To the same.
To the Reverend Father in Christ, Brother Elias, Vicar-General of the whole Order, Brother Francis, greeting in the Lord.
I recommend much to thee, Brother Elias, in all that thou doest great charity and patience; thou must be prepared to suffer much, for the burden laid upon thee is great and heavy, namely, many souls. In the old law, the High Priest bore suspended from his shoulders, and hanging on his breast, the rational of judgment, on which were engraved the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, signifying that as Supe¬riors have to bear their subjects on their shoulders, they must also bear them on their breast, for they cannot bear them if they cease to love them. Our Lord Jesus Christ, before making St. Peter the head of His Church, and giving him the care of His sheep, questioned him as to his love. Take care then that no brother should sin, but if anyone should fall into sin, let him not depart from thee without correction and pardon; and as thou art a physician, offer medicine to the sick man, because, as Our Lord says : c They that are well need not a physician, but they that are sick.' Watch, admonish, labour, feed, love, wait, and fear. Farewell in the Lord.
(注:在《圣经》旧约历史中,以色列大司祭会穿戴一种叫“breastplate of judgment”的胸牌,见(出谷纪:28:6-30,出谷纪:39:1-21))