小德兰爱心书屋最新公告 有一天,我做了一个奇怪的梦,至今让我难忘。梦中,我看到一本打开的用石头做的书,我用舌头去舔它,觉得有一种甜味,我就更用力去舔,最后从这本书里流出活水来了。从那以后,一种想要了解、学习的迫切渴求在我心里扩展开来,我燃起的强烈的愿望要在真道上长进。   我爱上了灵修书籍,我感觉好像是主亲自为我挑选那些有益精神修养的读物,主不喜悦我看那些世面流行的书籍,因为只要我一看到那些他不喜欢我看的书,我就有一种厌恶的感觉。主保守我,那样细心地防护着我,从那以后我从未读过一本不良的书籍。   善良的书使人向善,这些圣人的作品,渐渐地印在了我的脑子里。读这些圣书时,我思潮汹涌起伏,欣喜不能自已。书中谈到这些圣人们如何在与主的交往中得到灵命的更新,德行的馨香如何上达天庭。啊,在这世上曾住过那么多热心的圣人,为了传播福音,他们告别亲人,舍下了他们手中的一切,轻快地踏上了异国他乡,到没有人知道真神的世界里去。啊,若不是主的引领,我可能到死还不认识他们呢!   我的心灵从主给我的这些圣人的言行中选取了最美的色彩;当他们的一生在我面前展开时,我是多么的惊奇、兴奋啊!当我读到他们为主而受人逼迫、凌辱,为将福音广传而被人追杀时,我为他们的在天之灵祈祷,我哭着,为自已的同胞带给他们的苦难而哀号。我一遍遍地重读那一行行被我的斑斑泪痕弄得模糊不清的字句,那些被主的爱火所燃烧而离开家乡来到中国的传教士,我多么爱你们啊!我心中流淌着多少感激的泪水。   他们受苦却觉得喜乐,因为他们爱主,他们感到能为主受一点苦是多么喜乐的事。他们受苦时仍在唱着感谢的歌,因他们无法不称颂主,因主使他们的心灵洋溢了快乐;他们激发了我内心神圣的热情,在我的心灵深处燃烧起一股无法扑灭的火焰,他们那强有力的言行激励我向前。   我一面读,一面想过着他们这样圣善的生活,也立志不在这虚幻的尘世中寻求安慰。我一读就是几个钟头,累了就望着书上的圣像沉思默想。啊,当我想到我有一天还要见到他们,亲耳聆听他们的教诲,伴随在他们的身边,和他们一起赞颂吾主,想到那使我欣喜欢乐的甜蜜的相会,这世界对于我一点吸引力都没有了。   从这些书籍里,我认识了许多爱主的人,他们使我更亲近主,帮助我更深的认识主,爱主。这些曾经生活在人间的圣人圣女,内心隐藏着来自天上光照的各种宝藏,听他们对悦主的甜蜜喁语,我也陶醉了。主藉着这些书籍慢慢地培养我的心灵,当我看到这些圣德芬芳的圣人再看看满身污秽的我,我失望过,沮丧过,哭泣过,和主呕气过,甚至埋怨天主不用祂的全能让我立刻成圣。但是主让我明白,灵命的成长需要时间,成长是渐进的,农民等待稻谷的长成需要整个季节,才能品尝丰收的喜悦,我也要有谦卑受教的态度才能接受主的话语,要让这些圣言成为血肉(果实),是需要时间的。   从网上我读到许多有益心灵的书。当我首次读到盖恩夫人的传记时,清泪沾腮,她的经历强烈地震撼着我的心,我接受到了一个很大的恩宠,使我认识了十字架是生命的真正之路。读圣女小德兰的传记时,我又有别一种感受,我看到了一个与我眼所见的完全不同的世界,那里没有争吵,没有仇恨,没有岐视,那是主自己在人的心里建造的爱的天堂。还有圣女大德兰的自传,在这位圣女的感召下,我初领了圣体,从圣体中获得无量恩宠。这些书引我向往那超性的境界,向往那浑然忘我的境界,从此无益的书一概不看了。我一遍遍地重温这些我喜欢的书籍,一遍又一遍地回味书中那些难忘的情景,我和他们谈心,告诉他们我愿意效法他们,心里多么渴望能像他们那样爱主。   我因此而认识了许许多多圣人,这些圣人中有许多也曾是罪人,使我也能向他们敞开心门。我一会儿求这个圣人为我转祷,一会儿求那个圣人为我祈求圣宠,这些圣人使我的生活变得丰富多彩。我想,既然他们真心爱天主,那么他们也会真心爱我。现在他们和天主如此接近,当世人向他们祈求时,他们也会想方设法将我的祈祷告诉天主的。就这样,他们和我共享生活的体验,不断地把上天仁爱的芬芳散播给我,他们的友谊使我的欢乐加倍,痛苦减半;他们已走过死阴的幽谷,从他们身上我学习到了明辨、通达、智慧、勇敢、诚实、快乐、圣洁等等美德。他们的言行是滋润我心田的美酒。   这些书使我专注于天上的事理,我的很多不良嗜好因此不知不觉地放弃了。我的信德一天一天长大,我知道我的一言一行都有天使记录;我也深信人有灵魂,信主的人有一个美好的家;也相信圣人们都在天上为我祈祷,我并不是孤军奋战;我是生活在一个由天上地下千千万万奉耶稣的名而组成的家庭里,我庆幸自己因了主的恩宠能生活在这个大家庭慈爱的怀抱里;我也渴望所有的人都能进入光明天家,和圣人们一起赞美天主于无穷世!   小德兰爱心书屋启源于一个美好的梦。小德兰希望所有圣书的作者和译者都能向主敞开心门,为圣书广传而不记个人的私利;愿天主赐福小德兰;赐福所有传扬主名的网站;赐福所有来看圣书的人;也求主扩张人的心界,使小德兰能将更多更好的书藉,献给喜欢读圣书的人!从2014年12月18日开始我们使用新域名(xiaodelan.love),原域名被他人办理开通,请您更改您网站或博客上的链接,谢谢。 【请关注微信公众号:小德兰书屋】   
天路灵粮Top 10
来源:我们被警告 浏览次数:926 更新时间:2020-7-19 15:04:34


November 28, 1881


The Two Days of Darkness before theThree Days of Darkness "


The sun shall be darkened before,looking ahead (i.e. a precursor) to the real darkness that will arrive 37 daysafter the signs of the darkening of the sun and of signs of the earth and theannounced storm."


 (Note:Apparently, the Two Days of Darkness and the Three Days shall be about 37-40days apart from each other.)



November 28, 1881


"If the Centre (Paris) does notconvert, it will be burned. The stones that close up the homes will no longerbe preserved, because the fire of revenge that will reduce them (makingit)impossible to build the new walls."

「如果中心(巴黎)不悔改,它将被烧毁。完工落成家园的石头将不复存在,因为复仇之火将减少它们(使它们)不能建造新墙。 」

December 14, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 31,32)


Our Lady "The time of crimes has begun...the devil will appear in theform of living apparitions....woe to those who dare to make pacts with thesepersonages who appear in diabolical visions...


My victim, many souls will be possesseda few months before (the crisis)...the world will be mad with fear and in thismadness, the devil who is everywhere on earth, will make them deny theirbaptism and the cross."

我的受害者,许多灵魂将在(危机)前几个月被(恶魔)附身……,世界将因恐惧而疯狂,在这种疯狂中,地球上到处都是的魔鬼,将使他们否认自己的洗礼和十字架。 」

One the same day, Our Lady alsoannounced. "The times of crime have begun. Many mothers will be heartlessfor their own fruits, still innocent, flowers in heaven." (Abortions.)

同一天,我们的圣母也宣布了。「犯罪的时代已经开始了。许多母亲会为自己(所结)的果实,那天真无邪、天堂里的花朵,而(冷酷)无情。 」(堕胎)


December 23, 1881


"Suddenly it will rise a tearingresult of blasphemy that, from the Centre (Paris) of all the evils, all willsound.


Suddenly, from the midst of the Centre,there will be voices, shouts and hateful songs, confused cries and the poorpeople will not have time to escape.


The streets will be closed, the passagesblocked, a painful massacre in the midst of the expanse of the disaster.


The true apostles, known by the energyof their courage, it will be on those whom they want to avenge themselves withrage and fury, the two-days, storm of heaven and earth, the claps of thunderwill come before their time(winter).


Their lightning will be on the earth ofthe kingdom during the two days where there will rise the terriblethunderstorm.


 (No)more repose in the middle of the Centre, nothing to deliver it during these twodays.


They will slice the heads of a few withthe weapons of death, (i.e. with the guillotine?) and will make Christians dieby bullets.


For two days and two nights, no repose,nor sleep (will be).


Many people will perish.


December 23, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 45)


"I understood that the angels wouldcarry away many tabernacles from the churches to shield the Holy Sacrament fromthe outrages."

「我知道天使会从教堂带走许多圣体龛,以保护圣体免受暴行。 」



"For me, they that bring His divinewords, true Christians, servants of God, all together, hear the prophetic voiceof the invincible eternal Light; it is God, the Master of all things."

「对我来说,那些带来天主神圣话语的人,真正的基督徒,天主的仆人,大家一起,听到了无敌永恒之光,天主,万物主宰的预言之声。 」


January 5, 1882 (“The BretonStigmatist”, Book, p. 49)


Our Lady weeps over the future ruins ofParis, but on four different occasions announces the.Unknown Saviour (i.e., theGreat Monarch), and the glorification of Louis XVI, under the reign of thefuture King.


 (i.e.,King Louis XVI will be beatified / canonized.)




January 23, 1882


"Faithful people, do not despair... There is in Heaven a Saint Louis to whom Heaven reserves a great mission(that is) imminent.


The immensity (greatness) of DivineMercy has reserved protectors, but, children of victory, they must be paid bysufferings and counted (with)sacrifices."

无限的慈悲的上主已經预订了保护者,但是,胜利的孩子们,他们必须用苦难来报答,他们必须付出痛苦和獻上牺牲。 」

January 27, 1882 (“The BretonStigmatist”, Book, p.32)


"But woe to the pastors who abandonthe flock."

但离弃羊群的本堂司铎,有祸了。 」


Same Day


January 27, 1882, (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 50)



Our Lord: "My Montmartre Sanctuary(i.e. the Sacre Coeur basillica) is already destined to serve as a theatre forthe impious and all those involved with human laws." Also, "It wouldnot be long before the place of prayer of Saint Geneviéve would become atheatre for dances and the most infernal crimes..."

我们的主:「我的蒙马特圣所(即圣心主教大教堂)已经注定成为不敬虔和所有涉及人間法律(诉讼)的剧院。 」而且,「不久后,圣热纳维夫的祈祷场所就会变成舞会和地狱罪行的剧院…… 」

Our Lady of Victories further toldMarie-Julie: "The sanctuary of Our Lady of Victories would resist thecannon-balls, the gun fire of the instruments of the world and that themiraculous protection of Heaven would preserve it in the midst of thedebris."

我们胜利的圣母进一步告诉玛利亚.茱莉:「我们胜利圣母的圣所,将抵抗世间炮弹和枪林弹雨,天堂奇迹般的保护将使它(圣所)在废墟中得以保存。 」


February 2, 1882


"My children, I ask you never totrample upon the Cross, not to follow the example of a huge crowd that willprefer to damn its soul to save its body. Your refusal will soften yourexecutioners."

「我的孩子们,我求你们永远不要践踏十字架,也不要效法大多数众人,他们宁可诅咒自己的灵魂,来保全自己的身体。你的拒绝会软化那些刽子手。 」


February 4, 1882 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 56)


Our Lord to Marie-Julie: "You willsee from Heaven the triumph of the Church looming over the forehead of My realservant Henri de La Croix (Henry of the Cross-the name of the Great Monarch).His name is written in the golden Book."

我们的主对玛利亚.茱莉说:「你将从天堂看到教会的胜利,正隐现在我真正的仆人亨利.德·拉.克鲁瓦(十字亨利——伟大君主的名字)的前额上。他的名字被写在金书上了。 」

He then added, "After this triumphthe faithful Pastor will place his consecrated hand on the head of the one ofHeaven will have lead and brought in a miraculous manner."

祂接着说:「在这胜利之后,忠信的牧者将把他圣洁的手放在天选之子头上,以一种奇迹的方式引导他。 」

(评注:这里指Pastor的his是小写,应该就是指代替天主的司铎或教宗,the oneof Heaven应该是亨利.德·拉.克鲁瓦。)


February 9, 1882 (“The BretonStigmatist”, pp. 56-57)


Our Lord: "My design is that afterhe (the Great Monarch) has received the holy blessing he goes with My nobledefendants carrying the white banner to the place where the messages ofsalvation came from (i.e. the cottage of Marie-Julie). The chosen one of Mypower will set down the white banner, the sign of victory."

我们的主:「我的计划是,在他(伟大的君主)得到神圣的祝福之后,他和我高贵的守卫们一起,举着白旗前往救赎信息来自的地方(即玛利亚.茱莉的小屋La Fraudais 拉弗劳代斯)。我大能的力量将使这胜利记号的白旗,在这小屋升起」


February 9, 1882


Our Lord: "According to thelongings of My power, you will come, from time to time, sustain the hope of Myapostles and my servants; until the man of their desires will finally lift theveil…


I will send occasionally, the good news.


From the heights of Heaven, you willdescend just to the middle of My servants who have to work twice that of today."(February 9, 1882)


Apparently, Our Lord has promised thatMarie-Julie will be permitted to come back to earth after her death and grantconsolations to those who await the coming of the Great Monarch.


Possibly, these faithful servants willhave to work “twice as hard” because the faith will be persecuted and it willnot be as easy to practise the faith as before.


It is not unlike Pharao's harsh commandto the Jews When they were approaching the end of their centuries of bondage,he declared that straw would no longer be brought to them and they had tosearch for their own straw to make their daily tally of bricks, plus the numberhad to be the same, thus increasing their workload and hardship.


He did this so they would have no timeto go and make sacrifice to God or believe Moses' “lying” words.


 “Thereforehe (Pharao) commanded the same day the overseers of the works, and thetaskmasters of the people, saying: You shall lay upon them the task of bricks,which they did before, neither shall you diminish any thing thereof: for theyare idle, and therefore they cry, saying: Let us go and sacrifice to our God.Let them be oppressed,with works, and let them fulfil them: that they may notregard lying words.” (Exodus 5: 6-9)

「因此他(法郎)在那一天吩咐监工和工头说:你们以后不要再像往日一样,给百姓做砖用的草秸,叫他们自己去拾草。但你们仍向他们要往日所做的同样砖数,一点也不可减少,因为他们懒惰,所以才呐喊说:我们要去向我们的天主献祭。应给这些人加重工作,使他们只工作,而不听谎言。 」(出谷紀:5: 6 - 9)

We can learn a lesson from this: whenthe times of persecution come from those in the world who are more interestedin building a worldly kingdom, praying and sacrificing to God will seem“useless”, an “idle” occupation, including the most important sacrifice, theMass!


The world will try and keep us so busy,either with frittering away our time with the latest fads and amusements, oroverloading us with work just to survive that we end up having no time for God.


It is interesting that only recently anarticle entitled “Thoughts of God Make Us Slackers, A Study Suggests” fromwww.livescience.com by Jennifer Welsh (October 29, 2011) appeared on Yahoo Newsdeclaring that certain “studies” indicate people who think of God are “lazy”,and yet, they can readily withstand temptation.















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