·2. 大格特鲁德的品格与性格
浏览次数:1555 更新时间:2020-6-2


目前有大约1000位全职修女在位于爱达苛州的棉花市的圣大格特鲁德修道院学习。  在美国维珍尼亚州的列治文省,有一所大格特鲁德命名的天主教日校,教授912年级的学生。在美国密苏里州的华盛顿、   俄亥俄州的辛辛那提、德萨斯州的金斯维尔、  伊利诺州的芝加哥等市,及加拿大新不伦瑞克省的胡士托市的教区,都已奉献予大格特鲁德。在爱尔兰凯里郡的基拉尼镇的法理村里有一所圣大格特鲁德教会。在美国加州的贝尔花园教区有一所以大格特鲁德命名的初中暨幼稚园。


1.  Caroline Bynum WalkerJesus as MotherBerkeley and Los Angeles1982p174-5. 二十世纪对大格特鲁德的研究中,对其修道院之名仍有争议。此赫尔夫塔(Helfta)的修道院既是一个属于本笃会的修道院,但亦受到熙笃会运动改革的影响。赫尔夫塔与大部分的修道院一样,依从圣本笃规条(Rules of St Benedict),亦有熙笃会的习俗。

2.  St. Gertrude the Great  Catholic Online[引用日期2017-02-20]

3.  ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT  Catholic News Agency[引用日期2017-02-20]

4.  St. Gertrude the Great  New Advent[引用日期2017-02-20]

5.  Stanley M. Burgess.The Holy Spirit : medieval Roman Catholic and Reformation traditions (sixth-sixteenth centuries)Hendrickson Publishers c1997P.98

6.  Benedict XVI, PopeGreat Christian thinkers : from the early Church through the Middle Ages / Pope Benedict XVI.Fortress Press 2011P.274

7.  LIFE OF ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT  St Gertrude Parish[引用日期2017-02-20]

8.  Saint Gertrude the Great  Fran Ciscan Media[引用日期2017-02-20]

9.  Pope XVIGreat Christian thinkers: from the early Church through the Middle Ages / Pope Benedict XVI., 1st Fortress Press ed..Minneapolis, MNFortress Press2011274

10.  Laura Swan andPhyllis ZaganoThe Benedictine tradition / Laura Swan, editor ; Phyllis Zagano, series editor., Spirituality in history seriesCollegeville, Minn.Liturgical Press200750

11.  Laura Swan andPhyllis ZaganoThe Benedictine tradition / Laura Swan, editor ; Phyllis Zagano, series editor., Spirituality in history series Collegeville, Minn.Liturgical Press200751

12.  Laura Swan andPhyllis ZaganoThe Benedictine tradition / Laura Swan, editor ; Phyllis Zagano, series editor., Spirituality in history seriesCollegeville, Minn.Liturgical Press200752

13.  Sr Maximilian MarnauGertrude of Helfta, The Herald of Divine LoveNew YorkPaulist Press199311

14.  Sr Maximilian Marnau, 'Introduction', in Gertrude of Helfta, The Herald of Divine Love, (New York: Paulist Press, 1993), p12. Sr Marnau suggests that Book 1 was written after Gertrude's death. Alezandra Barrett suggests that the absence of mention of Gertrude's death in Book 1 implies it was possibly written before her death. See Alexandra Barrett, 'Introduction', in Gertrud the Great of Helfta, The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness: Books One and Two, (Kalamazoo, 1991), p17

15.  Bossert, Sr. Evangela. "St. Gertrude of Helfta", Monastery of St. Gertrude, Cottonwood, Idaho.  Monastery of ST. Gertrude[引用日期2017-03-14]

16.  Saint the GreatThe Life and revelations of Saint Gertrude, virgin and abbess, of the Order of St. Benedict.WestminsterChristian Classics18627174

17.  Saint the GreatThe Life and revelations of Saint Gertrude, virgin and abbess, of the Order of St. Benedict.WestminsterChristian Classics186274-79

18.  Saint the GreatThe Life and revelations of Saint Gertrude, virgin and abbess, of the Order of St. BenedictWestminsterChristian Classics1862542565

19.  Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /20088182

20.  Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press1993130131

21.  Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1/20088285

22.   Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1/200886

23.   Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press1993206

24.   Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press199398

25.  Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1/200887

26.  Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press1993100

27.  Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press1993230

28.   Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1/200887-88

29.  Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press1993110

30.   Michael Anthony AbrilGertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200888

31.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200888-89

32.  Olivier Quenardel.「Saint Gertrude of Helfta: doctor of the prayer of the church, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 49, no. 2/2014224-225

33.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200877

34.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200881

35.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200882

36.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200890

37.   Olivier Quenardel.「Saint Gertrude of Helfta: doctor of the prayer of the church, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 49, no. 2 /2014235

38.   Laura Swan andPhyllis ZaganoThe Benedictine tradition / Laura Swan, editor ; Phyllis Zagano, series editor., Spirituality in history series Collegeville, Minn.Liturgical Press2007421-489

39.   Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1 /200892

40.   Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spirituality New YorkPaulist Press199366

41.   Saint the GreatGertrude of Helfta: the herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer., Classics of Western spiritualityNew YorkPaulist Press199397

42.  Michael Anthony Abril.「Gertrude of Helftas liturgical-mystical union, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no. 1/20089495

43.   Olivier Quenardel.「Saint Gertrude of Helfta: doctor of the prayer of the church, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 49, no. 2/2014235236

44.   Olivier Quenardel.「Saint Gertrude of Helfta: doctor of the prayer of the church, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 49, no. 2 /2014236-237

45.  D. Moriarty, The Life Revelations of Saint Gertrude Virgin and Abbess Of The Order Of St. Benedict  INTRODUCTION XXXVI-XXXVII[引用日期2017-03-14]

46.  Knight, Kevin (January 9, 2009). "St. Gertrude the Great".   New Advent.[引用日期2017-03-14]

47.  O'Sullivan, Paul (March 4, 1936). "Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great (from "Read Me or Rue It")".   Our Lady of the Rosary Library.[引用日期2017-03-14]

48.  St. Gertrude Parish  St. Gertrude Parish[引用日期2017-03-14]

49.  Saint Gertrude the Great  St. Gertrude Parish[引用日期2017-03-14]

50.  St. Gertrude Parish  St. Gertrude church [引用日期2017-03-14]

51.  St. Gertrude the Great Catholic School  St. Gertrude the great[引用日期2017-03-14]



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