah Chapter 39
·Isaiah Chapter 40
·Isaiah Chapter 41
·Isaiah Chapter 42
·Isaiah Chapter 43
·Isaiah Chapter 44
·Isaiah Chapter 45
·Isaiah Chapter 46
·Isaiah Chapter 47
·Isaiah Chapter 48
·Isaiah Chapter 49
·Isaiah Chapter 50
·Isaiah Chapter 51
·Isaiah Chapter 52
·Isaiah Chapter 53
·Isaiah Chapter 54
·Isaiah Chapter 55
·Isaiah Chapter 56
·Isaiah Chapter 57
·Isaiah Chapter 58
·Isaiah Chapter 59
·Isaiah Chapter 60
·Isaiah Chapter 61
·Isaiah Chapter 62
·Isaiah Chapter 63
·Isaiah Chapter 64
·Isaiah Chapter 65
·Isaiah Chapter 66
·Jeremiah Chapter 1耶肋米亚
·Jeremiah Chapter 2
·Jeremiah Chapter 3
·Jeremiah Chapter 4
·Jeremiah Chapter 5
·Jeremiah Chapter 6
·Jeremiah Chapter 7
·Jeremiah Chapter 8
·Jeremiah Chapter 9
·Jeremiah Chapter 10
·Jeremiah Chapter 11
·Jeremiah Chapter 12
·Jeremiah Chapter 13
·Jeremiah Chapter 14
·Jeremiah Chapter 15
·Jeremiah Chapter 16
·Jeremiah Chapter 17
·Jeremiah Chapter 18
·Jeremiah Chapter 19
·Jeremiah Chapter 20
·Jeremiah Chapter 21
·Jeremiah Chapter 22
·Jeremiah Chapter 23
·Jeremiah Chapter 24
·Jeremiah Chapter 25
·Jeremiah Chapter 26
·Jeremiah Chapter 27
·Jeremiah Chapter 28
·Jeremiah Chapter 29
·Jeremiah Chapter 30
·Jeremiah Chapter 31
·Jeremiah Chapter 32
·Jeremiah Chapter 34
·Jeremiah Chapter 35
·Jeremiah Chapter 36
·Jeremiah Chapter 37
·Jeremiah Chapter 38
·Jeremiah Chapter 39
·Jeremiah Chapter 40
·Jeremiah Chapter 41
·Jeremiah Chapter 42
·Jeremiah Chapter 43
·Jeremiah Chapter 44
·Jeremiah Chapter 45
·Jeremiah Chapter 46
·Jeremiah Chapter 47
·Jeremiah Chapter 48
·Jeremiah Chapter 49
·Jeremiah Chapter 50
·Jeremiah Chapter 51
·Jeremiah Chapter 52
·Lamentations Chapter 1耶肋米亚哀
·Lamentations Chapter 2
·Lamentations Chapter 3
·Lamentations Chapter 4
·Lamentations Chapter 5
·Baruch Chapter 1巴路克
·Baruch Chapter 2
·Baruch Chapter 3
·Baruch Chapter 4
·Baruch Chapter 5
·Baruch Chapter 6
·Ezekiel Chapter 1厄则克耳
·Ezekiel Chapter 2
·Ezekiel Chapter 3
·Ezekiel Chapter 4
·Ezekiel Chapter 5
·Ezekiel Chapter 6
·Ezekiel Chapter 7
·Ezekiel Chapter 8
·Ezekiel Chapter 9
·Ezekiel Chapter 10
·Ezekiel Chapter 11
·Ezekiel Chapter 12
·Ezekiel Chapter 13
·Ezekiel Chapter 14
·Ezekiel Chapter 15
·Ezekiel Chapter 16
·Ezekiel Chapter 17
·Ezekiel Chapter 18
·Ezekiel Chapter 19
·Ezekiel Chapter 20
·Ezekiel Chapter 21
·Ezekiel Chapter 22
·Ezekiel Chapter 23
·Ezekiel Chapter 24
·Ezekiel Chapter 25
·Ezekiel Chapter 26
·Ezekiel Chapter 27
·Ezekiel Chapter 28
·Ezekiel Chapter 29
·Ezekiel Chapter 30
·Ezekiel Chapter 31
·Ezekiel Chapter 32
·Ezekiel Chapter 33
·Ezekiel Chapter 34
·Ezekiel Chapter 35
·Ezekiel Chapter 36
·Ezekiel Chapter 37
·Ezekiel Chapter 38
·Ezekiel Chapter 39
·Ezekiel Chapter 39
·Ezekiel Chapter 39
·Ezekiel Chapter 40
·Ezekiel Chapter 41
·Ezekiel Chapter 42
·Ezekiel Chapter 43
·Ezekiel Chapter 44
·Ezekiel Chapter 45
·Ezekiel Chapter 46
·Ezekiel Chapter 47
·Ezekiel Chapter 48
·Daniel Chapter 1达尼尔
·Daniel Chapter 2
·Daniel Chapter 3
·Daniel Chapter 4
·Daniel Chapter 5
·Daniel Chapter 6
·Daniel Chapter 7
·Daniel Chapter 8
·Daniel Chapter 9
·Daniel Chapter 10
·Daniel Chapter 11
·Daniel Chapter 12
·Daniel Chapter 13
·Daniel Chapter 14
·Hosea Chapter 1欧瑟亚
·Hosea Chapter 2
·Hosea Chapter 3
·Hosea Chapter 4
·Hosea Chapter 5
·Hosea Chapter 6
·Hosea Chapter 7
·Hosea Chapter 8
·Hosea Chapter 9
·Hosea Chapter 10
·Hosea Chapter 11
·Hosea Chapter 12
·Hosea Chapter 13
·Hosea Chapter 14
·Joel Chapter 1岳厄尔
·Joel Chapter 2
·Joel Chapter 3
·Joel Chapter 4
·Amos Chapter 1亚毛斯
·Amos Chapter 2
·Amos Chapter 3
·Amos Chapter 4
·Amos Chapter 5
·Amos Chapter 6
·Amos Chapter 7
·Amos Chapter 8
·Amos Chapter 9
·Obadiah 亚北
·Jonah Chapter 1约纳
·Jonah Chapter 2
·Jonah Chapter 3
·Jonah Chapter 4
·Micah Chapter 1米该亚
·Micah Chapter 2
·Micah Chapter 3
·Micah Chapter 4
·Micah Chapter 5
·Micah Chapter 6
·Micah Chapter 7
·Nahum Chapter 1纳鸿
·Nahum Chapter 2
·Nahum Chapter 3
·Habakkuk Chapter 1哈巴谷
·Habakkuk Chapter 2
·Habakkuk Chapter 3
·Zephaniah Chapter 1索福尼亚
·Zephaniah Chapter 2
·Zephaniah Chapter 3
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2 Samuel Chapter 24
2 Samuel Chapter 24
浏览次数:3839 更新时间:2009-7-28

2 Samuel
Chapter 24

1 1 The LORD'S anger against Israel flared again, and he incited David against the Israelites by prompting him to number Israel and Judah.


2 Accordingly the king said to Joab and the leaders of the army who were with him, Tour all the tribes in Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba and register the people, that I may know their number.


3 But Joab said to the king: May the LORD your God increase the number of people a hundredfold for your royal majesty to see it with his own eyes. But why does it please my lord the king to order a thing of this kind?


4 The king, however, overruled Joab and the leaders of the army, so they left the king's presence in order to register the people of Israel.


5 Crossing the Jordan, they began near Aroer, south of the city in the wadi, and went in the direction of Gad toward Jazer.


6 They continued on to Gilead and to the district below Mount Hermon. Then they proceeded to Dan; from there they turned toward Sidon,


7 going to the fortress of Tyre and to all the cities of the Hivites and Canaanites, and ending up at Beer-sheba in the Negeb of Judah.


8 Thus they toured the whole country, reaching Jerusalem again after nine months and twenty days.


9 Joab then reported to the king the number of people registered: in Israel, eight hundred thousand men fit for military service; in Judah, five hundred thousand.


10 2 Afterward, however, David regretted having numbered the people, and said to the LORD: I have sinned grievously in what I have done. But now, LORD, forgive the guilt of your servant, for I have been very foolish.


11 When David rose in the morning, the LORD had spoken to the prophet Gad, David's seer, saying:


12 Go and say to David, 'This is what the LORD says: I offer you three alternatives; choose one of them, and I will inflict it on you.'


13 Gad then went to David to inform him. He asked: Do you want a three years' famine to come upon your land, or to flee from your enemy three months while he pursues you, or to have a three days' pestilence in your land? Now consider and decide what I must reply to him who sent me.


14 David answered Gad: I am in very serious difficulty. Let us fall by the hand of God, for he is most merciful; but let me not fall by the hand of man.


15 Thus David chose the pestilence. Now it was the time of the wheat harvest when the plague broke out among the people. (The LORD then sent a pestilence over Israel from morning until the time appointed, and seventy thousand of the people from Dan to Beer-sheba died.)


16 But when the angel stretched forth his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD regretted the calamity and said to the angel causing the destruction among the people, Enough now! Stay your hand. The angel of the LORD was then standing at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.


17 3 When David saw the angel who was striking the people, he said to the LORD: It is I who have sinned; it is I, the shepherd, who have done wrong. But these are sheep; what have they done? Punish me and my kindred.


18 On the same day Gad went to David and said to him, Go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.


19 Following Gad's bidding, David went up as the LORD had commanded.


20 Now Araunah looked down and noticed the king and his servants coming toward him while he was threshing wheat. So he went out and paid homage to the king, with face to the ground.


21 Then Araunah asked, Why does my lord the king come to his servant? David replied, To buy the threshing floor from you, to build an altar to the LORD, that the plague may be checked among the people.


22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take and offer up whatever he may wish. Here are oxen for holocausts, and threshing sledges and the yokes of the oxen for wood.


23 All this does Araunah give to the king. Araunah then said to the king, May the LORD your God accept your offering.


24 The king, however, replied to Araunah, No, I must pay you for it, for I cannot offer to the LORD my God holocausts that cost nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty silver shekels.


25 Then David built an altar there to the LORD, and offered holocausts and peace offerings. The LORD granted relief to the country, and the plague was checked in Israel.



Previous Chapter The Book of 1 Kings


1 [1-3] This story was probably joined at one time to 2 Sam 21:1-14.

2 [10] The narrative supposes that since the people belonged to the Lord rather than to the king, only the Lord should know their exact number.

3 [17] Before this verse a Qumran manuscript (4Q Sam[a]) gives the fuller text of 1 Chron 21:16 an alternative to the words When David saw the angel who was striking the people.


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