·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第二章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第四章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第六章
·瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章
瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章
浏览次数:1925 更新时间:2020-2-4


Then God said to his heavenly host thatstood around him: “What do you think about these who have conquered my castle?”They all answered as with one voice: “O Lord, all justice is in you, and in youwe see all things. You are without beginning and without end, the Son of God,and all judgment is given to you. You are their judge.” He answered: “Althoughyou know and see all things in me, still for the sake of my bride who standshere, tell me the just sentence.” They said: “This is justice: that those whoundermined the wall should be punished as thieves, that those who persist inevil should be punished as intruders and violent criminals, and that those whoare captive should be freed and the hungry be filled.”


Then Mary, the Mother of God (who until nowhad remained silent) spoke: “Oh, my Lord and most dear Son, You were in my wombas true God and man. By your grace you sanctified me, who was but an earthenvessel. I beg you, have mercy on them once more!” Then the Lord answered HisMother: “Blessed be the words of your mouth that ascend like a sweet fragranceto God. You are the Queen and glory of angels and all saints because, by you,God and all the saints are made happy! Because your will was as my own from thebeginning of your youth, I will do as you wish once more.”


Then He said to the host of saints:“Because you have fought manfully, and for the sake of your love, I will letmyself be appeased for now. Behold, I will rebuild my wall because of yourprayers. I will liberate and heal those who were oppressed by force, and honorthem a hundredfold for the indignity they have endured. But if the violatorsand wrong-doers pray for my mercy, I will give them peace and mercy. However,those who despise my mercy will feel my justice.”


Then he said to his bride: “My bride, Ihave chosen you and brought you into my Spirit. You hear my words and those ofmy saints. Although the saints see all things in me, nevertheless, they havespoken for your sake so that you might understand, since you, who are still inthe flesh, cannot see all things in me in the same way as they who are spirits.I will now also show you what all these things signify.


The castle I spoke about previously is theHoly Church and the souls of Christians, which I built with my own blood andthat of the saints. I cemented and joined it with my love and placed my friendsand chosen men in it. The foundation is true faith, that is, to believe that Iam a righteous and merciful judge.


Now, however, this foundation is underminedbecause all believe and preach that I am merciful, but almost no one preachesor believes me to be a righteous judge. They view me as an unjust judge! Unjustand unrighteous, indeed, would the judge be who, out of mercy, allowed theunrighteous to go unpunished, so that they could oppress the righteous evenmore! But I am a righteous and merciful judge; for I do not let even the leastsin go unpunished, nor the least good go unrewarded. By the undermining of thiswall’s foundation, there entered into the Holy Church people who sin withoutfear, who deny that I am a righteous judge, and who torment my friends asseverely as those who are placed in the stocks. My friends have no joy orconsolation given to them but, instead, every kind of mockery and torment areinflicted upon them as if they were possessed by the devil. When they tell thetruth about me, they are rejected and accused of lying. They have a ferventdesire to hear or speak the truth about me, but there is no one who listens tothem or speaks the truth to them. And I, the Lord and Creator of all things, ambeing blasphemed and rejected, for they say: ‘We do not know if he is God and,if he is God, we do not care!’ They overthrow my banner and trample it undertheir feet calling out: ‘Why did he suffer? What benefit is it to us? If hewants to satisfy our lust and will, it is enough for us. He may keep hiskingdom and heaven!’ I want to go into them, but they say: ‘We would rather diebefore giving up our own will!’


Behold, my bride, what kind of people theyare! I made them, and could destroy and damn them with a word if I wanted to.How bold and arrogant they are toward me! But because of the prayers of myMother and of all the saints, I am still so merciful and patient that I willsend them the words of my mouth and offer them my mercy.If they want to acceptit, I will be appeased. Otherwise, they will come to know my justice and bepublicly humiliated like thieves in front of all angels and men, and be judgedby every one of them. For just as the men who are hanged on gallows aredevoured by ravens, they will also be devoured by demons, yet not die. Just asthose who are punished in the stocks have no rest, they too, will have pain andbitterness all around them. The most burning river will flow into their mouths,but their bellies will not be filled, and their punishment will be renewed eachday.


But my friends will be redeemed andconsoled by the words that come from my mouth. They will see my justice joinedwith my mercy. I will clothe them in the weapons of my love and make them sostrong that the adversaries of the faith will fall back like filth and feelashamed for all eternity when they see my justice. Yes, they will surely beashamed for having abused my patience.”


The words of Christ to His bride about howHis Spirit cannot remain with the unrighteous, and about the separation of theunrighteous from the good, and how good men, armed with spiritual weapons, aresent to war against the world.


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