·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第二章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第四章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第六章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
浏览次数:2001 更新时间:2020-2-4


The words of theglorious Virgin to Saint Bridget about how to dress and with what kind ofclothes and ornaments her daughter should be adorned and clothed.



Chapter 7


 I am Mary who gave birth to the Son of God,true God and true man. I am the Queen of Angels. My son loves you with all ofhis heart. Therefore, you should love him. You should be adorned with the mostproper clothes, and I will show you how and what kind they should be. Just asbefore you had an undershirt, a shirt, shoes, a cloak, and a brooch on yourchest, so now you shall have spiritual clothes.


The undershirt youshall have is contrition for your sins; for just as an undershirt is closest tothe body, so contrition and confession are the first way of conversion to God.Through these the mind, which once enjoyed sin, is purified, and the unchasteflesh restrained from evil lusts. The two shoes are two intentions: namely, thewill to make amendment for your past sins, and the will to do good and refrainfrom evil. Your shirt is hope in God; and just as a shirt has two sleeves, so mayjustice and mercy be paired with your hope, so that you will hope for the mercyof God, yet not forget his justice. Think about his justice and harsh judgmentin such a way that you do not forget his mercy, for he does not work justicewithout mercy, or mercy without justice. The cloak is faith, for just as thecloak covers everything and everything is enclosed in it, man can likewisecomprehend and attain all things by faith. This cloak should be decorated withthe tokens of your Bridegroom’s love - namely, how he created you, how heredeemed you, how he raised you and led you into his spirit and opened yourspiritual eyes. The brooch, which should always be on your chest, is thefrequent consideration of his suffering: how he was mocked and scourged, how hestood alive on the cross, bloody and wounded in all his limbs, how in death hiswhole body shook from the most bitter pain and anguish, and how he commendedhis spirit into the hands of his Father. May this brooch always be on yourchest! There should also be a crown on your head, which means that you shouldbe chaste in your desires, so much so, that you would rather endure a beatingand pain than to be further stained.      


Therefore, bemodest and polite and do not think about or desire anything but your God andCreator - for when you have him, you have everything! Adorned in this way, youshall await your Bridegroom.



上一篇:瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第六章


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