





"Mary therefore took a pound of ointment of right spikenard, of great price and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.''

-John 12:3


3那时,玛利亚拿了一斤极珍贵的纯「拿尔多」香液,敷抹了耶稣的脚,并用自己的头发擦乾,屋里便充满了香液的气味。—— 若望福音123

                                         MARY MAGDALEN




Consisting of Excerpts from the 4-Vo1ume

The Life of Jesus & Christ and Biblical Revelation, •

From the visions of

Anne  Catherine Emmerich


来自安纳加大利纳艾曼丽  的神视

 “Mary hath chosen the best part, which shall not be token away from her.”

                                         -Luke 10:42




"And when Jesus was in Bethania, in the house of Simon the leper, there came to him a woman having an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he was at table. And the disciples seeing it, had indignation, saying: To what purpose is this waste? For this might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. And Jesus knowing it, said to them: Why do you trouble this woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. For the poor you have always with you: but me you have not always. For she in pouring this ointment upon my body, hath done it for my burial.

"Amen I say to you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, that also which she hath done, shall be told for a memory of her."



6耶稣正在伯达尼癞病人西满家里时,7有一个女人拿着一玉瓶贵重的香液来到耶稣跟前,倒在正坐席的耶稣的头上。8门徒们见了就不满意说:「为什么这样浪费?9这香液原可卖得许多钱,施舍给穷人。」     10耶稣知道了,就对他们说:「你们为什么叫这个女人难受?她在我身上原是作了一件善事。11你们常有穷人同你们在一起,至于我,你们却不常有。12她把这香液倒在我身上,原是为安葬我而作的。13我实在告诉你们:将来在全世界,这福音无论传到那里,必要述说她所的事,来纪念她。」—— 玛窦福音26: 6-13


“And on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalen. cometh early,  when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre; and she saw the stone taken away from, the sepulchre.. ... Jesus saith to her: Woman, why weepest thou? Whom  seekest thou? She,  thinking that it was the gardener, saith to him: Sir,if thou hast taken him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him, away. Jesus saith to her: Mary. She turning, saith to him: Rabboni (which is to say, Master).•

-John 20:1, 15-16


1一周的第一天,清晨,天还黑的时候,玛利亚玛达肋纳来到坟墓那里,看见石头已从墓门挪开了。15耶稣向她说:「女人,你哭什么?你找谁?」她以为是园丁,就说:「先生,若是你把他搬走了,请告诉我,你把他放在那里,我去取回他来。」16耶稣给她说:「玛利亚!」她便转身用希伯来话对他说:「辣步尼!」就是说「师傅。」—— 若望福音20: 1, 15-16







1.     The Family of LazarusMartha and Magdalen 


2.     Magdalen'Childhood 


3.     Magdalen Inherits the Castle of Magdalum 


4.     Magdalen's Reputation 


5.     Jesus Speaks of Magdalen's Family 


6.     Martha Speaks to Jesus about Magdalen  


7.     How Silent Mary Lived 


8.     Silent Mary'Prophecy 


9.     At the End of JesusForty Days Fast 


10.  Magdalen's First Attempt to See Jesus 


11.  Magdalen's First Call to Conversion 


12.  Jesus Reassures Martha 


13.  LazarusVilla  


14.  Magdalen Is  the Lost Pearl 


15.   Dina (The Woman at the Well)  


16.  A Possessed Woman in Suphan (The Suphanite)  

舍孚番一个被魔鬼附身的女人  (舍孚番家族)

17.  Jesus Heals Marv the Suphanite 


18.  Magdalen'Interior Struggle 


19.  Martha Invites Magdalen to Go and Hear Jesus 


20.  Magdalen Accepts the Invitation  


21.  The Mount of Instruction near Gabara  


22.  Magdalen's First Conversion 


23.  Magdalen Witnesses Cures and Exorcisms  


24.  Magdalen's First Anointing of Jesus.


25.  Magdalen Falls Bacinto Sin


26.  The Relationship between Sin and Illness


27.  The Pharisees Confront Jesus in the Svnagogue of Capharnaum


28.  Jesus Cures Two Scribes of Their Leprosy.


29.  Magdalen Suffers from Demonic Possession


30.  Marv the Surphanite Confounded with Marv Magdalen


31.  External Appearance of MagdalenDina and the Blessed Virgin


32.  Martha Persuades Magdalen to See Jesus Again


33.  Magdalen's Extravagant Attire


34.  Magdalen and HeCompanions Seout to Attend JesusInstruction


35.  Magdalen's Second Conversion


36.  News of Magdalen's Conversion Spreads


37.  The Holy Women Care for the Inns


38.  Jesus Defends the Converted Holy Women


39.  Magdalen Begins Her Life as a Penitent


40.  Jesus Frees the Prisoners at Tirzah


41.  Jesus Arrives at Lazarusfor the Paschal Solemnity


42.  Magdalens Love foJesus


43.  Jesus Admonishes HiFollowers to Prav Without Ceasing


44.  Mercuria


45.  The Work of the Holy Women. 


46.  Lazarus


47.  Lazarus Falls Ill


48.  LazarusDeath and Burial


49.  Jesus Mourns with Martha and Magdalen


50.  Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead


51.  Jesus Teaches in Jericho and Elsewhere


52.  Magdalen Perfumes Jesus' Hair


53.  The Apostles Are Reunited with Jesus


54.  Jesus Instructs the New Disciples


55.  Magdalen Prepares a Meal for Jesus and His Disciples .


56.  Magdalen Repeats Her Anointing of Jesus


57.  The HolWomen at Praver


58.  Jesus Reproves the Disciples for Being Scandalized at Magdalen


59.  Magdalen Procures the Precious Balm


60.  Magdalen'sLastAnointing of Jesus


61. Judas


62.  Judas' Betraval


63.  “She Loves Unspeakably"


64.  The Blessed Virgin. Magdalen and Marv Cleophas Beseech Jesus Not to Go to Mount Olivet 


65.  Satan Accuses Jesus  in the Garden of  Olives


66.  Jesus' Followers during His Agony in the Garden


67.  In the Garden of Olives


68.  JesusCompassion for His Blessed Mother and Magdalen


69.  Jesus Is Shown His Passion


70.  Judas and the Pharisees


71.  JesusFollowers Learn of His Arrest


72.  The Soldiers Mock Magdalen's Anointing of Jesus


73.  "O Thou Most Unhappy Mother!"


74.  Peter Confesses to Marv His Denial of Jesus


75.  MarvJohn and Magdalen at Pilate's Tribunal


76.  The Wav of the Cross


77.  MagdaleUnderstands Her Part in Jesus' Sufferings


78.  The Blessed Virgin and Magdalen ,wipe up the Precious Blood after the Scourging


79.  Magdalen's Appearance


80.  Marv and the Holy Women Go tGolgotha


81.  The Crucifixion


82.  The Scribes and Pharisees oMount Golgotha


83.  At the Foot of the Cross


84.  "Mv God Mv GodWhy Hast Thou Forsaken Me!"


85.  "It Is Consummated!"


86.  Jesus Is Pierced with the Lance


87.  Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross


88.  Marv Receives Jesus into HeArms


89.  The Blessed Mother and Magdalen Cleanse the Wounds of Jesus


90.  The Holy Women and Others Help Prepare for the Burial


91.  The Body of Jesus Is Prepared for Burial


92.  The Funeral Procession


93.  Jesus Is Entombed


94.  The Return from the Burial


95.  The Holy Women Prepare Herbs and Perfumes to Anoint the Body


96.  96Magdalen and the Holy Women Go to Anoint JesusBody.


97.  Magdalen at the Empty Tomb


98.  Magdalen's Announcement to the Disciples


99.  The Risen Lord Appears to Magdalen


100.  Peter and John See the Empty Tomb


101.  Jesus Appears in the Hall of the Last Supper


102.  Magdalen's Holy Courage


103.  Jesus Appears Again to the Apostles


104.  Agape in Bethania


105.  The Community


106.  Before the Ascension


107. Before Peter's First Mass


108.  The Blessed Virgin Moves to Ephesus: Lazarus and His Sisters Set Out

over the Sea


109.  The Death of the Blessed Virgin



1.The Family of Lazarus, Martha and Magdalen

The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children, of whom six died young. Of the nine that survived, only four were living at the time of Christ’s teaching. These four were: Lazarus; Martha, about two years younger; Mary, looked upon as a simpleton, two years younger than Martha; and Mary Magdalen, five years younger than the simpleton. The simpleton is not named in Scripture, not reckoned among the Lazarus family; but she is known to God. She was always put aside in her family, and lived altogether unknown....

Lazarus looked much older than Jesus; he appeared to me to be fully eight years His senior. Lazarus had large possessions, landed property, gardens, and many servants. Martha had her own house, and another sister named Mary, who lived entirely alone, had also her separate dwelling. Magdalen lived in her castle at Magdalum.

Lazarus was already long acquainted with the Holy Family. He had at an early period aided Joseph and Mary with large alms and, from first to last, did much for the Community. The purse that Judas carried and all the early expenses, he supplied out of his own wealth....



拉匝禄看起来比耶稣年长得多;在我看来,他比主大八岁。 拉匝禄拥有大量财产、土地、花园和许多仆人。玛尔大有自己的房子,另一个名叫玛利亚的妹妹(智障玛利亚),完全独自生活,也有她单独的住所。玛达肋纳住在她位于玛格达伦的城堡里。


The father of Lazarus was named Zarah, or Zerah, and was of very noble Egyptian descent. He had dwelt in Syria, on the confines of Arabia, where he held a position under the Syrian king; but for services rendered in war, he received from the Roman emperor property near Jerusalem and in Galilee. He was like a prince,and was very rich. He had acquired still greater wealth by his wife Jezabel, a Jewess of the sect of the Pharisees.He became a Jew, and was pious and strict according to the Pharisaical laws. He owned part of the city on Mount Zion, on the side upon which the brook near the height on which the Temple stands, flows through the ravine.


But the greater part of this property, he had bequeathed to the Temple, retaining, however, in his family some ancient privilege on its account. This property was on the road by which the Apostles went up to the Cenacle, but the Cenacle itself formed no longer a part of it. Zarah's castle in Bethania was very large. It had numerous gardens, terraces, and fountains, and was surrounded by double ditches.The prophecies of Anna and Simeon were known to the family of Zarah, who were waiting for the Messiah. Even in Jesus’ youth, they were acquainted with the Holy Family, just as pious, noble people are wont to be with their humble, devout neighbors. (Vol. 1, pp. 334-335)

但是,他把这笔财产的大部分遗赠给了圣殿,然而,由于这个原因,他的家族还保留了一些古老的特权。这分产业是在宗徒们前往晚餐厅的路上,但晚餐厅本身不再是它的一部分。匝拉在伯达尼的城堡非常大。城堡有许多花园、露台和喷泉,周围环绕着双道壕沟。亚纳和西默盎的预言(路222-23)为等待默西亚的匝拉家族所知。即使在耶稣年轻的时候,他们也熟悉神圣家族,就像虔诚高贵的人习惯于与谦逊虔诚的邻人相处一样。 (第 1 卷,第 334-335 页)

2. Magdalen’s Childhood

Magdalen, the youngest child, was very beautiful and, even in her early years, tall and well-developed like a girl of more advanced age. She was full of frivolity and seductive art. Her parents died when she was only seven years old. She had no great love for them even from her earliest age, on account of their severe fasts. Even as a child, she was vain beyond expression, given to petty thefts, proud, self-willed, and a lover of pleasure. She was never faithful, but clung to whatever flattered her the most. She was, therefore, extravagant in her pity when her sensitive compassion was aroused, and kind and condescending to all that appealed to her senses by some external show. Her mother had had some share in Magdalen’s faulty education, and that sympathetic softness the child had inherited from her.


2. Magdalen’s Childhood

Magdalen, the youngest child, was very beautiful and, even in her early years, tall and well-developed like a girl of more advanced age. She was full of frivolity and seductive art. Her parents died when she was only seven years old. She had no great love for them even from her earliest age, on account of their severe fasts. Even as a child, she was vain beyond expression, given to petty thefts, proud, self-willed, and a lover of pleasure. She was never faithful, but clung to whatever flattered her the most. She was, therefore, extravagant in her pity when her sensitive compassion was aroused, and kind and condescending to all that appealed to her senses by some external show. Her mother had had some share in Magdalen’s faulty education, and that sympathetic softness the child had inherited from her.


玛达肋纳是最小的孩子,她长得非常美丽,即使在年幼时,也比同龄女孩高大且早熟像少女年龄。她充满轻佻和诱人的魅力。她的父母在她只有七岁的时候就去世了。玛达肋纳从小对父母就没有特别大的孝爱,这是由于她的父母严厉的禁食。当她还是孩子的时候,她就虚荣得难以形容,惯于小偷小摸,高傲任性,喜欢寻欢作乐。她从不忠信,只执着于最令她愉悦的东西。因此,当她敏感的同情心被激起出来时,她就大发慈悲,对一切通过某种外在表现吸引她感官的事物都表现出仁慈和居高临下的态度。 她的母亲对玛达肋纳的错误教育负有责任,玛达肋纳也从母亲那里继承了她那富有同情心的柔情。

Magdalen was spoiled by her mother and her nurse. They showed her off everywhere, caused her cleverness and pretty little ways to be admired, and sat much with her dressed up at the window. That window-sitting was the chief cause of her ruin. I saw her at the window and on the terraces of the house upon a magnificent seat of carpets and cushions, where she could be seen in all her splendor from the street.

She used to steal sweetmeats, and take them to other children in the garden of the castle. Even in her ninth year she was engaged in love affairs.


With her developing talents and beauty, increased also the talk and admiration they excited.

She had crowds of companions. She was taught, and she wrote love verses on little rolls of parchment. I saw her while so engaged counting on her fingers. She sent these verses around, and exchanged them with her lovers. Her fame spread on all sides, and she was exceedingly admired.

But I never saw that she either really loved or was loved. It was all, on her part at least, vanity, frivolity, self- adoration, and confidence in her own beauty. I saw her a scandal to her brother and sisters whom she despised and of whom she was ashamed on account  of their simple life. (Vol. 1, pp. 335-336)



但我从来没有看到她是真的爱过还是被爱过。至少对她而言,这一切都是虚荣、轻浮、自我崇拜和对自己美貌的自信。我看到她的兄长和姐姐们以她为耻,同样玛达肋纳也以他们为耻,因为他们过着简朴的生活。(第 1 卷,第 335-336

03. 玛达肋纳继承了玛格达伦城堡

3.Magdalen Inherits the Castle of Magdalum

When the patrimony was divided, the castle of Magdalum fell by lot to Magdalen. It was a very beautiful building. Magdalen had often gone there with her family when she was a very young child, and she had always entertained a special preference for it. She was only about eleven years old when, with a large household of servants, men and maids, she retired thither and set up a splendid establishment for herself.

3. 玛达肋纳继承了玛格达伦城堡

当遗产被分割时,玛格达伦城堡被抽签落到玛达肋纳名下。那是一座非常漂亮的建筑。玛达肋纳在她很小的时候就经常和家人一起去玛格达伦,她一直对玛格达伦有特别的偏爱。 年仅十一岁左右,带着家里的一大群仆人、男仆和女仆,到玛格达伦度假,为自己修建了一个华丽的场所。

Magdalum was a fortified place, consisting of several castles, public buildings and large squares of groves and gardens. It was eight hours east of Nazareth, about three from Capharnaum, one and a half from Bethsaida toward the south, and about a mile from the Lake of Genesareth. It was built on a slope of the mountain and extended down into the valley which stretches off toward the lake and around its shores. One of those castles belonged to Herod. He possessed a still larger one in the fertile region. Some of his soldiers were stationed in Magdalum, and they contributed their share to the general demoralization. The officers were on intimate terms with Magdalen. There were, besides the troops, about two hundred people in Magdalum, chiefly officials, master builders, and servants.

玛格达伦是一个设防的城池,由几座城堡、公共建筑和大广场的树林和花园组成。它位于纳匝肋以东距纳匝肋有8 小时路程,距葛法翁约 3 小时路程,南距贝特赛达半小时路程,距革乃撒勒湖约 1 英里。它建在山坡上,向下延伸到山谷中,山谷向湖和湖岸延伸。黑落德王在此也有一座城堡,是处在肥沃地带的更大的城堡。黑落德的一些士兵驻扎在玛格达伦,这些士兵普遍道德败坏。军官们与玛达肋纳关系密切。除了军队之外,玛格达伦还有大约两百人,主要是官员、建筑师傅和仆人。

The castle of Magdalum was the highest and most magnificent of all; from its roof one could see across the Sea of Galilee to the opposite shore. Five roads led to Magdalum, and on every one at one half-hour's distance from the well- fortified place, stood a tower built over an arch. It was like a watchtower whence could be seen far into the distance. These towers had no connection with one another; they rose out of a country covered with gardens, fields, and meadows. Magdalen had men servants and maids, fields and herds, but a very disorderly household; all went to rack and ruin. (Vol.1,pp. 336-337)

玛格达伦城堡是最高和最宏伟的。从屋顶可以看到整个加里肋亚海直到对岸。五条路通向玛格达伦,每条路在距城堡设防半小时路程的距离处,都有一座建在拱桥上的塔。它就像一座瞭望塔,从远处可以看到这些塔。这些塔彼此之间没有联系;它们矗立在一个布满花园、田野和草地的乡间。玛达肋纳有男仆和女仆,有田地和牛群,但家庭非常混乱;一切都走向败坏。 (第 1 卷,第 336-337 页)


4.Magdalen’s Reputation

Sts. Zachary and Elizabeth being long since dead

St John the Baptist has been preaching and baptizing publicly and is gaining fame and followers. Jesus has just begun His public life, but is yet to perform any miracles.




并赢得了声望和门徒。 耶稣刚刚开始他的公开生活,


Six men who were coming from the baptism of John met Jesus. Among them were Levi, known later as Matthew, and two sons of the widowed relatives of Elizabeth. They all knew Jesus, some through relationship, others by hearsay; and they strongly suspected, though they had no assurance of it, that He was the One of whom John had spoken. They spoke of John, of Lazarus and his sisters, especially of Magdalen. They supposed she had a devil, for she was already living apart from her family in the castle of Magdalum. These men accompanied Jesus, and were filled with astonishment at His discourse. The aspirants to baptism going from Galilee to John used to tell him all that they knew and heard of Jesus, while they that came from Ainon, where John baptized, used to tell Jesus all they knew of John............

Magdalen’s castle in Magdalum was not far off, and Magdalen herself was at this time at the height of her glory.    (Vol. 1,pp. 342,352)


玛达肋纳的玛格达伦的城堡就在不远处,而玛达肋纳此时正处于她在荣耀的顶峰。 (第 1 卷,第 342,352 页)

05. 耶稣谈到玛达肋纳的家人

5. 耶稣谈到玛达肋纳的家人


Jesus ... spoke of Lazarus by another general name, which I have forgotten. He mentioned also his father, saying that he had been in war. He said that Lazarus and his sisters were rich, and that they would devote all they had to the advancement of Redemption.

耶稣……用另一个我忘记了的通用名子来谈论拉匝禄。祂还提到了他的父亲,说他参加过战争。祂说拉匝禄和他的姐妹们很富有,他们会尽其所有来促进救赎工程。(Vol. 1, pp. 374-375)

06. 玛尔大对耶稣谈到玛达肋纳

6. 玛尔大对耶稣谈到玛达肋纳





玛尔大向耶稣讲述了玛达肋纳的事,以及她自己因玛达肋纳的缘故甚是焦急。耶稣安慰她,告诉她玛达肋纳肯定会皈依,但她一定不能厌倦为她祈祷,并劝告她改变她的生活。 (Vol.1,pp.401, 404)


7.How Silent Mary Lived

Jesus said of Silent Mary: “She is not without understanding, but her soul is not of this world. She sees not this world, and this world comprehends her not. She is happy. She knows no sin.”


耶稣谈到沉默的玛利亚时说:她并非没有悟性,但她的灵魂不属于这个世界。 她看不到这个世界,这个世界也不理解她。 她很快乐。 她不认识罪。

Silent Mary, the simple sister of Lazarus, did not make her appearance. Before others she never uttered a word; but when alone in her room or the garden, she talked aloud to herself and to all the objects around her, as if they had life. It was only before others that she was perfectly mute and still; her eyes cast down, she looked like a statue. On being saluted, however, she inclined and was very polite in all her bearing. When alone, she busied herself in various occupations, attending to her own wardrobe, and keeping all things in order. She was very pious, though she never appeared in the school. She prayed in her own chamber. I think she had visions and conversed with apparitions. Her love for her brother and sisters was unspeakable, especially for Magdalen. From her earliest years she had been what she now was. She had a female attendant, but she was perfectly neat in her person and surroundings with no trace of insanity to be found about her.


She prayed most piously and devoutly, and endured a kind of expiatory suffering for the sins of others, for her soul was often oppressed as if the weight of the whole world was upon her. Her dwelling was comfortably fitted up with sofas and different kinds of furniture. She ate little and always alone. She died of grief at the immensity of Jesus’ Passion, which in spirit she foresaw.  (Vol. 1, pp. 400, 401, 404)

她祈祷得最虔诚,为他人的罪孽忍受一种赎罪的痛苦,因为她的灵魂经常受到压迫,仿佛整个世界的重量都压在她身上。她的住处舒适地配备了沙发和各种家具。她吃得很少,而且总是一个人。她因耶稣的巨大苦难而悲痛而死,她在灵里预见到了这一点。 (第 1 卷,第 400401404 页)

08. 沉默的玛丽亚的预言

8. Silent Mary's Prophecy

Jesus had an interview with the women  in a chamber fronting on the road that led to Jerusalem, and which had formerly been occupied by Magdalen. In obedience to Jesus' direction, Lazarus brought his silent sister Mary and left her alone with the Lord, the other women retiring in the meantime to the antechamber.

8. 沉默的玛丽亚的预言


Silent Mary ...  cast herself down before Him and kissed His feet. Jesus made no attempt to prevent her, and raised her up by the hand. With her eyes turned heavenward, she  uttered the most sublime and wonderful things, though in the most simple and natural manner. She spoke of God, of His Son, and of His Kingdom just as a peasant girl might talk of the father of the village lord and his inheritance. Her words were a prophecy, and the things of which she spoke she saw before her. She recounted the grave faults and bad management of the wicked servants of the household. The Father had sent His Son to arrange affairs and pay off all debts, but they would receive Him badly. He would have to die in great suffering, redeem His Kingdom with His m n Blood, and efface the crimes of the servants, that they might again become the children of His Father. She carried out the allegory in most beautiful language, and yet in as  natural a manner as if she were recounting a scene enacted in her presence. At times she was gay, at others sorrowful, calling herself a useless servant and grieving over the painful labors of the Son of the merciful Lord and Father. Another cause of sorrow to her was that the servants would not rightly understand the parable, although so simple  and so true. She spoke of the  Resurrection. The Son, she said, would go to the servants in the  subterranean  prisons also. He would console them and set them free, because He had purchased their Redemption. He would return with them to His Father.


But  at His second advent, when He  would come again to judge, all those that had abused the satisfaction He had made and who would not tum from their evil ways, should be cast into the fire. She then spoke of Lazarus' death and resurrection: "He goes forth from this world," she said, "and gazes upon the things of the other  life. His friends weep around him as if he were never to return. But the Son calls him back to earth, and he labors in the vineyard." Of Magdalen too she spoke: The maiden is in the frightful desert where once were the children of Israel. She wanders in accursed places where all is dark, where never human foot has trod. But she will come forth, and in another desert make amends for the past."(Vol. 1, pp. 484-485)

但在祂第二次降临的时候,就是当祂再来审判的时候,所有滥用祂的圣宠及祂的救赎,不回头转离恶道的人,都要被扔进火里。接着,她谈到拉匝禄的死和复活:他从这个世界出来,她说,并凝视着来世的事情。他的朋友们在他身边哭泣,好像他再也不会回来一样。但圣子呼唤他回到世上,他在葡萄园里劳作。她也谈到玛达肋纳,她这样说:在可怕的沙漠中的少女,那里曾是以色列子民的旷野,她徘徊在黑暗的诅咒之地,那里从未有人踏足过。 但她会出离那里,在另一个旷野中弥补过去的失落。


9.At the End of Jesus' Forty Days Fast

Jesus has been baptized by John the Baptist, after which He and His disciples travel through Judea.

He cures many ill and allows His disciples to baptize those unable to travel to see John.

He tells His disciples that He will retire for awhile and tells Lazarus that He will return in forty days. Alone and barefooted, He heads into the desert, where He fasts and prays and conquers every temptation, reaffirming His decision to suffer and die for the salvation of the world.

At the end of the forty days, He is refreshed by spiritual food and drink brought by angels.






The angels that ministered unto Jesus appeared under different forms and seemed to belong to different hierarchies. Those that, at the close of the banquet, bore away the cups of wine and morsels of bread, were clothed in priestly raiment. I saw at the instant of their disappearance, all kinds of supernatural consolation descending upon the friends of Jesus, those of His own time and those of after ages. I saw Jesus appearing in vision to the Blessed Virgin then at Cana, to comfort and strengthen her. I saw Lazarus and Martha wonderfully touched, while their hearts grew warm with the love of Jesus. I saw Mary the Silent actually fed with the gifts from the table of the Lord. The angel stood by her while she, like a child, received the food.

She had been a witness of all the temptation and sufferings of Jesus. Her whole life was one of visions and suffering through compassion, therefore such supernatural favors caused her no astonishment. Magdalen, too, was wonderfully agitated. She was at the time busied with finery for some amusement. Suddenly, anxiety about her life seized upon her, and a longing rose in her soul to be freed from the chains that bound her. She cast the finery from her hands, but was laughed at by those around her.

I saw many of the future Apostles consoled, their hearts filled with heavenly desires…….Peter, Andrew, and all the others were, as I saw, strengthened and consoled. This was a most wonderful vision. (Vol. 2, pp. 18-19)





10.Magdalen’s First Attempt to See Jesus

Jesus returns from the desert and

is quickly rejoined by many of His disciples, who begin again to baptize.

He is invited to the marriage feast at Cana, where He performs His first public miracle.

He and His disciples travel in the area around the Sea of Galilee.






A couple of hours from Gadara, Jesus again crossed the Jordan, and went on toward the southwest, leaving Scythopolis to the left. He crossed Mount Moreh to Jezrael, a city on the west side of the plain Esdrelon. Jesus cured numbers there openly before the synagogue. But He stayed a few hours only in Jezrael, so that Magdalen who, at the earnest entreaty of Martha, had come with her to see Jesus, did not find Him on her arrival. She heard only of His miracles from the lips of those whom He had cured. The sisters here separated, and Magdalen retraced her steps to Magdalum..............Jesus consoled Lazarus on the subject of Magdalen, of whom He said that already there had fallen upon her soul a spark of salvation, which would entirely consume her. (Vol.2, pp. 64,72)

从革辣撒出发几个小时后,耶稣再次渡过约旦河,然后向西南方向前行,将基肋阿得雅贝士(基肋阿得雅贝士《撒母耳记上3111)留在左边。他越过了摩勒山,到达以斯德隆平原西边的依次勒尔。耶稣在会堂前公开治愈了许多人。但他只在依次勒尔逗留了几个小时,以致玛达肋纳在玛尔大的热切恳求下,和玛尔大一同来见耶稣,但在她们到达时没有找到主耶稣。玛达肋纳只从主治愈的人口中听到祂的奇迹。姐妹俩在这里分开了,玛达肋纳回到了玛格达伦的老路上………耶稣在玛达肋纳的问题上安慰拉匝禄,祂说救恩的火花已落在玛达肋纳的身上,这火花将把她完全吞噬。 (第 2 卷,第 64,72 页)

11.Magdalen's First Call to Conversion

Jesus and His disciples travel to Galilee,

where He continues teaching and performing miracles.

John the Baptist is now no longer baptizing but is preaching of Jesus and referring all who ask for baptism to the disciples of Jesus.







Jesus taught in Jezrael and performed many miracles before a great concourse of people. All the disciples from Galilee were here assembled to meet Him. Nathanael Chased, Nathanael the bridegroom, Peter, James, John, the sons of Mary Cleophas, all were there. Lazarus, Martha, Seraphia (Veronica) and Johanna Chusa, who had come before from Jerusalem, had visited Magdalen at her castle of Magdalum to persuade her to go with them to Jezrael in order to see, if not to hear, the wise, the admirable, the most eloquent, and most beautiful Jesus, of whom the whole country was full. Magdalen had yielded to the persuasions of the women and, surrounded by much vain display, accompanied them thither. As she stood at the window of an inn gazing down into the street, Jesus and His disciples came walking by. He looked at her gravely as He passed, with a glance that pierced her soul. An unusual feeling of confusion came over her. Violently agitated, she rushed from the inn and, impelled by an overpowering sense of her own misery, hid in a house wherein lepers and women afflicted with bloody flux found a refuge. It was a kind of hospital under the superintendence of a Pharisee. The people of the inn from which Magdalen had fled, knowing the life she was leading, cried out: “That’s the right place for her, among lepers and people tormented with bloody flux!” But Magdalen had fled to the house of the leprous through that feeling of intense humiliation roused in her soul by the glance of Jesus, for she had made her way into that respectable position among the other women through a motive of pride, not wishing to stand in the crowd of poor, common people. Accompanied by Lazarus, she returned to Magdalum with Martha and the other women.   (Vol. 2, pp. 78-79)

耶稣在依次勒尔施教,并在一大群人面前行了许多神迹。所有从加里肋亚来的门徒都聚集在这里迎接祂。纳塔乃耳、新郎纳塔乃耳、伯多禄、雅各伯、若望、玛利亚克罗帕的两个儿子,都在那里。拉匝禄、玛尔大、塞拉菲亚 (维洛尼加) 和之前从耶路撒冷来的约安纳雇撒,都到玛格达伦城堡拜访玛达肋纳,劝她和他们一起去依次勒尔,看看是不是像传说的那样,是一位明智且令人钦佩的,最雄辩的,最美丽的耶稣,整个村庄都因祂而人满为患。玛达肋纳被妇女们说服,在一大堆虚张声势的的包围下,陪着她们去了。当她站在一家客栈的窗户前,向下凝视着街道时,耶稣和祂的门徒走过来。祂走过时,神色凝重地看着她,这一瞥穿透了她的灵魂。一种不寻常的迷茫感涌上她的心头。极度的焦虑使她从客栈冲出,在强烈的苦楚感驱使下,她躲进了一所房子里,那是麻风病人和患有血漏病的妇女避难的地方。这是一种在法利赛人监管下的医院。玛达肋纳逃离的那家客栈里的人,知道她过着什么样的生活,大声喊道:在麻风病人和被血漏折磨的人们中间,这正是适合她的地方!但是,玛达肋纳因耶稣的一瞥,而在她灵魂中激起强烈的羞耻感,她逃到了麻风病人的家中,由于她出于骄傲的动机,在其他妇女中获得了受人尊敬的地位,不愿站在一群贫穷的普通人中。在拉匝禄的陪同下,她与玛尔大和其他妇女一起回到玛格达伦。

12. 耶稣安慰玛尔大

12.  Jesus Reassures Martha

Jesus continues performing miracles and exorcisms before Ever-increasing crowds in Capharnaum.

12. 耶稣安慰玛尔大


In the evening Jesus went to His Mother's house between Bethsaida and Capharnaum, whither had come Lazarus with Martha and the other women from Jerusalem. They were on their way from Magdalum and had called to take leave of Mary before returning to Jerusalem.

He said that Martha was too anxious, that Magdalen had been very deeply affected, yet she would, notwithstanding, relapse once more into her old ways. She had not yet laid aside her fine attire, for, as she declared; one in her position could not dress so plainly as the other women, etc. (Vol. 2, pp. 80-81)

晚上,耶稣去了贝特塞达和葛法翁之间祂母亲的家,拉匝禄带着玛尔大和其他耶路撒冷的妇女来到那里。他们从玛格达伦出发,在返回耶路撒冷之前向玛利亚告别。耶稣说玛尔大太焦虑了,玛达肋纳已受到了很深的影响,但她还是会再次回到她的老路上。她还没有放下漂亮的衣服,因为正如她所说的那样;一个处于她位置的人不能像其他女人一样穿得那么朴素,等等(第 2 卷,第 80-81 页)


13.  Lazarus' Villa

Jesus and His disciples travel to many cities in Galilee, where they are met by crowds so large that the people have to be held back

in order for Jesus to pass. He gains many new followers by His teachings and His many miraculous cures.

The number of John the Baptist's disciples has diminished and Herod now visits him regularly.






Proceeding on His journey, He was met by Lazarus, John Marc, and Obed, who had come for that purpose. With them Jesus went on to Lazarus' villa near Thirza, about five hours distant. They arrived unnoticed and by night, and found all things ready for their reception. The villa was on a mountain toward Samaria, not far from Jacob's field. A very old Jew, who went barefoot and girt, was the steward, an office he had held even when Mary and Joseph stopped here on their journey to Bethlehem. It was at this same villa that Martha and Magdalen, in Jesus' last year when He was teaching in Samaria, showed Him hospitality and implored Him to come to their brother Lazarus who was sick.


Near that estate of Lazarus was the then small city of Thirza, situated in a lovely region about seven hours' journey from Samaria. The morning sun, to which Thirza was exposed, rendered it extremely fruitful in grain, wine and orchard fruits. The inhabitants were engaged chiefly in agriculture, the products of which they carried to a distance for sale. The city was once large and handsome and the residence of kings, but the palace had been consumed by fire and the city ruined by war. One king, Amri, had made that property of Lazarus his home until the building of Samaria, whither he then removed. The people of Thirza were in Jesus' time very pious and lived very retired in their little, isolated city. . . .  Jesus  taught  in  the  synagogue  of  Thirza,  but  performed  no  cures.  (Vol. 2, pp. 102-103)

靠近拉匝禄的庄园是当时的小城提尔撒,它坐落在一个美丽的地方,离撒玛黎雅大约七小时的路程。提尔撒沐浴在早晨的阳光下,使其在谷物、葡萄酒和果园中的出产极为丰富。居民主要从事农业,他们将农产品运到远方出售。这座城市曾经很大,很漂亮,是国王的住所,但是宫殿已被大火烧毁,城市被战争摧毁。有一位国王,名叫阿姆利,一直把拉匝禄的产业当作自己的家,直到撒玛黎雅建造起来,后来才迁走。在耶稣的时代,提尔撒人非常虔诚,在他们与世隔绝的小城里过着非常隐居的生活。 . . . 耶稣在提尔撒的会堂里教训人,却没有行医治的奇迹。 (第 2 卷,第 102-103 页)


14.Magdalen Is the Lost Pearl

Jesus celebrates the Pasch in Jerusalem,

at which time He turns the vendors and merchants out of the Temple.

Mary the Silent dies in the presence of the Blessed Virgin and the holy women in Bethania.

Herod has John the Baptist arrested for speaking out too forcefully against Herod's unlawful union with Herodias (his brother's wife).

While in prison, John is visited by his disciples, whom he tells to leave him and follow Jesus.

Jesus and His disciples visit Lazarus and Martha in Bethania, who offer to establish inns for use on their journeys,

since many Jews, under the influence of the Pharisees, will provide them with nothing.









While Jesus was walking up and down the hall with the men, the women sat playing a kind of lottery for the benefit of their new undertaking. On the elevated platform was a table on rollers, around which they sat. The plane of the table, which projected into five angles like the rays of a star, covered a box about two inches in depth. From the five points to the center of this partitioned box, ran deep furrows on the surface, and between them were slits connecting the interior. Each of the women had some long strings of pearls and many other little precious stones.

当耶稣和男人们在大厅里走来走去时,女人坐在那里为她们的新任务下赌注。高台上有一张装有滚轮的桌子,她们围坐在桌旁。桌子的平面像五角星形状,覆盖在一个大约两英寸深的盒子上。 从这五个点到这个分隔的盒子的中心,在表面有很深的沟,沟与沟之间是连接内部的缝隙。 每个女人都有一些长串珍珠串和许多其他小宝石。

Each in turn placed some of them in one of the furrows on the table. Then resting a delicate little bow on the outer end of the furrow, she shot a tiny arrow at the nearest pearl or stone. The shock received by this one communicated itself to the rest, which rolled into the other furrows or dropped through the holes into the compartments in the interior of the box. When all the pearls and stones had been shot from the surface, the table, which was upon rollers, was agitated to and fro, by which movement the contents fell into other little compartments which could be drawn out at the edge. Each of these little drawers had previously been assigned to one of the players, so that when the holy women drew them out, they saw at once what they had won for their new undertaking, or which jewel they had lost.

每个人依次将其中一些放在桌子上的一个凹槽中。 然后,将精致的小弓搁在犁沟的外端,向最近的珍珠或石头射出一支小箭。这个人受到的震动会传播到其他人身上,其他人滚进了其他的沟里,或者从洞里掉进了盒子内部的隔间。 当所有的珍珠和石头都从表面上射出时,有滚轮的桌子来回摇晃,里面的东西通过这种运动落入其他可以从边缘拉出的小隔间。每一个小抽屉之前都被分配给了一个玩游戏的人,所以当圣妇们把抽屉抽出来的时候,她们一眼就能看出自己赢得的新任务,或者失去了哪些珠宝。

During the game the holy women lost a very precious pearl that had fallen down among them. All moved back and looked for it most carefully. When at last they found it and were expressing their joy, Jesus came over to them and related the parable of the lost drachma and the joy of the owner upon finding it again. From their pearl, lost, carefully sought, and joyfully found, He drew a new similitude to Magdalen. He called her a pearl more precious than many others that, from the lottery table of holy love, had fallen and were going to destruction. "With what joy," He exclaimed, "will ye find again the precious pearl!" Then the women, deeply moved, asked: "Ah, Lord! Will that pearl be found again?" and Jesus answered: "Seek ye more earnestly than the woman in the parable sought the lost drachma, or the shepherd his stray sheep." Profoundly touched at this answer, all promised to seek after Magdalen more diligently than after their lost pearl, and assured Him that their joy upon finding her would far exceed what they now felt.    (Vol. 2, pp. 174-175)

在游戏中,圣妇们丢失了一颗掉在她们中间的非常珍贵的珍珠。所有人都退了回去,非常仔细地寻找它。她们终于找到了,正在欢呼的时候,耶稣来到她们面前,讲了丢失达玛和失主找回它时的喜悦的比喻。从她们丢失的、仔细寻找并快乐地找到的珍珠中,祂描绘了一个关于玛达肋纳的新比喻。 祂称她为一颗比许多宝石更珍贵的珍珠,比那些从神圣的爱情的摇奖台上掉下来并即将毁灭的珍珠还要珍贵。耶稣惊呼道,你们会多么高兴地找到这颗珍贵的珍珠啊!众妇人很受感动,就问:主啊!那颗珍珠还能找回来吗?耶稣回答说:你们要寻找,要比寓言中的女人寻找失落的达玛,或牧羊人寻找他的亡羊更迫切。这个回答使众人都感动不已,都承诺要更加努力地寻找玛达肋纳,比寻找他们丢失的珍珠更努力,并向耶稣保证,她们找到她时的喜悦将远远超过她们现在的感受。


15.Dina (The Woman at the Well)

With some of His disciples, Jesus travels to Samaria where He meets Dina at Jacob’s Well.

He invites her and all of Samaria to be reconciled with God. He tells Dina of many ways in which she can do penance and how she can repair her scandals.



祂邀请她和所有撒玛黎雅人与天主和好。 祂告诉狄娜很多的赎罪方式,


Dina was an intelligent woman of some standing in the world, the offspring of a mixed marriage, a Jewish mother and a pagan father, born upon a country seat near Damascus. She had lost her parents at an early age, and had been cared for by a dissolute nurse, by whom her evil passions had been fostered. She had had five husbands, one after another. Some had died of grief, others had been put out of the way by her new lovers. She had three daughters and two half-grown sons, all of whom had remained with the relatives of their respective fathers when their mother was obliged to leave Damascus ...


The man with whom she was now living was a relative of one of her former husband’s. He was a rich merchant. As Dina followed the Samaritan religion, she had induced the man to remove to Sichar, where she superintended his household and lived with him, though without being espoused to him. They were looked upon in Sichar as a married couple. The husband was a vigorous man of about thirty-six years with a ruddy face and a reddish beard. There were many things in Dina’s life similar to those of Magdalen’s, but she had fallen more deeply than the latter.


Still, I once saw that in the beginning of Magdalen’s evil career at Magdalum, one of her lovers lost his life at the hand of a rival. Dina was an uncommonly gifted, open-hearted, easily influenced, pleasing woman of great vivacity and impetuosity, but she was always disturbed in conscience. She was living now more respectably, that is, With this, her reputed husband, in a house that stood alone and surrounded by a moat, near the gate leading from Sichar to the spring house. Though not held in contempt by the inhabitants, still they did not have much communication with her. Her manners were different from theirs, her costume elaborate and studied, all which, however, they pardoned in her as she was a stranger. . . .Dina’s sons at a later period joined the seventy-two disciples. (Vol. 2pp. 188-189)

尽管如此,我还是曾经看到,玛达肋纳在玛格达伦的邪恶生涯开始时,她的一个情人死于对手之手。狄娜是一个非常有天赋、心胸开阔、容易受到影响、令人愉悦的女人,非常活泼和冲动,但她的良心总是不安。她现在过得更体面了,也就是说,有了她那位有名望的丈夫之后,她就住在一所独立的房子里,四周有壕沟维护,靠近从息哈尔通往泉水屋的大门。虽然没有被当地居民鄙视,但居民很少与她来往。她的举止与他们不同,她的服装精心考究,然而,所有这些,他们都原谅了她,视她为外乡人。 . . .狄娜的儿子后来加入了七十二门徒之列。 (第 2 卷,第 188-189 页)


16.A Possessed Woman in Suphan (The Suphanite)

The Pharisees have become more bold in speaking out against Jesus and in trying to ensnare Him in a contradiction.

He heals the Centurion’s son.

John the Baptist is interrogated by Herod,

who offers to set him free if he will stop preaching against Herod’s adultery.

John refuses and is moved into a cell with no communication with his followers. Because of the multitude of sick in the city of Bezech, Jesus tells Andrew, John and Judas Barsabas to go and cure some of them in His name; they do so.

He then travels to Suphan, where He is greeted with respect by the Pharisees of that city.

He teaches and cures many ill.







因为贝泽奇城有许多病人,耶稣就吩咐安德肋、若望和犹大巴尔萨巴,奉祂的名去医治其中一些人; 他们这样做了。



While Jesus was busy curing the sick, a beautiful woman of middle age and in the garb of a stranger entered the large portico by the gate leading from the city. Her head and hair were wound in a thin veil woven with pearls. She wore a bodice in shape somewhat like a heart, and open at the sides, something like a scapular thrown over the head and fastened together around the body by straps reaching from the back. Around the neck and breast it was ornamented with cords and pearls. From it fell, in folds to the ankle, two deep skirts, one shorter than the other. Both were of fine white wool embroidered with large, colored flowers. The sleeves were wide and fastened with armlets. To the shoulder straps that connected the front and back of the bodice was attached the upper part of a short mantle that fell over the arms. Over this flowed a long veil, of the whiteness of wool.


The woman, ashamed and anxious, entered slowly and timidly, her pale countenance bespeaking confusion and her eyes red from weeping. She wanted to approach Jesus, but the crowd was so great that she could not get she could not get near Him. The Pharisees keeping order went to her, and she at once addressed them: “Lead me to the Prophet, that He may forgive my sins and cure me!” The Pharisees stopped her with the words: “Woman, go home! What do you want here? The Prophet will not speak to you. How can He forgive you your sins? He will not busy Himself with you, for you are an Adulteress.”

When the woman heard these words, she grew pale, her countenance assumed a frightful expression,  she threw herself on the ground, rent her mantle from top to bottom, snatched her veil from her head and cried: “Ah, then I am lost! Now they lay hold of me! They are tearing me to pieces! See, there they are!” and she named five devils who were raging against her, one of her husband, the other four of her paramours. It was a fearful spectacle. Some of the women standing around raised her from the ground, and bore her wailing to her home. Jesus knew well what was going on, but He would not put the Pharisees of this place to shame. He did not interfere, but quietly continued His work of healing, for her hour had not yet come. (Vol.2 pp. 312-314)


女子闻言,脸色惨白,面色骇人,扑倒在地,从上到下撕裂了她的披风,从头上扯下面纱,叫道:啊,那我要失落了!现在他们抓住了我!他们要把我撕成碎片!看,他们来了!她列举了五个对她肆虐的恶魔的名字,一个是她的丈夫,另四个是她的情人。这是一个可怕的景象。周围站着的几个女人把她从地上扶起来,哭着陪她回了家。耶稣很清楚发生了什么事,但祂不愿使这个地方的法利赛人羞愧,祂没有干涉,而是静静地继续祂的医治工作,因为他为她预备的时间尚末来到。 (第 2 卷,第 312-314 页)


17.Jesus Heals Mary the Suphanite

Jesus and His disciples go with the Pharisees toward a public hall, where a feast has been prepared for them. On the way Jesus asks where the woman whom they sent away from Him in the morning lives.

Jesus leaves His companions and enters her house through the courtyard.






As Jesus approached ... the devil, who had possession of her, drove her from one corner to another. She was like a timorous animal that would hide itself. As Jesus was traversing the court and drawing near to where she was, she fled through a corridor and into a cellar in the side of the hill upon which her house was built. In it was a vessel like a great cask, narrow above and wide below. She wanted to hide herself  in it, but when she tried to do so, it burst with a loud crash. It was an immense earthen vessel. Jesus meantime halted and cried: “Mary of Suphan … I command thee in the Name of God to come to Me!” Then the woman, enveloped from head to foot, as if the demons forced her still to hide in her mantle, came creeping to Jesus’ feet on all fours, like a dog awaiting the whip. But Jesus said to her: “Stand up!”

当耶稣靠近时……魔鬼附在那女人身上,把她从一个角落赶到另一个角落。 她像一只胆怯的动物,会把自已藏起来。当耶稣穿过院子,快接近她所在的地方时,她就从走㾿里逃出来,进了她房子所在山坡上的一个地窖里。里面有一个容器,好像一个大木桶,上窄下宽。 她想把自己藏在里面,但当她试着去做的时候,木桶发出一声巨响突然砰的一声裂开了。 那是一个巨大的陶器。 与此同时,耶稣站住,喊道:舍孚番的玛利亚……我奉天主的名命令你到我这里来!那女人从头到脚裹得严严实实的,仿佛是恶魔迫着她仍藏在她的斗篷里,她四肢着地,像一条等待鞭打的狗,爬到耶稣的脚边,但耶稣对她说:起来!

She obeyed, but drew her veil tightly over her face and around her neck as if she wanted to strangle herself. Then said the Lord to her: “Uncover thy face!” and she unwound her veil, but lowering her eyes and averting them from Jesus as if forced to do so by an interior power. Jesus, approaching His head to hers, said: “Look at Me!” and she obeyed. He breathed upon her, a black vapor went out of her on all sides, and she fell unconscious before Him. Her servant maids, alarmed by the loud bursting of the cask, had hurried thither and were standing nearby. Jesus directed them to take their mistress upstairs and lay her on a bed.

她听从了,但还是把面纱紧紧地盖在脸上和脖子上,好像要把自已勒死似的。 然后主对她说:把你的脸露出来!她解开她的面纱,却垂下眼睛,把视线从耶稣身上移开,仿佛是被一种强大的力量所迫。 耶稣于是把头靠近她的头说:看着我!她服从了。耶稣向她吹了口气,一股黑气从她身上四散出来,她在耶稣面前昏倒了。她的侍女们听到了酒桶爆裂的巨响,大惊,赶紧跑去,站在附近。 耶稣吩咐她们把她们的女主人抬到楼上,放在床上。

He soon followed with two of the disciples that had accompanied Him, and found her weeping bitter tears. He went to her, laid His hand on her head, and said: “Thy sins are forgiven thee!” She wept vehemently and sat up. And now her three children entered the room, a boy about twelve years old, and two little girls of about nine and seven. The girls wore little short sleeved tunics embroidered in yellow. Jesus stepped forward to meet the children, spoke to them kindly, asked them some questions, and gave them some instruction. Their mother said: “Thank the Prophet! He has cured me!” where upon the little ones fell on the ground at Jesus’ feet. He blessed them, led them one by one to their mother, in order of age, and put their little hands into hers.

不久,耶稣带着两个陪伴祂的门徒跟上楼,发现她正在痛哭流涕。 耶稣走到她跟前,把手放在她的头上,说:你的罪赦了!她哭得更厉害了,并坐了起来。 现在她的三个孩子走进了房间,一个男孩子大约十二岁,两个女孩大约九岁和七岁。 女孩们穿着绣有黄色的短袖上衣。 耶稣走上前迎接孩子们,亲切地与他们交谈,问了他们一些问题,并给予他们一些指示。 他们的母亲对孩子们说:感谢先知!祂治愈了我!小孩子们跪在耶稣脚前。 耶稣祝福了他们,按照年龄的顺序将他们一一领到他们的母亲身边,将他们的小手放在母亲的手心。

Jesus went into the entertainment hall in which were the Pharisees and the rest of the disciples, and took His place with them at table. The Pharisees were somewhat displeased that Jesus had left them and gone to seek the woman whom they had so harshly repulsed that morning before so many people. But they said nothing, fearing to receive a reproof themselves. Jesus treated them with much consideration during the meal, and taught in numerous similitudes and parables. Toward the middle of the entertainment, the three children of the Suphanite entered in their holiday dresses. One of the little girls bore an urn full of odoriferous water, the other had a similar one of nard, and the boy carried a vessel.


They entered the hall by the door opposite the unoccupied side of the table, cast themselves down before Jesus, and set their presents on the table in front of Him. Mary herself followed with her maids, but she dared not approach. She was veiled, and carried a shining crystal vase with colored veins like marble in which, surrounded by upright sprays of delicate green foliage, were various kinds of costly aromatics. Her children had offered similar vases, but smaller. The Pharisees cast forbidding glances upon the mother and children. But Jesus said: “Draw near, Mary!” and she stepped humbly behind Him, while her children, to whom she handed it, deposited her offering beside the others on the table. Jesus thanked her.

他们从桌子对面的门进入大厅,在耶稣面前俯身下拜,将礼物放在他面前的桌子上。玛利亚自己带着她的女仆跟在后面,但她不敢上前。她蒙着面纱,提着一个闪闪发光的水晶花瓶,花瓶上有大理石般的彩色纹路,周围是直立的娇嫩绿叶,里面盛放着各种名贵的香料。她的孩子们也献上了类似的花瓶,只是款式小些。法利赛人向这母亲和孩子投去令人生畏的目光。但耶稣说:玛利亚!近前来!” 她就谦卑地站在耶稣背后,她把珍贵的香料递给孩子们,孩子们走上前去放在桌上,耶稣感谢了她。

The Pharisees murmured as later on they did at Magdalen’s present to Jesus. They thought it a great waste, quite opposed to economy and compassion for the needy; however, they only wanted something to bring against the poor woman. Jesus spoke to her very kindly, as also to the children, to whom He presented some fruit which they took away with them. The Suphanite remained veiled and standing humbly behind Jesus. He said to the Pharisees: “All gifts come from God. For precious gifts, gratitude gives in return what it has the most precious, and that is no waste. The people that gather and prepare these spices must live.” Then directed one of the disciples to give the value of them to the poor, spoke some words upon the woman’s conversion and repentance, restored her to the good opinion of all, and called upon the inhabitants of the city to treat her affectionately. Mary spoke not a word, but wept quietly under her veil the whole time. At last she cast herself in silence at Jesus’ feet, rose, and left the dining hall.      (Vol. 2,pp. 315-318)

法利赛人咕哝着,就像后来他们反对玛达肋纳向耶稣赠送礼物时做的一样。他们认为这是一种极大的浪费,非常相反节俭和相反对有需要的人的同情;然而,他们只是想找理由反对这个可怜的女人。耶稣非常亲切地对她说话,也亲切地对那些孩子们说话,他把一些水果送给他们,他们带着水果走了。这位舍孚番女人仍然蒙着面纱,谦卑地站在耶稣身后。耶稣对法利赛人说:所有的恩赐都来自天主。珍贵的礼物,用于感恩回报最宝贵的事,这不是浪费。收集和准备这些珍贵香料的人必然存活。于是吩咐其中一位门徒将礼物按其价值分给穷人,对女人的皈依和悔改说了一些话,使她重获众人的好感,并呼吁城里的居民友善地对待她。玛利亚一言不发,一直在面纱下默默地哭泣。最后,她静静地伏在耶稣脚前,起身离开了餐厅。 (第 2 卷,第 315-318 页)


18.Magdalen's Interior Struggle

From Suphan Jesus travels to many other cities in the region,

teaching against idolatry and converting many pagans ,who joyously embrace His teachings.

Everywhere the sick gather in crowds to see Him, hoping to be cured.

Judas is presented to Him as one desirous of becoming a disciple, and Jesus accepts his request.

There is now a small number of people who have given up everything to follow Jesus.







During the healing of the sick, Manahem, the blind disciple of Korea, who had been restored to sight and whom Jesus had sent on a message to Lazarus, returned from Bethania with the two nephews of Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus gave them an interview. The holy women had sent by them money and gifts of various kinds to Jesus. Dina the Samaritan had visited the holy women at Capharnaum, bringing with her a rich contribution. Veronica and Joanna Chusa had also visited Mary. On their return journey they called to see Magdalen, whom they found very much changed.

She was depressed in spirits, her fully apparently undergoing a struggle with her good inclinations. (Vol. 2, p. 428)

在医治病人的期间,已经复明并被耶稣派去给拉匝禄送信的科里亚盲人门徒玛纳罕姆,他同若瑟阿黎玛特雅的两个侄子从伯大尼亚回来了。耶稣接见了他们,与他们面谈。 圣洁的妇女将她们的钱和各种礼物送给耶稣。撒玛黎雅人狄娜曾拜访过葛法翁的圣妇,带来了丰厚的捐献。维洛尼加和苏撒纳雇撒也曾拜访过玛利亚。在她们回程的路上,她们去见玛达肋纳,她们发现她已经发生了很大的变化。

她情绪低落,显然她正在与自己的良好意向作斗争。 (第 2 卷,第 428 页)

19. 玛尔大邀请玛达肋纳去听耶稣讲道

19.Martha Invites Magdalen to Go and Hear Jesus

Jesus meets Judas' family in Iscariot, who receive Him cordially.

From there He and His disciples travel northward to Mount Gabara, visiting many cities along the way. Jesus sends His disciples ahead of Him into the surrounding area to tell the people that He will be giving a great instruction on the mount.

The people gather in great numbers, bringing with them their sick of all kinds.

19. 玛尔大邀请玛达肋纳去听耶稣讲道






Magdalen also wended her way to the mount of instruction near Gabara. Martha and Anna Cleophas had left Damna, where the holy women had an inn, and gone to Magdalum with the view of persuading Magdalen to attend the sermon that Jesus was about to deliver on the mountain beyond Gabara. Veronica, Johanna Chusa, Dina, and the Suphanite had meanwhile remained at Damna, distant three hours from Capharnaum and over one hour from Magdalum. Magdalen received her sister in a manner rather kind and showed her into an apartment not far from her room of state, but into this latter she did not take her. There was in Magdalen a mixture of true and false shame.

玛达肋纳也走上了巴拉附近的训导山。玛尔大和亚纳克罗帕离开了达纳,那里是圣妇们的客栈,她们来到玛格达伦,想说服玛达肋纳参加耶稣即将在迦巴拉那边的山上举行的山中圣训。 维洛尼加、苏撒纳雇撒、狄娜和舍孚番同时留在达纳,离葛法翁有三个小时,离玛格达伦有一个多小时。 玛达肋纳以一种相当亲切的态度接待了她的姐姐,并带她到离她的房间不远的一间寓所,但她并没有带玛尔大进自己的房间。 在玛达肋纳内心有真假混杂的羞耻。

She was partly ashamed of her simple, pious, and plainly dressed sister who went around with Jesus' followers so despised by her visitors and associates, and she was partly ashamed of herself before Martha. It was this feeling that prevented her taking the latter into the apartments that were the scenes of her follies and vices. Magdalen was somewhat broken in spirits, but she lacked the courage to disengage herself from her surroundings. She looked pale and languid. The man with whom she lived, on account of his low and vulgar sentiments, was utterly distasteful to her.



Veronica, Mary Chusa, and Jesus' Mother, who wishes you so well—we all are convinced that you will thank us for the invitation. I think it will cheer you up a little. You appear to be quite forlorn here, you have no one around you who can appreciate your heart and your talents. Oh, if you would only pass some time with us in Bethania! We hear so many wonderful things, and we have so much good to do, and you have always been so full of compassion and kindness. You must at least come to Damna with me tomorrow morning. There you will find all the women of our party at the inn. You can have a private apartment and meet only those that you know," etc. In this strain Martha spoke to her sister, carefully avoiding anything that might wound her.

维洛尼加、玛利亚雇撒,还有耶稣的母亲,她们对你寄予厚望——我们都相信你会感谢我们的邀请。 我想这会让你高兴起来的。你在这里显得很落寞,你身边没有人能欣赏你的心和你的才华。 哦,如果你能和我们一起在伯达尼住一段时间就好了!我们听到了很多美妙的事情,我们有很多好事要做,而你一直充满同情心和善良。 至少明天早上要和我一起去达纳。 在那里你会在客栈里找到我们团体的所有妇女。 你可以拥有一间私人公寓,只见那些你认识的人,等等。玛尔大就用这种语气跟她妹妹说话,小心翼翼地避开任何可能伤害她的事情。

Magdalen's sadness predisposed her to listen favorably to Martha's proposals. She did indeed raise a few difficulties, but at last yielded and promised Martha to accompany her to Damna. She took a repast with her and went several times during the evening from her own apartments to see her. Martha and Anna Cleophas prayed together that night that God would render the coming journey fruitful in good for Magdalen.


A few days previously James the Greater, impelled by a feeling of intense compassion for Magdalen, had come to invite her to the preaching soon to take place at Gabara. She had received him at a neighboring house. James was in appearance very imposing. His speech was grave and full of wisdom, though at the same time most pleasing. He made a most favorable impression upon Magdalen, and she received him graciously whenever he was in that part of the country. James did not address to her words of reproof; on the contrary, his manner toward her was marked by esteem and kindliness, and he invited her to be present at least once at Jesus' preaching.


It would be impossible, he said, to see or hear one superior to Him. She had no need to trouble herself about the other auditors, and she might appear among them in her ordinary dress. Magdalen had received his invitation favorably, but she was still undecided as to whether she should or should not accept it, when Martha and Anna Cleophas arrived.  (Vol. 2, pp. 468-470)

他说,不可能看到或听到比耶稣更高尚的人。她不必因周围其他的旁听者烦恼,她只需穿着普通的装束在人群中就行了。玛达肋纳欣然接受了他的邀请,但当玛尔大和亚纳克罗帕到来时,她仍然没有决定是否应该接受邀请。 (第 2 卷,第 468-470 页)


20.Magdalen Accepts the Invitation


On the eve of the day appointed for the instruction, Magdalen with Martha and Anna Cleophas started from Magdalum to join the holy women at Damna, Magdalen rode on an ass, for she was not accustomed to walking. She was dressed elegantly, though not to such excess nor so extravagantly as at a later period when she was converted for the second time. She took a private apartment in the inn and spoke only with Dina and the Suphanite, who visited her by turns. I saw them together, an affable and wellbred confidence marking their intercourse. There was, however, on the part of the converted sinners, a shade of embarrassment similar to what might be experienced on a military officer's meeting a former comrade who had become a priest. This feeling soon gave way to tears and womanly expressions of mutual sympathy, and they went together to the inn at the foot of the mountain.


The other holy women did not go to the instruction, in order not to annoy Magdalen by their presence. They had come to Damna with the intention of prevailing upon Jesus to remain there and not go to Capharnaum where Pharisees from various localities were again assembled. They, the Pharisees, had taken up their abode together, determined to make Capharnaum their headquarters for awhile, since it was the central point of all Jesus' journeyings. The young Pharisee from Samaria who was present the last time was not among this set; another had taken his place. At Nazareth also and in other places the Pharisees had formed similar unions against Jesus.     (Vol. 2, pp. 470-471)

其他的圣妇们没有去听训导,以免她们的出现让玛达肋纳烦恼。她们来到达纳的目的是说服耶稣留在那儿,而不是去葛法翁,因为那里再次聚集了来自各地的法利赛人。法利赛人已经一起住了下来,决定暂时把葛法翁作为他们的总部,因为那里是耶稣所有行程的中心点。那撒玛黎雅来的少年法利赛人,末后见到过的,不在他们中间,另一个人顶替了他的位置。在纳匝肋和其他地方,法利赛人也组成了类似的联盟来反对耶稣。 (第 2 卷,第 470-471 页)

21. 迦巴拉附近的山中宝训

21.The Mount of Instruction near Gabara

21. 迦巴拉附近的山中宝训

Magdalen and her companions reached the mountain in good time, and found crowds of people already encamped around it. The sick of all kinds were, according to the nature of their maladies, ranged together in different places under light canopies and arbors. High upon the mountain were the disciples, kindly ranging the people in order and rendering them every assistance. Around the teacher's chair was a low, semicircular wall, and over it an awning. The audience had here and there similar awnings erected. At a short distance from the teacher's chair, Magdalen and the other women had found a comfortable seat upon a little eminence.   (Vol.2, p. 471)

玛达肋纳和她的同伴及时到达了这座山,发现周围已经有很多人扎营。各种各样的病人,根据他们的疾病的性质,分布在不同的地方,被安置在帐篷或凉亭树枝搭成的遮阳棚下。在山顶上的门徒,亲切地将人们排列整齐,并给予他们一切帮助。在老师椅子四周,有一堵半圆形的矮墙,墙上有一顶遮篷。听众在这里和那里也竖起了类似的遮篷。玛达肋纳和其他女人在离老师的座椅不远的地方,一个小高地找到了一个舒适的座位。  (第 2 卷,第 471 页)


22.  Magdalen's First Conversion


Magdalen had taken her seat among the other women with the self-confident air of a lady of the world, but her manner was assumed. She was inwardly confused and a prey to interior struggle. At first she gazed around upon the crowd, but when Jesus appeared and began to speak, her eyes and soul were riveted upon Him alone. His exhortations to penance, His lively pictures of vice, His threats of chastisement, affected her powerfully, and unable to suppress her emotions, she trembled and wept beneath her veil.


When Jesus, Himself shedding tears full of loving compassion, cried out for sinners to come to Him, many of His hearers were transported with emotion. There was a movement in the circle and the crowd pressed around Him. Magdalen also, and following her example the other women likewise, took a step nearer. But when Jesus exclaimed: "Ah! If even one soul would come to Me!" Magdalen was so moved that she wanted to fly to Him at once. She stepped forward; but her companions, fearing some disturbance, held her back, whispering: "Wait! Wait!" This movement of Magdalen attracted scarcely any notice among the bystanders, since the attention of all was riveted upon Jesus' words. Jesus, aware of Magdalen's agitation, uttered words of consolation meant only for her.


He said: "If even one germ of penance, of contrition, of love, of faith, of hope has, in consequence of My words, fallen upon some poor, erring heart, it will bear fruit, it will be set down in favor of that poor sinner, it will live and increase. I Myself shall nourish it, shall cultivate it, shall present it to My Father." These words consoled Magdalen while they pierced her inmost soul, and she stepped back again among her companions.  (Vol. 2, pp. 474-475)

他说:我的话,就是好种子,那些听了我话的,哪怕有一丝痛悔,就会在灵魂里萌牙出信仰和希望,结出悔改的果实来,为那可怜的罪人得益处,它会生生不息。我必亲自滋养、培育它,把它献给天父。这些话安慰了玛达肋纳,同时也刺穿了她的灵魂深处,她又回到了同伴中间。 (第 2 卷,第 474-475 页)


23.  Magdalen Witnesses Cures and Exorcisms


It being late in the day, Jesus prays and dismisses the multitude with His blessing.

He and His disciples begin their descent of the mountain and

are invited to dine at the home of Simon Zabulon, the chief of the synagogue in Gabara.




Magdalen and her companions followed Jesus. The former went among the people and took her place near the sick women, as if to render them assistance. She was very much impressed, and the misery that she witnessed moved her still more. Jesus turned first to the men, among whom for a long time He healed diseases of all kinds. The hymns of thanksgiving from the cured and their attendants as they moved away, rang on the breeze. When He approached the sick females, the crowd that pressed around Him and the need that He and His disciples had of space forced Magdalen and the holy women to fall back a little.

Nevertheless, Magdalen sought by every opportunity, by every break in the crowd, to draw near to Him, but Jesus constantly turned away from her.

玛达肋纳和她的同伴跟随着耶稣。玛达肋纳走在人群中,坐在生病的妇女旁边,似乎是在帮助她们。她非常感动,目睹病人的痛苦更让她感动。耶稣首先转向男人,祂在很长一段时间内,治愈了他们中间的各种疾病。当病人和他们的陪伴离开时,感恩的赞美诗在微风中回荡。当耶稣靠近患病的女性时,人群拥挤在他的周围。他和他的门徒需要更大的空间来医治病人,迫使玛达肋纳和圣洁的女性后退一点。 尽管如此,玛达肋纳却想方设法,寻找人群中的每一个突破口,想亲近祂,但耶稣却不断地远离她。

He healed some women afflicted with a flow of blood. But how express the feelings of Magdalen, so delicate, so effeminate, whose eyes were quite unused to the sight of human suffering! What memories, what gratitude swelled the heart of Mary Suphan when six women, bound three,and three were forcibly led to Jesus by strong servant maids who dragged them along with cords, or long linen bands! They were possessed in the most frightful manner by unclean spirits, and they were the first possessed women that I saw brought publicly to Jesus. Some were from beyond the Lake of Genesareth, some from Samaria, and among them were several pagans. They had been bound together only upon reaching this place.


Ordinarily they were perfectly quiet and gentle; they offered no violence to one another. But anon, they became quite furious, screaming and hurling themselves here and there. Their custodians bound them and kept them at a distance during Jesus' discourse, and now when all was nearly over, they brought them forward. As the afflicted creatures drew near to Jesus and the disciples, they began to offer vehement resistance. Satan was tormenting them horribly. They uttered the most awful cries and fell into violent contortions. Jesus turned toward them and commanded them to be silent, to be at peace.

通常情况下,她们非常安静和温柔;她们没有互相激怒。但是很快,她们变得非常愤怒,尖叫着,四处乱撞。看守他们的人,趁耶稣讲道的时候,把她们捆起来,远远的隔开。既将完了,再把她们带到了前面。当受苦的人靠近耶稣和门徒时,她们开始强烈抵抗。撒旦正在可怕地折磨她们。 她们发出了最可怕的叫声,身体剧烈的扭曲起来。耶稣转身对她们说:不要作声,保持安静。

They instantly stood still and motionless; then He went up to them, ordered them to be unbound, commanded them to kneel down, prayed, and laid His hands upon them. Under the touch of His hand they sank into a few moments' unconsciousness, during which the wicked spirits went out of them in the form of a dark vapor. Then their attendants lifted them up, and veiled and in tears, they stood before Jesus, inclining low and giving thanks. He warned them to amend their lives, to purify themselves and do penance, lest their misfortune might come upon them more frightfully than before.    (Vol. 2, pp. 476-477)

她们立刻静止,一动不动了;然后耶稣走到她们跟前,吩咐给她们解开捆绑,她们跪下祈祷,耶稣按手在她们头上。在祂的手的触摸下,她们陷入了片刻的昏迷,在这期间,恶灵以一种黑暗的蒸气的形式离开了她们。然后她们的臣仆把她们扶起来,她们蒙上面纱,流着泪,站在耶稣面前,俯下身来感谢。 祂警告她们要改过自新,净化自己并痛悔,以免她们的不幸比以前更可怕。 (第 2 卷,第 476-477 页)

24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣

24.  Magdalen's First Anointing of Jesus

24. 玛达肋纳第一次傅抹耶稣

It was dusk before Jesus and the disciples, preceded and followed by crowds of people, started at last down the mountain for Gabara. Magdalen, obeying only her impulse without regard to appearances, followed close after Jesus in the crowd of disciples, and her four companions, unwilling to separate from her, did the same. She tried to keep as close to Jesus as she possibly could, though such conduct was quite unusual in females. Some of the disciples called Jesus' attention to the fact, remarking at the same time what I have just observed. But Jesus, turning around to them, replied: "Let them alone! It is not your affair!" And so He entered the city.


When He reached the hall in which Simon Zabulon had prepared the feast, He found the forecourt filled with the sick and the poor who had crowded thither on His approach, and who were loudly calling upon Him for help. Jesus at once turned to them, exhorting, consoling, and healing them. Meanwhile Simon Zabulon, with some other Pharisees, made his appearance. He begged Jesus to come in to the feast, for they were awaiting Him.

当耶稣到达西满则步隆准备好的宴会的大厅时,祂发现前院里挤满了病人和穷人,他们在祂来近的时候拥挤在那里,大声向祂求救。 耶稣立刻转向他们,劝勉、安慰、医治他们。 这时候,西满则步隆,与其他一些法利赛人出现了。 他们等候耶稣,请耶稣来入席。

"Thou hast," he continued, "already done enough for today. Let these people wait till another time, and let the poor go off at once." But Jesus replied: "These are My guests. I have invited them, and I must first see to their entertainment. When thou didst invite Me to thy feast, thou didst invite them also. I shall not go into thy feast until they are helped, and then even I will go in only with them." Then the Pharisees had to go and prepare tables around the court for the cured and the poor. Jesus cured all, and the disciples led those that wished to remain to the tables prepared for them, and lamps were lighted in the court.


Magdalen and the women had followed Jesus hither. They stood in one of the halls of the court adjoining the entertainment hall. Jesus, followed by some of the disciples, went to the table in the latter and from its sumptuous dishes sent various meats to the tables of the poor.

The disciples were the bearers of these gifts; they likewise served and ate with the poor. Jesus continued His instructions during the entertainment. The Pharisees were in animated discussion with Him when Magdalen, who with her companions had approached the entrance, all of a sudden darted into the hall. Inclining humbly, her head veiled, in her hand a little white flask closed with a tiny bunch of aromatic herbs instead of a stopper, she glided quickly into the center of the apartment, went behind Jesus, and poured the contents of her little flask over His head.

玛达肋纳和妇女们跟随耶稣来到了这里。 她们站在与餐厅毗邻的一个大厅里。 耶稣和跟着祂的几个门徒,走到餐桌旁,从丰盛的菜肴中将各种肉类送到穷人的餐桌上。

门徒们承担这些恩赐;他们也照样服侍穷人,与穷人一起吃饭。耶稣在席间继续教训人。 玛达肋纳和她的同伴走到了入口处,法利赛人正在与耶稣进行热烈的讨论,玛达肋纳突然闯进大厅。她谦虚地伏下身来,蒙着头,手里拿着一个白色的小瓶子,瓶子上没有塞子,而是夹着一束芳香的药草。她迅速地溜进房间的中央,走到耶稣身后,把她的小瓶子里的东西全倒在耶稣的头上。 

Then catching up the long end of her veil, she folded it, and with both hands passed it lightly once over Jesus' head, as if wishing to smooth His hair and to arrest the overflow of the ointment.

The whole affair occupied but a few instants, and after it Magdalen retired some steps. The discussion carried on so hotly at the moment suddenly ceased. A hush fell upon the company, and they gazed upon Jesus and the woman. The air was redolent with the fragrance of the ointment. Jesus was silent. Some of the guests put their heads together, glanced indignantly at Magdalen, and exchanged whispers.


整个事情只发生了几分钟,然后玛达肋纳后退了几步。如此火爆的讨论,在这一刻戛然而止。众人安静下来,看着耶稣和那个女人。 空气中弥漫着香膏的芬芳。 耶稣沉默着。 一些客人凑在一起,愤怒地瞥了一眼玛达肋纳,窃窃私语。

Simon Zabulon especially appeared scandalized At last Jesus said to him: "Simon, I know well of what thou art thinking! Thou thinkest it improper that I should allow this woman to anoint My head. Thou art thinking that she is a sinner, but thou art wrong. She, out of love, has fulfilled what thou didst leave undone. Thou hast not shown Me the honor due to guests."


Then He turned to Magdalen, who was still standing there, and said: "Go in peace! Much has been forgiven thee." At these words Magdalen rejoined her companions, and they left the house together. Then Jesus spoke of her to the guests. He called her a good woman full of compassion. He censured the criticizing of others, public accusations, and remarks upon the exterior fault of others while the speakers often hid in their own hearts much greater, though secret evils. Jesus continued speaking and teaching for a considerable time, and then returned with His followers to the inn. . . .

然后耶稣就转身对还站在那里的玛达肋纳说:“你平平安安的去罢。 你的很多罪已经被赦免了。听到这些话,玛达肋纳又回到她的同伴那里,她们一起离开了大厅。 然后耶稣对客人说起她。 祂称她为一个充满同情心的好女人。 祂谴责对別人的批评、公开的指责和对他人外表错误的评论,而说这样话的人往往在自己的内心深处隐藏更大更隐秘的邪恶。耶稣继续讲道和施教了相当长的一段时间,然后和跟随祂的人一起回到客栈。

Magdalen's dress was white, embroidered with large red flowers and tiny green leaves. The sleeves were wide, gathered in and fastened by bracelets. The robe was cut wide and hung loose in the back. It was open in front to just above the knee, where it was caught by straps, or cords. The bodice, both back and front, was ornamented with cords and jewels. It passed over the shoulders like a scapular and was fastened at the sides; under it was another colored tunic. The veil that she usually wore about her neck she had, on entering the banquet hall, opened wide and thrown over her whole person. Magdalen was taller than all the other women, robust, but yet graceful. She had very beautiful, tapering fingers, a small, delicate foot, a wealth of beautiful long hair, and there was something imposing in all her movements. . . .

玛达肋纳的裙子是白色的,上面绣着大红花和小绿叶。 袖子很宽,袖口收拢并用手镯固定。 长袍被裁剪得很宽,在后面松散地下垂。 它从前面打开到膝盖上方,在那里被带子或绳索系住。 上衣前后都饰有绒线和珠宝。 它像肩衣一样越过肩膀搭到后背,并在两侧系紧; 在肩衣下面是另一件彩色束腰外衣。 她平时将面纱裹在脖子上,一进宴会厅就展开面纱,遮住整个人。 玛达肋纳比其他所有女人都高,健壮但又不失优雅。 她的手指尖细、非常漂亮,纤细的小脚,一头漂亮的长发,一举一动都风度翩翩。 . . .

Magdalen was deeply touched and impressed by all she had seen and heard. She was interiorly vanquished. And because she was possessed of a certain impetuous spirit of self-sacrifice, a certain greatness of soul, she longed to do something to honor Jesus and to testify to Him her emotion. She had noticed with chagrin that neither before nor during the meal had He, the most wonderful, the holiest of teachers, He, the most compassionate, the most miraculous Helper of mankind, received from these Pharisees any mark of honor, any of those polite attentions usually extended to guests, and therefore she felt herself impelled to do what she had done. The words of Jesus, "If even one would be moved to come to Me!" still lingered in her memory. The little flask, which was about a hand in height, she generally carried with her, as do the grand ladies of our own day. (Vol. 2, pp. 477-480)

玛达肋纳被她所看到和听到的一切深深打动了。 她在内心被征服了。 因为她有一种自我牺牲的冲动精神,一种伟大的灵魂,她渴望做一些事情来光荣耶稣,并向祂证明她的情感。 她懊恼地注意到,无论是在用餐之前还是用餐期间,祂,最奇妙、最神圣的教师,祂,最富有同情心、最神奇的人类帮助者,都没有从这些法利赛人那里得到任何荣誉的标记,任何通常对客人应该表示的礼貌的关注,因此她觉得自己是被迫去做她所做的事的。 耶稣的话:如果只有一个人会被感动到我这里来!这句话仍然留在她的记忆中。她总是随身带着那只小瓶子,大约有一只手那么高,就像我们时代的贵妇人一样。(第 2 卷,第 477-480 页)


25.Magdalen Falls Back into Sin


When Magdalen returned to the inn with her companions, Martha took her to another about an hour distant and near the baths of Bethulia. There she found Mary and the holy women awaiting her coming. Mary conversed with her. Magdalen gave an account of Jesus' discourse, while the two other women related the circumstances of Magdalen's anointing and Jesus' words to her. All insisted on Magdalen's remaining and going back with them, at least for awhile, to Bethania. But she replied that she must return to Magdalum to make some arrangements in her household, a resolution very distasteful to her pious friends.

当玛达肋纳和她的同伴回到客栈时,玛尔大把她带到另一个地方,离拜突里雅浴场大约有一个小时的距离。 在那里,她找到了玛利亚和等待她到来的圣妇们。玛利亚和她谈话。玛达肋纳把耶稣的讲道述说给她说,另外两名妇女则讲述玛达肋纳傅抹耶稣的情形和耶稣对她说的话。 所有人都坚持要玛达肋纳留下,跟他们一起回去,至少去伯大尼住一段时间。 但她回答说,她必须回到玛格达伦,为她的家庭做一些安排,这个决定使她那些虔诚的朋友们非常反感。 

She could not, however, cease talking of the impressions she had received and of the majesty, force, sweetness, and miracles of Jesus. She felt that she must follow Him, that her own life was an unworthy one, and that she ought to join her sister and friends. She became very thoughtful, she wept from time to time, and her heart grew lighter. Nevertheless, she could not be induced to remain, so she returned to Magdalum with her maid. Martha accompanied her a part of the way, and then joined the holy women who were going back to Capharnaum.

然而,她不能停止地谈论她所得到的印象和耶稣的威严、力量、甜蜜和奇迹。 她觉得自己一定要跟从祂,因为她自已的生命在没有遇到耶稣之前是毫无价值的,她也应与她姐姐的朋友们在一起。 她变得若有所思,不时流泪,心情也变得轻松起来。 尽管如此,她还是不愿意留下,所以她和她的女仆回到了玛格达伦。玛尔大陪她走了一段路,然后加入了要回葛法翁的圣妇们的队伍。

Magdalen was soon again in her old track. She received the visits of men who spoke in the usual disparaging way of Jesus. His journeys, His doctrine, and of all who followed Him. They ridiculed what they heard of Magdalen's visit to Gabara, and looked upon it as a very unlikely story. As for the rest, they declared that they found Magdalen more beautiful and charming than ever. It was by such speeches that Magdalen allowed herself to be infatuated and her good impressions dissipated. She soon sank deeper than before, and her relapse into sin gave the devil greater power over her. He attacked her more vigorously when he saw that he might possibly lose her. She became possessed, and often fell into cramps and convulsions. (Vol. 2, pp. 480-481)

玛达肋纳很快又回到了她的老路。 她接待了一些人的来访,这些人通常以话语贬低耶稣的方式说话。他们贬低祂的旅程,祂的教义,以及所有跟随祂的人。他们嘲笑他们听到的玛达肋纳访问迦巴拉的消息,并认为这是一个非常不可能的故事。至于其他人,他们宣称他们发现玛达肋纳比以往任何时候都更加美丽迷人。正是通过这样的言论,迷惑了玛达肋纳的明智,让她对耶稣给他留下的深刻印象烟消云散了。 她很快就比以前陷得更深了,她重犯的罪使魔鬼对她有更大的权势。 当魔鬼看到自己可能失去她时,就更加猛烈地攻击了她。 她被魔鬼附身了,经常陷入痉挛和抽搐。 (第 2 卷,第 480-481 页)


26.The Relationship between Sin and Illness


From Gabara, Jesus and His disciples travel to Capharnaum, where He performs many miraculous cures and exorcisms.

The Pharisees of this city plan to have Jesus arrested, but His followers are too numerous.

He teaches in the synagogue,

where He expels a demon from a man raging through the crowd.





Next morning, Jesus again taught unmolested in the synagogue. The Pharisees had said to one another: "We can do nothing with Him now; His adherents are too numerous. We shall contradict Him now and then, we shall report all at Jerusalem and wait till He goes up to the Temple for the Pasch." The streets were again filled with the sick. Some had come before the Sabbath, and some till now had not believed, but on the report of the possessed man's cure, they had themselves transported thither from all quarters of the city. Many of them had been there before, but had not been cured. They were weak, tepid, slothful souls, more difficult to convert than great sinners of more ardent nature.

第二天早上,耶稣又在会堂里教训人。法利赛人彼此说:我们现在不能拿他做什么,他的追随者太多了。我们时不时地反驳他,等到他上圣殿过逾越节,在耶路撒冷报告他所有的言论,街上又挤满了病人。 有些人在安息日之前就来了,有些人直到现在还不相信,但听到附魔人被痊愈的报导,他们从城市的四面八方赶到了那里。他们中的许多人以前去过那里,但没有治愈。 他们是软弱、不温不火、懒惰的灵魂,比性格热忱的大罪人更难皈依。

Magdalen was converted only after many struggles and relapses, but her last efforts were generous and final. Dina the Samaritan turned at once from her evil ways, and the Suphanite, after sighing long for grace, was suddenly converted. All the great female sinners were very quickly and powerfully converted, as was also the sturdy Paul, to whom conversion came like a flash of lightning. Judas, on the contrary, was always vacillating, and at last fell into the abyss. It was the same with the great and most violent maladies which h I saw Jesus, in His wisdom, cure at once. They that were afflicted with them, like the possessed, had no will whatever to remain in the state in which they were, or again, self-will was entirely overcome by the violence of the malady.

玛达肋纳是在经历过无数次的试探之后才转变的,但她最后一次是慷慨和彻底的。撒玛黎雅人狄娜立刻转离了她的恶行,而舍孚番人在长久的宽恕之后,突然悔改了。 所有伟大的女性罪人都非常迅速而有力地悔改了,坚强的保禄也是如此,他的悔改就像一道闪电。 犹达斯则相反,总是摇摆不定,最后跌入深渊。 我看到耶稣以祂的智慧立刻治愈了那些最严重,最顽固的疾病。 那些被疾病折磨的人,就像被魔鬼附身的人一样,没有任何意志保留在他们所处的状态,或者再次,自我意志完全被疾病摧毁。

But as to those that were less grievously affected, whose sufferings only opposed an obstacle to their sinning with more facility, and whose conversion was insincere, I saw that Jesus often sent them away with an admonition to reform their lives; or that He only alleviated without curing their bodily ills, that through their pressure the soul might be cured. Jesus could have cured all that came to Him, and that instantaneously, but He did so only for those that believed and did penance, and He frequently warned them against a relapse. Even those that were only slightly sick He sometimes cured at once, if such would prove beneficial to their soul.

至于那些受疾病折磨较轻的人,他们所受的苦难只不过是阻碍了他们更容易犯罪,他们的悔改是不真诚的,我看见耶稣常常打发他们走,告诫他们要改过自新; 有些人,他只是减轻了他们身体的病痛,而没有治愈这些人身上的疾病,因为病苦能够让人从迷障中清醒过来,从而治愈他们的灵魂。 耶稣本可以立即治愈所有来到祂面前的人,但祂只为那些相信并痛悔的人这样做,而且祂经常警告他们不要让疾病复发。 即使是那些只是轻微生病的人,他有时也会立即治愈,如果这对他们的灵魂有益的话。

He was not come to cure the body that it might the more readily sin, but He cured the body in order to deliver and save the soul. In every malady, in every species of bodily infirmity, I see a special design of God. Sickness is the sign of some sin. It may be his own or another's, a sin of which he may be conscious or not, that the sufferer has to expiate, or it may be a trial expressly prepared for him, which by patience and submission to God's will he may change into capital that will yield a rich return. Properly speaking, no one suffers innocently, for who is innocent, since the Son of God had to take upon Himself the sins of the world that they might be blotted out? To follow Him, we are all obliged to bear our cross after Him. (Vol. 3. pp. 7-8)

祂来不是要治好身体,使身体好了更容易犯罪,而是要拯救灵魂。 在每一种疾病中,在每一种身体的软弱中,我都看到了天主的特殊安排。 疾病是罪的标志,这罪可能是自已的,也可能是别人的,而受折磨的人却不得不为自已或别人赎罪。或者,这可能是一个明显的为他准备的考验,通过耐心和顺服天主的旨意,他可能会变得很好,对疾病的忍耐将产生丰厚的回报。 正确地说,没有人是无辜的受苦,因为只有天主的儿子是无罪无辜的,祂必须亲自承担世界的罪孽才能清除世界的罪污。为了跟随他,我们都有责任背负我们自已的十字架。 (第 3 卷。第 7-8 页)

27. 法利赛人在葛法翁会堂与耶稣对峙

27.The Pharisees Confront Jesus in the Synagogue of Capharnaum

27. 法利赛人在葛法翁会堂与耶稣对峙

That evening when Jesus was teaching again in the synagogue, the Pharisees . . . began to dispute with Him on the subject of His forgiving sins. They reproached Him with the fact of His having in Gabara said to Mary Magdalen that her sins were forgiven, and they asked how He knew that. How could He do that? Such talk was blasphemy! Jesus silenced them. Then they tried to provoke Him to say that He was not a man, that He was God. But Jesus again confounded them in their words. This scene took place in the forecourt of the synagogue. At last the Pharisees raised a great cry and tumult. But Jesus slipped from their hands and into the crowd, so that they could not tell where He had gone.     (Vol. 3, pp. 10-11)

那天晚上,耶稣在会堂里教训人,法利赛人在他赦罪的事上与他争论。他们责备耶稣,因为他在迦巴拉对玛达肋纳说她的罪赦免了,他们就责备他,问祂是怎么知道,祂凭什么权柄赦罪? 这种赦罪的话简直是亵渎天主!耶稣的答复使他们哑口无言。然后他们试图挑衅耶稣,说:祂不是人,祂是神。 但耶稣再次用他们的话使他们哑口无言。这一幕发生在会堂的前院。 最后,法利赛人发出了巨大的喊叫和骚乱。但耶稣就从他们中悄然走了,走进人群中,以至于他们不知道祂去了哪里。 (第 3 卷,第 10-11 页)


28.Jesus Cres Two Scribes of Their Leprosy


After Jesus leaves the synagogue, He makes His way to His Blessed Mother's house.

m thence He and His disciples travel to Mageddo, where they meet many of the disciples of John the Baptist. John has sent them in the hope that they will follow Jesus, but they return to John still unconvinced.

Jesus and His disciples travel slowly back to Capharnaum, stopping at many places to teach or heal all who come into their path.







Jesus . . . passed by the estate of the Centurion Zorobabel, as He and His disciples were hurrying along, for the Sabbath had already begun. In his charity, Zorobabel had permitted two young Scribes of about twenty-five years, who on account of their dissolute life had been stricken with leprosy, to take up their abode in his garden. They were perfectly loathsome to look upon, and in their misery subjected to the greatest contempt. The red mantles that enveloped them hid the ulcers with which they were covered. They had once formed a part of Magdalen's gay coterie at Magdalum, had afterward carried on their excesses in other places, and fell at last into the extreme misery in which they now were. At Jesus' recent visit to these parts, they were ashamed to present themselves before Him, but now, convinced by the news of His miracles and great mercy, they had allowed themselves to be dragged to a place near the road by which He would pass and where they could cry to Him for help.

耶稣. . . 经过百夫长索罗巴贝尔的庄园,祂和祂的门徒正匆匆赶路,因为安息日已经开始了。因着愛心,索罗巴贝尔允许两名年约25岁、因生活放荡而染上麻风病的年轻经师住在他的庄园里。他们的样子看上去令人作呕,在他们的悲惨中遭受最大的蔑视。包裹着他们的红色披风遮住了他们身上的溃疡。他们曾经是玛达肋纳在玛格达伦的同性恋小圈子的部分成员,后来在其他地方继续他们的放荡行为,最后陷入了他们现在所处的极度痛苦之中。在耶稣最近访问这些地方时,他们羞于出现在祂面前,并寻求帮助,但现在,他们被祂的神迹和好消息说服,允许自己被带到靠近祂将经过的路旁,以便他们可以向祂呼求帮助。

Jesus would not pause. He hurried on, but told two of Zorobabel's servants, who came running after Him, pleading for the unfortunate creatures, to bring them to the synagogue in Capharnaum. When the people were assembled, they (the servants) were to conduct the lepers to the gallery, one story high, that had been built adjoining the synagogue, and from which the teaching going on inside could be heard by those from without. There they should pray and excite themselves to contrition until He should call them. The servants immediately hastened back, and took the poor men by a shortcut through the flowery ravine to Capharnaum. They dragged them, though not without difficulty, up the outside steps to the gallery where, leaning in at the windows of the synagogue, they could, apart from the throng and in the open air, listen to the teachings of Jesus and with penitent hearts await their Saviour's call. (Vol. 3, pp. 31-32)

耶稣没有停下来,祂匆匆前行,但告诉追赶祂,为不幸的人恳求的索罗巴贝尔的两个仆人,把那二个患麻风病的经师带到葛法翁的会堂去。 当人们聚集在一起时,他们(仆人)应把麻风病人带到一个一层楼高的长廊,它与会堂毗连,外面的人可以从那里听到里面的教导。耶稣告诉他们应该在那里祈祷并激励自己悔改,直到祂呼召他们。 仆人们立即赶回来,带这两个可怜的人走上了一条捷径,穿过繁花似锦的峡谷,来到了葛法翁。仆人把他们拖上外面的台阶上,来到了长廊上,虽然不是没有困难,但他们可以靠在会堂的窗户上,聆听耶稣的教诲,以痛悔的心等候救主的呼召。 (第 3 卷,第 31-32 页)


29.Magdalen Suffers from Demonic Possession


After Jesus is finished teaching in the synagogue, He calls the two scribes down from the gallery,

and, exhorting them to continence and penance, He heals them.

He raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead.

In Corozain He blesses Peter, Andrew, James and John, giving them the graces needed to bless water for Baptism.

Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Foreseeing his own death,

John the Baptist again tells his disciples to leave him and follow Jesus.

In Corozain there are enormous crowds gathering to hear Jesus and be healed by Him. The disciples, to supply food for the multitude, try all night to catch fish. Returning unsuccessful, they are told by Jesus to cast their nets again,

whereupon they miraculously catch more in this one try than they had ever caught before in months together.

Jesus travels to Magdala, where He delivers many from demonic possession.












Jesus next visited His Mother, with whom were then stopping Susanna Alpheus, Mary, the daughter of Cleophas of Nazareth, Susanna of Jerusalem, Dina the Samaritan, and Martha. Jesus told them that He was going away the next morning. Martha was very sad on account of Magdalen's relapse into sin and the state of demoniacal possession in which she then was. She asked Jesus whether she should go to her, but He told her to wait awhile. Magdalen was now often like one beside herself. She yielded to fits of anger and pride, struck all that came in her way, tormented her maids, and was always arrayed in the most wanton attire. I saw her striking the man that lived as master in her house, and I beheld him returning her blows with ill-treatment. At times she fell into frightful sadness; she wept and lamented. She ran about the house seeking for Jesus and crying out: "Where is the Teacher? Where is He? He has abandoned me!"and then fell into convulsions like epileptic fits.  (Vol. 3, p. 94)

耶稣接着拜访了他的母亲,与他同行的还有苏撒纳阿耳斐,纳匝肋人克罗帕的女儿玛利亚,耶路撒冷的苏撒纳,撒玛黎雅人迪娜和玛尔大。耶稣告诉她们,祂第二天早上就要走了。玛尔大非常伤心,因为玛达肋纳重新陷入罪和恶魔附身的状态中。她问耶稣要不要去玛达肋纳那里,但耶稣告诉她要等一等。玛达肋纳现在常常像一个发疯的人,她屈从于愤怒和骄傲的发作,攻击所有阻碍她的人,折磨她的女仆,总是穿着最放荡的装束。我看到她殴打住在她家的雇主,我看到他又虐待回击她。有时她会陷入可怕的悲伤之中;她哭泣和哀叹。她满屋子跑着寻找耶稣,喊道:夫子在哪里?他在哪里?他抛弃了我!然后像癫痫发作一样抽搐起来。 (第 3 卷,第 94 页)


30.Mary the Suphanite Confounded With Mary Magdalen


Martha and Susanna had visited their inns on the way through Galilee to Samaria, for they exercised a kind of general superintendence, the other women seeing to those established in their own respective districts. They went together to the several inns, taking with them asses laden with all kinds of household necessaries. Once, when Mary the Suphanite accompanied them, the report spread among the people that Mary Magdalen now went around with the women who provided for the needs of the Prophet of Nazareth and His party. The Suphanite was in figure very like Magdalen, and neither of them was very well- known on this side of the Jordan. Besides being called Mary and the ill repute her past life had gained for her, the Suphanite also had anointed Jesus at a feast given by one of the Pharisees. She was consequently, even at this early date, confounded with Magdalen, a mistake that only increased with time among those not well acquainted with the Community.  (Vol. 3, pp. 94-95)

玛尔大和苏撒纳在从加里肋亚到撒玛黎雅的路上,曾到过她们的客栈,因为她们行使一种普遍的监督权,其他妇女负责照看各自地区客栈。她们带着满载着各种生活必需品的驴子一起去了几家客栈。有一次,当舍孚番人玛利亚陪伴她们时,有消息在众人中间传开了,说玛利亚玛达肋纳和那些供给纳匝肋先知及其随从食物的妇女在一起。舍孚番人玛利亚的长相很像玛达肋纳,她们两人在约旦河这边都不是很出名。除了被称为玛利亚和她过去的生活为她赢得的恶名外,这位舍孚番玛丽亚还在一位法利赛人举办的宴席上膏抹耶稣。因此,即使在早期,人们把她和玛达肋纳混淆了,这个错误只会随着时间的推移而在那些不熟悉团体中逐渐加剧。 (第 3 卷,第 94-95 页)


31. 玛达肋纳、狄娜和圣母的外貌

31. External Appearance of Magdalen, Dina And the Blessed Virgin


Magdalen was taller and more beautiful than the other women. Dina, however, was much more active and dexterous, very cheerful, ever ready to oblige, like a lively, affectionate girl, and she was moreover very humble. But the Blessed Virgin surpassed them all in her marvelous beauty. Although in external loveliness she may have had her equal, and may have even been excelled by Magdalen in certain striking features, yet she far outshone them all in her indescribable air of simplicity, modesty, earnestness, sweetness, and gentleness. She was so very pure, so free from all earthly impressions that in her one saw only the reflex image of God in His creature. No one’s bearing resembled hers, except that of her Son. Her countenance surpassed that of all women in its unspeakable purity, innocence, gravity, wisdom, peace, and sweet, devout loveliness. Her whole appearance was noble, and yet she was like a simple, innocent child. She was very grave, very quiet, and often pensive, but never did her sadness destroy the beauty of her countenance, for her tears flowed softly down her placid face.        (Vol. 2pp. 480-481)

31. 玛达肋纳、狄娜和圣母的外貌


玛达肋纳比其他女人更高,更漂亮。而狄娜则活跃得多,灵巧得多,非常开朗,乐于助人,像一个活泼、深情的女孩,而且她非常谦虚。但圣母非凡的美丽超越了她们所有人。虽然在外表的美丽动人,可能与她们不相上下,在某些引人注目的特征上甚至可能被玛达肋纳超越,但在她那难以形容的朴素、谦虚、诚挚、甜美和温柔的气质中,她却远胜过所有人。她是如此纯洁,如此脫俗不染,以至于从她的身上只看到了天主在他的受造物中的反射形像。没有人的举止像她,除了她的圣子。她的容颜超越了所有女人的纯洁、天真、庄重、智慧、和平,以及甜美、虔诚的可爱。她整个人看起来高贵,却又像一个纯真的孩子。她很庄重,很安静,经常沉思,但她的悲伤并没有破坏她美丽的容颜,因为她的泪水轻轻地从她平静的脸上流下来。 (第 2 卷,第 480-481 页)


32. 玛尔大劝玛达肋纳重见耶稣

32.   Martha Persuades Magdalen to See Jesus Again

The crowds being too great and excited, Jesus and His disciples leave Capharnaum.

Jesus lays His hands on His Apostles and blesses His disciples

telling them to teach and heal in His name.

Jesus and some of His disciples meet the holy women at the inn at Dothain.


32. 玛尔大劝玛达肋纳重见耶稣






About an hour to the south of the inn at Dothain lay the little town of Azanoth. It was built on an eminence upon which was a teacher’s chair and, in earlier times, it had often been the scene of the Prophet’s preaching. Through the activity of the disciples, the report had been spread throughout the whole region that Jesus was about to deliver a great instruction in that place, and in consequence of this report, multitudes were gathered there from all Galilee. Martha, attended by her maid, had journeyed to Magdalen, in the hope of inducing her to be present at the instruction, but she was received very haughtily by her sister, with whom things had come to the worst. She was, on Martha’s arrival, engaged at her toilet, and sent word that she could not speak to her then.


从多堂客栈往南走约一个小时,就到了阿匝诺斯小镇。 它建在一个高地上,上面有经师座席,在早期,它经常是先知讲道的场所。 借着门徒的活动,消息传遍了整个地区,即耶稣将要在那个地方发表伟大的教导,结果,许多人从加利肋亚全地聚集到那里。 玛尔大在她的女仆的陪同下,前往玛格达伦,希望能让玛达肋纳到场听讲道,但她的妹妹非常傲慢地接待了她,她的情况已经变得最糟糕。 玛尔大一到,玛达肋纳正在梳妆打扮,并差人告诉玛尔大她不能和她说话。

Martha awaited her sister’s appearance with unspeakable patience, occupying herself meanwhile in prayer. At last the unhappy Magdalen presented herself, her manner haughty, excited, and defiant. She was ashamed of Martha’s simple attire. She feared that some of her guests might see her; consequently, she requested her to go away as soon as possible. But Martha, begging to be allowed to rest in some corner of the house, she and her maid were conducted to a room in one of the side buildings where, either through design or forgetfulness, they were allowed to remain without food or drink. It was then afternoon.


Meanwhile, Magdalen adorned herself for the banquet, at which she was seated on a richly decorated chair, while Martha and her maid were in prayer. After the revelry, Magdalen went at last to Martha, taking with her something on a little blue-edged plate and something to drink. She addressed Martha angrily and disdainfully, her whole demeanor expressive of pride, insolence, uneasiness and interior agitation. Martha, full of humility and affection, invited Magdalen to go with her once more to the great instruction Jesus was going to deliver in the neighborhood. All Magdalen’s female friends, Martha urged, those whom she had lately met, would be there and very glad to see her.


She herself (Magdalen) had already testified to the esteem in which she held Jesus, and she should now gratify Lazarus and herself (Martha) by going once more to hear Him preach. She would not soon again have the opportunity of hearing the wonderful Prophet and at the same time of seeing all her friends in her own neighborhood. She had shown by her anointing of Jesus at the banquet at Gabara that she knew how to honor greatness and majesty. She should now again salute Him whom she had once so nobly and fearlessly honored in public, etc.etc.

It would be impossible to say how lovingly Martha spoke to her erring sister, or how patiently she endured her shamefully contemptuous manner.


At last Magdalen replied: “I shall go, but not with you! You can go on ahead, for I will not be seen with one so miserably clothed. I shall dress according to my position, and I shall go with my own friends.” At these words, the two sisters separated, for it was very late.   (Vol.3, pp. 122-123)

最后玛达肋纳回答说:「我会去,但不是和你一起去!」你可以在前面走,那样我不会被看到穿着这么破旧衣服的人。我会根据我的地位穿着,我会和我自己的朋友一起去。」说完这些话,两姐妹就分开了,因为已经很晚了。 (第 3 卷,第 122-123 页)

33. 玛达肋纳的奢华装束

33.Magdalen’s Extravagant Attire

Next morning Magdalen sent for Martha to come to her room while she was making her toilet. Martha went, patient as usual and secretly praying that Magdalen might go with her and be converted. Magdalen, clothed in a fine woolen garment, was sitting on a low stool, while two of her maids were busily engaged washing her feet and arms and perfuming them with fragrant water. Her hair was divided into three parts above the ears and at the back of the head, after which it was combed, brushed, oiled, and braided. Over her fine woolen undergarment was put a green robe embroidered with large yellow flowers, and over that again a mantle with folds. Her headdress was a kind of crimped cap that rose high on the forehead. Both her hair and her cap were interwoven with numberless pearls, and in her ears were long pendants.

33. 玛达肋纳的奢华装束


Her sleeves were wide above the elbow, but narrow below and fastened with broad, glittering bracelets. Her robe was plaited. Her under-bodice was open on the breast and laced with shining cords. During the toilet, Magdalen held in her hand a round, polished mirror. She wore an ornament on her breast. It was covered with gold, and encrusted with cut stones and pearls. Over the narrow-sleeved underdress she wore an upper one with a long flowing train and short, wide sleeves.


It was made of changeable violet silk, and embroidered with large flowers, some in gold, others in different colors. The braids of her hair were ornamented with roses made of raw silk, and strings of pearls, interwoven with some kind of stiff transparent stuff that stood out in points. Very little of the hair could be seen through its load of ornamentation. It was rolled high around the face. Over this headdress, Magdalen wore a rich hood of fine, transparent material. It fell on the high headdress in front, shaded the cheeks, and hung low on the shoulders behind.   (Vol. 3pp. 123-124)

外套是用多变的紫色真丝织成的,上面绣着大花,有些是金色的,有些是不同颜色的。她的发辫上点缀着生丝制成的玫瑰花,以及一串串珍珠,交织着某种坚硬透明的东西,在节点处突出。通过大量的装饰掩盖了秀丽的头发。秀发在面庞周围高高盘起。在这顶头饰上,玛达肋纳戴着一顶由精细透明材料制成的贵重的头纱。它在高高的头饰前面垂下,遮住面颊,在肩后披下。  (第 3 卷,第 123-124 页)

34. 玛达肋纳和她的同伴出发去听耶稣的教导

34.Magdalen and Her Companions Set Out to Attend Jesus' Instruction

Martha took leave of her sister, and went to the inn near Damna, in order to tell Mary and the holy women the success she had had in her efforts to persuade Magdalen to be present at the instruction about to be given in Azanoth. With the Blessed Virgin, about a dozen women had to come to Damna, among them Anna Cleophas, Susanna of Jerusalem, Veronica, Johanna Chusa, Mary Marcus, Dina, Maroni, and the Suphanite.

34. 玛达肋纳和她的同伴出发去听耶稣的教导


Jesus, accompanied by six Apostles and a number of the disciples, started from the inn at Dothain for Azanoth. On the way, He met the holy women coming from Damna. Lazarus was among Jesus' companions on this occasion.


After Martha's departure, Magdalen was very much tormented by the devil, who wanted to prevent her going to Jesus' instruction. She would have followed his suggestions, were it not for some of her guests, who had agreed to go with her to Azanoth, to witness what they called a great show. Magdalen and her frivolous, sinful companions rode on asses to the inn of the holy women near the Baths of Bethulia. Magdalen's splendid seat, along with cushions and rugs for the others, followed, packed on asses. (Vol. 3, pp. 124-125)

玛尔大离开后,玛达肋纳被魔鬼折磨,因为魔鬼要阻止她接受耶稣的教导。 如果不是她的一些客人同意和她一起去阿匝诺斯,观看他们所谓的精彩表演,她会听从魔鬼的建议。玛达肋纳和她那些轻浮、有罪的同伴们骑着驴子来到拜突里雅浴场附近的圣妇的客栈。紧随其后的是玛达肋纳的华丽座椅,以及其他人的垫子和地毯,都装在驴背上,跟在后面。 (第 3 卷,第 124-125 页)

35. 玛达肋纳的第二次悔改

35.Magdalen's Second Conversion

Next morning Magdalen, again arrayed in her most wanton attire and surrounded by her companions, made her appearance at the place of instruction, which was about an hour from the inn at which she was stopping. With noise and bustle, loud talk and bold staring about, they took their places under an open tent in front of the holy women. There were some men of their own stamp in their party. They sat upon cushions and rugs and upholstered chairs, all in full view, Magdalen in front.

35. 玛达肋纳的第二次悔改


Their coming gave rise to general whispering and murmurs of disapprobation, for they were even more detested and despised in these quarters than in Gabara. The Pharisees especially, who knew of her first remarkable conversion at Gabara and of her subsequent relapse into her former disorders, were scandalized and expressed their indignation at her daring to appear in such an assembly.


Jesus, after healing many sick, began His long and severe discourse. The details of His sermon, I cannot now recall, but I know that He cried woe upon Capharnaum, Bethsaida, and Corozain. He said also that the Queen of Saba had come from the South to hear the wisdom of Solomon, but here was One greater than Solomon. And lo, the wonder! Children that had never yet spoken, babes in their mother's arms, cried out from time to time during the instruction: "Jesus of Nazareth! Holiest of Prophets! Son of David! Son of God!" Which words caused many of the hearers, and among them Magdalen, to tremble with fear.

耶稣医好许多病人后,开始了祂长篇而严厉的讲道。祂讲道的细节,我现在记不清了,但我知道祂为葛法翁、贝特赛达和科罗赞哀号。 祂还说,舍巴女王从南方来,要听撒罗满的智慧,但这里有「一位」比撒罗满更大的。看啊!奇迹啊!还没有说过话的孩子,在妈妈怀里的婴儿,在耶稣讲道过程中,这些婴儿不时叫喊:「纳匝肋人耶稣!圣洁的先知!达味之子!天主子!」 这些话使许多听众,连玛达肋纳在内,都惧怕战兢。

Making allusion to Magdalen, Jesus said that when the devil has been driven out and the house has been swept, he returns with six other demons, and rages worse than before. These words terrified Magdalen. After Jesus had in this way touched the hearts of many, He turned successively to all sides and commanded the demon to go out of all that sighed for deliverance from this thralldom, but that those who wished to remain bound to the devil should depart and take him along with them. At this command, the possessed cried out from all parts of the circle: "Jesus, Thou Son of God!"—and here and there people sank to the ground unconscious.


Magdalen also, from her splendid seat upon which she had attracted all eyes, fell in violent convulsions. Her companions in sin applied perfumes as restoratives, and wanted to carry her away. Desiring to remain under the empire of the evil one, they were themselves glad to profit by the opportunity to retire from the scene. But just then some person near her cried out: "Stop, Master! Stop! This woman is dying." Jesus interrupted His discourse to reply: "Place her on her chair! The death she is now dying is a good death, and one that will vivify her!"


After some time another word of Jesus pierced her to the heart, and she again fell into convulsions, during which dark forms escaped from her. A crowd gathered round her in alarm, while her own immediate party tried once again to bring her to herself. She was soon able to resume her seat on her beautiful chair, and then she tried to look as if she had suffered only an ordinary fainting spell. She had now become the object of general attention, especially as many other possessed back in the crowd had, like her, fallen in convulsions, and afterward rose up freed from the evil one.

过了一会儿,耶稣又说了一句话,刺透了她的心,她再次陷入抽搐,黑暗的邪灵从她身上逃出来。 一群人惊慌地围在她周围,而她身边的同伴又一次试图把她拉到她原来的状态。她很快又重新坐回到她那张漂亮的椅子上,然后努力装出自己只是遭受了一次普通的昏厥的样子。她现在成为了大家关注的对象,尤其是人群中许多其他被魔鬼附身的人,像她一样,在抽搐中倒下,然后重生,从邪恶的旧人中解脱出来。

But when for the third time Magdalen fell down in violent convulsions,the excitement increased, and Martha hurried forward to her. When she recovered consciousness, she acted like one bereft of her senses. She wept passionately, and wanted to go to where the holy women were sitting. The frivolous companions with whom she had come hither held her back forcibly, declaring that she should not play the fool, and they at last succeeded in getting her down the mountain.


Lazarus, Martha, and others who had followed her, now went forward and led her to the inn of the holy women. The crowd of worldlings who had accompanied Magdalen had already made their way off.

拉匝禄、玛尔大还有其他跟随的人走上前去,领她进了圣妇客栈。 陪伴玛达肋纳的那群世俗人已经离开了。

Before going down to His inn, Jesus healed many blind and sick. Later on, He taught again in the school, and Magdalen was present. She was not yet quite cured, but profoundly impressed, and no longer so wantonly arrayed. She had laid aside her superfluous finery, some of which was made of a fine scalloped material like pointed lace, and so perishable that it could be worn only once. She was now veiled. Jesus in His instruction appeared again to speak for her special benefit and, when He fixed upon her His penetrating glance, she fell once more into unconsciousness and another evil spirit went out of her.


Her maids bore her from the synagogue to where she was received by Martha and Mary, who took her back to the inn. She was now like one distracted. She cried and wept. She ran through the public streets saying to all she met that she was a wicked creature, a sinner, the refuse of humanity. The holy women had the greatest trouble to quiet her. She tore her garments, disarranged her hair, and hid her face in the folds of her veil.


When Jesus returned to His inn with the disciples and some of the Pharisees, and while they were taking some refreshments standing, Magdalen escaped from the holy women, ran with streaming hair and uttering loud lamentations, made her way through the crowd, cast herself at Jesus' feet, weeping and moaning, and asked if she might still hope for salvation.


The Pharisees and disciples, scandalized at the sight, said to Jesus that He should no longer suffer this reprobate woman to create disturbance everywhere, that He should send her away once and for all. But Jesus replied: "Permit her to weep and lament! Ye know not what is passing in her"—and He turned to her with words of consolation. He told her to repent from her heart, to believe and to hope, for that she should soon find peace. Then He bade her depart with confidence.

法利赛人和门徒看见了,非常反感,就对耶稣说,不要再让这个堕落的女人到处招惹是非了,要把她永远赶出去。 但是耶稣回答说:「让她哭泣和哀号吧!你们不知道她正在经历什么。」然后祂转向她,说些安慰她的话。 祂告诉她发自内心地悔改,要相信,要盼望,因为她很快就会得到安宁。然后祂吩咐她充满信心地回去。

Martha, who had followed with her maids, took her again to the inn. Magdalen did nothing but wring her hands and lament. She was not yet quite freed from the power of the evil one, who tortured and tormented her with the most frightful remorse and despair. There was no rest for her—she thought herself forever lost.


To escape the great crowd that had gathered here, Jesus went that night with His disciples into the neighborhood of Damna, where there was an inn, as well as a lovely eminence upon which stood a chair for teaching. Next morning when the holy women came thither accompanied by Magdalen, they found Jesus already encompassed by people seeking His aid. When His departure became known, the crowds awaiting Him at Azanoth, as well as new visitors, came streaming to Damna, and fresh bands continued to arrive during the whole instruction.


Magdalen, crushed and miserable, now sat among the holy women. Jesus inveighed severely against the sin of impurity, and said that it was that vice that had called down fire upon Sodom and Gomorrha. But He spoke of the mercy of God also and of the present time of pardon, almost conjuring His hearers to accept the grace offered them. Thrice during this discourse did Jesus rest His glance upon Magdalen, and each time I saw her sinking down and dark vapors issuing from her.

玛达肋纳心碎而悲惨,现在坐在圣妇中间。 耶稣严厉谴责不洁之罪,并说正是这种恶习使索多玛和哈摩辣降火。 但祂也讲到了天主的慈悲和现在的赦免,几乎是在召唤祂的听众接受所赐给他们的恩宠。 在这次讲道中,耶稣三次将目光停留在玛达肋纳身上,每次我都看到她下沉,黑色的蒸汽从她身上冒出来。

The third time, the holy women carried her away. She was pale, weak, annihilated as it were, and scarcely recognizable. Her tears flowed incessantly. She was completely transformed, and passionately sighed to confess her sins to Jesus and receive pardon. The instruction over, Jesus went to a retired place, whither Mary herself and Martha led Magdalen to Him. She fell on her face weeping at His feet, her hair flowing loosely around her. Jesus comforted her.


When Mary and Martha had withdrawn, she cried for pardon, confessed her numerous transgressions, and asked over and over: "Lord, is there still salvation for me?" Jesus forgave her sins, and she implored Him to save her from another relapse. He promised to do so, gave her His blessing, and spoke to her of the virtue of purity, also of His Mother, who was pure without stain.


He praised Mary highly in terms I had never before heard from His lips, and commanded Magdalen to unite herself closely to her and to seek from her advice and consolation. When Jesus and Magdalen rejoined the holy women, Jesus said to them: "She has been a great sinner, but for all future time, she will be the model of penitents."


Magdalen, through her passionate emotion, her grief and her tears, was no longer like a human being, but like a shadow tottering from weakness. She was, however, calm, though still weeping silent tears that exhausted her. The holy women comforted her with many marks of affection, while she in turn craved pardon of each. As they had to set out for Naim and Magdalen was too weak to accompany them, Martha, Anna Cleophas, and Mary the Suphanite went with her to Damna, in order to rest that night and follow the others next morning. The holy women went through Cana to Naim.


Upon her request, Lazarus went to Magdalum in order to take charge of her property, and dissolve the ties she had there formed. She owned near Azanoth and in the surrounding country fields and vineyards which Lazarus, on account of her extravagance, had previously sequestered. (Vol. 3, pp. 125-130)

应玛达肋纳的要求,拉匝禄前往玛格达伦,以管理她的财产,并解除她在那里建立的联系。她在阿匝诺斯附近和周围的乡村拥有田地和葡萄园,拉匝禄由于她的奢侈浪费,以前曾将这些田地和葡萄园隔离开来。 (第 3 卷,第 125-130 页)



36.News of Magdalen's Conversion Spreads

Jesus and His disciples make their way to Nazareth, where He is well received; but the Pharisees, on learning that He does not intend to stay, become insolent.

He cures many here and settles many disputes among neighbors.







When Jesus was leaving the synagogue, three women presented themselves before Him, requesting a private interview. When He withdrew with them from the crowd, they cast themselves on their knees before Him, and made their laments over their husbands, whom they begged Jesus to help.


Their husbands, they said, were tormented by evil spirits, by whom they themselves were sometimes attacked. They had heard, they said, that He had helped Magdalen, and they hoped that He would likewise have pity on them. Jesus promised to visit their homes.

她们说,她们的丈夫受到邪灵的折磨,她们自己有时也会受到邪灵的攻击。 她们说,她们听说耶稣帮助了玛达肋纳,她们希望祂也同样怜悯她们。耶稣答应要拜访她们的家。

He went first, however, with His disciples to the house of a certain Simeon, a simple-hearted man belonging to the married Essenians. He was of middle age and the son of a Pharisee of Dabereth on Thabor. Jesus and the disciples partook, in this house, of refreshments standing.


Simeon was desirous of bestowing all his goods upon the Community, and he spoke with Jesus to that effect.


On leaving Simeon's, Jesus went as He had promised to the homes of the women, and had an interview with them and their husbands. Affairs were not just as the wives had stated, for they had thrown upon their husbands the blame of which they were themselves deserving. Jesus exhorted both parties to live in harmony, to pray, to fast, and to give alms.

耶稣从西家出来,照着所应许的,去见那些妇女和她们的丈夫。丈夫们的 风流韵事并不像妻子们所说的那样,因为她们把自己应受的罪责都推到了丈夫身上。 耶稣劝勉双方和睦相处,祈祷、禁食、施舍。  

After the Sabbath these infirm women followed Jesus to a mountain a little to the north of Thabor where He was going to deliver a discourse. He did not remain long there. He went southward toward Kisloth, which city the holy women passed on their road to Naim, Magdalen also, when journeying with her party.


On the way Jesus again instructed the Apostles upon what was in store for them. He told them how they should behave when they arrived in Judea, where they would not be so well received. He gave them new directions as to their conduct, also for the imposition of hands and the driving out of the demon, and as an additional source of strength and increase of grace, He again conferred upon them His benediction. (Vol. 3, pp. 132-133)

在路上,耶稣再次告知宗徒们,他们将得到的恩宠。祂告诉他们,当他们到达犹太地时,他们应该如何行事,在那里他们不会那么受欢迎。祂为指导他们的行动给了他们新的指示,也包括覆手和驱魔,作为额外的力量和恩宠的泉源,祂再次赐予他们祂的降福。 (第 3 卷,第 132-133 页)

It was still dawn when Jesus left the house and went out on the road where were awaiting Him about five men and women. From a retired spot, a little off from the road, they cried to Him for assistance. Jesus stepped to them, and they cast themselves at His feet. One of the women addressed Him: "Lord, we are from Tiberias, and until now we have hesitated to implore Thy help. The Pharisees told us that Thou art hard and pitiless toward sinners.

还破晓的时候,耶稣出了房子,到了路上,有五男五女在那里等候祂。 他们从一个离路不远的隐蔽处,向祂呼喊,请求帮助。耶稣走到他们跟前,他们就俯伏在祂的脚前。 其中一位妇人对他说:「主啊,我们来自提庇黎雅,直到现在我们仍犹豫着恳求帮助。法利赛人告诉我们,祢对罪人是严厉无情的。」

But we have heard of Thy merciful compassion to Magdalen, whom Thou didst free from her miseries, and whose sins Thou didst also forgive. All this gave us courage, and we have followed Thee thither. Lord, have mercy on us! Thou canst heal us and purify us. Thou canst likewise forgive us our sins." The men and women were standing apart from one another. They were afflicted with leprosy and other maladies. One woman was possessed by a wicked spirit who threw her into convulsions.


Jesus took them aside, one by one, to hear the particulars of their confession, inasmuch as the detailed account would serve to increase their sorrow and repentance. He did not exact this from all, unless it was necessary. He cured those of whom we are now speaking, and forgave them their sins. They melted into tears of gratitude, and begged Him to say what they should henceforth do. In reply, Jesus commanded them not to return to Tiberias, but to go to another place       (Vol. 3, p. 138)

耶稣把他们一个一个带到一边,听他们认罪的细节,因为详细的叙述会增加他们的悲伤和悔改。 除非有必要,否则祂并不要求所有人都详细叙述。祂治愈了这些人,并赦免了他们的罪。他们流下了感激的泪水,恳切求问耶稣告诉他们今后应该怎么做。耶稣回答说,不要返回提庇黎雅,而是去另一个地方(第 3 卷,第 138 页)


37. 圣妇照料客栈


37.The Holy Women Care for the Inns

The holy women, Mary, Veronica, Susanna, Magdalen, and Mary the Suphanite, were now in Dothan near Samaria. They were stopping with Issachar, the sick husband, whom Jesus had lately healed. The holy women never went to the public inns. Martha, Dina, Johanna Chusa, Susanna Alpheus, Anna Cleophas, Mary Johanna Marcus, and Maroni went, two by two, to look after the inns and supply what was wanting. There were about twelve of these women. (Vol.3, p. 142)

37. 圣妇照客栈

圣洁的妇女玛利亚、维洛妮加、苏撒纳、玛达肋纳和舍孚番的玛利亚,现在都在撒玛黎雅附近的多堂。她们和依撒加尔停歇在客栈,依撒加尔是耶稣最近医治的病人。圣妇们从不去公共客栈。玛尔大、狄娜、苏撒纳.雇撒、苏撒纳.阿耳斐、亚纳.克罗帕、玛利亚.约安纳.马尔谷和马洛尼两个两个地去照看客栈,供应他们需要的东西。 这些妇女大约有十二个。 (第 3 卷,第 142 页)


38.Jesus Defends the Converted Holy Women


Jesus sends the Apostles into hostile parts of the country to preach penance. John the Baptist is beheaded at the request of Herodias' daughter Salome.

Jesus, Peter and John journey to Antipatris, where He cures a paralytic girl. The Pharisees jeer and insult Him as He teaches in the synagogue of that city, ascribing His miracles to sorcery.

Jesus, Peter and John travel to Bethoron.

They are much better received by the Pharisees here, who invite them to a dinner.













During the meal, the Pharisees addressed to Him all kinds of reproaches; among others, they alleged that He allowed women of bad repute to follow Him about. These men had heard of the conversion of Magdalen, of Mary Suphan, and of the Samaritan. Jesus replied: "If ye knew Me, ye would speak differently. I am come to have pity on sinners."


He contrasted external ulcers, which carry off poisonous tumors and are easily healed, with internal ones which, though full of loathsome matter, do not affect the appearance of the individual so afflicted. The Pharisees further alleged that His disciples had neglected to wash before the meal, which gave Jesus an opportunity for a timely and energetic protest against the hypocrisy and sanctimoniousness of the Pharisees themselves.


When they spoke of the women of ill repute, Jesus related a parable. He asked which was the more praiseworthy, the debtor, who having a great debt, humbly implored indulgence until he could faithfully discharge it little by little; or another who, though deeply in debt, spent all he could lay his hands on in rioting and, far from thinking of paying what he owed, mocked at the conscientious debtor.

Jesus related likewise the parables of the good shepherd and the vineyard, as He had done at Antipatris, but His hearers were indifferent; they did not seize the application.    (Vol. 3, pp. 159) 

当他们说到那些声名狼藉的妇女时,耶稣就设了一个比喻。祂问哪个更值得称赞,那个欠下巨额债务的债务人,谦卑地恳求宽恕,直到他能够忠实地一点一点地偿还; 或者另一个人,虽然负债累累,却在放荡中花尽了所有的财富,而且根本没有考虑偿还他所欠的债,而是嘲笑有良心的债务人。耶稣也讲了好牧人和葡萄园的比喻,就像祂在安提帕特所讲的那样,但祂的听众无动于衷。 他们没有体会到主的用意。 (第 3 卷,第 159 页)


39.Magdalen Begins Her Life as a Penitent

From Bethoron, which was six hours distant from Jerusalem, Jesus went straight on to Bethania, stopping at no place on the way, excepting Athanot. Lazarus had already returned to Bethania from Magdalum, where he had put everything in order and engaged a steward for the castle and other property. To the man who had lived with Magdalen, he had assigned a dwelling situated on the heights near Ginnim and sufficient means for his support. The gift was gladly accepted.


耶稣从贝特曷龙出来,离耶路撒冷有六小时之遥,就一直往伯达尼去,途中除了阿萨诺特外,没有在任何地方停留。拉匝禄已经从玛格达伦回到伯达尼,他把玛格达伦一切都整理好,并为城堡和其他财产聘请了一位管家。拉匝禄还为那个曾经与玛达肋纳同居的人安排了一所房子,位于吉宁附近的高地,并为他分配了足够的生活物质。 那人欣然接受了馈赠。

As soon as she arrived in Bethania, Magdalen went straight to the dwelling of her deceased sister, Mary the Silent, by whom she had been very much beloved, and spent the whole night in tears. When Martha went to her in the morning, she found her weeping on the grave of her sister, her hair unbound and flowing around her.

玛达肋纳一到达伯达尼,就直奔她深爱的已故姐姐沉默的玛利亚的住所,哭了一整夜。 到了早晨,玛尔大去找她时,发现她在姐姐的坟墓上哭泣,头发松散,在她周围飘动。

The women of Jerusalem also had returned to their homes, all making the journey on foot. Magdalen, though exhausted by her malady and the shocks she had received, and wholly unaccustomed to such travelling, insisted upon walking like the others. Her feet bled more than once. The holy women who, since her conversion, showed her unspeakable affection, were often obliged to come to her assistance. She was pale and exhausted from weeping. She could not resist her desire to express her gratitude to Jesus, so she went over an hour's journey to meet Him, threw herself at His feet, and bedewed them with repentant and grateful tears.

耶路撒冷的妇女也都步行回家去了。 玛达肋纳虽然因疾病和爱到的冲击而筋疲力尽,而且完全不习惯这样的步行,但还是坚持要像其他人一样走路。 她的脚不止一次流血。自从她皈依后,那些圣妇对她表现出难以言喻的爱,常常不得不来帮助她。 她哭得脸色苍白,筋疲力尽。 她无法抑制自已向耶稣表达感激的渴望,于是她走了一个多小时的路程去祂,俯伏在祂的脚前,用悔改和感激的泪水浸湿了的祂的圣足。

Jesus extended His hand to her, raised her, and addressed to her words of kindness. He spoke of her deceased sister, Mary the Silent. He said that she should tread in her footsteps and do penance as she had done, although she had never sinned. Magdalen then returned home with her maid by another way.

耶稣向她伸出手,扶起她,对她说善意的话。 祂谈到了她已故的姐姐,沉默的玛利亚。 耶稣对玛达肋纳说她应该追随沉默的玛利亚的脚步,像她那样做补赎,尽管沉默的玛利亚从未犯过罪。之后,玛达肋纳带着她的女仆,从另一条路回家了。


Magdalen occupied the little apartments of Mary the Silent's dwelling. She often sat in a very narrow little room that appeared to be formed in a tower. It was a retired corner intended for penitential exercises. She still wept freely. True, she was no longer actually sick, but from contrition and penance, she had become quite pale and reduced. She looked like one crushed by sorrow. (Vol. 3, pp. 160, 188)

玛达肋纳住进了沉默者玛利亚住所的小套间。她经常坐在一个非常狭窄的小房间里,看起来像是一座塔楼。这是一个退隐的角落,用于练习补赎。她仍然自由地哭泣。诚然,她实际上已经不再生病,但由于忏悔和痛悔,她变得相当苍白和消瘦。她看起来像一个被悲伤压垮的人。 (第 3 卷,第 160188 页)



40.Jesus Frees the Prisoners at Tirzah

From Bethoron Jesus travels to Hebron, where He visits the tomb of the Patriarchs.

Word of John the Baptist's death spreads, and some of the disciples and holy women journey to Machaerus to retrieve his body and head, which they carry back to Hebron to be entombed.

Jesus cures the man paralyzed thirty-eight years at the Pool of Bethsaida.

He teaches in the Temple during the Feast of Three Days.

He and His disciples then journey to Tirzah, where Jesus visits those imprisoned for debt.












Jesus then pressed the head men among the magistrates and Pharisees to go with Him to the Roman superintendent of the prison, and offer to ransom the most miserable and neglected of the inmates. This proposal was made in the hearing of many; consequently, the Pharisees could not refuse. When Jesus and His disciples turned off toward the residence of the superintendent, a crowd followed, sounding Jesus' praises.

于是耶稣迫使官长和法利赛人中的首领,与祂一起去见罗马监狱长,为那些最悲惨,最被忽略的囚犯赎身, 这个提议是在许多人的听证会上提出的,因此,法利赛人无法拒绝。当耶稣和祂的门徒转身往监狱长的住处去,有许多人跟在后面,赞美耶稣。

The superintendent was a much better man than the Pharisees, who maliciously ran up the prisoners' debts so high that, for the release of some of them, Jesus had to pay fourfold. But because He had not the money around Him, He gave as a pledge a triangular coin to which hung a parchment ticket, upon which He had written some words authorizing the sum to be discharged from Magdalen's property, which Lazarus was about to sell. The entire proceeds were destined by Magdalen and Lazarus for the benefit of the poor, for debtors, and the relief of sinners.

监狱长比法利赛人要得多,法利赛人恶意加囚犯的债,使他们债台高筑,以致为了释放其中一些人,耶稣不得不支付四倍的价钱。 但是因为祂身边没有钱,祂给了一个三角形硬币作为抵押,上面挂着一张羊皮纸票据,写了几句话,授权拉匝禄出售玛达肋纳的财产。出售资产的全部收益是由玛达肋纳和拉匝禄指定用于穷人、债务人和罪人的救济。

Magdalum was a more valuable estate than that of Bethania. Each side of the triangular coin was about three inches long, and in the center was an inscription indicating its value. To one end hung a jointed strip of metal, like two or three links of a chain, and to this the writing was fastened. (Vol.3, pp. 203,204)

玛格达伦是比伯达尼更值钱的庄园。三角形硬币的每一面大约有三英寸长,中间有一个铭文,表明它的价值。一端挂着一条有接头的金属条,就像一条链子的两个或三个链节,字迹被固定在这个上面。 (第 3 卷,第 203,204 页)




41.Jesus Arrives at Lazarus' for the Paschal Solemnity


After the prisoners are released, Jesus again travels to Capharnaum, where the Pharisees are investigating His cures.

Word of Jesus' return has spread,

and there are massive crowds awaiting Him.

All of the twelve Apostles have returned from their teaching,

along with the disciples.

They assist Jesus by healing, exorcising and teaching throughout the multitude.

Jesus feeds the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes.

He walks on the water of the Sea of Galilee and teaches at the Synagogue of Capharnaum on the Bread of Life.

From thence Jesus travels to mostly pagan cities, where He is well received.

He feeds the four thousand with seven loaves and seven fishes.

He promises Peter the Keys to His Kingdom.

Jesus and His disciples make their way toward Bethania and Jerusalem to celebrate the Pasch at the home of Lazarus.


















About three hours from Bethania, but still in the desert, stood a solitary shepherd hut whose occupants depended for the most part on the charity of Lazarus. To this abode, Magdalen with a single companion, Mary Salome, a relative of Joseph, had come to meet Jesus. She had prepared for Him some refreshments. On His approach, she hurried out and embraced His feet. Jesus rested here only a short time and then set out for Lazarus' inn, one hour from Bethania.


The two women returned home by another way. Jesus found some of the disciples whom He had sent on their mission already returned and at the inn; others came later, and in Bethania all met again. Jesus did not go through Bethania, but entered Lazarus' dwelling from the rear. On His arrival, all hurried out into the court to meet Him. Lazarus washed His feet, and then they passed up through the gardens. The women saluted Jesus with their veils lowered.

两个女人从另一条路回家了。 耶稣发现祂派去执行传教的门徒中,有几个已经回到了客栈,其他人随后来到,都在伯达尼聚会。耶稣没有从伯达尼经过,而是从伯达尼后面进入拉匝禄的住处。 耶稣一到,大家都跑到院子里迎接祂。拉匝禄洗了耶稣的脚,然后他们穿过花园。 妇女们垂下面纱向耶稣敬礼。

A very touching incident attended Jesus' arrival. The four lambs destined for the Paschal solemnity were brought in at the same moment that Jesus entered. They had been separated from the flock and turned into a little grassy park. The Blessed Virgin, who also was here, and Magdalen had twined little wreaths which were to be hung around their necks.


Jesus' coming was just before the commencement of the Sabbath, and He celebrated it with the family in a hall. He was very grave. He read the lesson for the Sabbath, and gave an instruction upon it. During the evening meal, He spoke of the Paschal lamb and of His future Passion. (Vol. 3, pp. 274-275)

耶稣恰在安息日开始之前来到,祂和拉匝禄的家人在一个大厅里庆祝安息日。祂非常严肃。祂读了安息日的经文,并就此课题给出了训导。晚餐时,祂谈到了逾越节羔羊和祂未来的苦难。  (第 3 卷,第 274-275 页)

42. 玛达肋纳对耶稣的爱

42. Magdalen's Love for Jesus

On the Sabbath Jesus taught in Lazarus', and then all went to walk in the gardens. Jesus talked of His Passion and said in plain terms that He was the Christ. His words increased His hearers' reverence and admiration for Him, while Magdalen's love and contrition reached their height.


42. 玛达肋纳对耶稣的爱


She followed Jesus everywhere, sat at His feet, stood and waited for Him everywhere. She thought of Him alone, saw Him alone, knew only her Redeemer and her own sins. Jesus frequently addressed to her words of consolation. She was very greatly changed.


Her countenance and bearing was still noble and distinguished, though her beauty was destroyed by her penance and tears. She sat almost always alone in her narrow penance chamber, and at times performed the lowest services for the poor and sick.(Vol. 3, pp. 275-276)

她的容貌和举止仍然高贵尊贵,尽管她的美丽被她的苦修和眼泪所破坏。她几乎总是一个人坐在她狭窄的补赎间里,有时为穷人和病人提供服务,做最卑微的工作。  (第 3 卷,第 275-276 页)

43. 耶稣告诫祂的追随者要不停地祈祷

43.Jesus Admonishes His Followers To Pray without Ceasing

I saw Jesus several times walking with the disciples and other friends on the Mount of Olives, while Mary, Magdalen, and other women promenaded at some distance. I saw the disciples snapping off ears from the ripe cornfields, and here and there eating fruits and berries.


43. 耶稣告诫祂的追随者要不停地祈祷


Jesus gave the disciples minute instructions on prayer, warned them against hypocrisy in it, and repeated to them many things that He had before said. He likewise admonished them ever to walk by uninterrupted prayerin the presence of God, His own and their Father.

耶稣给了门徒一些关于祈祷的简短教导,警告他们不要在祈祷中虚伪,并向他们重复祂以前说过的许多事情。祂同样告诫他们永远不要在天主,祂自己和他们的天父面前中断祈祷。(Vol. 3, p. 280)


44. Mercuria

After the Pasch, Jesus and His disciples travel toward the city of Tiberias, staying a few days here and there, teaching and healing along the way.

Jesus is transfigured on Mount Thabor. He sends the Apostles and disciples,

to teach in the surrounding area for thirty days before rejoining Him.

During this time, He and a few followers sail to the island of Cyprus,

where he converts many, both Jewish and pagan,

and is met with respect everywhere He goes.










When Jesus had returned to the inn with the disciples, a pagan came to Him and begged Him to go with him to a certain garden a few steps distant, where a person in distress was waiting to implore His assistance. Jesus went with the disciples to the place indicated. There He saw standing between the walls on the road a pagan lady, who inclined low before Him.


He ordered the disciples to fall back a little, and then questioned the woman as to what she wanted. She was a very remarkable person, perfectly destitute of instruction, quite sunk in paganism, and wholly given up to its abominable service. One glance from Jesus had cast her into disquiet, and roused in her the feeling that she was in error, but she was without simple faith, and had a very confused manner of accusing herself.


She told Jesus that she had heard of His having helped Magdalen, as also the woman afflicted with the issue, of whom the latter had merely touched the hem of His garment. She begged Jesus to cure and instruct her, but then again, she said perhaps He could not cure her as she was not, like the woman with the issue, physically sick.


She confessed that she was married and had three children, but that one, unknown to her husband, had been begotten in adultery. She had also intercourse with the Roman Commandant. When Jesus, on the preceding day, visited the last named, she had watched Him from a window and saw a halo of light around His head, which sight very powerfully impressed her.

她承认自己已婚并育有三个孩子,但她丈夫不知道其中一个孩子是在通奸中生的。她还与罗马指挥官私通。 当耶稣在前一天拜访上述提到的地方时,她从窗户里注视着祂,并看到祂的头上有一圈光晕,这种景象给她留下了深刻的印象。

She at first thought that her emotion sprang from love for Jesus, and the idea caused her anguish so intense that she fell to the ground unconscious. When returned to herself, her whole life, her whole interior passed before her in so frightful a manner that she entirely lost her peace of mind.


She then made inquiries about Jesus, and learned from some Jewish women of Magdalen's cure, also that of Enue of Caesarea- Philippi, the woman afflicted with the issue of blood. She now implored Jesus to heal her if He possibly could. Jesus told her that the faith of that afflicted woman was simple; that, in the firm belief that if she could touch only the seam of His garment she would be cured, she had approached Him stealthily and her faith had saved her.


The silly woman again asked Jesus how He could have known that Enue touched Him and that He healed her. She did not comprehend Jesus or His power, although she heartily longed for His assistance. Jesus rebuked her, commanded her to renounce her shameful life, and told her of God the Almighty and His Commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”


He placed before her all the abominations of the debauchery (against which her nature itself revolted) practiced in the impure service of her gods; and He met her with words so earnest and so full of mercy that she retired weeping and penetrated with sorrow.

耶稣把她一切可憎的放荡行为(即相反她的本性的行为)摆在她面前,这些行为是为她的神明从事不洁的服务的。 耶稣以极其恳切和充满怜悯的话语感化她,以致她哭泣着退下,悲痛欲绝。

The lady’s name was Mercuria. She was tall, and about twenty-five years old. She was enveloped in a white mantle, long and flowing in the back but rather shorter in front, which formed a cap around the head. Her other garments also were white, though with colored borders.      (Vol.3pp. 355-357)

这位女士的名字是摩科瑞。她个子很高,大约二十五岁。她被一件白色的披风包裹着,披风在后面长而飘逸,但在前面较短,在头上形成了一顶帽子。她的其他衣服也是白色的,虽然有彩色边框。  (第 3 卷,第 355-357 页)



45. 圣妇们的工作

45.The Work of the Holy Women


There are now about twelve holy women who travel about the country, two by two, looking after the inns or working and praying together.



45. 圣妇们的工作





Magdalen and the Suphanite were nothing like as beautiful as they used to be. They were pale and thin, and their eyes red from weeping. Martha was very energetic, and in business affairs very talkative. Johanna Chusa was a tall, pale, vigorous woman, grave in manner, but at the same time active.

玛达肋纳和舍孚番不再像从前那样美丽。她们苍白而消瘦,眼睛因哭泣而发红。 玛尔大精力充沛,在生意上也很健谈。苏撒纳.雇撒是一个高大、苍白、精力充沛的女人,举止严肃,但同时也很活跃。


Veronica had in her deportment something very like St. Catherine; she was frank, resolute, and courageous. When the holy women were thus gathered together, they used to work industriously, sewing and preparing for the Community all sorts of things, which were distributed among their private inns, or laid away in the storerooms. From these latter the Apostles and disciples supplied their own needs, as well as those of the poor.

维洛尼加的举止很像圣加大利亚。她坦率、果断、勇敢。当圣妇们这样聚集在一起时,她们常常辛勤地工作,为他们 “团体”的需要而缝制和准备各种东西,这些东西供应她们的几个私人客栈,或者存放在储藏室里。宗徒和门徒从这些储藏中供应他们自己和穷人的需要。

When there was no special work of this kind to be done, the holy women spent their time in sewing for poor synagogues. They generally had with them their maid-servants, who preceded or followed them  on their journeys, and carried the various materials, sometimes in leathern pouches, sometimes attached to their girdle under their mantle.


These maids wore tightly fitting bodices and short tunics. When the holy women were to remain some time at any place, their maids returned and awaited their coming at some of the inns along the route. Veronica’s maid was with her a long time. She was in her service even after Jesus’ death. (Vol. 3pp. 434-435)

这些女仆穿着紧身胸衣和短外衣。 当圣妇们在某个地方停留一段时间时,她们的女仆就会回来,并在沿途的一些客栈等待她们的到来。维洛尼加的女仆陪伴了她很长时间。 甚至在耶稣死后,她还在侍奉她。 (第 3 卷,第 434-435 页)




While in Cyprus, Jesus visits and teaches people from all walks of life, converting many, some of whom leave everything to follow Him back to Israel.

When He arrives in Israel, He journeys to Thanac, where He cures a man who was His enemy, converting him. Jesus meets Lazarus at an inn outside Damna, where he has been attending to Magdalen’s estate of Magdalum.









Lazarus and two disciples belonging to Jerusalem were awaiting Him. Indeed, Lazarus had already been eight days in those parts attending to the real estate in land and houses of the Magdalum property, for only the household goods and similar effects belonging to Magdalen had as yet been disposed of. Jesus embraced Lazarus, a favor He was accustomed to extend only to him and the elder Apostles and disciples; to the others, He merely extended His hands....


Lazarus was very refined in his manners, his whole demeanor earnest, quiet, and marked by a dignified affability; he spoke little, and his bearing toward Jesus was full of loving devotedness……Jesus treated Lazarus with marked confidence. On this occasion they walked alone together for a long time.


Lazarus was a tall man, grave and gentle and very self- possessed in manner. Moderate in all things, even his familiar intercourse with others was stamped with a something that wore an air of distinction. His hair was black and he bore some resemblance to Joseph, though his features were sterner and more marked. Joseph’s hair was yellow, and there was something uncommonly tender, gentle, and obliging in his whole deportment.     (Vol. 2,p. 46; Vol. 3,pp. 439-440)

拉匝禄是一个高大的男人,严肃而温和,而且非常有自制力。凡事温和,就连他那为人熟知的与人交往的方式,都印有一种高贵的气质。他的头发是黑色的,外观与若瑟有些相似,尽管他的五官更加严肃和明显。若瑟的头发是黄色的,他的整个举止中都有一种异常温柔、和善和乐于助人的气质。 (第 2 卷,第 46 页;第 3 卷,第 439-440 页)


47.Lazarus Falls

From Damna Jesus travels to His Blessed Mother's house near Capharnaum to visit her and the holy women.

All of the Apostles and disciples rejoin Him in Capharnaum, each giving Him an account of their journeys.

Jesus stays in this area for some time, teaching and curing those in need.

From here Jesus and His disciples make their way down to Jericho, where they are met by great crowds of people, imploring His blessing.

A chief publican of the city named Zacheus climbs a fig tree to get a better view of the Prophet.













Before Jesus’ departure from Jericho, messengers from Bethania brought to the disciples the news of how earnestly Martha and Magdalen were longing for His coming, as Lazarus was very sick. Jesus, however, did not go to Bethania, but to a little village north of Jericho. Here too, a crowd had assembled, and numbers of sick, blind, and crippled were awaiting His arrival. Two blind men, each with two guides, were sitting by the roadside, and when Jesus passed by, they cried out after Him, begging to be cured.


The people tried to silence them with threats, but they followed Jesus, crying after Him: “Ah, Thou Son of David! Have mercy on us!” Then Jesus turned, commanded them to be led to Him, and touched their eyes. They saw and followed Him. A great tumult arose on account of the cure of these blind men, as well as of those to whom Jesus had restored sight on His entrance into Jericho. The Pharisees instituted an inquiry into the case, and interrogated the father of one of the cured, as well as himself.

人们试图用威胁让他们闭嘴,但他们跟随耶稣,在祂身后哭喊:啊,达味之子! 可怜我们吧!耶稣转过身来,吩咐把他们领过来,就摸了他们的眼睛。 他们看见了耶稣,并跟随祂。因为耶稣进了耶利哥,又治好了瞎子,众人就大大地议论起来。法利赛人对此案进行了调查,并审问了其中一名被治愈者的父亲,以及瞎子本人。

The disciples meantime were very desirous that Jesus should go to Lazarus’ in Bethania, for there they would be in greater peace and less molested. They were in truth a little discontented, but Jesus went on curing numbers. Words cannot express how gentle and forbearing He was under such imputations, attacks and persecutions, and how sweetly and gravely He smiled when the disciples wanted to divert Him from His purpose.


He next went in the direction of Samaria. Not far from one of the little villages along the highroad, about a hundred paces to one side, there stood a tent in which ten lepers were lying in beds. As Jesus was passing, the lepers came out and cried to Him for help. Jesus stood still, but the disciples went on.


The lepers, entirely enveloped in their mantles, approached some quickly, others slowly, as their strength permitted and stood in a circle around Jesus. He touched each one separately, directed them to present themselves to the priests, and went on His way. One of the lepers, a Samaritan and the most active of the ten, went along the same road with two of the disciples, but the others took different routes. These were not cured all at once; although able to walkthey were not made perfectly clean till about an hour afterward. (Vol. 3pp. 476-477)

麻风病人全身裹在斗篷里跑过来,有的跑得快,有的跑得慢,在他们的体力允许的情况下,他们围着耶稣站成一圈。耶稣分别触摸了每一个人,指示他们向司祭展示自己痊愈的患处,然后继续前行。其中一个麻风病人是十个人中最活跃的一个撒玛黎雅人,他沿着同一条路跟着两个门徒走,但其他麻风病人却从不同的路走了。这些人并没有一下子治愈;虽然可以走路,但直到大约一个小时后才完全干净。 (第 3 卷,第 476-477 页)


48.Lazarus’ Death and Burial

The one leper returns to thank Jesus for his cure.

Jesus and His disciples are invited to a wedding in a shepherd village, where He blesses the couple.

While Jesus is on His way to visit His Blessed Mother in Samaria, Lazarus dies of his illness in Bethania.








As Jesus was tarrying in a little place near Samaria where too the Blessed Virgin and Mary Cleophas were come to spend the Sabbath, they received the news of Lazarusdeath. After this event, which happened in Bethania, his sisters left that place and went to their country house near Ginaea, with the intention of there meeting Jesus and the Blessed Virgin.


The remains of Lazarus were embalmed and swathed in linen bands, according to the Jewish custom, and then laid in a coffin of woven rods with a convex cover. All the apostles were again united around Jesus. They went in several bands to Ginaea, where Jesus taught in the synagogue and, after the closing exercises of the Sabbath, went out to Lazarus’ country house. There they found the Blessed Virgin, who had gone on before.

根据犹太人的习俗,拉匝禄的遗体经过防腐处理,并用亚麻布包起来,然后放在一个带有凸面盖子的竹编的棺材中。所有的宗徒重聚在耶稣周围。 他们分几队去了吉尼亚,耶稣在那里的会堂里教导,在安息日结束之后,祂去到拉匝禄的乡间别墅。在那里,他们见到了先到达的圣母。

Magdalen came to meet Jesus and to tell Him of her brother’s death, adding the words: “Lordif Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died!” Jesus replied that his time was not yet come and that it was well that he had died. Still He told the two sisters to allow all the effects of their brother to remain at Bethania, for that He Himself would go there shortly.


The holy women, therefore, set out for Bethania, while Jesus and the Apostles returned to Ginaea, from which they went to the inn one hour distant from Bethania. Here another messenger came to Him bearing the earnest request of the sisters that He should repair to Bethania, but He still delayed to go.


He rebuked disciples for their murmuring and impatience at His delaying so long to go to Bethania. He was always like one who could not give an account of His views and actions to them, because they did not understand Him. In His instructions to them He was always more desirous of discovering to them their own thoughts and, on account of their earthly-mindedness, of arousing in them distrust of self than of informing them of the reasons of things that they could not comprehend.


He still taught upon the laborers in the vineyard, and when the mother of James and John heard Him speak of the near fulfillment of His mission, she thought it only proper that His own relatives should have honorable posts in His Kingdom. She consequently approached Him with a petition to that effect, but He sternly rebuked her. (Vol.3, pp.480-481)

耶稣仍然教导葡萄园里的工人,当雅各伯和若望的母亲听到祂谈到祂的使命即将完成时,这位母亲认为耶稣自己的亲戚应该在祂的王国中担任光荣的职位是正确的。因此,她向耶稣提出了这样的请求,但耶稣严厉地责备了她。 (第 3 卷,第 480-481 页)



49.Jesus Mourns with Martha and Magdalen

At last Jesus turned His steps to Bethania, continuing all along the way His instructions to the Apostles. Lazarus’ estate stood partly within the walls surrounding the environs of the city, and partly that is, a portion of the garden and courtyard outside those walls, which were now going to ruin.




Lazarus was eight days dead. They had kept him four days in the hope that Jesus would come and raise him to life. His sisters, as I have said, went to the country house near Ginaea, to meet Jesus; but when they found that He was still resolved not to go back with them, they had returned to Bethania and buried their brother. Their friends, men and women from the city and from Jerusalem, were now gathered around them, lamenting the dead as was the custom. It seems to me that it was toward evening when Mary Zebedeus went in to Martha, who was sitting among the women, and said to her softly that the Lord was coming.

拉匝禄死了八天。在安葬前,他们把尸体停放了四天,希望耶稣会来使他复活。正如我前面所说,他的姐妹们到吉尼亚附近的乡间别墅去见耶稣。 但当她们发现耶稣仍然决定不和她们一起回去时,她们就回到伯达尼埋葬了她们的兄弟。她们的朋友,来自城里和耶路撒冷的男人和女人,现在聚集在她们周围,按照惯例为死者哀悼。在我看来,大约是傍晚时分,玛利亚.载伯德走进坐在妇女中间的玛尔大那里,轻声对她说,主要来了。

Martha arose and went out with her into the garden back of the house. There in an arbor was Magdalen sitting alone. Martha told her that Jesus was near, for through love for Magdalen, she wanted her to be the first to meet the Lord. But I did not see Magdalen go to Jesus, for when He was alone with the Apostles and disciples He did not allow women easy access to Him. It was already growing dusk when Magdalen went back to the women and took Martha’s place, who then went out to meet Jesus.


He was standing with the Apostles and some others on the confines of their garden before an open arbor. Martha spoke to Jesus and then turned back to Magdalen, who also by this time had come up. She threw herself at Jesus’ feet, saying: “If Thou hadst been here, he would not have died!” All present were in tears. Jesus too mourned and wept, and delivered a discourse of great length upon death. Many of the audience, which was constantly increasing outside the bower, whispered to one another and murmured their dissatisfaction at Jesus’ not having kept Lazarus alive.       (Vol. 3, pp. 481-482)

耶稣和宗徒,还有和其他一些人,站在她们花园内一个敞开的凉亭前。玛尔大对耶稣说话,然后转身向玛达肋纳,此时玛达肋纳也来到耶稣跟前,就俯伏在耶稣脚前说:「若是你在这里,我的兄弟决不会死!」在场的所有人都泪流满面。耶稣也悲痛哭泣,并给与死者长篇的评价。许多群众在凉亭外不断增加,彼此窃窃私语,对耶稣没有马上救活拉匝禄感到不满。 (第 3 卷,第 481-482 页)



50.Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

Early the next morning Jesus is taken to the tomb.

He is accompanied by the Apostles and seven of the holy women, along with an ever-increasing crowd of lookers-on.






Lazarus’ tomb was the first on the right of the entrance to the vault, down into which some steps led. It was a four- cornered, oblong cave, about three feet in depth, and covered with a flat stone. In it lay the corpse in a lightly woven coffin, and around it in the tomb there was room for one to walk. Jesus with some of the Apostles went down into the vault, while the holy women, Magdalen, and Martha remained standing in the doorway. But the crowd pressed around so that many people climbed up on the roof of the vault and the cemetery walls in order to see.

拉匝禄的坟墓是入口右侧到地下拱穴的第一个坟墓,有几级向下的台阶引入墓穴口。那是一个长方形洞穴,深约三英尺,上面覆盖着一块平石板。 尸体放在一个简单竹编的棺材里,在坟墓里,尸体周围有可供一人行走的空间。耶稣和一些宗徒下到拱穴,而圣妇、玛达肋纳和玛尔大仍然站在门口。但人群挤得水泄不通,以至于许多人爬上拱穴屋顶和墓地的围墙顶,想看一看。

Jesus commanded the Apostles to raise the stone from the grave. They did so, rested it against the wall, and then removed a light cover or door that closed the tomb below that stone. It was at this point of the proceedings that Martha said:“Lord, by this time he stinketh, for he is now of four days.”

耶稣吩咐宗徒把坟墓的石板抬起来。 他们这样做了,把它靠在墙上,然后移开石板下关闭墓穴的一个简单的遮盖或门。就在这个过程中,玛尔大说:「主啊,他现在必是臭了,因为他死了已经四天了

After that they took the lightly woven cover from the coffin, and disclosed the corpse lying in its winding sheet. At that instant Jesus raised His eyes to Heaven, prayed aloud, and called out in a strong voice: Lazarus, come forth!” At this cry, the corpse arose to a sitting posture. The crowd now pressed with so much violence that Jesus ordered them to be driven outside the walls of the cemetery.


之后,他们从棺材里取出了简单竹编的盖子,露出了躺在裹尸布里的尸体。 就在那一刻,耶稣举目望天,大声祷告,有力地呼喊:「拉匝禄,出来吧!」在这呼叫声中,尸体坐起身来。人群现在激烈的相互挤压,以至于耶稣命令门徒将他们赶到墓地的围墙外。

The Apostles, who were standing in the tomb by the coffin, removed the handkerchief from Lazarus’ face, unbound his hands and feet, and drew off the winding sheet. Lazarus, as if waking from lethargy, rose from the coffin and stepped out of the grave, tottering and looking like a phantom. The Apostles threw a mantle around him. Like one walking in sleep, he approached the door, passed the Lord and went out to where his sisters and the other women had stepped back in fright as before a ghost. Without daring to touch him,


The throng was great, but a certain fear prevailed among the people; consequently the procession formed by Lazarus and his friends was not impeded in its movements by the crowd that followed. Lazarus moved along more like one floating than walking, and he still had all the appearance of a corpse. Jesus walked by his side, and the rest of the party followed sobbing and weeping around them in silent, frightened amazement.


They reached the old gate, and went along the road bordered by verdant hedges to the avenue of trees from which they had started. The Lord entered it with Lazarus and His followers, while the crowd thronged outside, clamoring and shouting.


At this moment Lazarus threw himself prostrate on the earth before Jesus, like one about to be received into a Religious Order. Jesus spoke some words, and then they went on to the house, about a hundred paces distant.



Jesus, the Apostles, and Lazarus were alone in the dining hall. The Apostles formed a circle around Jesus and Lazarus, who was kneeling before the Lord. Jesus laid His right hand on his head and breathed upon him seven times. The Lord's breath was luminous.




I saw a dark vapor withdrawing as it were from Lazarus, and the devil under the form of a black winged figure, impotent and wrathful, clearing the circle backward and mounting on high. By this ceremony, Jesus consecrated Lazarus to His service, purified him from all connection with the world and sin, and strengthened him with the gifts of the Holy Ghost.


He made him a long address in which He told him that He had raised him to life that he might serve Him, and that he would have to endure great persecution on the part of the Jews.


Up to this time, Lazarus was in his grave clothes, but now he retired to lay them aside and put on his own garments. It was at this moment that his sisters and friends embraced him for the first time, for before this there was something so corpse like about him that it inspired terror.


I saw meanwhile that Lazarus’ soul, during the time of its separation from his body, was in a place peaceful and painless, lighted by only a glimmering twilight, and that while there he related to the just, Joseph, Joachim, Anne, Zachary, John, etc., how things were going with the Redeemer on earth.


By the Saviour’s breathing upon him, Lazarus received the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost and was perfectly freed from connection with earthly things. He received those gifts before the Apostles, for he had by his death become acquainted with great mysteries, had gazed upon another world. He had actually been dead, and he was now born again. He could therefore receive those gifts. Lazarus comprises in himself a deep significance and a profound mystery.    (Vol.3, pp. 483-485)

藉着救主向他呼气,拉匝禄领受了圣神七恩,完全摆脱了与世俗事物的联系。 他在宗徒们之前领受了这些恩赐,因为他在死亡期间已经熟悉了巨大的奥秘,已经凝望到了另一个世界。他实际上已经死于世俗,现在他在圣神内重生了。因此,他可以领受这些恩赐。拉匝禄本身就包含着深邃的意义和深刻的奥秘。 (第 3 卷,第 483-485 页)


51.Jesus Teaches in Jericho and Elsewhere


From Bethania Jesus goes to Jerusalem with John and

Matthew to visit and instruct His friends in the city.

He takes leave of His disciples, telling them to meet Him

at the end of three months at Jacob’s Well, and

taking with Him only three youths, He travels through the lands of the Three Kings.

The Apostles and disciples disperse some returning home,

others traveling about the country teaching.

Jesus returns with many new disciples and sends them to help the Apostles.

He then travels to Ephron with the three youths, teaching at villages and farms along the way.













From Epron Jesus dispatched the three trusty disciples to meet the holy women who, to the number of ten, had reached the rented inn near Jericho. They were the Blessed Virgin, Magdalen, Martha, and two others, Peter’s wife and stepdaughter, Andrew’s wife, and Zacheus’ wife and daughter. The last mentioned was married to a very deserving disciple named Annadias, a shepherd and a relative of Silas’ mother.

耶稣从厄斐龙差遣三个忠实的门徒去迎见那十个到耶利哥的圣妇,她们是圣母、玛达肋纳、玛尔大和另外两个人,伯多禄的妻子和继女,安德肋的妻子,以及匝凯的妻子和女儿。 最后提到的匝凯的女儿嫁给了一位堪受赞扬的门徒,名叫安纳迪亚斯,他是牧羊人,也是息拉母亲的亲戚。

Peter, Andrew, and John met Jesus on the road, and with them He went on to Jericho. The Blessed Virgin, Magdalen, Martha, and others awaited His coming near a certain well. It was two hours before sundown when He came up with them.The women cast themselves on their knees before Him and kissed His hand. Mary also kissed His hand, and when she arose, Jesus kissed hers.


Magdalen stood somewhat back. At the well, the disciples washed Jesus’ feet, also those of the Apostles, after which all partook of a repast. The women ate alone and, when their meal was over, took their places at the lower end of the dining hall to listen to Jesus’ words.


He did not remain at the inn, but went with the three Apostles to Jericho, where the rest of the Apostles and disciples along with numerous sick were assembled. The women followed Him. I saw Him going into many of the houses and curing the sick, after which He Himself unlocked the school and ordered a chair to be placed in the center of the hall. The holy women were present in a retired part. They had a lamp to themselves. Mary was with them.


After the instruction, the holy women went back to their inn and on the following morning returned to their homes. Crowds were gathered at Jericho, for Jesus’ coming had been announced by the disciples. During His teaching and healing on the following day, the pressing and murmuring of the Pharisees were very great, and they sent messengers to Jerusalem to report. Jesus next went to the place of Baptism on the Jordan where were lying numbers of sick in expectation of His coming. They had heard of His reappearance and had begged His aid.


There were little huts and tents around, under which they could descend into the water. I saw too the basin in the little island in which He had been baptized. Sometimes it was full, but again, the water was allowed to run off. They came from all parts for this water, from Samaria, Judea, Galilee, and even from Syria. They loaded asses with large leathern sacks of it. The sacks hung on either side of the beast, and were kept together over the animal’s back by hoops. Jesus cured numbers. Only John, Andrew, and James the Less were with Him. (Vol.3,pp. 580-582)

施洗地点周围有小茅屋和帐篷,人们可以从那里下到水里。我也看见了小岛上的水池。耶稣在那里受洗,有时候它是满的,但水还是会流失。人们从各地,从撒玛黎雅、犹太、加利肋亚,甚至叙利亚,就是为了这水池里的水。 他们用大皮袋装满水放在驴背上。皮水袋挂在驴背的两侧,并用铁环固定在驴背上。耶稣治愈了大量的人。只有若望、安德肋和小雅各伯与祂在一起。 (第 3 卷,第 580-582 页)


52. Magdalen Perfumes Jesus’ Hair


When the crowd became too great, Jesus went with the three Apostles to Bethel, where the Patriarch Jacob saw on a hill the ladder reaching from earth to Heaven. It was already dark when they arrived and approached a house wherein trusty friends were awaiting them: Lazarus and his sisters, Nicodemus, and John Marc, who had come hither from Jerusalem secretly. The master of the house had a wife and four children.



当人太多的时候,耶稣和三个宗徒来到贝特耳,那是圣祖雅各伯在一座小山上看到了从尘世到天堂的梯子的地方。 当他们到达并走近一所房子时,天已经黑了,那里有忠心的朋友在等着他们:拉匝禄和他的姐妹,尼苛德摩,还有从耶路撒冷悄悄来到这里的若望·马尔谷。房子的主人有一个妻子和四个孩子。

The house was surrounded by a courtyard in which was a fountain. Attended by two of his children, the master opened the door to the guests, whom he conducted at once to the fountain and washed their feet. As Jesus was sitting on the edge of the fountain, Magdalen came forth from the house and poured over His hair a little flat flask of perfume. She did it standing at His back, as she had often done before.

房子周围有一个院子,院子里有一个喷泉。 在他的两个孩子的陪同下,主人为客人开了门,他立即将客人带到喷泉边,给他们洗脚。耶稣坐在泉边,玛达肋纳从房子里出来,将一小瓶香膏倒在耶稣的头发上。她站在祂的背后做,就像她以前经常做的那样。

I wondered at her boldness. Jesus pressed to His heart Lazarus, who was still pale and haggard. His hair was very black. A meal was spread, consisting of fruit, rolls, honeycomb, and green herbs, the usual fare in Judea. There were little cups on the table. Jesus cured the sick who were lying in a building belonging to the house. The women ate alone and afterward ranged in the lower part of the hall to hear Jesus’ preaching. (Vol.3,pp.582-583)

我惊讶玛达肋纳的勇气。耶稣把仍然苍白憔悴的拉匝禄放在心里,拉匝禄的头贴近主的胸前。耶稣的头发很黑。餐桌上摆满了水果、面包卷、蜂房和绿色香草,这是犹太常见的食物。桌子上放着小杯子。耶稣治愈了躺在房子里的病人。圣妇们独自吃饭,然后在大厅的下面,听耶稣讲道。 (第 3 卷,第 582-583 页)


53.The Apostles Are Reunited with Jesus


Jesus and the three Apostles, John, Andrew and James the Less,

make their way to Capharnaum, teaching and curing many on their way.

From thence He and His disciples head to the mountain of

the multiplication of the loaves to meet the other disciples and Apostles.









离塔纳斯西罗一小时的路程,所有的宗徒都举着绿色的树枝来迎接耶稣。 他们向祂下拜,耶稣就接过一根绿枝拿在手上。 然后宗徒们洗了主的脚。 我认为举行这个仪式是因为他们再次团聚,并且因为耶稣再次公开以他们的师父的身份出现,并即将再次到处传道。

Accompanied by the Apostles and disciples He went to the city, where the Blessed Virgin, Magdalen, Martha, and the other holy women, except Peter’s wife and stepdaughter and Andrew’s wife, who were still at Bethsaida, received Him outside an inn. Mary had come from the region of Jericho and had here awaited Jesus. The other women also had come hither by different routes. They prepared a meal of which fifty guests partook, after which Jesus, having ordered the key to be brought, repaired to the school. The holy women and a great many people listened to His instruction. (Vol.3, p. 587)

在宗徒和门徒的陪同下,耶稣到了城里,在那里,圣母、玛达肋纳、玛尔大和其他圣妇,在一家客栈外接待了主,除了伯多禄的妻子和他的继女以及安德肋的妻子还在贝特赛达之外。圣母玛利亚从耶里哥地区来到这里等候耶稣。其他的女人也是通过不同的途径来到这里的。 她们准备了一顿供 50 位客人享用的餐点,餐后耶稣吩咐把钥匙拿来,一起到学校去。圣妇和许多人听了祂的教导。 (第 3 卷,第 587 页)


54. 耶稣教导新门徒

54. 耶稣教导新门徒





On the way to Bethania, Jesus, to continue His instructions for the benefit of the new disciples, explained to them the Our Father, spoke to them of fidelity in His ser vice, and told them that He would now teach awhile in Jerusalem, after which He would soon return to His Heavenly Father. He told them also that one would abandon Him, for treason was already in his heart. All these new disciples remained faithful.

在往伯达尼去的路上,耶稣为了新门徒的益处,继续祂的教导,耶稣向他们解释了我们的天父,向他们讲述了祂对事工的忠诚,并告诉他们他现在将在耶路撒冷教导一段时间,之后 祂很快就会回到祂的天父那里。 耶稣还告诉他们,有人会背弃祂,因为那人心里已经有叛逆的心。所有这些新门徒都保持忠诚。

On this journey, Jesus healed several lepers who had been brought out on the road. One hour from Bethania, they entered the inn at which Jesus had taught so long before Lazarus’ resurrection and to which Magdalen had come forth to meet Him. The Blessed Virgin also was at the inn with other women, likewise five of the Apostles: Judas, Thomas, Simon, James the Less, Thaddeus, John Marc, and some others. Lazarus was not there.


The Apostles came out a part of the way to meet the Lord at a well, where they saluted Him and washed His feet, after which He gave an instruction which was followed by a meal. The women then went on to Bethania while Jesus remained at the inn with the rest of the party.


Next day, instead of going straight to Bethania, He made a circuit around the adjacent country with the three silent disciples. The rest of the Apostles and disciples separated into two bands, headed respectively by Thaddeus and James, and went around curing the sick. I saw them effecting cures in many different ways: by the imposition of hands, by breathing upon or leaning over the sick person, or in the case of children, by taking them on their knees, resting them on their breast and breathing upon them. (Vol.3,pp. 588-589)

第二天,耶稣没有直接去伯达尼,而是带着三个沉默的门徒绕着邻近的乡村转了一圈。 其余的宗徒和门徒分成两队,分别由达徒和雅各伯率领,四处去医治病人。 我看到他们以许多不同的方式进行医治:通过覆手,嘘气或俯身,对有病的孩子,把他们放在膝盖上,放在胸前,并在他们身上呼气。 (第 3 卷,第 588-589 页)













By this time the Jews had ordered all the houses, as well as the city gate, to be closed, so that when Jesus dismounted before the Temple, and the disciples wanted to take the ass back to where they had found it, they were obliged to wait inside the gate till evening. In the Temple were the holy women and crowds of people. All had to remain the whole day without food, for this part of the city had been barricaded. Magdalen was especially troubled by the thought that Jesus had taken no nourishment.

此时,犹太人已经下令把守城门,关闭所有的房屋,这样当耶稣在圣殿前下了驴驹,门徒想把驴带回他们找到它的地方时,他们不得不在城门里面等着。 圣殿里有圣妇和人群。 所有人都不得不整天呆在那里,不吃东西,因为城里的这部分已经被封锁了。 玛达肋纳想到耶稣没有进食,尤其感到不安。

When toward evening the gate was again opened, the holy women went back to Bethania, and Jesus followed later with the Apostles. Magdalen, worried because Jesus and His followers had had no refreshment in Jerusalem, now prepared a meal for them herself. It was already dark when Jesus entered the courtyard of Lazarus’ dwelling. Magdalen brought Him a basin of water, washed His feet, and dried them with a towel that was hanging over her shoulder.


The food that she had prepared did not amount to a regular meal, it was merely a luncheon. While the Lord was partaking of it, she approached and poured balm over His head. I saw Judas, who passed her at this moment, muttering his dissatisfaction, but she replied to his murmurs by saying that she could never thank the Lord sufficiently for what He had done for her and her brother. After that Jesus went to the public house of Simon the leper, where several of the disciples were gathered, and taught a little while. From there He went out to the disciples’ inn, where He spoke for some time, and then returned to the house of Simon the leper. (Vol.4,pp. 18-19)

她准备的食物算不上正餐,只是一顿便餐。 当主正吃的时候,玛达肋纳近前来,将香膏浇在耶稣的头上。这时,犹达斯从她身边经过,嘟囔着他的不满,但她回答他的抱怨说,耶稣为她和她的兄弟所做的一切,她永远也感谢不完。 随后耶稣来到患大麻疯的西满的屋里去,有几个门徒在那里聚集教导人。耶稣从那里出来,到了门徒的客店,就在那里讲了几句话,然后回到患大麻疯的西满的家里。 (第 4 卷,第 18-19 页)



56.Magdalen Repeats Her Anointing of Jesus


The next day Jesus teaches in the Temple, 

where He again drives out the merchants and vendors.









Full of trouble, Jesus went back with the Apostles to Bethania for the Sabbath. While He was teaching in the Temple, the Jews had been ordered to keep their houses closed, and it was forbidden to offer Him or His disciples any refreshment. On reaching Bethania, they went to the public house of Simon, the healed leper, where a meal awaited them.

耶稣充满了忧闷,带着宗徒回到伯达尼过安息日。 当耶稣在圣殿施教时,犹太人被命令关上他们的房子的门,并且禁止向耶稣或祂的门徒提供任何茶点。 到达伯达尼后,他们来到了治愈了的麻风病人西满的家,在那里等候吃饭。

Magdalen, filled with compassion for Jesus’ fatiguing exertions, met the Lord at the door. She was habited in a penitential robe and girdle, her flowing hair concealed by a black veil. She cast herself at His feet and with her hair wiped from them the dust, just as one would clean the shoes of another. She did it openly before all, and many were scandalized at her conduct.

玛达肋纳对耶稣疲乏的操劳充满同情,就在门口迎接了主。 她穿着补赎的长袍和腰带,飘逸的头发被黑色的面纱遮住。 她俯伏在耶稣的脚前,用自己的头发擦去耶稣脚上的尘土,就像一个人擦另一个人的鞋子一样。 她在所有人面前公开这样做,许多人对她的行为感到震惊。

After Jesus and the disciples had prepared themselves for the Sabbath, that is, put on the garments prescribed and prayed under the lamp, they stretched themselves at table for the meal. Toward the end of it, Magdalen, urged by love, gratitude, contrition, and anxiety, again made her appearance. She went behind the Lord’s couch, broke a little flask of precious balm over His head and poured some of it upon His feet, which she again wiped with her hair. That done, she left the dining hall. Several of those present were scandalized, especially Judas, who excited Matthew, Thomas, jand John Mark to displeasure. But Jesus excused her, on account of the love she bore Him. She often anointed Him in this way. Many of the facts mentioned only once in the Gospels happened frequently.                                                                                                                     (Vol. 4,pp. 21-22)

耶稣和门徒为安息日做好准备后,即穿上规定的衣服,在灯下祈祷之后,他们就在餐桌前舒展身体准备用餐。接近尾声时,在爱、感激、悔悟和渴望的驱使下,玛达肋纳再次出现。她走到主的长椅后面,将一小瓶珍贵的香膏打破,倒在主的头上,倒一些在祂的脚上,然后又用头发擦。做完这些,她离开了餐厅。在场的几个人都感到震惊,尤其是犹达斯,他使得玛窦、多默和若望玛尔谷不高兴。但耶稣宽免她,因为她对祂的爱。 她经常以这种方式膏抹耶稣,多次发生的事实在福音书中只提到一次。 (第 4 卷,第 21-22 页)


57. The Holy Women at Prayer


While Jesus was teaching in Jerusalem, I saw the holy women frequently praying together in the arbor in which Magdalen was sitting when Martha called her to welcome Jesus before the raising of Lazarus. They observed a certain order at prayer: sometimes they stood together, sometimes they knelt, or again they sat apart.       (Vol. 4, p.25)



57 祈祷中的圣妇们

当耶稣在耶路撒冷施教时,我看到圣妇们经常在玛达肋纳所坐的凉亭里,一起祈祷,那是在拉匝禄复活前,玛尔大召唤玛达肋纳去迎接耶稣的那个凉亭。 她们在祈祷时遵守一定的秩序:有时她们站在一起,有时她们跪下,有时又分开坐着。 (第 4 卷,第 25 页)

58. 耶稣责备门徒对玛达肋纳的诽谤

58. 耶稣责备门徒对玛达肋纳的诽谤









Jesus exhorted the Apostles not to give way to their natural fears upon what He had said to them, namely, that they would all be dispersed; they should not forget their neighbor and should not allow one sentiment to veil, to stifle another; and here He made use of the similitude of a mantle. In general terms He reproached some of them for murmuring at Magdalen’s anointing.


Jesus probably said this in reference to Judas’ first definitive step toward His betrayal, which had been taken just after that action of hers also, as a gentle warning to him for the future, since it would be after Magdalen’s last anointing that he would carry out his treacherous design.


That some others were scandalized at Magdalen’s prodigal expression of love, arose from their erroneous severity and parsimony. They regarded this anointing as a luxury so often abused at worldly feasts, while overlooking the fact that such an action performed on the Holy of Holies was worthy of the highest praise.    (Vol. 4,pp. 31-32)

还有一些人对玛达肋纳慷慨表达爱意而感到震惊,这是因为他们过份的严厉和吝啬。他们认为这种膏抹是一种奢侈,在世俗的宴会上经常被滥用,而忽略了这样一个事实,即在至圣所施行的膏油礼是值得最高的赞美的。 (第 4 卷,第 31-32 页)


59. 玛达肋纳获得珍贵的香膏

59. Magdalen Procures the Precious Balm

The Pharisees take turns to spy on Jesus and His disciples.

After this day’s teaching in the Temple,

Jesus spends the evening at the home of Lazarus,

where He tells His disciples that they may have one more night of peaceful sleep.

He gives instruction in the Temple for the last time and

tells the Apostles and disciples that He will never enter there again.

All of His followers become anxious and saddened.

They stay the night at Lazarus’ in Bethania.



59. 玛达肋纳获得珍贵的香膏











Next morning Jesus instructed a large number of the disciples, more than sixty, in the court before Lazarus’ house. In the afternoon, about three o’clock, tables were laid for them in the court, and during their meal Jesus and the Apostles served. I saw Jesus going from table to table handing something to this one, something to that, and teaching all the time.

第二天早上,耶稣在拉匝禄屋前的院子里,教导了大批门徒,有六十多人。 下午三点左右,在院子里为他们摆好了餐桌,在他们吃饭的时候,耶稣和宗徒们为这些门徒服务。 我看到耶稣从一张桌子到另一张桌子,给这个人递东西,给那个人送东西,还不停地教导。

Judas was not present. He was away making purchases for the entertainment to be given at Simon’s. Magdalen also had gone to Jerusalem, to buy precious ointment. The Blessed Virgin, to whom Jesus had that morning announced His approaching death, was inexpressibly sad. Her niece, Mary Cleophas, was always around her, consoling her. Full of grief, they went together to the disciples’ inn.

犹达斯不在场。 他出去购买东西,准备招待西满家的客人。 玛达肋纳也上耶路撒冷去买珍贵的香膏。那天早上,由于耶稣向圣母宣布祂即将来临的死亡,圣母难以言喻的悲伤。 她的外甥女玛利亚克罗帕总是在她身边,安慰她。 她们满怀悲痛,一同来到门徒的客栈。

It was during this instruction that Magdalen came back from Jerusalem with the ointment she had bought. She had gone to Veronica’s and stayed there while Veronica saw to the purchase of the ointment, which was of three kinds, the most precious that could be procured. Magdalen had expended upon it all the money she had left.

正是在这次教导期间,玛达肋纳带着她买来的香膏从耶路撒冷回来。她到维洛妮加那里去了,在那儿待了一段时间,维洛妮加负责购买香膏,这是三种最珍贵的香膏, 玛达肋纳把她剩下的钱都花在这上面了。

One was a flask of the oil of spikenard. She bought the flasks together with their contents. The former were of a clear, whitish, though not transparent material, almost like mother-of-pearl, though not mother-of-pearl. They were in shape like little urns, the swelling base ornamented with knobs, and they had screw tops. Magdalen carried the vessels under her mantle in a pocket, which hung on her breast suspended by a cord that passed over one shoulder and back across the back.


John Mark’s mother went back with her to Bethania, and Veronica accompanied them a part of the way. As they were going through Bethania, they met Judas who, concealing his indignation, spoke to Magdalen. Magdalen had heard from Veronica that the Pharisees had resolved to arrest Jesus and put Him to death, but not yet, on account of the crowds of strangers and especially the numerous pagans that followed Him. This news Magdalen imparted to the other women. (Vol. 4,pp. 41-43)

若望马尔谷的母亲和玛达肋纳一起回到了伯达尼,维洛妮加陪她们走了一段路。当她们经过伯达尼时,遇到了犹达斯,犹达斯隐藏心中的怒火,跟玛达肋纳寒暄。玛达肋纳听维洛妮加说,法利赛人已经决定逮捕耶稣并将祂处死,但现在还没有,因为有大批陌生人跟随着祂,尤其是众多的异教徒。玛达肋纳的这个消息告诉了其他女人。 (第 4 卷,第 41-43 页)


60. Magdalen’s Last Anointing of Jesus


Judas has purchased everything necessary for this evening’s meal,

secretly thinking that he will be paid tonight.

The entertainment is given by Simon at his public house in Bethania.









Several large drinking glasses stood on the table, and beside each, two smaller ones. There were three kinds of beverages: one greenish, another red, and the third yellow. I think it was some kind of pear juice. The lamb was served first. It lay stretched out on an oval dish, the head resting on the forefeet. The dish was placed with the head toward Jesus.


Jesus took a white knife, like bone or stone, inserted it into the back of the lamb, and cut, first to one side of the neck and then to the other. After that He drew the knife down, making a cut from the head along the whole back. The lines of this cut, at once reminded me of the Cross. He then laid the slices thus detached before John, Peter and Himself, and directed Simon, the host, to carve the lamb down the sides, and lay the pieces right and left before the Apostles and Lazarus as they sat in order.

耶稣拿起一把白色的刀,像骨质或石质的,插入羔羊的背部,从脖子的一侧切,再到另一侧。 之后,祂用刀往下切,从头部沿着整个背部切开。 这个切口的线条,立刻让我想起了十字架。 然后,祂把切下的肉片放在若望、伯多禄和祂自己面前,并吩咐东道主西满将羊羔从两侧切下来,然后将这些肉片放在左右两侧的宗徒和拉匝禄面前,他们都按顺序坐着。

The holy women were seated around their own table. Magdalen, who was in tears all the time, sat opposite the Blessed Virgin. There were seven or nine present. They too had a little lamb. It was smaller than that of the other table and lay stretched out flat in the dish, the head toward the Mother of God. She it was who carved it.

圣妇们围坐在自己的桌子旁。 一直流泪的玛达肋纳坐在圣母对面。在场的有七或九个人。她们也有一只小羊羔, 它比另一张桌子的羔羊小,平放在盘子里,头朝向天主之母。圣母负责分切这只羔羊。

Jesus taught during the whole meal. It was nearing the close of His discourse; the Apostles were stretched forward in breathless attention. Simon, whose services were no longer needed, sat motionless, listening to every word, when Magdalen rose quietly from her seat among the holy women.



She had around her a thin bluish-white mantle, something like the material worn by the three Holy Kings, and her flowing hair was covered with a veil. Laying the ointment in a fold of her mantle, she passed through the walk that was planted with shrubbery, entered the hall, went up behind Jesus, and cast herself down at His feet, weeping bitterly. She bent her face low over the foot that was resting on the couch, while Jesus Himself raised to her, the other that was hanging a little toward the floor.

她身披一件薄薄的蓝白色的斗篷,有点像三圣王穿的衣服,飘逸的长发上盖着面纱。 她把香膏放在在斗篷的内兜里,穿过长满灌木的小径,进入大厅,走到耶稣身后,俯伏在祂的脚前,痛哭不已。 她弯身把脸伏在耶稣的脚上,耶稣坐在长椅上,耶稣也向她抬起一只脚,而另一只脚则稍微垂向地板。

Magdalen loosened the sandals and anointed Jesus’ feet on the soles and upon the upper part. Then with both hands drawing her flowing hair from beneath her veil, she wiped the Lord’s anointed feet, and replaced the sandals. Magdalen’s action caused some interruption in Jesus’ discourse. He had observed her approach, but the others were taken by surprise. Jesus said: “Be not scandalized at this woman!” and then addressed some words softly to her.


She now arose, stepped behind Him and poured over His head some costly water, and that so plentifully that it ran down upon His garments. Then with her hand she spread some of the ointment from the crown down the hind part of His head. The hall was filled with delicious odor.


The Apostles whispered together and muttered their displeasure even Peter was vexed at the interruption. Magdalen, weeping and veiled, withdrew around behind the table. When she was about to pass before Judas, he stretched forth his hand to stay her while he indignantly addressed to her some words on her extravagance, saying that the purchase money might have been given to the poor. Magdalen made no reply. She was weeping bitterly.


Then Jesus spoke, bidding them let her pass, and saying that she had anointed Him for His death, for later she would not be able to do it, and that wherever this Gospel would be preached, her action and their murmuring would also be recounted.       (Vol. 4, pp. 44-46)

然后耶稣发话,吩咐他们让玛达肋纳过去,并说她膏抹祂是为了祂的安葬,因为以后她不能再这样做了,而且这段福音无论传到哪里,都要述说她所行的,以及他们的怨言 . (第 4 卷,第 44-46 页)



61. Judas


Judas was very dear and quite useful to his old uncle in his leather trade. Sometimes he dispatched him with asses to purchase raw hides, sometimes with prepared leather to the seaport towns, for he was a clever and cunning broker and commission merchant. Still he was not at this time a villain, and had he overcome himself in little things, he would not have fallen so low.





The Blessed Virgin very often warned him, but he was extremely vacillating. He was susceptible of very vehement, though not lasting repentance. His head was always running on the establishment of an earthly kingdom, and when he found that not likely to be fulfilled, he began to appropriate the money entrusted to his care.  He was therefore greatly vexed that the worth of Magdalen' s ointment had not passed as alms through his hands.



It was at the last Feast of Tabernacles in Jesus' lifetime that Judas began to go to the bad. When he betrayed Jesus for money, he never dreamed of His being put to death. He thought his Master would soon be released; his only desire was to make a little money. (Vol 2, p. 431)


正是在耶稣生前的最后一个帐棚节,犹达斯开始变坏。 当他为了钱出卖耶稣时,他做梦也没有想到耶稣会被处死。他以为他的主人很快就会被释放; 他唯一的愿望就是赚一点钱。




62. Judas' Betrayal


Magdalen retired, her heart full of sorrow. The rest of the meal was disturbed by the displeasure of the Apostles and the reproaches of Jesus. When it was over, all returned to Lazarus' . Judas, full of wrath and avarice, thought within himself that he could no longer put up with such things. But concealing his feelings, he laid aside his festal garment and pretended that he had to go back to the public house to see that what remained of the meal was given to the poor.




玛达肋纳退下,她的心中充满了悲伤。下半顿饭被宗徒的不悦和耶稣的责备搅扰了。结束后,所有人都回到了拉匝禄家。 犹达斯充满愤怒和贪婪,心里想,他再也不能忍受这样的事情了。但他掩饰住自己的情绪,把自己的节日服装脱了下来,假装自己得回公共餐厅看看,把剩下的饭菜分给穷人。


Instead of doing that, however, he ran full speed to Jerusalem. I saw the devil with him all the time, red, thin-bodied, and angular. He was before him and behind him, as if lighting the way for him. Judas saw through the darkness. He stumbled not, but ran along in perfect safety. I saw him in Jerusalem running into the house in which   later on, Jesus was exposed to scorn and derision.




The Pharisees and High Priests were still together, but Judas did not enter their assembly. Two of them went out and spoke with him below in the courtyard. When he told them that he was ready to deliver Jesus and asked what t hey would give for Him, they showed great joy, and returned to announce it to the rest of the council.


After a while, one came out again and made an offer of thirty pieces of silver. Judas wanted to receive them at once, but they would not give them to him. They said . ..  that he should do his duty, and then they would pay him. I saw them offering hands as a pledge of the contract, and on both sides tearing something from their clothing. The Pharisees wanted Judas to stay a while and  tell them when and how the bargain would be completed.



But he insisted upon going, that suspicion might not be excited. He said that he had yet to find things out more precisely, that next day he could act without attracting attention. I saw the devil the whole time between Judas and the Pharisees. On leaving Jerusalem, Judas ran back again to Bethania, where he changed his garments and joined the other Apostles. (Vol. 4, pp. 46-47)




63."She Loves Unspeakably"


Jesus takes His rest at Lazarus' that night,

while His followers retire to their own  inn.

The next morning Jesus asks Peter and John to make preparations for the Paschal Supper. Jesus and nine of the Apostles take leave of Lazarus and the holy women in Bethania.








I saw Him speaking alone with His Blessed Mother, and I remember some of the words that passed between them. He had, He said, sent Peter the Believing  and John the Loving to Jerusalem in order to prepare for the Pasch. Of Magdalen, who was quite out of herself from grief, He said: " She loves unspeakably, but her love is still encompassed by the body, therefore has she become like one quite out of her mind with pain." He spoke also of the treacherous scheming of Judas, and the Blessed Virgin implored mercy for him. (Vol 4, p. 55)




64. 童贞圣母、玛达肋纳和克罗帕的妻子玛利亚 恳求耶稣不要去橄榄山

64The Blessed Virgin, Magdalen and Mary Cleophas

Beseech Jesus Not to Go to Mount Olivet


Judas spends the whole day running between the Pharisees and cementing his plans with them. At midday Jesus and the nine leave Bethania and walk to Jerusalem, where they meet Peter and John at the Cenacle. Jesus immolates the  Paschal lamb and signs the lintel and doorposts with its blood. Judas arrives as  the Paschal lambs are being roasted. As they are eating the Paschal lamb, Jesus again warns them that one of them will betray Him. He washes the feet of the Apostles. He institutes the Blessed Sacrament. After Judas sacrilegiously receives the Holy Eucharist, he leaves the Caenaculum and runs to the Pharisees. Jesus ordains Peter and John. He tells Peter that even he will deny Him. They recite the Hymn of Thanksgiving and go into the anteroom.



64. 童贞圣母、玛达肋纳和克罗帕的妻子玛利亚












耶稣任命了伯多禄和若望。 祂告诉伯多禄,甚至他也会否认祂。


Here Jesus met His Mother, Mary Cleophas, and Magdalen, who besought Him imploringly not to go to the Mount of Olives, for it was reported that He would there be arrested. Jesus comforted them in a few words, and stepped quickly past them. It was then about nine o'clock. They went in haste down the road by which Peter and John had come up that morning to the Cenacle, and directed their steps to Mount Olivet. (Vol 4, p. 76)

耶稣在前厅遇到了圣母,玛利亚·克罗帕和玛达肋纳,她们恳求主不要去橄榄山,因为听说祂会在那里被捕。耶稣用几句话安慰了她们,然后快步从她们身边走过。 那时大约是九点钟。 他们快速沿着伯多禄和若望那天早上去晚餐厅的路下去,直奔橄榄山。


65. 撒旦在橄榄园控告耶稣

65. Satan Accuses Jesus in the Garden of Olives

Jesus and the eleven walk to Mount Olivet. Jesus bids eight of the Apostles to stay in the Garden of Gethsemani

while He, Peter, John and James the Greater continue on to the Garden of Olives.

 Jesus begs these three to watch and pray with Him.

 He walks a little way from them and is shown all the sins of mankind, from the beginning of the world to the end.


65. 撒旦在橄榄园控告耶稣









When now this enormous mass of sin and iniquity had passed before the soul of Jesus in an ocean of horrible visions and He had offered Himself as the expiatory sacrifice for all, had implored that all their punishment and chastisement might fall upon Him, Satan, as once before in the desert, brought forward innumerable temptations against the innocent Saviour Himself.


“What!” said he to Him, “wilt Thou take all this upon Thee, and Thou art not pure Thyself? See, here and here and here!” And he unfolded all kinds of forged bonds and notes before Him, and with infernal impudence held them up under His eyes.


He reproached Him with all the faults of His disciples, all the scandal they had given, all the disturbances and disorder He had caused in the world by abolishing ancient customs. Satan acted like the most crafty and subtle Pharisee. He reproached Jesus with causing Herod’s massacre of the Holy Innocents, with exposing His parents to want and danger in Egypt, with not having rescued John the Baptist from death, with bringing about disunion in many families, with having protected degraded people, refusing to cure certain sick persons, with injuring the Gergeseans by permitting the possessed to overturn their vats and their swine to rush into the sea.


He accused Him of the guilt of Mary Magdalen, since He had not prevented her relapse into sin; of neglecting His own family; of squandering the goods of others; and, in one word, all that the tempter would at the hour of death have brought to bear upon an ordinary mortal who, without a high and holy intention, had been mixed up in such affairs, Satan now suggested to the trembling soul of Jesus with the view of causing Him to waver.


It was hidden from him that Jesus was the Son of God, and he tempted Him as merely the most righteous of men. Yes, our Divine Redeemer permitted, in a certain measure, His most holy Humanity to veil His Divinity, that He might endure those temptations that come upon the holiest souls at the hour of death respecting the intrinsic merit of their good works. That He might drain the chalice of suffering, He permitted the tempter, from whom His Divinity was hidden, to upbraid Him with His works of beneficence as so many sins incurring penalty and not yet blotted out by the grace of God. The tempter reproached Him likewise for desiring to atone for the sins of others, although He was Himself without merit and had not yet made satisfaction to God for the grace of many a so-called good work.


The Divinity of Jesus allowed the wicked fiend to tempt His Sacred Humanity just as he would tempt a man who might have ascribed his good works to some special merit of their own, independent of that which they can acquire by being united with the merits of the saving death of our Lord and Saviour. Thus, the tempter called up before Jesus all the works of His love as not only without merit for Himself, but as so many crimes against God; and as their value was, in a certain measure, derived from the merits of His Passion not yet perfected and of whose worth Satan was ignorant, therefore for the grace by which He effected them, He had not yet made satisfaction.


For all His good works, Satan showed Jesus written bonds, telling Him as he pointed to them: “For this action and for this also, hast Thou incurred indebtedness.” At last he unrolled before Him a note that He had received from Lazarus for the sale of Magdalen’s property in Magdalum, and the proceeds of which He had expended. Satan accompanied the action with these words: “How darest Thou squander the property of others and thereby injure the family?”


It was with the greatest difficulty that I restrained myself while all these charges were brought   against the innocent Saviour. I was so enraged against Satan. But when he exhibited the note holding Jesus amendable for distributing the proceeds of Magdalen’s property, I could no longer subdue my anger, and I exclaimed: “How canst thou charge Jesus with the sale of Magdalen’s property as with a crime? I saw myself    how the Lord devoted that sum received from Lazarus to works of mercy, how He released with it twenty-seven poor, abandoned creatures held prisoners for debt at Tirzah.”     (Vol. 4pp. 82-84)

当听到所有这些对无辜的救主的指控时,我很难克制住自己。我对撒旦非常愤怒。但是当牠拿出一张纸条,上面写着耶稣可以修改分配玛达肋纳的财产收益时,我再也无法抑制我的愤怒,我喊道:「你怎能控告耶稣出售玛达肋纳的财产?我亲眼主怎样把从拉匝禄收到的那笔钱,用于慈善的事工上,祂是怎样用这笔钱释放了二十七名在责罗斐哈被囚禁的可怜人。(第 4 卷,第 82-84 页)




66. 耶稣的跟随者在祂痛苦的山园祈祷期间

66.   Jesus' Followers during His Agony in the Garden

Jesus, overcome by sorrow and agony, returns to the three, who, being exhausted by grief and temptation, have fallen asleep. He awakens them, they, seeing Him so disfigured by pain and agony, become alarmed. They wish to call the other Apostles, but Jesus refuses and prays with them for a short while. He returns to the grotto and is shown all of the ingratitude, the blasphemies and the negligence to be committed against Him in the Holy Eucharist.


66. 耶稣的跟随者在祂痛苦的山园祈祷期间

耶稣被忧愁和痛苦压倒,回到了三个宗徒身边,他们因悲伤和诱惑而筋疲力尽,睡着了。 耶稣唤醒了他们,他们看到主因痛苦和折磨而面容憔悴,他们惊慌起来,想去叫其他宗徒,但耶稣拒绝了,并与他们一起祈祷了一会儿。主回到洞窟继续祈祷,他看到了所有的忘恩负义、亵渎和疏忽,特别是在圣体圣事中对他犯下的罪行。

There was little bustle in Jerusalem on this evening. The Jews were in their homes busied with preparations for the feast. The lodgings for the Paschal guests were not in the neighborhood of the Mount of Olives. As I went to and fro on the road, I saw here and there friends and disciples of Jesus walking together and conversing. They appeared to be uneasy and in expectation of something. The Mother of the Lord, with Magdalen, Marth, a  Mary Cleophas, Mary Salome, and Salome had gone from the Cenacle to the house of Mary Marcus.


Alarmed at the reports that she had heard, Mary and her friends went on toward the city to get some news of Jesus. Here they were met by Lazarus, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and some. relatives from Hebron  who sought to comfort Mary in her great anxiety. These friends knew of Jesus' earnest discourse in the Cenacle, some from being themselves present in the side buildings, others from having been informed of  it by the disciples; but although they questioned some Pharisees of their acquaintance, yet they heard of no immediate steps against Our Lord.


They said, therefore, "The danger is not so great. And besides, the enemies of Jesus would make no attempt against Him so near to the feast." They did not know of Judas' treachery. Mary told them how restless he had been during the past few days, and of his sudden departure from the Cenacle. He had certainly gone with treacherous intentions, for, as she said, she had often, warned him that he was a son of perdition. The holy women returned to the house of Mary Marcus. (Vol 4, p. 87)

因此,他们说:「没太大危险。而且,耶稣的敌人不会在离庆节这么近的时候企图攻击祂。」他们不知道犹达斯的背叛。圣母告诉他们,犹达斯在过去几天里是多么焦躁不安,以及他突然离开了晚餐厅。他肯定是带着背信弃义的意图离开的,因为正如圣母所说,她经常警告犹达斯,他是一个灭亡之子。 圣妇们回到了玛利亚·马尓古的家。


67. 在橄榄园中

67.In the Garden of Olives

I now saw the blood in thick, dark drops trickling down the pale face of the Lord. His once smoothly parted hair was matted with blood, tangled and bristling on His head, and His beard was bloody and torn. It was after that last vision, in which the armed bands had lacerated His flesh that He turned as if fleeing out of the grotto, and went again to His disciples. But His step was far from secure.


67. 在橄榄园中

我现在看到血是浓黑的,一滴一滴从主苍白的脸上流下来。祂曾经顺滑分开的头发与血纠缠在一起,乱成一团,竖起在头上,祂的胡须更是被撕扯得鲜血淋漓。在最后一次异像中,那些武装的士兵撕裂了祂的肉躯,祂转身,似乎想逃离洞窟,再回到门徒那里, 但祂的脚步不稳。

He walked bowed like one tottering under a great burden. He was covered ,with wounds, and He fell at every step. When He reached the three Apostles, He  did  not, as  on  the  first  occasion,  find  them  lying  on  their  side asleep; they had sunk back on the knees with covered head, as I have often seen the people of that country sitting when in sorrow or in prayer. Worn out with grief, anxiety, and fatigue, they had fallen asleep; but when Jesus approached, trembling and groaning, they awoke. They gazed upon Him with their weary eyes, but did not at once recognize Him, for He was changed beyond the power of words to express.

弯着腰前行,像一个身负重担的人,蹒跚而行。祂浑身是伤,一步一跌。 当祂到达三位宗徒那里时,祂并没有像第一次那样发现他们侧卧睡着了; 他们蒙着头跪倒在地,就像我经常看到那个国家的人们在悲伤或祈祷时坐姿一样。他们因悲伤、焦虑和疲劳而精疲力竭,睡着了。但当耶稣颤抖着呻吟着走近时,他们就醒了。他们用疲倦的眼睛注视着耶稣,但并没有立刻认出祂来,因为祂的容貌改变得无法用言语来表达。

He was standing before them in the moonlight, His breast sunken, His form bent, His face pale and bloodstained, His hair in disorder, and His arms stretched out to them. He stood wringing His hands. The Apostles sprang up, grasped Him under the arms, and supported Him tenderly. Then He spoke to them  in deep affliction. On the morrow, He said, He was going to die. In another hour, His enemies would seize Him, drag Him before the courts of justice, abuse Him, deride Him, scourge Him, and put Him to death in the most horrible manner.


He begged them to console His Mother. He recounted to  them in bitter anguish all that He would have to suffer until the evening of the  next day, and again begged them to comfort His Mother and Magdalen. He stood thus speaking for some moments, but the Apostles kept silence, not knowing what to reply. They were so filled with grief and consternation at His words, and appearance that they knew not what to say; indeed, they even thought that His mind was wandering.

祂恳求他们安慰祂的母亲。 祂痛苦地向他们讲述了祂将要受苦直到第二天晚上,并再次恳求他们安慰祂的母亲和玛达肋纳。他就这样站者说了一会儿,但宗徒们保持沉默,不知道该回答什么。 他们因耶稣的话和样子,满心忧愁,极其惊惶,甚至不知道说什么才好,以为他是走神了。 

When He wanted to return to the grotto, He had not the power to do so. I saw that John and James had to lead Him. When He entered it, the Apostles left  Him and went back to their own place. It  was then a quarter past eleven. (Vol. 4, pp. 102-103)

当祂想再回到洞窟时,祂没有能力做到。我看到若望和雅各伯必须领祂回洞窟。 当祂进去时,宗徒们离开了祂,回到了他们自己的地方。那时是十一点一刻。

68. 耶稣同情圣母和玛达肋纳的痛苦

68. 耶稣同情圣母和玛达肋纳的痛苦


在耶稣痛苦的山园祈祷期间,我看到圣母在玛利亚·马尔谷的家中被悲伤和痛苦所淹没。 她和玛达肋纳和玛利亚·马尔谷在房子旁边的花园里。圣母双膝跪在一块石板上。 她全神贯注于自己的内心,周围的一切不能引起她的注意,她只看到,只感觉到她的圣子的痛苦。

She had sent messengers to obtain news of Him, but unable to await their coming, in her anguish of heart she went with Magdalen and Salome out into the Valley of Josaphat.I saw her walking along veiled, her arms often outstretched toward the Mount of Olives, where she saw in spirit Jesus agonizing and sweating blood. It seemed as if she would with her outstretched hands wipe His sacred face.


In answer to these interior and vehement movements of her soul toward her Son, I saw that Jesus was stirred  with thoughts of her. He turned His eyes in her direction as if seeking help from herI saw this mutual sympathy under the appearance of rays of light passing to and  fro between them. The Lord thought also of Magdalen and felt for her in her distress. He glanced toward her, and His soul was touched at sight of her.


He therefore ordered the disciples to console her for He knew that her love for Him, after that of His Mother, was greater than that of anyone else. He saw what she would have to suffer for Him in the future, and also that she would never more offend Him. (Vol. 4, pp. 103-104)




69. 向耶稣显明祂的苦难

69.Jesus Is Shown His Passion

Jesus overcomes His human repugnance for suffering and is consoled by angels who show Him the ardent desires of the souls in Limbo, and multitudes of future Saints. He sees all the good works done for the love of Him, all the hardships endured and labors accomplished as the fruits of His sufferings. But now these consoling pictures disappeared, and the angels displayed before His eyes all the scenes of His approaching Passion. They appeared quite close to the earth  for the time was near at hand. There were many angelic actors in these scenes.


69. 向耶稣显明祂的苦难

耶稣战胜了人类对苦难的厌恶,并得到天使的安慰,天使向祂展示了阴间灵魂的热切渴望,以及众多未来的圣徒。 祂看到未来的基督徒为爱祂所做的一切善工,所忍受的一切艰辛和成就的一切劳苦,都是祂苦难的果实。但现在这些安慰的画面消失了,天使们在耶稣眼前展示了他即将受难的所有场景,这些场景中有许多天使在演示,这些天使似乎离地球很近,因为时间近在咫尺。

I beheld everyone close to Jesus, from the kiss of Judas to His own last words upon the Cross. I saw all, all there again, as I am accustomed to see it in my meditations upon the Passion. The treason of Judas, the flight of the disciples, the mockery and sufferings before Annas and Caiaphas, Peter's denial, Pilate's tribunal, Herod's derision, the scourging and crowning with thorns, the condemnation to death, the sinking under the weight of the Cross, the meeting with the Blessed Virgin and her swooning, the jeers of the executioners against her, Veronica's handkerchief, the cruel nailing to the Cross and the raising of the same, the insults of the Pharisees, the sorrows of Mary, of Magdalen, and of John, and the piercing of His side-   in a word, all, all, clearly, significantly, and in their minutest details passed before Him.

从犹达斯的吻到耶稣在十字架上的遗言,我看到了每个与耶稣亲近的人。 我看到了一切,一切都在那里,就像我习惯于在我默想耶稣苦难中看到的那样。犹达斯的背叛,门徒的逃亡,在亚纳斯和盖法面前的遭受的嘲笑和苦难,伯多禄的否认,比拉多的审讯,黑落德的嘲笑,被鞭打和戴茨冠,被判处死刑,在十字架的重压下跌倒, 苦路上遇见圣母和圣母的昏厥,刽子手对圣母的嘲笑,维洛尼加的手帕,残酷地钉在十字架上并同样残忍地举起十字架,法利赛人的侮辱,圣母、玛达肋纳和 若望的悲痛,以及祂的肋旁被刺穿——一句话,所有的受难过程最细微的细节,都清楚的,显着的在祂面前掠过。

All the gestures, all the sentiments, and words of His future tormentors, I saw that the Lord beheld and heard in alarm and anguish of soul. He willingly accepted all, He willingly submitted to all through love for man. He was most painfully troubled at His shameful stripping on the Cross, which He endured to atone for the immodesty of men, and He implored that He might retain a girdle at least upon the Cross, but even this was not allowed Him. I saw, however, that He was to receive help, not from the executioners, but from a certain good person. (Vol. 4, 106107)


70. 犹达斯和法利赛人

70.Judas and the Pharisees


An angel offers Jesus the chalice and He, accepting this chalice of His Passion, drinks from it, receiving new strength. He walks with a firm step to the three Apostles, who have again fallen asleep. "Arise, let us go! Behold, the traitor is approaching! Oh, it were better for him had he never been born!"

70. 犹达斯和法利赛人

一位天使将圣爵递给耶稣,祂接受了祂的苦难的圣爵,喝了它,并获得了新的力量。 祂迈着坚定的步伐走向再次睡着的三位宗徒。  “起来,我们走吧!看哪,那负卖人子的来近了!啊,他若没有出生,为他更好!」

At the beginning of his treasonable career, Judas had really never looked forward to the result that followed upon it. He wanted to obtain the traitor's reward and please the Pharisees by pretending to deliver Jesus into their hands, but he had never counted on things going so far, he never dreamed of Jesus' being brought to judgment and crucified.


He was thinking only of the money, and he had for a long time been in communication with some sneaking, spying Pharisees and Sadducees who by flattery were inciting him to treason. He was tired of the fatiguing, wandering, and persecuted life led by the Apostles. For several months past, he had begun this downward course by stealing the alms committed to his care; and his avarice, excited by Magdalen's lavish anointing of Jesus, urged him on to extremes. He had always counted upon Jesus' establishing a temporal kingdom in which he hoped for some brilliant and lucrative post.

他一心只想着钱,而且很长一段时间以来,他一直在与一些偷偷摸摸的、窥探的法利赛人和撒杜塞人交往,他们以奉承的方式煽动他背叛。 他厌倦了宗徒们过着疲惫、流浪和迫害的生活。 在过去的几个月里,他通过偷窃他所掌管的施舍的钱开始逐渐堕落。他的贪婪,被玛达肋纳对耶稣的慷慨膏抹所激起,促使他走向极端。 他一直指望耶稣建立一个世俗的王国,他希望在这个王国中获得一些辉煌而有利可图的职位。

But as this was not forthcoming, he turned his thoughts to amassing a fortune. He saw that hardships and persecution were on the increase; and so he thought that, before things came to the worst, he would ingratiate himself with some of the powerful and distinguished among Jesus'   enemies. He saw that Jesus did not become a king; whereas, the High Priests and prominent men of the Temple were people very attractive in his eyes.


And so he allowed himself to be drawn into closer communication with their agents, who flattered him in every way and told him in the greatest confidence that under any circumstances an end would soon be put to Jesus' career. During the last few days they followed him to Bethania, and thus he continued to sink deeper and deeper into depravity. He almost ran his legs off to induce the High Priests to come to some conclusion. But they would not come to terms and treated him with great contempt.


They told him that the time now intervening before the feast was too short. If any action were taken now, it would create trouble and disturbance on the feast. The Sanhedrin alone paid some degree of attention to his proposals. After his sacrilegious reception of the Sacrament, Satan took entire possession of him and he went off at once to complete his horrible crime. He first sought those agents who had until now constantly flattered him and received him with apparent friendship. Some others joined the party, among them Caiaphas and Annas, but the last-named treated him very rudely and scornfully. They were irresolute and mistrustful of the consequences, nor did they appear to place any confidence in Judas. (Vol 4, pp. 109-110)


他们告诉他,现在在庆节之前进行干预的时间太短了。如果现在采取任何行动,将会给庆节带来麻烦和干扰。只有公议会对他的提议给予了一定程度的关注。在最后晚餐他亵渎了“圣体圣事”后,撒旦完全控制了他,他立即离开去完成他可怕的罪行。他首先要寻找的是那些一直到现在还不断奉承他,并以明显的友谊接待他的代理人。 还有一些人也加入了他们的行列,其中包括盖法和亚纳斯,但亚纳斯对他非常粗鲁和轻蔑。 他们对事情后果犹豫不决和没有信心,他们似乎也不相信犹达斯。


71. 耶稣的跟随者得知祂被捕的消息

71. Jesus' Followers Learn of His Arrest

Judas persuades the Pharisees to arrest Jesus now and

receives his thirty pieces of silver.

He leads the soldiers to the Garden of Olives,

where he betrays Jesus with a kiss.

Jesus is taken into custody.

The Apostles and disciples, being frightened and confused,

run away and hide.

On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus is violently abused and mistreated.

He is dragged over sharp stones and beaten with prods and whips.

As the party is about to enter Ophel, it is joined by fifty more soldiers, since Jesus has many followers here.


71. 耶稣的跟随者得知祂被捕的消息








When this shouting  band hurried from Ophel by torchlight to meet the approaching procession, the disciples lurking around dispersed in all directions.  I saw that the Blessed Virgin in her trouble and anguish with  Martha, Magdalen, Mary Cleophas, Mary Salome, Mary Marcus, Susanna, Johanna Chusa, Veronica, and Salome, again directed her steps to the Valley of Josaphat.


They were to the south of Gethsemani, opposite that part of Mount Olivet where was another grotto in which Jesus had formerly been accustomed to pray.  I saw Lazarus, John Mark, Veronica's son, and Simeon's son with them. The last- named, along with Nathanael, had been in Gethsemani with the eight Apostles, and had fled across when the tumult began.


They brought news to the Blessed Virgin. Meanwhile they heard the cries and saw the torches of the two bands as they met. The Blessed Virgin was in uninterrupted contemplation of Jesus' torments and sympathetic suffering with her Divine Son. She allowed the holy women to lead her back part of the way so that, when the tumultuous procession should have passed, she might again return to the house of Mary Marcus. (Vol 4, p. 125)

门徒给圣母带来了消息。与此同时,他们听到了叫喊声,看到了两队人相遇时的火把。圣母一直在默观耶稣的痛苦,并同情她的圣子所遭受的苦难。她让圣妇们带她往回走了一段路,这样,当喧嚣的队伍过去时,她可能会再次回到玛利亚马尔谷的家。  (第 4 卷,第 125 页)

72. 士兵们嘲笑玛达肋纳对耶稣的膏抹

72. The Soldiers Mock Magdalen's Anointing of Jesus

The inhabitants of Ophel, seeing Jesus, bound and bloody,

being led by soldiers, cry and lament for the Prophet who has cured and taught so many.

Jesus is taken to the palace of Annas, where He is accused and insulted.

He is then taken to the judgment hall of Caiaphas.

John and Peter make their way into the council area

among the servants and soldiers.

Caiaphas accuses Jesus of blasphemy and delivers Him to the executioners, who take turns beating Him, stabbing Him with needles and tearing His hair and beard, viciously abusing Him.

72. 士兵们嘲笑玛达肋纳对耶稣的膏抹








When  they covered  Jesus with  mud  and spittle, the vile  miscreants exclaimed: "Here now is Thy royal unction, Thy prophetic unction!" It was thus they mockingly alluded to Magdalen's anointing and to Baptism. "What!" they cried jeeringly, "art Thou going to appear before the Sanhedrin in this unclean trim? Thou wast wont to purify others and yet Thou art not clean Thyself. But we will now purify Thee."

当他们用泥土和唾沫涂抹耶稣时,这些卑鄙的恶棍大声喊道:「看哪,这是给君王的傅油,给先知的傅油!」他们就这样嘲讽地影射玛达肋纳的膏抹和洗礼。「什么!」 他们挖苦地喊道:「你要穿着这件不洁的衣服出现在公议会面前吗?你惯于净化别人,但你却不洁净你自己。但我们现在要净化你。」

Thereupon, they brought a basin full of foul, muddy water in which lay a coarse rag; and amid pushes, jests, and mockery mingled with ironical bows and salutations, with sticking out the tongue at Him or turning up to Him their hinder parts, they passed the wet smeary rag over His face and shoulders as if cleansing Him, though in reality rendering Him more  filthy than before.


Finally, they poured the whole contents of the basin over His face with the mocking words:' There, now, is precious balm for Thee! There now, Thou hast nard water at a cost of three hundred pence! Now, Thou hast Thy baptism of the Pool of Bethsaida!"(Vol. 4, pp. 156-157)

最后,他们把盆里的水全倒在耶稣的脸上,嘲弄地说:「看哪,这就是给你的宝贵的香膏! 现在,你拥有这值三百便士的甘松香水了!现在,你已经在贝特赛达池中受洗了!」(第 4 卷,第 156-157 页)

73. “你这最不幸的母亲啊!”

73."O Thou Most Unhappy Mother!"

John, horrified and fearing that the Blessed Virgin might hear

of these things from strangers, leaves the judgment hall

to seek her at the home of Martha.

Peter, unable to abandon his Lord, but also unable to watch the abuses loaded upon Him, seeks a corner in the atrium by a fire.

He thrice denies Jesus and, hearing the cock crow a second time, realizes the enormity of his fault. He covers his head with his mantle, shedding bitter tears.

73. “你这最不幸的母亲啊!”







The Blessed Virgin, united in constant, interior compassion with Jesus, knew and experienced in her soul all that happened to Him. She suffered everything with Him in spiritual contemplation, and like Him she was absorbed in continual prayer for His executioners. But at the same time, her mother-heart cried uninterruptedly to God that He might not suffer these crimes to be enacted, that He might ward off these sufferings from her Most Blessed Son, and she irresistibly longed to be near her poor, outraged Jesus. When then John, after the frightful cry: "He is guilty of death!"  left the  court of Caiaphas and went to her at Lazarus'   in Jerusalem, not far from the corner gate; and when, by his account of the terrible sufferings of her Son, he confirmed what she already well knew from interior contemplation, she ardently desired to be conducted together with Magdalen (who was almost crazed from grief), and some others of the holy women, to where she might be near her suffering Jesus.


John, who had left the presence of His Divine Master only to console her who was next to Jesus with him, accompanied the Blessed Virgin when led by the holy women from the house. Magdalen, wringing her hands, staggered with the others along the moonlit streets, which were alive with people returning to their homes. The holy women were veiled. But their little party, closely clinging to one another, their occasional sobs and expressions of grief, which could not be restrained, drew upon them the notice of the passers-by, many of whom were Jesus' enemies; and the bitter, abusive words which they heard uttered against the Lord added to their pain.

若望离开了他的神圣师父,只是为了安慰和他一起在耶稣旁边的圣母,当圣妇们陪着圣母走出家门时,若望陪着圣母,玛达肋纳绞着手,与其他人在月光下的街道上蹒跚而行,街道上到处都是回家的人。 圣妇们都蒙着面纱。 但她们那一小群人紧紧地依偎在一起,时而的哭泣,无法抑制悲伤的表情,这引起了路人的注意,其中许多人是耶稣的敌人。又听到有人对主耶稣说刻薄、辱骂的话,就更加痛苦。

The most afflicted Mother suffered in constant, interior contemplation the torments of Jesus, which, however, like all other things, she quietly kept in her heart; for, like Him, she suffered with Him in silence. The holy women supported her in their arms. When passing under an arched gateway of the inner city, through which their way led, they were met by some well-disposed people returning from Caiaphas ' judgment hall and lamenting the scenes they had witnessed. They approached the holy women and, recognizing the Mother of Jesus , paused a moment to salute her with heartfelt compassion: "O thou most unhappy Mother! Thou most afflicted Mother! O thou most distressed Mother of the Holy One of Israel!" Mary thanked them earnestly, and the holy women with hurried steps continued their sorrowful way.(Vol. 4, pp. 162-163)

最痛苦的母亲,在内心深处不断地默想耶稣的痛苦,然而,就像所有其他事情一样,她默默地把这些痛苦藏在心里; 因为,她也像耶稣一样,默默地与祂一起受苦。 圣妇们紧紧搂着她。 当她们穿过内城的拱形大门时,她们遇到了一些从盖法审判厅出来的好心的人,他们为所见的场景而悲叹。 他们走近圣妇们,认出耶稣的母亲,便停下来,以衷心的同情向她致敬:「啊,最不幸的母亲!你这最痛苦的母亲!啊,你是以色列圣者最痛苦的母亲! 圣母诚恳地谢过他们,圣妇们便迈着匆匆的脚步,悲痛地继续前行。(第 4 卷,第 162-163 页)

74. 伯多禄向圣母玛利亚承认他否认耶稣

74. Peter Confesses to Mary His Denial of Jesus

When now they reached the outer court of the house, Mary, in the midst of the holy women and accompanied by John, withdrew into a corner under the gateway leading into the inner court. Her soul, filled with inexpressible sufferings, was with Jesus. She sighed for the door to be opened, and hoped, through John's intervention, to be allowed admittance.

74. 伯多禄向圣母玛利亚承认他否认耶稣

当她们到达房子的外院时,圣母在圣妇中间,在若望的陪同下,退到通往内院的大门下的一个角落里。 圣母的灵魂与耶稣同在,充满了难以言喻的痛苦,她叹了口气,希望门能打开,并希望通过若望的干预,能被允许进入。

She felt that this door alone separated her from her Son who, at the second crowing of the cock, was to be led out of the house and into the prison below. At last the door opened and Peter, weeping bitterly, his head covered and his hands outstretched, rushed to meet the crowd issuing forth. The glare of the torches, added to the light shed by the moon, enabled him at once to recognize John and the Blessed Virgin. It seemed to him that conscience, which the glance of the Son had roused and terrified stood before him in the person of the Mother.


Oh, how the soul of poor Peter quivered when Mary accosted him with "O Simon, what about my Son, what about Jesus?" Unable to speak or to support the glance of Mary's eyes, Peter turned  away  wringing   his   hands.   But  Mary  would  not  desist.   She approached him and said in a voice full of emotion: "O Simon, son of Cephas, thou answerest me not?" Thereupon in the deepest woe, Peter exclaimed: "O Mother, speak not to me! Thy Son is suffering cruelly. Speak not to me! They have condemned Him to death, and I have shamefully denied Him thrice!" And when John drew near to speak to him, Peter, like one crazed by grief, hurried out of the court and fled from the city. He paused not until he reached that cave on Mount Olivet upon whose stones were impressed the marks of Jesus' hands while He prayed. In the same cave our first father Adam did penance, for it was here that he first reached the curse-laden earth.


The Blessed Virgin, in compassion for Jesus in this new pain, that of being denied by the disciple who had been the first to acknowledge Him the Son of the Living God, at these words of Peter, sank down upon the stone pavement upon which she was standing by the pillar of the gateway.


The marks of her hand or foot remained impressed upon the stone, which is still in existence, though I do not remember where I have seen it. Most of the crowd had dispersed after Jesus was imprisoned, and the gate of the court was still standing open. Rising from where she had fallen and longing to be nearer her beloved Son, John conducted the Blessed Virgin and the holy women to the front of the Lord's prison.


Mary was indeed with Jesus in spirit and knew all that was happening to Him, and He too was with her. But this most faithful Mother wished to hear with her bodily ears the sighs of her Son. She could in her present position hear both the sighs of Jesus and the insults heaped upon Him. The little group could not here remain long unobserved.


Magdalen was too greatly agitated to conquer the vehemence of her grief, and though the Blessed Virgin by a special grace appeared wonderfully dignified and venerable in her exterior manifestation of her exceedingly great suffering, yet even while going this short distance she was obliged to listen to words of bitter import, such as: " Is not this the Galilean's Mother? Her Son will certainly be crucified, though not before the festival, unless, indeed He is the greatest of criminals."


The Blessed Virgin turned and, guided by the Spirit that enlightened her interiorly, went to the fireplace in the atrium where only a few of the rabble were still standing. Her companions followed in speechless grief. In this place of horror, where Jesus had declared that He was the Son of God and where the brood of Satan had cried out: "He is guilty of death," the most afflicted Mother' s anguish was so great that she appeared more like a dying than a living person. John and the holy women led her away from the spot. The lookers-on became silent, as if stupefied. The effect produced by Mary 's presence was what might be caused by a pure spirit passing through Hell. (Vol. 4, pp. 164-166)

圣母转身,在启迪她内心的圣神指引下,来到中庭的壁炉前,那里只有几名乌合之众还站着。她的同伴们悲痛得说不出话来。在这个恐怖的地方,耶稣宣称祂是天主子,撒旦的子孙大声喊叫:「他犯了死罪,最受折磨的母亲的痛苦是如此之大,以至于她看起来更像一个垂死的人。若望和圣妇们带她离开了现场。围观的人都沉默了,仿佛被惊呆了。圣母临在所产生的效果,就像纯洁的灵魂穿越地狱的状况。(第 4 卷,第 164-166 页)

75. 圣母玛利亚、若望和玛达肋纳在彼拉多的法庭上 耶稣被囚禁了一夜

75. Mary, John and Magdalen at Pilate's Tribunal

Jesus is imprisoned for the night. Judas is told that Jesus has been condemned to death, but he is resolved to await the outcome of the morning trial. Shortly after sunrise, Jesus is again brought before the council, where He again admits to being the Son of God. He is then led to the palace of Pilate. On the way, Judas overhears that Jesus is indeed condemned to death. He runs to the Temple and tries to give back the money, but is put off with scorn. He becomes as one insane, casts the silver onto the floor of the Temple and flees the city. Overcome by despair, he hangs himself on a tree at the foot of the mount of Scandals.


75. 圣母玛利亚、若望和玛达肋纳在彼拉多的法庭上









Not very far from the house of Caiaphas, crowded together in the corner of a building, and waiting for the coming procession were the blessed and afflicted Mother of Jesus, Magdalen, and John. Mary's soul was always with Jesus, but wherever she could approach Him in body also, her love gave her no rest. It drove her out upon His path and into His footsteps. After her midnight visit to Caiaphas' tribunal, she had in speechless grief tarried only a short time in the Cenacle; for scarcely was Jesus led forth from prison for the morning trial, when she too arose.

离盖法家不远的地方,痛苦圣母,玛达肋纳和若望挤在建筑物的角落里,等待着即将到来的队伍。圣母的灵魂一直与耶稣同在,但无论她身在何处,除非能靠近耶稣的身体,她的爱就不能使安宁。这爱驱使她走上耶稣的道路, 追随祂的脚步,她午夜到盖法的审判庭去,在无可言喻的悲痛中,她只在晚餐厅停留了一会儿,因为耶稣刚出监狱,明日受审,她也就离开那里了。

Enveloped in mantle and veil and taking the lead of John and Magdalen, she said: " Let us follow My Son to Pilate. My eyes must again behold Him." Taking a bypath, they got in advance of the procession and here the Blessed Virgin stood and waited along with the others. The Mother of Jesus knew how things were going with her Son. Her soul had Him always before her eyes, but that interior view could never have depicted Him so disfigured and maltreated as He really was by the wickedness of human creatures.

她裹着斗篷和面纱,走在若望和玛达肋纳的前面,说:“让我们跟随我的儿子去见彼拉多。我的眼睛必须再次看见祂。” 他们绕道而行,走到了队伍前面,圣母就站在那里与其他人一起等候。圣母知道她圣子的情况。 她总是在灵里看到祂,但这种内在的视角,永远无法描绘出耶稣被人类的邪恶所践踏和虐待的真实样子。

She did, in truth, see constantly His frightful sufferings, but all aglow with the light of His love and His sanctity, with the glory of that patient endurance with which He was accomplishing His sacrifice. But now passed before her gaze the frightful reality in all its ignoble significance. The proud and enraged enemies of Jesus, the High Priests of the true God in their robes of ceremony, full of malice, fraud, falsehood and blasphemy, passed before her, revolving deicidal designs. The priests of God had become priests of Satan.


Oh, terrible spectacle! And then that uproar, those cries of the populace! And lastly, Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man, Mary 's own Son, disfigured and maltreated, fettered and covered with blows, driven along by the executioners, tottering rather than walking, jerked forward by the barbarous executioners who held the ropes that bound Him, and overwhelmed by a storm of mockery and malediction! Ah! Had He not been the most wretched, the most miserable in that tempest of Hell unchained, had He not been the only one calm and in loving prayer, Mary would never have known Him, so terribly was He disfigured.

哦。真是可怕的场面!然后是一片喧嚣声,那些民众的喊叫!最后,耶稣,天主子,人子,玛利亚的儿子,被摧残和虐待,被束缚和殴打,被行刑者推着向前走,他越走越艰难,野蛮的行刑者猛拉捆绑祂的绳索,一路上跌跌撞撞,祂被嘲弄和诅咒的风暴淹没!! 祂若不是在那地狱的风暴肆虐中最不幸的、最悲惨的人;祂若不是唯一一个在爱的祈祷中平静的人,圣母玛利亚永远不会认出祂,因为祂的脸上伤痕累累毁坏得几乎看不出原容。

He had, besides, only His undergarment on, and that had been covered with dirt by the malicious executioners. As He approached her, she lamented as any Mother might have done: "Alas! Is this my Son? Ah! Is this my Son! O Jesus, my Jesus!" The procession hurried by. Jesus cast upon His Mother a side glance full of emotion. She became unconscious of all around, and John and Magdalen bore her away. But scarcely had she somewhat recovered herself when she requested John to accompany her again to Pilate's palace. (Vol. 4, pp. 177-178)

此外,他身上只有一件内衣,上面沾满了野蛮的刑役的污迹。当主走近圣母时,她像任何一位母亲一样哀叹:「唉!这是我的儿子吗?啊!这是我的儿子!啊,耶稣,我的耶稣!」押送队伍匆匆而过。耶稣充满情感地向祂的母亲瞥了一眼。圣母对周围的一切都失去了知觉,若望和玛达肋纳把她带走了。但她刚稍微恢复过来时,她就请求若望陪她回到彼拉多的宫殿。(第 4 卷,第 177-178 页)


76. 十字苦路

76. The Way of the Cross


Jesus is brought before Pilate, whose loathing for the Jewish priests increases when he sees Jesus so shockingly abused. He treats them with contempt and scorn, but they lay before him the charges. He interviews Jesus himself and finds no guilt in Him. On hearing from the crowd that Jesus is from Galilee, he sends Him to be judged by Herod. .


76. 十字苦路


The Blessed Virgin, standing with Magdalen and John in a corner of the forum hall, had with unspeakable pain beheld the whole of the dreadful scene just described, had heard the clamorous shouts and cries. And now when Jesus was taken to Herod, she begged to be conducted by John and Magdalen back over the whole way of suffering trodden by her Divine Son since His arrest the preceding evening. They went over the whole route---to the judgment hall of Caiaphas, to the palace of Annas, and thence through Ophel to Gethsemani on Mount Olivet.


On many places where Jesus had suffered outrage and injury, they paused in heartfelt grief and compassion and wherever He had fallen to the ground the Blessed Mother fell on her knees and kissed the earth. Magdalen wrung her hands, while John in tears assisted the afflicted Mother to rise, and led her on further.


This was the origin of that devotion of the Church, the Holy Way of the Cross, the origin of that sympathetic meditation upon the bitter Passion of our Divine Redeemer even before it was fully accomplished by Him. Even then, when Jesus was traversing that most painful way of suffering, did His pure and immaculate Mother, in her undying, holy love, seek to share the inward and outward pains of her Son and her God, venerate and weep over His footsteps as He went to die for us, and offer all to the Heavenly Father for the salvation of the world. (Vol 4, p. 189)

这就是圣教会敬礼“十字苦路”的起源,这种同情并默想神圣救主受难”苦楚的起源,甚至在祂完全实现苦难救赎之前就有了。甚至在耶稣正走在最痛苦的苦难之路的同时,祂的无玷圣母,以她那永不止息的圣洁的爱,设法分担她的圣子也是她的天主的内在和外在的痛苦,恭敬并痛哭圣子为我们受死的足迹, 并为了拯救世界,圣子将一切献给天主圣父。 (第 4 卷,第 189 页)


77. 玛达肋纳明白她在耶稣受难中的角色

77. Magdalen Understands Her Part in Jesus' Sufferings


Magdalen in her grief was like an insane person. Immeasurable as her love was her repentance. When, in her love, she longed to pour out her soul at the feet of Jesus as once the precious balm upon His head, full of horror she descried between her and the Redeemer the abyss of her crimes; then was the pain of repentance in all its bitterness renewed in her heart.


77. 玛达肋纳明白她在耶稣受难中的角色


玛达肋纳在悲痛中就像一个精神失常的人。 她无法估量的爱正是她的痛悔。 在这种爱中,她渴望将自己的灵魂倾倒在耶稣脚前,就像曾经将宝贵的香膏倾倒在主头上一样,她满怀恐惧地看到她和救主之间她的罪恶深渊;那时,悔改的痛苦在所有痛苦的回忆中在她心中重新燃起。

When, in her gratitude, she longed to send up like a cloud of incense her thanksgiving for forgiveness received, she saw Him, full of pains and torments, led to death. With unspeakable grief, she comprehended that Jesus was undergoing all this on account of her sins, which He had taken upon Himself in order to atone for them with His own Blood.


This thought plunged her deeper and deeper into an abyss of repentant sorrow. Her soul was, as it were, dissolved in gratitude and love, in sorrow and bitterness, in sadness and lamentation, for she saw and felt the ingratitude, the capital crime of her nation, in delivering its Saviour to the ignominious death of the cross. All this was expressed in her whole appearance, in her words and gestures.

这个念头让她越陷越深,陷入悔恨的深渊。 她的灵魂仿佛融化在感激和爱,悲痛和苦涩,伤心和悲叹中,因为她看到并感受到了她的民族的忘恩负义和重罪,将他们的救主交给了十字架的可耻死亡。这一切都表现在她的整个外表,她的言语和姿态中。

John suffered and loved not less than Magdalen, but the untroubled innocence of his pure heart lent a higher degree of peace to his soul. ...

During the dispersion of the disciples and the Passion of the Lord, Martha had a heavy duty to fulfill and she still discharged it. Though torn with grief, she had to see to everything, to lend a helping hand everywhere. She had to feed the dispersed and wandering, attend to their wants, provide nourishment for all. Her assistant in all this, as well as in the cooking, was Johanna Chusa whose husband had been a servant of Herod.  (Vol 4, pp. 191, 388)

若望所受的痛苦和爱不亚于玛达肋纳的人,但他纯洁的心和他平静的纯真给他的灵魂带来了更高程度的平安。 ...在门徒四散和主的受难期间,玛尔大有一项沉重的任务要完成,她坚持履行了。 尽管悲痛欲绝,她仍然必须照顾一切,到处伸出援助之手。 她必须让驱散和流浪的人吃饱,照顾他们的需要,为所有人提供食物。 她在这一切以及煮饭方面的助手是约安纳.雇撒(或苏撒那.雇撒),他的丈夫曾是黑罗德的仆人。 (第 4 卷,第 191388 页)

78. 圣母和玛达肋纳,在耶稣鞭打之后擦净地上的宝血

78.The Blessed Virgin and Magdalen Wipe up The Precious Blood after the Scourging


As Jesus is being taken to Herod, Pilate goes to his wife Claudia Procla, who tells him of the dreams she has had during the night. She begs him not to injure Jesus, as He is a great prophet. Pilate gives her his word that he will not condemn Jesus. Herod also finds Jesus innocent and sends Him back to Pilate.

Looking for a way to release Jesus, Pilate offers to the crowd the choice of Jesus or Barabbas to be freed on the Pasch. The crowd chooses Barabbas. Pilate, still hoping to be able to free Jesus, orders Him to be scourged. Jesus is beaten and torn with whips and metal hooks for a full three-quarters of an hour and is then led away to be crowned with thorns.


78. 圣母和玛达肋纳,在耶稣鞭打之后擦净地上的宝血








以便在逾越节按照惯例释放一个囚犯。 民众选择了巴拉巴。



Mary saw her lacerated Son driven past her by the executioners. With His garment He wiped the blood from His eyes in order to see His Mother. She raised her hands in agony toward Him and gazed upon His bloodstained footprints. Then, as the mob moved over to another side, I saw the Blessed Virgin and Magdalen approaching the place of scourging. Surrounded and hidden by the other holy women and some well-disposed people standing by, they cast themselves on their knees and soaked up the sacred Blood of Jesus with the linens until not a trace of it could be found.   (Vol 4, p. 212)

圣母玛利亚看到她被撕裂的儿子被刑役从她身边拖走。主用祂的衣服擦去祂眼睛上的血,为能看到祂的母亲。她痛苦地向圣子伸出双手,凝视着祂血迹斑斑的脚印。然后,当暴民走到另一边时,我看到圣母和玛达肋纳靠近耶稣受鞭打的地方。在其他圣妇女和一些善心人围绕掩护下,圣母和玛达肋纳跪在地上,用亚麻布汲取耶稣的圣血,直到找不到一丝血迹。  (第 4 卷,第 212 页)


79. 玛达肋纳的外貌

79.Magdalen's Appearance


Magdalen . .. was tall, both in figure and carriage... . Her beauty, however, was now destroyed, owing to her violent repentance and intense grief. She was, if not decidedly ugly, at least painful to look upon, on account of the unrestrained fury of her passions. Her garments, wet and stained with mud, hung torn and disordered around her; her long hair floated loose and dishevelled under her wet, tossed veil. She was perfectly changed in appearance. She thought of nothing but her grief, and looked almost like one bereft of sense. There were many people here from Magdalum and the surrounding country who had known her in her early splendor, who had seen her in her wasting life of sin, and who had lost sight of her in her long retirement. Now they pointed her out with the finger and mocked at her forlorn appearance. Yes, there were some from  Magdalum base enough even to throw mud at her as she passed along. But she did not notice it, so absorbed was she in her own sorrow.    (Vol. 4, pp. 222-223)



79. 玛达肋纳的外貌

玛达肋纳个子很高,身体匀称,然而,由于她强烈的痛悔和剧烈的悲伤,她的美貌现在已经毁了。她的容貌,如果不是十分丑陋的话,至少看起来是因痛苦而扭曲的。她的衣服是湿漉漉的,沾满了污泥,撕裂而凌乱地裹在身上。她的长发在湿漉漉的面纱下蓬乱的飘散着。她的容貌完全变了。她除了伤心,什么也不想,看起来几乎就像一个失去理智的人。这里有许多人从玛格达伦和周围的乡村来,他们在她早年的辉煌时期就认识了她,见过她在罪恶中虚度光阴,但在她长期隐退之后,他们就再也看不到她了。现在他们用手指指着她,嘲笑她那可怜的样子。是的,有一些来自玛格达伦基地的人,甚至在她经过时朝她扔泥巴。但她并没有注意到,因为她正沉浸在悲伤之中了。 (第 4 卷,第 222-223 页)


80. 圣母玛利亚和圣妇们走向哥耳哥达

80. Mary and the Holy Women Go to Golgotha

Jesus is crowned with thorns, wrapped in an old military mantle, and a reed is placed in His hand. He is led back to Pilate, who has been trying to convince the crowd of Jesus' innocence. He presents Jesus to them with the words: " Behold the Man!" But they, being incited by the Pharisees, scream: "Crucify him!" Pilate again assures them that he finds no guilt in Him, but the mob continues to shout for His crucifixion. Pilate, realizing that he cannot reason with this raging multitude, washes his hands before them, saying: "I am innocent of the blood of this just man. Look ye to it!" And rising up from the mob in one voice comes the cry: " His Blood be upon us and upon our children!" Thus Pilate, breaking his pledge to his wife, pronounces the sentence of death and Jesus, embracing His cross, begins the journey to Mount Golgotha.



80. 圣母玛利亚和圣妇们走向哥耳哥达


    耶稣戴着荆棘茨冠,披着一件破旧军衣,手里拿着一根芦苇。他被带回彼拉多那里,彼拉多一直试图让民众相信耶稣是无辜的。他把耶稣介绍给他们的说:看,这个人!但民众在法利赛人的煽动下,就喊着说:钉祂在十字架上!彼拉多再次向他们保证,他没有发现耶稣有罪,但暴民继续高喊要钉耶稣在十字架上。 彼拉多见不能和这暴怒的群众讲论,就在他们面前洗手,说:流这义人的血,罪不在我,你们自己负责吧!暴民中有一个声音喊着说:祂的血归到我们和我们的子孙身上!这样,彼拉多违背了对妻子的誓言,判了耶稣死刑,耶稣拥抱着祂的十字架,开始了前往哥尔哥达的旅程。

Mary, John and , Magdalen see the procession coming toward them. As Jesus is passing, He falls. His Blessed Mother rushes to Him and holds Him in her arms for the last time. Being obliged by the soldiers to depart, she is led away by John and the holy women.




After that most painful meeting with her Divine Son carrying His cross before the dwelling of Caiaphas, the most afflicted Mother was conducted by John and the holy women, Johanna Chusa, Susann, and Salome, to the house of Nazareth in the vicinity of the comer gate. Here the other holy women, in tears and lamentations, were gathered around Magdalen and Martha.


Some children were with them. They now went all together, in number seventeen, with the Blessed Virgin, careless of the jeers of the mob, grave and resolute, and by their tears awe-inspiring, across the forum, where they kissed the spot upon which Jesus had taken up the burden of the cross. Thence they proceeded along the whole of the sorrowful way trodden by Him and venerated the places marked by special sufferings. The Blessed Virgin saw and recognized the footprints of her Divine Son, she numbered His steps, pointed out to the holy women all the places consecrated by His sufferings, regulated their halting and going forward on this Way of the Cross, which with all its details was deeply imprinted in her soul.

有些孩子和他们在一起。 现在,她们一共十七人,与圣母一起,不顾暴民的嘲笑,他们神情凝重而坚定地,流着令人敬畏的泪水,穿过广场,在那里她们亲吻了耶稣背负起沉重十字架的地方。 从这里,她们沿着祂所踏过的整个苦路前行,并崇敬那些留下特别苦难的地方。圣母看到并认出了她的圣子的脚印,她数点祂的脚步,向圣妇指出所有因祂的苦难而祝圣过的地方,定出应纪念的“十字苦路”的站点,指出末来的“十字苦路”前行的方向,其中所有细节深深地烙印在她的灵魂里。

The sufferings of the most afflicted Mother of Sorrows on this journey, at the sight of the place of execution and her ascent to it, cannot be expressed. They were twofold: the pains of Jesus suffered interiorly and the sense of being left behind. Magdalen was perfectly distracted, intoxicated and reeling, as it were, with grief, precipitated from agony to agony. From silence long maintained she fell to lamenting, from listlessness to wringing her hands, from moaning to threatening the authors of her misery. She had to be continually supported, protected, admonished to silence, and concealed by the other women.


They went up the hill by the gently sloping western side and stood in three groups, one behind the other, outside the wall enclosing the circle. The Mother of Jesus, her niece Mary Cleophas, Salome, and John stood close to the circle. Martha, Mary Heli, Veronica, Johanna Chusa, Susanna,  and Mary Marcus stood a little distance back around Magdalen, who could no longer restrain herself. Still farther back were about seven others, and between these groups were some well-disposed individuals who carried messages backward and forward. The mounted Pharisees were stationed in groups at various points around the circle, and the five entrances were guarded by Roman soldiers.  (Vol. 4, pp. 262-264)

们沿着西边缓坡上了山,分成三组,一组跟在另一组后面,站在刑场的围墙外边。圣母、圣母的侄女玛利亚·克罗帕、撒落美和若望贴近围墙站着。 玛尔大、玛利亚.赫里、维洛尼加、约安纳.雇撒、苏撒纳和玛利亚.马尔谷站在离玛达肋纳不远的地方,她再也控制不住自己了。再往前一点,还有另外七个人,在这几组人中,有几个态度友好的人,他们前后传递信息。骑着马的法利赛人成群地驻扎在圆圈周围的不同地点,五个入口由罗马士兵把守。

(第 4 卷,第 262-264 页)



81.The Crucifixion

Jesus, being pulled from side to side by the cords tied about His waist, falls many times and is finally helped by Simon of Cyrene. Veronica offers her veil to Jesus, who gratefully accepts and, pressing it to His face, imprints His image upon it. The procession reaches the place of execution, and Jesus is again stripped of His clothing, reopening many of His wounds.


耶稣被绑在腰间的绳索从一边拉到另一边,摔倒了数次,最后被基肋乃人西满扶起。 维洛尼加将她的面纱献给耶稣,耶稣感激地接受了,维洛尼加用面纱揩擦耶稣的脸,将祂的圣容印在上面。 押送队伍到达行刑地点,耶稣再次被剥去衣服,重新撕开了祂的许多伤口。

Jesus was now stretched on the cross by the executioners. He had lain Himself upon, it but they pushed Him lower down in to the hollow place, rudely drew His right hand to the hole for the nail in the right arm of the cross, and tied His wrist fast. One knelt on His sacred breast and held the closing hand flat; another placed the long, thick nail, which had been filed to a sharp point, upon the palm of His sacred hand, and struck furious blows with the iron hammer. A sweet, clear, spasmodic cry of anguish broke from the Lord's lips, and His blood spurted out upon the arms of the executioners. The muscles and ligaments of the hand had been torn and, by the three-edged nail, driven into the narrow hole. I counted the strokes of the hammer, but my anguish made me forget  their number. The Blessed Virgin sobbed in a low voice, but Magdalen was perfectly crazed.

耶稣现在被刑役拉到十字架上。 祂已经躺在十字架上面了,但他们把他往下推到十字架凹陷的地方,並粗鲁地把祂的右手拉扯到十字架钉右臂的钉孔上,并紧紧绑住祂的手腕。一个人跪在祂圣洁的胸膛上,将祂握紧的手掰开;另一个人把锉得很尖的又长又粗的钉子放在祂神圣的手掌中心,用铁锤猛烈地敲打下去。主的嘴唇发出一声清晰、痉挛的凄苦呻吟,主的宝血溅在刑役的手臂上。手的肌肉和韧带已经被撕裂,并被三刃钉穿透,钉子被钉进了狭窄的钉孔里。我数了锤子的敲击次数,但我的痛苦让我忘记了次数。圣母低声抽泣,但玛达肋纳完全崩溃。

The Blessed Virgin endured all this torture with Jesus. She was pale as a corpse, and  low moans of agony sounded from  her lips. The Pharisees were mocking and jesting at the side of the low wall by which she was standing; therefore, John led her to the other holy women at a still greater distance from the circle. Magdalen was like one out of her mind. She tore her face with her fingernails, till her eyes and cheeks were covered with blood.  (Vol. 4, pp. 268-270).

圣母与耶稣一起忍受了所有这些折磨。 她面色苍白如死尸般,唇边发出低沉的痛苦呻吟。 法利赛人在她站着的矮墙边讥笑嘲讽她。 因此,若望把她带到离刑场更远的其他圣妇所站的地方。 玛达肋纳就像是一个失去理智的人。 她用指甲撕破脸,直到她的眼睛和脸颊都沾满了血。 (第 4 卷,第 268-270 页)。


82. 经师和法利赛人在哥耳哥达山上

82.The Scribes and Pharisees on Mount Golgotha


Jesus' other hand is stretched into position and fastened with the second nail.

Both arms are tightly bound to the cross to prevent the nails from ripping through His hands. His feet are crossed, and the third nail is hammered through both of them. The cross is raised and dropped into the hole prepared for it. The two thieves are crucified on either side of Jesus. The slaughter of the Paschal lambs has begun. The soldiers cast lots for Jesus' clothing.


82. 经师和法利赛人在哥耳哥达山上




十字架竖起,底落入预备好的地洞中。 两个强盗被钉在耶稣的两边。



After the crucifixion of the thieves and the distribution of the Lord's garments, the executioners gathered up their tools, addressed some mocking and insulting words to Jesus, and went their way. The Pharisees still present spurred up their horses, rode around the circle in front of Jesus, outraged Him in many abusive words, and then rode off. The hundred Roman soldiers with their commander also descended the mount and left the neighborhood for fifty others had come up to take their place.

在两盗贼被钉,主的长衣被瓜分后,刑役收拾刑具,对耶稣说了些讥讽侮辱的话,就走了。还在场的法利赛人策马,在耶稣面前绕了一圈,用许多辱骂的言语向主发泄仇恨,然后就骑马离去。 一百名罗马士兵和他们的指挥官也下了山,离开了哥尔哥达,其他五十人上来接替他们的位置。

The captain of this new detachment was Abenadar, an Arab by birth, who was later on baptized at Ctesiphon. The subaltern officer was Cassius. He was a kind of petty agent of Pilate, and at a subsequent period he received the name of Longinus. Twelve Pharisees, twelve   Sadducees, twelve Scribes, and some of the Ancients likewise rode up the mount. Among the last-named were those Jews that had in vain requested of Pilate another inscription for the title of the cross.

这个新支队的队长是阿贝纳达尔,他是阿拉伯人,后来在泰西丰受了洗。副官是卡休斯。 他是彼拉多府的低级官员,在随后的一段时间里,他获得了朗基努斯的名字。 还有十二个法利赛人、十二个撒杜塞人、十二个经师,以及一些长老也同样骑马上山。 在这些人中有些是曾要求彼拉多更改十字架上的罪状牌而未达到目的的犹太人。

They were furious, for Pilate would not allow them even to appear in his presence. They rode around the circle and drove away the Blessed Virgin, calling her a dissolute woman. John took her to the women who were standing back. Magdalen and Martha supported her in their arms. (Vol 4, p. 281)

他们很生气,因为彼拉多甚至不愿接见他们。 他们骑马绕着刑场一圈,把圣母赶走,称她为放荡的女人。 若望带她去找站在后面的圣妇。 玛达肋纳和玛尔大搀扶着她。 (第 4 卷,第 281 页)

83. 在十字架脚下

83.At the Foot of the Cross

The Pharisees mock Jesus and are joined in their insults by some of the soldiers and by Gesmas, the thief who is crucified on His left side, but Dismas defends Him and begs forgiveness of Him for the evil life he has led. Jesus blesses Dismas, saying: "Amen, I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with Me in



83. 在十字架脚下





The  Mother  of  Jesus,  Mary Cleoph,   Mary Magdalen, and John were standing around Jesus ' cross, between it and those of the thieves, and looking up at the Lord. The Blessed Virgin, overcome by maternal love, was in her heart fervently imploring Jesus to let her die with Him. At that moment, the Lord cast an earnest and compassionate glance down upon His Mother and, turning His eyes toward John said to her: "Woman, behold, this is thy son! He will be  thy son more truly than if thou hadst given him birth." Then He praised John, and said: "He has always been innocent and full of simple faith. He was never scandalized excepting when his mother wanted to have him elevated to a high position." 

圣母,玛利亚·克罗帕,玛利亚.玛达肋纳,和若望站在耶稣的十字架脚下,在主的十字架和盗贼的十字架之间,仰望主。 圣母被母爱所迫,心里热切地恳求耶稣让她与祂同死。 就在这时,主向祂的母亲投去恳切而同情的一瞥,然后转眼看向若望,对自己的母亲说:女人,看,这是你的儿子!他要比你生了他更真实地成为你的儿子。然后主称赞若望说:他一直纯洁无罪,充满了单纯的信仰。除了他的母亲想让他升到高位之外,他从未使自己蒙羞。

To John,  He said: "Behold, this  is thy Mother!''  and John reverently and like a filial son embraced beneath the cross of the dying Redeemer Jesus' Mother, who had now become his Mother also. After this solemn bequest of her dying Son, the Blessed Virgin was so deeply affected by her own sorrow and the gravity of the scene that the holy women, supporting her in their arms, seated her for a few moments on the earthen rampart opposite the cross, and then took her away from the circle to the rest of the holy women. (Vol. 4, pp. 284-285)

主对若望说:看,这是你的母亲!若望像孝子一样虔诚地拥抱着垂死的救赎主十字架下的母亲,耶稣的母亲,现在成了他的母亲。圣母在垂死的爱子这样庄严的遗赠之后,被自己的悲伤和这沉重的场面压夸,以至于圣妇们必须搀扶着她,让她在十字架对面的土墩上坐一会儿,然后把她带离刑场,到其他圣妇那里。(第 4 卷,第 284-285 页)

84. 「我的天主!我的天主!祢为什么舍弃了我!」

84."My God! My God! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me!"


The sun is darkened, and fear fills Jerusalem. Many utter lamentations, striking  their breasts . The High Priests light the lamps in the Temple, trying to maintain order. The darkness increases. Many of the lookers-on on Mount Golgotha flee back to the city. A dense vapor hangs over everything, and Jesus endures the pain of utter abandonment by God the Father, experiencing for a time that which is endured by a soul who has lost God forever.


84. 我的天主!我的天主!祢为什么舍弃了我!


太阳失光,恐惧充满了耶路撒冷。 很多人哀叹着,捶着胸膛。 大祭司点亮圣殿中的灯火,试图维持秩序。 越来越黑暗。 哥尔哥达山上的许多旁观者都逃回了城里。 浓密的雾气笼罩着一切,耶稣忍受着被天主圣父完全抛弃的痛苦,经历了一个永远失去天主的灵魂所承受的痛苦。

Toward the third hour, Jesus cried in a loud voice; " Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani!" which means: "My GodI    My God! Why hast Thou forsaken Me!"

When this clear cry of Our Lord broke the fearful stillness around the cross, the scoffers turned toward it and one said: "He is calling Elias": and another: "Let us see whether Elias will come to deliver Him." When the most afflicted Mother heard the voice of her Son, she could no longer restrain herself. She again pressed forward to the cross, followed by John, Mary Cleophas, Magdalen, and Salome. (Vol 4, p. 290)

大约三点钟,耶稣大声喊道。「厄罗依,厄罗依,肋玛,撒巴黑塔尼?」意思是:「我的天主,我的天主,你为什么舍弃了我?」当我们主的清晰呼喊打破十字架周围可怕的寂静时,嘲笑者转向十字架,一个说:祂正呼唤厄里亚呢!」;另一个说:让我们看看厄里亚是否会来救祂。 当最痛苦的母亲听到她的爱子的呼声时,她再也无法克制自己。 她再次靠近十字架,紧随其后的是若望、玛利亚·克罗帕、玛达肋纳和撒落美。 (第 4 卷,第 290 页)

85. 「完成了!」

85. "It Is Consummated!"

Loud murmurs and cries of grief resound every-where. The Pharisees, disheartened and fearing an uprising, persuade the Centurion to close the gate between the city and the place of execution. The sky brightens, and Jesus, now perfectly exhausted, utters the words: " I thirst."

Abenadar, the Centurion, places a sponge soaked with vinegar on the tip of his lance and lifts it up to Jesus.


85. 完成了!






The hour of the Lord was now come. He was struggling with death, and a cold sweat burst out on every limb. John was standing by the cross and wiping Jesus' feet with his handkerchief. Magdalen, utterly crushed with grief, was leaning at the back of the cross. The Blessed Virgin supported in the arms of Mary Cleophas and Salome, was standing between Jesus and the cross of the good thief, her gaze fixed upon her dying Son.

主的时辰到了。 祂正在与死亡搏斗,全身冒冷汗。 若望站在十字架旁,用手帕擦耶稣的脚。 玛达肋纳完全被悲痛压垮,靠在十字架的后面。 圣母在玛利亚·克罗帕和撒落美的搀扶下,站在耶稣和右盗的十字架之间,仰望着她垂死的爱子。

Jesus spoke: " It is consummated!" And raising His head, He cried with a loud voice: "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit!" The sweet, loud cry rang through Heaven and earth. Then he bowed His head and gave up the ghost. I saw His soul like a luminous phantom descending through the earth near the cross down to the sphere of Limbo. John and the holy women sank, face downward, prostrate on the earth....

When Jesus' hands became stiff, His  Mother's  eyes grew dim, the paleness of death overspread her countenance, her feet tottered, and she sank to the earth. Magdalen, John, and the others, yielding to their grief, fell also with veiled faces. (Vol 4, pp. 294, 297)

耶稣说:完成了! 祂抬起头,大声喊道:父啊,我将我的灵交在你手中! 这甘饴响亮的呼声响彻了天地。 然后他低下头,交出了灵魂。 我看到他的灵魂就像一个发光的影子从十字架降到地下阴府地域。若望和圣妇们跪下,低头俯伏在地……当耶稣的手变得僵硬时,圣母的眼睛昏暗起来,面色惨白,双脚踉跄地倒在地上。 玛达肋纳、若望和其他人,也因悲痛,蒙着头纱倒在地上。 (第 4 卷,第 294297 页)


86. 耶稣被长矛刺透

86. Jesus Is Pierced with the Lance


At the moment of Christ's death, there are great earthquakes all over the world, and terror falls upon all. The veil of the Temple is rent in two, and the dead rise from their graves to walk through Jerusalem, bearing witness to Jesus' divinity.

Many of Jesus ' tormentors are converted. The Pharisees ask Pilate for permission to break the legs of those crucified, that their bodies might be removed before the Sabbath. Joseph of Arimathea requests of Pilate the body of Jesus and makes the necessary arrangements for the burial. Jesus' soul descends into Limbo.


86. 耶稣被长矛刺透









Meanwhlie all was silent and mournful on Golgotha. The crowd had timidly dispersed to their homes. The Mother of Jesus, John,  Magdalen, Mary Cleophas, and Salome were standing or sitting with veiled hands and in deep sadness opposite the cross. Some soldiers were seated on the earthen wall, their spears stuck in the ground near them. Cassius was riding around, and the soldiers were interchanging words with their companions posted at some distance below. The sky was lowering; all nature appeared to be in mourning. Things were in this position when six executioners were seen ascending the mount with ladders, spades, ropes, and heavy, triangular iron bars used for breaking the bones of malefactors.

同时在哥尔哥达一片寂静和悲伤。民众胆怯地散去各自回家。圣母、若望、玛达肋纳、玛利亚·克罗帕和撒落美蒙着头纱站着或坐着,在十字架对面深深的悲伤。一些士兵坐在土墙上,他们的长矛插在他们附近的地面上。卡休斯骑马四处走动,士兵们正与站在下方不远处的同伴交谈。 天空低垂;整个大自然似乎都在哀悼。现在情况是这样,人们看到六名刑役带着梯子、铁锹、绳索和用于折断罪犯骨头的重型三角形铁棒登上山来。

When they entered the circle, the friends of Jesus drew back a little. New fear seized upon the heart of the Blessed Virgin, lest the body of Jesus was to be still further outraged, for the executioners mounted up the cross, roughly felt the sacred body, and declared that He was pretending to be dead. Although they felt that He was quite cold and stiff, yet they were not convinced that He was already dead. John, at the entreaty of the Blessed Virgin, turned to the soldiers, to draw them off for a while from the body of the Lord.

当他们进入刑场时,耶稣的朋友们略微后退。 新的恐惧占据了圣母的心,她怕耶稣的圣尸被凌辱,因为刑役攀上了十字架,粗鲁地触摸主神圣的身体,并宣布祂在“装死”。虽然他们感到祂已完全冰冷僵硬,但他们仍不相信祂已经死亡。若望在圣母的恳求下,转向士兵,拜托他们暂时离开主的圣身。

The executioners next mounted the ladders of the crosses of the thieves. Two of them with their sharp clubs broke the bones of their arms above and below the elbows, while a third did the same above the knees and ankles. Gesmas roared frightfully, consequently the  executioner finished him by three blows of the club on the breast. Dismas moaned feebly, and expired under the torture. He was the first mortal to look again upon his Redeemer. The executioners untwisted the cords, and allowed the bodies to fall heavily to the earth. Then tying ropes around them, they dragged them down into the valley between the mount and the city wall, and there buried them.

刑役接下来攀上盗贼十字架的梯子。 其中两人用尖的的棍棒打断了二盗肘上和肘下的骨头,而第三人则打断了膝上和踝上的腿骨。左盗盖斯马斯吓得大声吼叫,刑役用棍棒在他的胸前连打三下,将他处死。 右盗狄斯马斯微弱地呻吟着,在痛苦中死去。 他是第一个死前再次仰望他的救主的人。 刑役解开绳索,让尸体重重地摔到地上。 然后用绳子绑住尸体,把他们拖到山和城墙之间的山谷里,埋在那里。

The executioners appeared still to have some doubts as to the death of the Lord, and His friends, after witnessing the terrible scene just described, were more anxious than ever for them to withdraw. Cassius, the subaltern officer, afterward known as Longinus, a somewhat hasty, impetuous man of twenty-five, whose airs of importance and officiousness joined to his weak, squinting eyes often exposed him to the ridicule of his inferiors, was suddenly seized by wonderful ardor.




刑役们似乎对主的死还有点怀疑,而主的朋友们在目睹了上述的可怕处死一幕后,比以往任何时候都更急切地希望刑役撤退。 卡休斯,下级军官,后来被称为朗基努斯,是个有些急躁鲁莽的二十五岁的人,他的自命不凡和爱管闲事,加上他的眼睛弱视和斜视,他经常受到下级的嘲笑,现在他突然被奇妙的冲动占据了。

The barbarity, the base fury of the executioners, the anguish of    

.f A

 the Blessed Virgin and the grace accorded him in that sudden and supernatural impulse of zeal, all combined to make of him the fulfiller of a Prophecy. His lance, which was shortened by having one section run into another, he drew out to its full length, stuck the point upon it, turned his horse's head, and drove him boldly up to the narrow space on top of the eminence upon which the cross was planted. There was scarcely room for the animal to tum, and I saw Cassius reigning him up in front of the chasm made by the cleft rock.

刑役残暴的卑鄙凶狠,圣母的痛苦,和那突然而超自然的热情冲动所加给他的恩宠,所有这些都促使他完成先知的预言。 他的长矛因一节缩进另一节而变短了,他把长矛拉到全长,将矛尖插上,调转马头,大胆地策马到高地上树立十字架的的狭窄地方。此处几乎没有马转身的空间,我看到卡休斯在岩石裂开的裂缝前勒马。


刑役的残暴,卑鄙凶狠,圣母的痛苦,和那突然而超自然的热忱冲动所加给他的恩宠,所有这些都促使他完成先知的预言。 他的长矛因一节缩进另一节而变短了,他把长矛拉到全长,将矛尖插上,调转马头,大胆地策马到高地上树立十字架的的狭窄地方。此处几乎没有马转身的空间,我看到卡休斯在岩石裂开的裂缝前勒马。

He halted between Jesus' cross and that of the good thief, on the right of Our Saviour's body, grasped the lance with both hands, and drove it upward with such violence into the hollow, distended right side of the Sacred Body, through the entrails and the heart, that its point opened a little wound in the left breast. When with all his force he drew the blessed lance from the wide wound it had made in the right side of Jesus, a copious stream of blood and water rushed forth and flowed over his up-raised face, bedewing him with grace and salvation. He sprang quickly from his horse, fell upon his knees, struck his breast, and before all present proclaimed aloud his belief in Jesus.

他停在耶稣的十字架和善盗的十字架之间,在我们救主身体的右侧,用双手抓住长矛,极猛力将长矛向上刺入圣身的凹陷开阔的右肋,刺透了内腔和心脏,矛尖竟穿透左胸并开了一个小伤口。 当他用尽全力从耶稣右肋宽阔的伤口中抽出那支蒙福的长矛时,大量的血和水涌出,流到他抬起的脸上,以恩宠和救恩浇灌他。他迅速从马上跳下,跪地,捶胸,当着所有在场的人,大声宣布他相信耶稣。


他停在耶稣的十字架和善盗的十字架之间,在我们救主身体的右侧,用双手抓住长矛,极猛力向上刺去,刺入圣身的右肋,刺透了内脏和心脏,矛尖在左胸上划开了一个小伤口。 当他用尽全力的力气,从耶稣右肋宽阔的伤口中抽出那支蒙福的长矛时,大量的血和水涌出,流到他抑起的脸上,救恩临到,使他容光焕发。 他迅速地从马上跳下,双膝跪地,捶着胸,当着所有在场的人,大声宣布他相信耶稣。

Cassius was entirely changed, deeply touched and humbled. He had received perfect sight. The soldiers pres-ent, touched also by the miracle they had witnessed, fell on their knees, striking their breast and confessing Jesus, from the wide opening of whose right side blood and water were copiously streaming. It fell upon the clean stone, and lay there foaming and bubbling. The friends of Jesus gathered it up with loving care, Mary and Magdalen mingling with it their tears. The executioners, who meanwhile had received Pilate's order not to touch the body of Jesus, as he had given it to Joseph of Arimathea for burial, did not return.

卡休斯完全变了,深受感动和谦卑。他的视力完全恢复。 在场的士兵也被他们所目睹的神迹所感动,跪倒在地,捶胸向耶稣认罪,从耶稣右肋的大开口处宝血和水大量的倾流。 血和水落在干净的石头地上,起着泡沫。 耶稣的朋友们小心翼翼地把宝血收集起来,圣母和玛达肋纳泪如泉涌滴在宝血里。 刑役同时接到彼拉多的命令,不要触摸耶稣的尸体,因为他已经把耶稣的圣尸交给了阿黎玛特雅人若瑟埋葬,而他派去监督这个命令执行的阿贝纳达尔还没返回。(见《耶稣受难与圣母痛苦》245页)



87. Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross


All is quiet in Jerusalem. Fear and anxiety keep the inhabitants in their homes. Joseph of Arimathea arrives at Mount Golgotha bringing, with his servants, aromatic herbs, ointments and other supplies needed for the embalming of Jesus' body. When Abenadar returns, they begin the removal of the Sacred Body from the cross. The nails are removed, and Jesus' body, supported by the bands of linen held by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, is lowered into the arms of Abenadar. Cassius picks up the three nails and lays them by the Blessed Virgin.



耶路撒冷一切都很平静。 恐惧和焦虑使居民呆在家里。阿黎玛特雅人若瑟带着他的仆人来到哥尔哥达山,带着安葬耶稣所需的香料、药膏和其他用品。当阿贝纳达尔返回时,他们开始将耶稣圣身从十字架上卸下。钉子被移除,耶稣的圣身由阿黎玛特雅人若瑟和尼苛德摩拿着的亚麻布带兜着,被放到阿贝纳达尔的手臂中。 卡休斯拿起三颗钉子,放在圣母面前。

The most holy Virgin and Magdalen were seated upon the right side of the little mound between the cross of Dis-mas and that of Jesus. The other women were busied arranging the spices and linens, the water, the sponges, and the vessels. Cassius also drew near when he saw Abenadar  approaching, and imparted to him the miracle wrought on his eyes. All were extremely touched. Their movements were marked by an air of solemn sadness and gravity. They worked with hearts full of love, but without many words. Sometimes the silence in which the sacred duties were quickly and carefully being rendered was broken by a deep sigh or a vehement exclamation of woe. Magdalen gave way unrestrainedly to her grief. Her emotion was violent. No consideration, not even the presence of so many around her, could make her repress it.

至圣童贞圣母和玛达肋纳坐在左盗狄斯玛斯十字架和耶稣十字架之间的小土丘的右边。其他的圣妇则忙着整理香料和亚麻布、水、海绵和器皿。 当卡休斯在看到阿贝纳达尔来近时,他也走近他,将他亲眼所见的奇迹传报给他。大家都非常感动。他们的一举一动都带着一种庄严的悲伤和严肃的神情。他们用充满爱的心工作,很少说话。他们快速而仔细地完成神圣的任务,有时静默被一声深深的呜咽或强烈的悲叹打破。玛达肋纳悲伤哀痛之极,彻底绝望了!甚至在众人面前,都不能抑制她的悲痛。

This taking down of Jesus from the Cross was inexpressibly touching. Everything was done with so much precaution, so much tenderness, as if fearing to cause the Lord pain. Those engaged in it were penetrated with all the love and reverence for the Sacred Body that they had felt for the Holy of Holies during His life. All were looking up with eyes riveted, and accompanying every movement with raising of hands, tears, and gestures of pain and grief. But no word was uttered.


When the men engaged in the sacred task gave expression to their reverent emotion, it was as if involuntary, as if they were performing some solemn function; and when necessary to communicate directions to one another, they did it in few words and a low tone. When the blows of the hammer by which the nails were driven out resounded, Mary and Magdalen, as well as all that had been present at the Crucifixion, were pierced with fresh grief, for the sound reminded them of that most cruel nailing of Jesus to the cross. They shuddered, as if expecting again to hear His piercing cries, and grieved anew over His death, proclaimed by the silence of those blessed lips.


As soon as the Sacred Body was taken down, the men wrapped it in linen from the knees to the waist, and laid it on a sheet in His Mother's arms which, in anguish of heart and ardent longing, were stretched out to receive it.

耶稣圣身一卸下来,男人们就用亚麻布从膝盖到腰部把它包起来,放在一张圣母怀中的一张盖布上,圣母接抱圣尸在怀中,见耶稣伤口,痛苦欲绝。 (Vol 4, pp. 324, 326)

88. 玛利亚接抱耶稣在怀中

88.Mary Receives Jesus into Her Arms


The Blessed Virgin was seated upon a large cover spread upon the ground,

her right knee raised a little, and her back supported by a kind of cushion, made

perhaps of mantles rolled together. There sat the poor Mother, exhausted by grief and fatigue, in the position best suited for rendering love's last, sad duties to the remains of her murdered Son. The men laid the Sacred Body on a sheet spread upon the Mother's lap. The adorable head of Jesus rested upon her slightly raised knee, and His body lay outstretched upon the sheet.


88. 玛利亚接抱耶稣在怀中

圣母坐在铺在地上的一个大铺盖上,她的右膝微微抬起,她的背部被一种靠垫支撑着,靠垫也许是用卷起来的斗篷制成的。可怜的母亲坐在那儿,因悲伤和疲劳而筋疲力尽,以最适合坐姿为她被谋杀的爱子的遗体给与最后的爱,履行悲伤的责任。 男人们将圣身放在铺在母亲膝上的盖布上。 耶稣可钦的头靠在圣母微微抬起的膝盖上,主的身体伸展在盖布上。

Love and grief in equal degrees struggled in the breast of the Blessed Mother. She held in her arms the body of her beloved Son, whose long martyrdom she had been able to soothe by no loving ministrations; and at the same time she beheld the frightful maltreatment exercised upon it; she gazed upon its wounds now close under her eyes. She pressed her lips to His blood-stained cheeks, while Magdalen knelt with her face bowed upon His feet.  (Vol. 4, pp. 326-327)

疼爱与柔肠寸断的痛苦在圣母心中挣扎。她眼看着她的爱子受尽痛苦折磨死去而不能以任何慈爱的服侍来安抚祂,现在她可以怀抱着她心爱的儿子的身体了;同时,她也看到了这圣身遭受的可怕的虐待;她注视着现在已在她眼前闭合的伤口,她把嘴唇贴在主血迹斑斑的脸颊上亲吻,而玛达肋纳跪着,面颊贴在主的脚上。(第 4 卷,第 326-327 页)

89. 圣母和玛达肋纳清洗耶稣的伤口

89. The Blessed Mother and Magdalen Cleanse the wounds of Jesus


The face of the Lord was hardly recognizable, so greatly was it disfigured by blood and wounds. The torn hair of the head and beard was clotted with blood. Mary washed the head and face and soaked the dried blood from the hair with sponges. As the washing proceeded, the awful cruelties to which Jesus had been subjected  became more apparent, and roused emotions  of compassion,  sorrow, and tenderness as she went from wound to wound. With a sponge and a little linen over the fingers of her right hand, she washed the blood from the wounds of the head, from the broken eyes, the nostrils, and the ears.


89. 圣母和玛达肋纳清洗耶稣的伤口

主的面容难以辨认,由于血渍和伤痕而严重毁容。撕扯的头发和胡须上都与血渍凝结成块。圣母清洗主的头和脸,用海绵浸湿头发和发上的干血。 随着洗涤的进行,耶稣所遭受的可怕酷刑愈加明显,从一个伤口洗到另一个伤口的洗涤,不断地激起她的同情、悲伤和温柔的情感。 她右手的手指上套着一块海绵和一小块亚麻布,清洗主头部伤口、破损的眼睛、鼻孔和耳朵里的血。

With the little piece of linen on the forefinger , she purified the half-opened mouth, the tongue, the teeth, and the lips. She divided into three parts the little that remained of His hair. One part fell on either side of the head, and the third over the back. The front hair, after disengaging and cleansing it, she smoothed behind His ears. When the sacred head had been thoroughly cleansed, the Blessed Virgin kissed the cheeks and covered it.

她用食指上的一小块亚麻布,洁净了主半张着的嘴巴、舌头、牙齿和双唇。她把主剩下的头发分成三份。其中一份在头部的两侧,第三份落在后面。前额的头发,在理顺并清洗后,圣母将其抚平在主的耳后。 当主神圣的头部被彻底清洁后,圣母亲吻主的脸颊并用布盖起来。

Her care was next directed to the neck, the shoulders, the breast, and the back of the Sacred Body, the arms and the torn hands filled with blood. Ah, then was the terrible condition to which it had been reduced displayed in all its horror! The bones of the breast, as well as all the nerves, were dislocated and strained and thereby become stiff and inflexible. The shoulder upon which Jesus had borne the heavy cross was so lacerated that it had become one great wound, and the whole of the upper part of the body was full of welts and cuts from the scourges.

她接下来要清洁颈部、双肩、胸部和圣身的背部,双臂和撕裂的双手布满了圣血。 啊,原来圣身被折磨的可怕情形,真是惨不忍睹!胸部的骨骼以及所有的筋骨都脱臼和紧绷,因此变得僵硬而不能弯曲。 耶稣背着沉重十字架的肩膀被撕裂得很厉害,成了一个大伤口,整个上半身布满了鞭打的伤痕和割伤。

There was a small wound in the left breast where the point of Cassius' lance had come out, and in the right side was opened that great, wide wound made by the lance, which had pierced His heart through and through. Mary washed and purified all these wounds, while Magdalen, kneeling before her, frequently lent assistance, though for the most part she remained at Jesus' feet, bathing them for the last time, more with her tears than with water, and wiping them with her hair.


The head, the upper part of the body, and the feet of the Lord had now been cleansed from blood. The Sacred Body still lay in Mary's lap, bluish white, glistening like flesh drained of blood, with here and  there  brown  stains of coagulated blood that looked like red moles, and red places where the skin had been torn off. The Blessed Virgin covered the parts as they were washed, and began to embalm the wounds, commencing with those of the head.

主的头、上半身和脚上的血已经洗净。 圣身仍然躺在圣母的腿上,青白色,具有除去血后的肌肉的光泽,到处都有褐色的皮下淤血,看起来像红色的印痣,还有皮肤剥落的地方是红色的。 圣母在清洗时覆盖了这些部位,并开始对伤口敷抹防腐香料,从头部开始。

The holy women knelt by her in turn, presenting to her a box from which, with the forefinger and thumb of the right hand, she took out something like salve, or precious ointment, with which she filled and anointed all the wounds. She put some upon the hair also, and I saw her taking the hands of Jesus in her own left hand, reverently kissing them, and then filling the wide  wounds made by the nails with the ointment, or sweet spices. The ears, nostrils, and wound of Jesus' side she likewise filled with the same. Magdalen was busied principally with the feet of Jesus. She repeatedly wiped and anointed them, but only to bedew them again with her tears, and she often knelt long with her face pressed upon them.

(Vol. 4, pp. 328-330)

圣妇们轮流跪在圣母身边,递给她一个盒子,她用右手的食指和拇指从盒子里拿出一些像油膏或珍贵药膏之类的东西,用它敷抹在所有的伤口。 她还在主的头发上抹了一些,我看到她用左手握住耶稣的手,恭敬地亲吻,然后用香膏或甜香料填满主手上的宽阔的钉孔。 耶稣耳朵、鼻孔和肋旁的伤口,圣母也同样用香料填满。 玛达肋纳主要忙于耶稣的脚。 她反复擦拭和膏抹主的脚,但之后脚又被泪水沾湿了,她一直久跪,将脸贴在主的脚上。

(第 4 卷,第 328-330 页)

90. 圣妇们和其他人帮助准备安葬耶稣

90. The Holy Women and Others Help Prepare for the Burial


The holy women helped in various ways, presenting when necessary vessels of water, sponges, towels, ointments and spices. When not so engaged, they remained at a little distance, attentively watching what was going on. Among them were Mary Cleophas, Salome, and Veronica, but Magdalen was always busied around the Sacred Body. Mary Heli, the Blessed Virgin's elder sister, and who was already an aged matron, was sitting apart on the earth-wall of the circle, silently looking on.


90. 圣妇们和其他人帮助准备安葬耶稣

圣妇们以各种方式提供帮助,必要时提供盛水的容器、海绵、毛巾、药膏和香料。 当不需要参与的时候,她们会保持一段距离,专心地观察正在进行的工作。 其中有玛利亚·克罗帕、撒落美和维洛尼加,但玛达肋纳总是在圣身周围忙碌。玛利亚赫里,圣母的长姐已经是年迈的主妇,正坐在刑场的土墙上,静静地看着。

John lent constant assistance to the Blessed Virgin. He went to and fro between the women and the men, now helping the former in their task of love, and afterward assisting the latter in every way to prepare all things for the burial. Everything was thought of. The women had leathern water bottles, which they opened, and pressed the sides together to pour out their contents, also a vessel nearby on burning coals. They gave Mary and Magdalen clear water and fresh sponges according as required, squeezing into leathern bottles those that had been used. I think the round lumps that I saw them squeezing out must have been sponges.

若望不断地帮助圣母。 他在女人和男人之间来回穿梭,现在帮助妇女完成她们的爱情任务,然后在各方面协助男人们准备葬礼的一切。 一切都考虑周到。妇女们拿着皮革水壶,她们打开水壶,挤压两边倒出水,这也是附近烧煤用的容器。她们给圣母和玛达肋纳提供清水和新鲜的海绵,并按照要求把用过的海绵里的水挤进皮革瓶子里。 我想我看到她们挤出的圆形块体一定是海绵。

The men meanwhile had retired to a little cave that lay deep on the southwestern side of the mount. There they completed their preparations for the burial and set all things in order. Cassius and a number of soldiers who had been converted to the Lord remained standing at a respectful distance. All the ill- disposed had returned to the city, and those now present served as a guard to prevent the approach of anyone likely to interrupt the last honors being shown to Jesus. Some of them, when called upon, rendered assistance here and there by handing different articles. (Vol. 4, pp. 327-328)

与此同时,男人们已经退到了哥耳哥达山的西南方深处的一个小山洞里。他们在那里完成了安葬的准备工作,并把一切安排的井井有条。 卡休斯和一些皈依主的士兵仍然恭敬地站在远处。 所有不怀好意的人都回到了城里,现在在场的人充当了守卫,向耶稣圣尸做最后致敬,防止干扰耶稣安葬的人靠近, 他们中的一些人,当被要求时,通过传递不同的物品来提供帮助。 (第 4 卷,第 327-328 页)

91. 耶稣的圣身准备好被埋葬

91.The Body of Jesus Is Prepared for Burial


When the Blessed Virgin had anointed all the wounds, she bound up the sacred head in linen, but the covering for the face, attached to that of the head, she did not as yet draw down . With a gentle pressure, shed closed the half-broken eyes of Jesus, and kept her hand upon them for a little while. Then she closed  the mouth embraced  the  Sacred  Body  of  her  Son and weeping bitter tears, allowed her face to rest upon His. Magdalen's reverence for Jesus did not permit her to approach her face to His. She pressed it to His feet only.


91. 耶稣的圣身准备好被埋葬


圣母膏抹完所有的伤口后,她用亚麻布包住了神圣的头颅,但盖在脸上的亚麻布贴在头上,她还没有取下来。 她的手轻轻的按压,合上了耶稣破损了一半的眼睛,并继续盖在主的双眼上片刻。 然后她合上主的嘴,拥抱爱子的圣身,流下悲苦的泪水,将脸贴在主的脸上。 玛达肋纳对耶稣的崇敬使她不敢靠近主的脸。她只把脸贴在主的脚上。

Joseph and Nicodemus had already been standing awhile at some distance waiting when John drew near the Blessed Virgin with the request that she would permit them to take the body of Jesus, that they might proceed in their preparations for the burial, as the Sabbath was near. Once more Mary closely embraced Jesus, and in touching words, took leave of Him. The men raised the Most Sacred Body in the sheet upon which it was resting  in the lap of His Mother, and carried it down to the place where the burial preparations were to be made.


Mery 's grief, which had been some what assuaged by her loving ministrations  to Jesus, now burst  forth anew, and quite overcome, she rested with covered head in the arms of the women. Magdalen, as if fearing that they wanted to rob her of her Beloved, with outstretched hands ran some steps after the Sacred Body, but soon she turned back again to the Blessed Virgin.


They carried the body of Jesus a little distance down from Calvary's summit to a cave on the side of the mount in which there was a beautiful flat rock. It was here that the men had prepared the place for embalming. I saw first a linen cloth, openworked something like a net. It looked as if it had been pierced with a sharp instrument and was like the large so-called hunger cloth (Hungertuch ) that is hung up in our churches during Lent.

人们把耶稣的圣尸从加尔瓦略山(亦即哥耳哥达山)的山顶抬到山边的一个小洞里,那里有一块美丽的平坦岩石。正是在这里,男人们准备了敷抹圣尸的地方。 我首先看到的是一块网状的细麻布,它看起来好像被尖锐的利器刺出的孔洞,就像四旬期挂在我们教堂里的大斋戒布。

When as a child I saw that cloth hanging up, I used to think it was the same that I had seen at the preparations for the Lord’s burial. Perhaps it was pierced like a net in order to allow the water used in washing to flow through it. I saw another large cloth opened out. They laid the body of the Lord on the openworked one, and some of them held the other over it. Nicodemus and Joseph knelt down and, under cover of this upper cloth, loosened from the lower part of Jesus' body the bandage that they had bound around it from the knees to the hips when taken down from the cross.

当我还是一个孩子的时候,我看到那块布挂着,我曾经以为它和我在主的葬礼时看到的一样。也许它像网一样被穿出洞,好让洗涤圣尸时使用的水流出去。 我看到另一幅大布张开了。 他们把主的身体放在敞开的布上面,另些人把另一幅布举在其上。 尼苛德摩和若瑟跪下,在上面这幅布的遮盖之下,从耶稣身体的下半部,解开他们从十字架上卸下圣尸时,缠在耶稣腰上和膝上的绷带。

They removed likewise that other covering which Jonadab, the nephew of His foster father Joseph, had given Him before the Crucifixion. Thus with great regard to modesty, they sponged,  under cover of the sheet held over it, the lower part of the Lord's body. Then, linen bands being stretched under the upper part of the Sacred Body and the knees, it was raised, still under cover of the sheet, and the back treated in the same way without turning the body over.


They washed it until the water squeezed from the sponges ran clean and clear. After that they poured water of myrrh over the whole body, and I saw them laying it down and reverently with their hands stretching it out at full length, for it had stiffened in the position in which, when in death it had sunk down upon the cross, the knees bent. Under the hips they laid a linen strip, one ell in width and about three in length, almost filled the lap with bunches of herbs and fine, crisp threadlike plants, like saffron, and then sprinkled over all a powder, which Nicodemus had brought with him in a box.


他们清洗圣身直到从海绵中挤出的水变得干净清澈。 之后,他们将没药水洒遍全身,我看到他们将圣身放下,双手毕恭毕敬地将圣身舒展拉直,因为主死在十字架上时,圣身在身体下沉,膝盖弯曲的状态下僵硬了。 他们在圣尸的臀部下放了一条亚麻布条,宽一厄尔,长约三厄尔,几乎在腿间填满了成束的草药和细而脆的线状植物,像番红花,然后将尼哥苛德摩用盒子带来的所有香料粉洒遍全身。

The bunches of herbs were such as I have often seen on the celestial tables laid upon little green and gold plates with blue rims. Next they tightly bound the linen strip around the whole, drew the end up between the sacred limbs, and stuck it under the band that encircled the  waist, thus fastening it securely. After this they anointed the wounds of the thighs, scattered sweet spices over them, laid bunches of herbs between the limbs all the way down to the feet, and bound the whole in linen from the feet up.


John once more conducted the Blessed Virgin and the other holy women to the sacred remains of Jesus. Mary knelt down by Jesus' head, took a fine linen scarf that hung around her neck under her mantle and which she had received from Claudia Procla, Pilate's wife, and laid it under the head of her Son. Then she and the other holy women filled in the spaces between the shoulders and the head, around the whole neck and up as far as the cheeks, with herbs, some of those fine threadlike plants, and the costly powder mentioned before, all of which the Blessed Virgin bound up carefully in the fine linen scarf.

若望再一次将圣母和其他圣妇带到耶稣的神圣遗体前。 圣母跪在耶稣的头前,将斗篷下挂在脖子上的一条细麻围巾放在爱子头下,这是彼拉多的妻子克劳迪娅·普罗克拉送给圣母的。 然后圣母和其他圣妇们在主肩膀和头部之间的空隙,从整个脖子到脸颊,用草药,一些细的线状植物,以及前面提到的昂贵的香粉末填满,圣母小心翼翼地裹在细麻围巾将所有这些绑起来。

Magdalen poured the entire contents of a little flask of precious balm into the wound of Jesus' side, while the holy women placed aromatic herbs in the hands and all around and under the feet. Then the men covered the pit of the stomach and filled up the armpits and all other parts of the body with sweet spices, crossed the stiffened arms over the bosom, and closely wrapped the whole in the large white sheet as far as the breast, just as a child is swathed.

玛达肋纳将一小瓶珍贵的香膏全部倒在耶稣肋旁的伤口上,而圣妇们则将香草放在主的手上、周身和脚下。 然后男人们盖住了心口,用甜香料填满了腋窝和身体的所有其他部位,将主僵硬的手臂交叉在胸前,将整个人紧紧地包裹在白色的大盖布中,就像包裹婴儿一样。

Then having fastened under one of the armpits the end of a broad linen band, they wound it round the arms, the hands, the head, and down again around the whole of the Sacred Body until it presented the appearance of a mummy. Lastly, they laid the Lord's body on the large sheet, six ells long, that Joseph of Arimathea had bought, and wrapped it closely around it. The Sacred Body was laid on it crosswise. Then one corner was drawn up from the feet to the breast, the opposite one was folded down over the head and shoulders, and the sides were doubled round the whole person.

(Vol. 4, pp. 330-333)


(第 4 卷,第 330-333 页)

92. 送葬队伍

92.The Funeral Procession

The shroud with which Jesus' body was wrapped is imprinted with His image. The men now laid the Sacred Body on the leathern litter, placed over it a brown cover, and ran two poles along the sides. I thought right away of the Ark of the  Covenant.  Nicodemus and  Joseph carried  the front ends on  their shoulders; Abenadar and John  the others. Then followed the Blessed Virgin, her elder sister Mary Heli, Magdalen  and Mary Cleophas; the group of women that had been seated at some distance, Veronica, Johanna Chusa, Mary Marcus; Salome, the wife of Zebedee; Mary Salome, Salome of Jerusalem, Susanna, and Anna, a niece of St. Joseph. She was the daughter of one of his brothers and had been reared in Jerusalem. Cassius and his soldiers closed the procession. The other women, namely, Maroni of Nairn, Dina the Samaritan, and Mary the Suphanite were at the time with Martha and Lazarus in Bethania.  (Vol. 4, pp. 336-337) 


92. 送葬队伍

包裹耶稣身体的裹尸布上印有主的形象。男人们现在把圣身放在皮质担架上,在上面盖上一个棕色的罩布,两侧伸两根杆子。 我立刻想到了约柜。尼苛德摩和若瑟把前端扛在肩上; 阿贝纳达尔和若望扛后端。然后跟随着圣母玛利亚、圣母的姐姐玛丽赫里、玛达肋纳和玛利亚.克罗帕; 坐在远处的那群圣妇,维洛尼加、约安纳雇撒、玛利亚马尔谷; 载伯德的妻子撒落美;玛利亚撒落美、耶路撒冷的撒落美、苏撒纳和圣若瑟的侄女亚纳。 亚纳是大圣若瑟一个兄弟的女儿,在耶路撒冷长大。卡休斯和他的士兵紧随送葬队伍之后。 其他圣妇,即纳因的玛洛尼、撒玛利亚人狄娜和舍孚番人玛利亚,当时与玛尔大和拉匝禄一起在伯达尼。  (第 4 卷,第 336-337 页)


93. 耶稣被安葬

93.Jesus Is Entombed


The holy women sat down upon a seat opposite the entrance of the grotto. The four men carried the  Lord's  body down into it, set it down, strewed the stone couch with sweet spices, spread over it a linen cloth, and deposited the sacred remains upon it. The cloth hung down over the couch. Then, having with tears and embraces given expression to their love for Jesus, they left the cave. The Blessed Virgin now went in, and I saw her sitting on the head of the tomb, which was about two feet from the ground. She was bending low over the corpse of her Child and weeping.


93. 耶稣被安葬

圣妇们在墓穴入口对面的座位上坐下。 抬担架的四人把主的遗体抬进去,在石榻上撒上香料,铺上亚麻布,把神圣的遗体放在上面。亚麻布垂在石塌下。他们含着泪水拥抱耶稣,表达了他们对耶稣的爱,然后他们退出墓穴。 圣母现在进去了,我看到她坐在墓穴的前端,那里离地面大约两英尺高。 她俯下身在爱子的圣尸上哭泣。

When she left the cave, Magdalen hurried in with flowers and branches, which she had gathered in the garden and which she now scattered over the Sacred Body. She wrung her hands, and with tears and sighs embraced the feet of Jesus. When the men outside gave warning that it was time to close the doors, she went back to where the women were sitting. The men raised the cloth that was hanging over the side of the tomb, folded it around the Sacred Body, and then threw the brown cover over the whole.

当她离开洞穴时,玛达肋纳带着鲜花枝条匆匆走进来,这些花枝是她在花园里采集的,现在她散落在圣身上。她绞着双手,含泪悲叹地拥抱耶稣的脚。 当外面的男人提醒说关门的时候到了,她才回到了圣妇坐的地方。 男人们掀起挂在石塌侧面的亚麻布,将它折叠包裹住圣身,然后将棕色的罩布盖在整个坟墓上。

Lastly, they closed the brown doors, probably of copper or bronze, which had a perpendicular bar on the outside crossed by a transverse one. It looked like a cross. The great stone, intended for securing the doors and which was still lying outside the cave, was in shape almost like a chest or tomb, and was large enough for a man to lie at full length upon it. It was very heavy. By means of the poles brought from the garden entrance, the men rolled it into place before the closed doors of the tomb. The outside entrance was secured by a light door of wickerwork. (Vol. 4, pp. 338-339)

最后,他们关上了棕色的门,门可能是铜制或青铜制的,外面有一根垂直的门闩,横穿了横的门闩。 它看起来像一个十字架。 仍然躺在洞外的那块用来锁住墓门的大石头,形状几乎像一个箱子或坟墓,大到足以让一个人完全躺在上面。 它很重。 男人们用从花园入口带来的撬杠,将大石滚到墓穴,关闭了洞口。 外面的入口由一扇轻巧的柳条门关锁。 (第 4 卷,第 338-339 页)


94. 从葬礼回家

94.The Return from the Burial

It was now the hour at which the Sabbath began. Nicodemus and Joseph returned to the city by a little private gate which, by special permission I think, Joseph had been allowed to make in the city wall near the garden. They had previously informed the Blessed Virgin  Magdalen, John, and some of the women, who wanted to return to Mount Calvary to pray and to get some things they had left there, that this gate, as well as that of the Cenacle, would be opened to them whenever they would knock. Mary Heli, the Blessed Virgin's aged sister, was conducted back to the city by Mary Marcus and some other women. The servants of Nicodemus and Joseph went back to Mount Calvary for the tools and things they had left here. (Vol. 4, pp. 339-340)


94. 从葬礼回家

现在是安息日开始的时刻。尼苛德摩和若瑟从一扇私人小门回到城里,我想是经过特别许可的,若瑟被允许在墓园附近的城墙上开建这个小门的。 他们之前曾通知过圣母、玛达肋纳、若望和一些圣妇,谁想要返回加尔瓦略山祈祷或取回她们忘在那儿的东西,不管什么时候她们敲这扇门以及晚餐厅的门,都会有人为她们开门。 圣母年迈的姐姐玛利亚赫里,由玛利亚马尔谷和其他一些圣妇带回了城里。尼苛德摩和若瑟的仆人回到加尔瓦略山取回他们遗留在这里的工具和东西。 (第 4 卷,第 339-340 页)

95. 圣妇们准备药草和香料去敷抹耶稣圣身

95.The Holy Women Prepare Herbs and Perfumes to Anoint the Body


Cassius returns to Jerusalem to relate to Pilate all the circumstances of Jesus' death and to request command of the guard to be placed before the sepulcher. Jesus ‘followers gather at the Cenacle, the bitter sorrow of all being renewed as each one tells his part. On Holy Saturday, Mary and the holy women visit the Temple, which has been very badly damaged by the earthquake. That evening they are met by Peter, James and John, who mourn with them. Mary consoles the holy women as they prepare the herbs and ointments for Jesus' body.

95. 圣妇们准备药草和香料去敷抹耶稣圣身

卡休斯回到耶路撒冷,向彼拉多讲述耶稣死亡的所有情况,并请求在墓场设置守卫。耶稣的追随者聚集在晚餐厅,每个人都在讲述自己所经历的痛苦,使众人再次陷入痛苦。在圣周六,圣母和圣妇们参观了被地震严重破坏的圣殿。那天晚上,伯多禄、雅各伯和若望与她们会面,他们一起哀悼。 当圣妇们为敷抹耶稣的身体准备药草和药膏时,圣母安慰她们。

The table at which the holy women were standing had an upper support with crossed feet, something like a dresser, and it was covered with a cloth that hung down to the floor. I saw lying on it bunches of all kinds of herbs mixed and put in order, little flasks of ointment and nard water, and several flowers growing in pots, among which I remember one, a striped iris, or lily. The women packed them all in linen cloths. During Mary's absence, Magdalen, Mary Cleophas, Johanna Chusa, and Mary Salome went to the city to buy all these things. They wanted to go early next morning to scatter them over the body of Jesus in its winding sheet and pour upon it the perfumed water. I saw a part of it brought by the disciples from the dealer and left at the house without their going in to speak to the women.


圣女们所站的那张桌子上有一个交叉双脚的上支撑,有点像梳妆台,上面盖着一块垂到地板上的布。 我看到布上躺着成束的各种混合在一起的药草,一小瓶药膏和甘露水,还有一些鲜花长在花盆里,我记得其中有一朵,一朵带条纹的鸢尾花,或者百合花。 圣妇们把它们都采下来放在亚麻布里。 在圣母不在期间,玛达肋纳、玛利亚·克罗帕、约安纳·雇撒和玛利亚·撒落美去城里买了所有这些东西。 她们想第二天一早去,把草药和鲜花撒在裹着盖布的耶稣身上,然后把掺香液的水倒在上面。 我看见一部分香液由门徒从商贩那里买来的,留在圣妇所在的房子里,没进去跟圣妇们说话。

96. 玛达肋纳和圣妇们去膏抹耶稣的圣身

96. Magdalen and the Holy Women Go to Anoint Jesus ' Body Cassius is in constant contemplation and prayer and has not left his post at the door of the sepulcher since he arrived late in the evening of Good Friday.

Magdalen and the holy women finish preparing and packing the spices and are bidden by the Blessed Virgin to take some rest. The next morning, as they travel to the sepulcher, they anxiously inquire of one another: " Who will roll away for us the stone from the door?" 

96. 玛达肋纳和圣妇们去膏抹耶稣的圣身


When the morning sky began to clear with a streak of white light, I saw Magdalen, Mary Cleophas, Johanna Chusa, and Salom, enveloped in mantles, leaving their abode near the Cenacle. They carried the spices packed in linen cloths, and one of them had a lighted lantern. They kept all hidden under their mantles. The spices consisted of fresh flowers for strewing over the Sacred Body, and also of expressed sap, essences, and oils for pouring over it. The holy women walked anxiously to the little gate belonging to Nicodemus..

Salome had shared with Magdalen in defraying most of the cost. She was not the mother of Johnbut another Salome, a rich lady of Jerusalem, a relative of St. Joseph. At last the holy women concluded to set the spices on the stone before the tomb and to wait till some disciple would come who would open it for them. And so they went on toward the garden.  (Vol 4, pp. 363, 365)


撒落美与玛达肋纳分担了大部分费用。 她不是若望的母亲,而是另一个撒落美,一位耶路撒冷的贵妇,大圣若瑟的亲戚。 最后,圣妇们决定将香料放在墓前的石头上,等待门徒来为她们打开墓门。于是她们继续朝花园走去。 (第 4 卷,第 363365 页)

97. 玛达肋纳在空墓旁

97.   Magdalen at the Empty Tomb

Jesus' soul re-enters His body. A warrior angel comes down from Heaven, rolls the stone to one side and seats himself upon it. The guards are stunned and fall to the ground as if dead. Cassius recovers himself quickly and, running into the tomb, feels the empty linens. Full of wonder, he exits the tombs and waits.


 97. 玛达肋纳在空墓旁






When, as they approached, the holy women noticed the lanterns of the guard and the soldiers lying around, they became frightened, and went a short distance past  the  garden  toward  Golgatha.  Magdalen   however, forgetful of  danger, hurried into the garden. Salome followed her at some distance, and the other two waited outside.


Magdalen  seeing the guard, stepped back at first a few steps toward Salome, then both made their way together through the soldiers lying around and into the sepulcher. They found the stone rolled away, but the doors closed, probably by Cassius. Magdalen anxiously opened one of them, peered in at the tomb, and saw the linens lying empty and apart.


The whole place was resplendent with light, and an angel was sitting at the right of the tomb. Magdalen was exceedingly troubled. She hurried out of the garden of the sepulcher, off through the gate belonging to Nicodemus, and back to the Apostles. Salome, too, who only now entered the sepulcher, ran at once after Magdalen, rushed in fright to the women waiting outside the garden, and told them of what had happened.


Though amazed and rejoiced at what they heard from Salome, they could not resolve to enter the garden. It was not until Cassius told them in a few words what he had seen, and exhorted them to go see for themselves, that they took courage to enter. Cassius was hurrying into the city to acquaint Pilate of all that had taken place. He went through the gate of execution. When with beating heart the women entered the sepulcher and drew near the holy tomb, they beheld standing before them the two angels of the tomb in priestly robes, white and shining.

虽然从撒落美那里听到的消息使他们既惊讶又高兴,但她们还是没能下定决心进入墓园。 直到卡休斯用几句话告诉她们,他所看到的,并劝她们自己去看看,她们才鼓起勇气进去。 卡休斯急忙进城,要向彼拉多报告所发生的一切。 他穿过了行刑之门。 当两位圣妇们心砰砰跳着进入墓园并走近圣墓时,她们看到墓穴中的两位天使站在她们面前,身着司祭的长袍,洁白而发光。

The women pressed close to one another in terror and, covering their faces with their hands, bowed trembling almost to the ground. One of the angels addressed them. They must not fear, he said, nor must they look for the Crucified here. He was alive, He had risen, He was no longer among the dead. Then the angel pointed out to them the empty tomb, and ordered them to tell the disciples what they had seen and he.ard, and that Jesus would go before them into Galilee.

妇女们惊恐地靠在了一起,用手捂住脸,颤抖着几乎伏倒在地。 其中一位天使向她们讲话。他说,她们不必害怕,也不必在这里寻找被钉十字架的基督。 祂活着,祂已经复活了,祂已不在死人中间。 然后天使指给她们看空坟墓,吩咐她们把所见所闻告诉门徒,耶稣会在门徒之先到加利肋亚去。

They should, continued the angel, remember what the Lord had said to them in Galilee, namely, “The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of sinners. He will be crucified, and on the third day, He will rise again." The holy women, shaking and trembling with fear, though still full of joy, tearfully gazed at the tomb and the linens, and departed, taking the road toward the gate of execution. They were still very much frightened. They did not hurry, but paused from time to time and looked around from the distance, to see whether they might not possibly behold the Lord, or whether Magdalen was returning.  (Vol. 4, pp. 366-367)

天使继续说,她们应该记住主在加利肋亚对她们说的话,即人子将被交在罪人手中。 祂将被钉在十字架上,第三天,祂将复活。两位圣妇惊恐地颤抖着,尽管仍然充满喜悦,但泪流满面地注视着墓床和殓布,然后离开,朝行刑门走去,她们还是很害怕,不急着赶路,不时停下脚步,不时从远处四处张望,想知道她们能否看到主,或者玛达肋纳是否回来了。 (第 4 卷,第 366-367 页)

98. 玛达肋纳向门徒的通报

98.   Magdalen's Announcement To the Disciples

Meanwhile Magdalen reached the Cenacle like one beside herself, and knocked violently at the door. Some of the disciples were still asleep on their couches around the walls, while several others had risen and were talking together. Peter and John opened the door. Magdalen, without entering, merely uttered the words: 'They have taken the Lord from the tomb! We know not where"- and ran back in great haste to the garden of the sepulcher. Peter and John followed her, but John outstripped Peter. (Vol 4, pp. 367)


98. 玛达肋纳向门徒的通报

与此同时,玛达肋纳神不守舍地来到晚餐厅,猛烈地敲了敲门。 有几个门徒在靠墙的沙发上仍睡着,而其他几个人已经起来,一起谈论。 伯多禄和若望打开门。玛达肋纳没有进去,只是说了句:「有人把主从坟墓里挪了去! 我们不知道放在哪里。」——然后又匆匆跑回墓园。伯多禄和若望跟着她,但若望跑到了伯多禄前面。(第 4 卷,第 367 页)

99. 复活的主显现给玛达肋纳

99.The Risen Lord Appears to Magdalen

Magdalen was quite wet with dew when she again reached the garden and ran to the tomb. Her mantle had slipped from her head down on her shoulders, and her long hair had fallen around loose. As she was alone, she was afraid to enter the sepulcher at once, so she waited out on the step at the entrance.


99. 复活的主显现给玛达肋纳

当玛达肋纳再次回到墓园,并跑向坟墓时,她周身已经被露水湿透了。 她的斗篷从她的头上滑落到她的肩膀上,她的长发披散下来。她一个人不敢立即进坟墓,就在门口的台阶上等着。

She stooped down, trying to see through the low doors into the cave and even as far as the stone couch. Her long hair fell forward as she stooped, and she was trying to keep it back with her hands when she saw the two angels in white priestly garments sitting at  the head  and the  foot of the tomb, and heard the  words: " Woman, why weepest thou?" She cried out in her grief: "They have taken my Lord away! I know not where they have laid Him!"


Saying this and seeing nothing but the linens, she turned weeping, like one seeking something, and as if she must find Him. She had a dim presentiment that Jesus was near, and even the apparition of the angels could not turn her from her one idea. She did not appear conscious of the fact that it was an angel that spoke to her. She thought only of Jesus; her only thought was: "Jesus is not here! Where is Jesus?"


I saw her running a few steps from the sepulcher and then returning like one half- distracted and in quest of something. Her long hair fell on her shoulders. Once she drew the whole mass on the right shoulder through both hands, then flung it back and gazed around. About ten steps from the sepulcher and toward the east, where the garden rose in the direction of the city, she spied in the gray light of dawn, standing among the bushes behind a palm tree, a figure clothed in a long white garment. Rushing toward it, she heard once more the words: "Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?" She thought it was the gardener.


I saw that he had a spade in his hand and on his head a flat hat, which had a piece of something like bark standing out in front, as a protection from the sun. It was just like that I had seen on the gardener in the parable which Jesus, shortly before His Passion, had related to the women in Bethania. The apparition was not resplendent. It looked like a person clad in long white garments and seen at twilight.


At the words: “Whom seekest thou?" Magdalen at once answered: "Sir, if thou hast taken Him hence, show me where thou hast laid Him! I will take Him away!" And she again glanced around, as if to see whether he had not laid Him someplace near. Then Jesus, in His well-known voice, said: "Mary!"

听到这句话:「你找谁?玛达肋纳立刻回答说:「先生,如果你把他带走了,请告诉我你把他放在哪里! 我便去取他!她又向四下张望,似乎是想看看园丁是否把主放在附近的某个地方了。 然后耶稣用他熟悉的声音说:「玛利亚!

Recognizing the voice, and forgetting the crucifixion  death and burial, now that

He was alive, she turned quickly and, as once before, exclaimed: " Rabboni!" (Master!). She fell on her knees before Him and stretched out her arms toward His feet. But Jesus raised His hand to keep her off, saying: "Do not touch Me, for I am not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brethren, and say to them: I ascend to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God."

她认出了这声音,却忘记了主曾被钉死在十字架上且被埋葬,现在祂却活着。她赶紧转过身来,像以前一样惊呼:「辣步尼!  (师傅!)。她在祂面前跪下,向祂的脚伸出双臂。但耶稣举手阻止她,说:「不要碰我,因为我还没有升到我父那里。但是你要去到我的弟兄那里,对他们说:我要升到我的父和你们的父那里,升到我的天主和你们的天主那里去。

At these words, the Lord vanished. It was explained to me why Jesus said: "Do not touch Me," but I have only an indistinct remembrance of it. I think He said it because Magdalen was so impetuous. She seemed possessed of the idea that Jesus was alive just as He was before, and that everything was as it used to be. Upon Jesus' words that He had not yet, since His Resurrection, presented Himself to His Heavenly Father, had not yet thanked Him for His victory over death and for Redemption, I understood by those words that the first fruits of joy belong to God.

主说完这话就消失了。神视向我解释了为什么耶稣说:不要碰我,但我只是模糊地记得它。我想主这么说是因为玛达肋纳非常浮躁。她似乎还这样想,即耶稣像以前一样活着,一切都和从前一样。 耶稣的话是说,自从祂复活后还没有把自己献给天父,还没有感谢天主战胜死亡和救赎,我从这些话中明白了–喜乐的初果应是属于上主的。

It was as if Jesus had said that Magdalen should recollect herself and thank God for the mystery of Redemption just accomplished and His conquest over death. After the disappearance of the Lord, Magdalen rose up quickly and again, as if in a dream, ran to the tomb. . She saw the two angels, she saw the empty linens, and hurried, now certain of the miracle, back to her companions. (Vol. 4, pp. 367-369)

就好像耶稣说玛达肋纳应该好好收敛心神,为刚刚完成的救赎奥迹和祂对死亡的战胜而感谢天主。主消失后,玛达肋纳又迅速地站起来,仿佛在梦中,向坟墓跑去。她看到了那两个天使,看到了空荡荡的殓布,现在她确信这是个圣迹了,然后急忙回到她的同伴身边。  (第 4 卷,第 367-369 页)

100. 伯多禄和若望看到空墓

100. Peter and John See the Empty Tomb

It may have been about half-past three o'clock when Jesus appeared to Magdalen. Scarcely had she left the garden when John approached, followed by Peter. John stood outside the entrance of the cave and stooped down to look, through the outer doors of the sepulcher, at the half-opened doors of the tomb, where he saw the linens lying. Then came Peter. He stepped down into the sepulcher and went to the tomb, in the center of which he saw the winding sheet lying. It was rolled together from both sides toward the middle, and the spices were wrapped in it. The bandages were folded around it, as women are accustomed to roll together such linens when putting them away.


100. 伯多禄和若望看到空墓

耶稣向玛达肋纳显现的时候大约是凌晨三点半左右。 她刚离开墓园,若望就走近了,伯多禄跟在后面。若望站在墓穴洞口外,弯下身子,透过墓穴的外门,从半开着的墓门缝中,他看到殓布放在那里。然后伯多禄来到了。他走下墓穴,走到墓床前,看见正中卷起的敛布。它已由两端卷到中间,里面裹着香料。绷带被折叠放在殓布附近,因为妇女收置亚麻布时习惯于将它们卷在一起。

The linen that had covered the sacred face was lying to the right next the wall. It too was folded. John now followed Peter to the tomb, saw the same things, and believed in the Resurrection. All that the Lord had said, all that was written in the Scriptures, was now clear to them. They had had only an imperfect comprehension of it before. Peter took the linens with him under his mantle. Both again went back by the little gate belonging to Nicodemus, and John once more got ahead of Peter.

遮盖圣容的亚麻布就靠墙放在右边,也折叠着。 若望现在也跟着伯多禄进到墓中,看到同样的事情,就相信了复活。 主所说的一切,圣经中所写的一切,现在他们都清楚了。而在此之前他们对主的话只是一种不完全的理解。 伯多禄将殓布带在他的斗篷下。 两人又从尼苛德摩的小门回去了,若望又走到伯多禄前面。

As long as the Sacred Body lay in the tomb, the two angels sat one at the head, the other at the foot, and when Magdalen and the two Apostles came, they were still there. It seems to  me that Peter did not see them. I heard John afterward saying to the disciples of Emmaus that, on looking into the tomb, he saw one angel  Perhaps it was through humility that he forbore to mention it in his Gospel, that he might not appear to have seen more than Peter..

圣身还躺在墓穴里时,两个天使就一个坐在头上,一个坐在脚下,当玛达肋纳和两个宗徒来的时候,天使还在原处。 在我看来,伯多禄没有看到天使。我听到若望后来对以厄玛乌的门徒说,他在墓穴里看到了一位天使,也许是出于谦卑,他在他的福音书中没有提到这些,这样不会显出他似乎比伯多禄看到了更多的事。

Meanwhile, Magdalen had reached the holy women and told them of the Lord 's apparition. Then she too hurried on to the city through the neighboring gate of the execution  but the others went again to the garden, outside of which Jesus appeared to them in a white flowing garment that concealed even His hands. He said: "All hail!" they trembled and fell at His feet. Jesus waved His hand in a certain direction while addressing to them some words, and vanished.

与此同时,玛达肋纳已经找到了圣妇,告诉她们主的显现。 然后她也匆匆穿过邻近的行刑门进城,但其他圣妇遂去到了墓园,耶稣在墓园外向她们显现,身穿一件飘逸的白色长衫,袖子遮住了手。 主说:向你们问安!她们颤抖着跪倒在主的脚前。耶稣一边对她们说几句话,一边朝某个方向挥挥手,然后就消失了。

The holy women then hastened through the Bethlehem gate on Sion  to tell the

disciples in the Cenacle that they had seen the Lord and what He had said to them. But the disciples would not at first credit Magdalen's report, and, until the return of Peter and John, they looked upon the whole affair as the effect of women's imagination. (Vol. 4, pp. 369-371)


(第 4 卷,第 369-371 页)



101.    Jesus Appears in the Hall Of the Last Supper


The guards awake and, full of fear and confusion, hurry back to the city.

About an hour after the Resurrection, Cassius goes to Pilate and relates all that has happened. Four guards who tell the truth are imprisoned; Jesus ' enemies spread the report that Jesus' body has been carried away by His disciples. The Jews purify the Temple and continue the interrupted Paschal solemnities. Annas becomes as one possessed

and must be confined for the remainder of his life.

Jesus appears at Emmaus.






四名说真话的守卫被关押; 耶稣的仇人散布谣言说耶稣的尸体已被门徒偷走。




On the evening of the same day, many of the disciples and all the Apostles excepting Thomas assembled with Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea in the hall of the Last Supper, the doors being closed. They stood ranged in a triple circle under the lamp that hung from the center of the ceiling, and prayed. They seemed to be engaged in some after-celebration of mourning or thanksgiving, for the Paschal solemnities ended today in Jerusalem.


…The Blessed Virgin was, during the whole celebration, with Mary Cleophas and Magdalen in the hall outside, which opened into the supper room. Peter preached at intervals during the prayers ..

……在整个庆祝活动中,圣母与玛利亚·克罗帕和玛达肋纳在外面的大厅里,大厅通向晚餐厅。 伯多禄在祈祷间隔当中不时讲道..

And now I saw Peter going behind a screen, or hanging tapestry, into a recess of the hall which one might fail to remark since the screen was like the entire wainscoting. In the center of this recess, on the Paschal hearth, stood the Blessed Sacrament. There was a side compartment into which they had pushed the table, which was one foot high, after they had eaten reclining around it under the lamp.


On this table stood a deep oval dish covered with a little white cloth, which Peter took to the Lord. In the dish were a piece of fish and some honey. Jesus gave thanks and  blessed the food, ate and gave a portion of it  some, but not to all. To His Holy mother also and the other women, who were standing in the doorway of the outer hall, He likewise  distributed some. After that  I saw Him teaching and imparting strength. ...

这张桌子上放着一个椭圆形的深盘子,上面盖着一块小白布,伯多禄把它拿给了主。盘子里有一条鱼和一些蜂蜜。耶稣感谢并祝福了食物,吃了并分一部分给一些人,但不是给所有人。 主也给了圣母和站在外厅门口的其他妇女分发了一些。在那之后,我看到祂在教导和赐予力量。 ...

Jesus explained to the Apostles several points of Holy Scripture relative to Himself and the Blessed Sacrament, and ordered the Latter to be venerated at the close of the Sabbath solemnities. He spoke of the Sacred Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant; of the bones and relics of ancestors and their veneration, thus to obtain their intercession; of Abraham, and of the bones of Adam which he had had in his possession and which he had laid on the altar when offering sacrifice.. ..


Jesus spoke too of the Mystery contained in the Ark of  the Covenant. He said that that Mystery was now His Body and Blood, which He gave to them forever in the Sacrament. He spoke of His own Passion and of some wonderful things relating to David of which they were ignorant and which He explained. Lastly, He bade them go in a couple of days to the region of Sichar, and there proclaim His Resurrection. After that He vanished. (Vol. 4, pp. 381-385)

耶稣也谈到了约柜中的奥秘。祂说那奥秘现在是祂的圣体和圣血,祂在圣体圣事中永远赐给门徒。主谈到了祂自己的苦难和一些与达味有关的奇妙事情,门徒对此一无所知,但主都一一做了解释。 最后,主吩咐他们几天后去息哈尔地区,在那里宣告祂的复活。之后就消失了。(第 4 卷,第 381-385 页)

102. 玛达肋纳的神圣勇气

102. Magdalen's Holy Courage

After Jesus appears to the Apostles in the hall of the Last Supper they speak of this to Thomas; but he, having been absent, cannot bring himself to believe what they say of Him. The Apostles now teach and cure publicly.


102. 玛达肋纳的神圣勇气





Magdalen, in her sorrow and love, was above all fear. She was perfectly heroic and without a thought of danger. She took no rest, but often left the house, hurried through the streets with streaming hair, and wherever she found listeners, whether in their homes or in public places, she accused them as the murderers of the Lord, vehemently recounting all they had done to the Saviour, and announcing to them His Resurrection.


玛达肋纳在痛苦和爱中战胜了所有的恐惧。 她非常英勇,没有想到危险。 她没有休息,经常离开家,她满头大汗地匆匆穿过街道,无论是在人们的家里还是在公共场所,只要找到听众,她就指责他们是杀害主的凶手,激烈地讲述他们对救主所做的一切,向他们宣布主的复活。

If she found no one to listen to her, she wandered through the gardens and told it to the flowers, the trees, and the fountains. Oftentimes a crowd gathered around her, some compassionating her, others insulting her on account of her past life. She was little esteemed by the crowd, for she had once given great scandal. I saw that her present violent conduct scandalized some of the Jews, and about five of them wanted to seize her, but she passed straight through them and went on as before. She had lost sight of the whole world, she sighed only after Jesus.  (Vol. 4, pp. 387-388)

如果她发现没人听她的话,她就会在山园里漫步,把这件事告诉花草树木和泉水。 常常有一群人围在她的身边,有的同情她,有的侮辱她,因为她过去的生活而辱骂她。 群众对她很不尊重,因为她曾经出过大丑闻。 我看到她现在的强烈行为,使好些犹太人蒙羞,其中大约有五个人想要抓拿她,但她径直穿过他们并像以前一样继续前进。 她已经看不见整个世界,她只追求耶稣。(第 4 卷,第 387-388 页)

103. 耶稣再次显现给宗徒

103.Jesus Appears Again to the Apostles

Jesus appears in many places, staying only for a few moments and then

vanishing. The Blessed Virgin continues the devotion of the Holy  way of the Cross that she had begun after the death of her Son.

The Apostles prepare to celebrate the second Agape.


103. 耶稣再次显现给宗徒




While these preparations were being made, I saw Thomas entering  the Supper Room. He passed through the Apostles who were already robed, and put on his own long white garment. As he went along, I saw the Apostles accosting him. Some caught him by the sleeve, others gesticulated with the right hand as they spoke, as if emphatically protesting against him.

在这些准备工作正在进行时,我看到多默走进了晚餐厅。 他穿过已经穿上长袍的宗徒们,穿上他自己的白色长袍。 当他独自走时,我看到宗徒们和他打招呼。 有的抓住他的袖子,有的一边说着一边用右手比划着,仿佛在极力反对他。

But he behaved like one in a hurry to vest and as if he could not credit the account given him of the wonderful things which had happened  in that place. While all this was going on, a man entered the hall. He appeared  to be  a servant. He wore an apron and had in one hand a little lighted lamp, in the other a rod terminating  in a hook. With the latter he drew down the lamp that was suspended from the center of the ceiling, lighted it, and again pushed it up.

但是他表现得像一个匆忙穿衣的人,好像他不能相信他们对他讲述的那个地方发生的奇妙事情。 就在这一切进行的时候,一个男人走进了大厅。 他似乎是一个仆人。 他穿着围裙,一只手拿着一盏点着的小灯,另一只手拿着一根末端是钩子的杆子。 他用杆子把吊在天花板中央的灯拉下来,点上,又把它推了上去。

Then he left the hall! And now I saw the Blessed Virgin, Magdalen and another woman come into the house. The Blessed Virgin and Magdalen entered the hall, Peter and John going to meet them. The third woman remained in the antechamber. The entrance hall was opened into the Supper Room, also some of the side halls. The exterior doors leading into the courtyard, as well as those of the court itself, were shut. A great many disciples were gathered in the side halls.

然后他离开了大厅! 现在我看见圣母玛利亚、玛达肋纳和另一个圣妇走进了屋子。 圣母和玛达肋纳进入大厅,伯多禄和若望前去迎接她们。 第三个圣妇留在前厅。厅通向晚餐厅,也通往一些侧厅。 通向庭院的外门,以及院子本身的门,都是关着的。 众多门徒聚集在侧厅里。

As soon as Mary and Magdalen entered, the doors were closed and all ranged for prayer. The holy women remained reverently standing on either side of the door, their arms crossed upon their breast. The Apostles kneeling before the Holy of Holies, prayed again as before; then standing under the lamp, they sang Psalms, choir and choir.

圣母和玛达肋纳一进来,门就关上了,所有人都围成环形祈祷。 圣妇们仍然虔诚地站在门的两边,双臂交叉放在胸前。 宗徒们跪在至圣所前,又像从前一样祈祷; 然后站在灯下,唱圣咏,和声咏唱。

Peter stood before the lamp, his face toward the Holy of Holies, John and James the Less at his side. Right and left of the lamp were the other Apostles. The side toward the Holy of Holies was left free. Peter stood between the two, his back to the door, so that the two holy women were standing behind him at some distance.

伯多禄站在灯前,面向至圣所,若望和小雅各在他旁边。 灯的左右两边是其他宗徒。 通往至圣所的一侧留出空地。 伯多禄站在若望和雅各中间,背对着门,圣母和玛达肋纳站在他身后不远处。

After some time there was a pause in the assembly, an intermission of prayer, or as if prayer was at an end, and they began to speak of going to the Sea of Tiberius and of how they would disperse. But soon they assumed an expression of rapt attention, called up by the approach of the Lord. At the same moment, I saw Jesus in the courtyard. He was resplendent with light, clothed in white garments and a white girdle.

过了一段时间,集会中出现了停顿,祈祷中断,或者好像祈祷结束了,他们开始谈论去提庇黎雅海以及他们将如何分开传教。 但很快他们就表现出一种全神贯注的表情,被主的临近所召叫。 与此同时,我在院子里看到了耶稣。 他身着白衣,束着白带,周身散发着光辉。

He directed His steps to the door of the outer hall, which opened of itself before Him and closed behind Him. The disciples in the outer hall saw the door opening of itself, and fell back on both sides to make room. But Jesus walked quickly through the hall into the Supper Room and stepped between Peter and John who, like all the other Apostles, fell back on either side.

祂举步前往外厅的门,门在祂面前自动打开,又在祂身后关闭。 外厅的门徒见门自己开了,纷纷往两边后退,让出通道。 但耶稣迅速穿过大厅进入晚餐厅,走到伯多禄和若望之间,他们和所有其他宗徒一样,往两边后退。

Jesus did not enter walking properly so called, that is, in the usual way of mortals, and yet it was not a floating along, or hovering, as I have seen spirits doing. It reminded me, as I saw them all falling back, of a priest in his alb passing through a crowded congregation. Everything in the hall appeared to become suddenly large and bright. Jesus was environed with light. The Apostles had fallen back from the radiant circle; otherwise, they would not have been able to seen Him.

耶稣没有照所谓的正常的方式进入,也就是说,以凡人通常的方式进入,但也不像我看到的灵魂那样漂浮或盘旋。 当我看到他们都后退时,这让我想起了一位穿着白祭衣的司铎穿过拥挤的会众的情形。 大厅里的一切,突然显得光辉。 耶稣被光包围。 宗徒们从光芒四射的光环中退了出来; 否则,他们将无法看清耶稣。

Jesus' first words were: "Peace be to you!" Then He spoke with Peter and John, and rebuked them for something. They had departed a little from His directions, in order to follow their own ideas about something, and consequently they had not met with success. It related to some of the cures they had sought to effect on their return from Sichar and Thanath-Silo.

耶稣的第一句话是:愿你们平安! 继而祂与伯多禄和若望交谈,并责备他们一些事。 他们略微偏离了祂的指示,在某些事上随从了自己的想法,因此他们没有取得成功。 这与他们从息哈尔和塔纳特史罗返回时所寻求的一些治愈有关。

They had not followed Jesus' directions to the letter, and therefore had not been entirely successful. They had done something according to their own ideas. Jesus told them that, if it happened again, they should act otherwise. Jesus now stepped under the lamp, and the Apostles closed around Him … ..

他们没有完全按照耶稣的指示去做,因此没有完全成功。 他们按照自己的想法做了一些事情。 耶稣告诉他们,如果再次发生类似情况,他们应该采取其他方式。 耶稣现在走到灯下,宗徒们紧紧围着祂……

When Jesus grasped Thomas' hand, I saw that His wounds were not like bloody marks, but like little radiant suns. The other disciples were very greatly touched by this scene. They leaned forward , without, however, crowding, to see what the Lord was allowing Thomas to feel. I saw the Blessed Virgin during the whole time of Jesus' stay, perfectly motionless, as if absorbed in calm, deep interior recollection. Magdalen appeared more agitated, yet manifested far less emotion than did the disciples....

Jesus addressed neither His Blessed Mother nor Magdalen. (Vol. 4, pp. 392-394, 396)

当耶稣握住多默的手时,我看到祂的圣伤不像有血痕,而是像小小的发光的太阳。 看到这一幕,其他门徒都感动了。 他们向前倾着身子,但没有拥挤,想看看主让多默感受到的圣伤。 在耶稣逗留的整个过程中,我看到了圣母,她一动不动,仿佛沉浸在平静而深沉的内心收敛中。 玛达肋纳显得更加激动,但显露的情绪却远不如门徒......

耶稣既没有对圣母也没有对玛达肋纳说话。 (第 4 卷,第 392-394396 页)

104. 伯达尼基督徒的爱

104.    Agape in Bethania

Jesus remained with His Apostles in the Supper Room for some time, explaining many mysteries to them. He blessed Peter, investing him with chief power over the others and filling his soul with new strength and vigor. Peter addressed the assembly, and as he was speaking, Jesus vanished. Jesus appears to the Apostles at the Sea of Galilee and tells Peter to feed His sheep. Peter gathers more disciples. He teaches great crowds, inspiring many to follow Jesus. He and the other Apostles and disciples travel back to Bethania to establish the Community.

104. 伯达尼基督徒的爱

耶稣和祂的宗徒们在晚餐厅待了一段时间,向他们解释了许多奥秘。 祂祝福伯多禄,赋予他超越其他人的特殊权柄,使他的灵魂充满新的力量和活力。 伯多禄向会众讲话,当他说话的时候,耶稣消失了。 耶稣在加利肋亚海边向宗徒显现,并告诉伯多禄喂养祂的羊。 伯多禄聚集了更多的门徒。教导大群民众,激励许多人跟随耶稣。 他和其他宗徒和门徒返回伯大尼亚建立团体。

I saw the Apostles in Bethania, whither they were followed by about three hundred of the Faithful, among them fifty women. They had given over their goods to the Community. The Blessed Virgin also had come from Jerusalem to Bethania, and was stopping in Martha and Magdalen's house. There was a great Love Feast of bread-breaking and passing round of the cup held in the open hall of Lazarus' court. (Vol. 4, p. 408)

我在伯达尼看到了宗徒,在那里,有忠心的信徒,大约三百名,跟随他们,其中有五十名妇女。 他们已经把自已的财物交给了团体。 圣母也从耶路撒冷来到伯达尼,在玛尔大和玛达肋纳的家中住下。 在拉匝禄庭院的开放大厅里举行了一场盛大的爱筵,掰饼并传杯共饮。 (第 4 卷,第 408 页)

105. 基督徒团体

105.    The Community

Many places in Jerusalem where Jesus suffered during His Passion or taught before His death have been demolished or rendered unapproachable, to prevent worship and veneration. The community grows after each teaching, both men and women giving all their earthly belongings to join.


105. 基督徒团体






Peter's wife and daughter, Mark's wife, and other women had come from Bethsaida to Bethania, where they dwelt under tents. They had no communication whatever with the men. They came into the presence of the Apostles only for instruction, and they employed themselves in weaving and twisting long strips of stuff and coarse covers for tents, many of them working at the same time upon one piece.

伯多禄的妻子和女儿、马尔谷的妻子和其他妇女从贝特赛达来到伯达尼,住在帐篷里。 她们与男人们没有任何交流。 她们来到宗徒面前只是为了听教导,她们自己织和捻长条的布料和粗糙的帐篷布,其中许多人同时在一块布上工作。

The Blessed Virgin also, along with Martha and Magdalen, worked at embroidery, sometimes reclining, sometimes walking about, work in hand. I saw the Blessed Virgin embroidering in delicate colors, figures something like an Apostle, or the Lord Himself, on a yellow, brown, or sky-blue ground. The figures were not so enveloped in mantles as formerly.

圣母还与玛尔大和玛达肋纳一起从事刺绣工作,有时斜倚做活,有时走动时手里还做着活。 我看到圣母在黄色、棕色或天蓝色的底布上绣着精致的鲜艳的人物,人物像宗徒或主本人。 这些人物不像以前那样被斗篷裹着。

Once they embroidered a representation of the Most Holy Trinity. It was like God the Father handing the cross to the Son, who looked like a High Priest. From both proceeded the Holy Ghost, though not in the form of a dove, for instead of wings there were arms. The figures were arranged more in a triangular  form than one below the other. I have seen in the earliest churches of that period vestments that Mary had embroidered.

有一次,她们绣了一幅至圣三位一体的圣像。 就好像天主父把十字架交给了像大祭司的圣子。 圣神从这二者中发出,虽然不是鸽子的形式,因为没有翅膀,却有双臂。 圣像中的人物以三角形排列,而不是一个在另一个下面。 我在那个时期最早的圣堂里看到过圣母刺绣的祭衣。

Magdalen and Martha gave up their houses at Bethania to the new converts, and Lazarus delivered over all that he owned to the Community. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea did the same. They assumed the charge of providing for the Community and distributing the alms. But when they were ordained priests, Peter appointed deacons in their place.

(Vol. 4, pp. 415-416, 418)


(第 4 卷,第 415-416418 页)

106. 耶稣升天前

106. Before the Ascension

Jesus celebrates His last love feast on earth with the Apostles, disciples and holy women at the Cenacle on the night before His Ascension into Heaven.


106. 耶稣升天前




The love feast over, all assembled outside the hall under the trees. Jesus addressed to them a long instruction  and ended by giving them His blessing. To His Blessed Mother, who was standing  in front of the holy women  He extended His hand. All were very much affected, and I felt that Magdalen ardently longed to embrace Jesus' feet. But she restrained her desire, for His demeanor was so grave that He inspired holy fear. When He left them, they wept very much. It was not, however, an exterior weeping, it was like the weeping of the soul. I did not see the Blessed Virgin shedding tears. I never saw her actually weeping excepting when she lost Jesus, a Boy of twelve, on her return journey from the Paschal festival, and again when she stood under the cross after His death. The assembly broke up before midnight.

 During  the  last  days,  Magdalen,Martha, and Mary Cleophas received the Blessed Sacrament.  (Vol. 4, pp. 421-422)

爱宴结束,全体聚集在大厅外的大树下。 耶稣向众人做了长篇讲道,最后以降福众人结束。祂向站在圣妇前面的圣母致敬,向她伸出手。众人都很受感动,我觉得玛达肋纳热切地渴望拥抱耶稣的脚。 但是她克制住了自己的热望,因为主的气度如此庄重,令她产生了神圣的敬畏。耶稣离开他们的时候,他们都哭了。 然而,这不是外在的哭泣,而是灵魂的哭泣。我没有看到圣母流泪。除了在耶稣十二岁时,圣家从逾越节返家的途中,与耶稣失散时,以及站在十字架下看着耶稣死去时,圣母伤心地哭过,此外我从未见过圣母真正哭泣过。 宴会在午夜前散席。

在耶稣升天前最后的日子里,玛达肋纳、玛尔大和玛利亚·克罗帕领受了圣体。   (第 4 卷,第 421-422 页)


107. 伯多禄第一台弥撒之前

107.Before Peter's First Mass

Jesus ascends to Heaven. Matthias is elected to replace Judas in the apostolate. The Holy Spirit descends upon the Blessed Virgin, the Apostles, the disciples, and the holy women. Peter imposes hands upon James the Less, Bartholomew, Matthias, Thomas and Jude Thaddeus , who depart for the Pool of Bethsaida to consecrate the water and administer Baptism. The Apostles speak in tongues. The old synagogue near the Pool of Bethsaida is now converted into a church, where the community prepares for Peter 's first Mass.

107. 伯多禄第一台弥撒之前

耶稣升天。 玛弟亚被选为宗徒,取代犹达斯。

圣神降临在圣母、宗徒、门徒和圣妇身上。 伯多禄给小雅各伯、巴尔多禄茂、玛弟亚、多默和犹大达徒覆手,派遣他们前往贝特赛达水池祝圣池水并施洗。

宗徒说方言。 贝特赛达池附近的旧犹太会堂现已改建为圣堂,


Toward eight o'clock that morning, they left the Temple. In the court of the heathens they formed in a long procession, two by two, first the Apostles, after them the disciples, then the baptized and the newly converted. They proceeded across the cattle market to the sheep gate, out into the Valley of Josaphat, and thence up Sion to the house of the Last Supper. The Blessed Virgin and the other women had left the Temple some time previously, in order to kneel alone before the  Blessed  Sacrament  and  pray.  

那天早上八点左右,众人离开了圣殿。 在异教徒庭院里,他们形成一队長長的游行队伍,两人一排,先是宗徒,之后是门徒,然后是领过洗的和新皈依者。他们穿过牛市到羊门,进入约沙法特山谷,然后上熙雍,到达“最后晚餐”的房子。 圣母和其他圣妇在游行队伍之前就离开了圣殿,好能单独跪在圣体前祈祷。

Magdalen   prayed  in  the   entrance  hall sometimes standing, sometimes kneeling, or again prostrate on the ground, her arms outstretched. The other women had retired into their cells adjoining the church of Bethsaida. There they dwelt two together, occupying their time in washing and preparing the baptismal garments for the neophytes, and with the arrangement of such things for distribution. (Vol. 4, pp. 439-440)

玛达肋纳在前厅里祈祷,有时站着,有时跪着,或再次俯伏在地上,伸展双臂祈祷。 其他圣妇已经退到毗邻贝特赛达圣堂的小屋里。 在那里,她们两个两个的住在一起,专为新信徒清洗和准备领洗礼服,并安排这些东西以供分发。 (第 4 卷,第 439-440 页)

108. 圣母移居厄弗所;拉匝禄和他的姐妹们远渡重洋


108.The Blessed Virgin Moves to Ephesus;

Lazarus and His Sisters Set Out over the Sea

Peter ordains many of the disciples. He celebrates his first Mass, after which he and the other Apostles perform many cures and other miracles. Peter and John are arrested and released.


108. 圣母移居厄弗所;拉匝禄和他的姐妹们远渡重洋


伯多禄祝圣任命了许多门徒。 他庆祝了他的第一台弥撒,之后他和其他宗徒施行了许多治愈和其他神迹。 伯多禄和若望被捕并被释放。


About one year after the Crucifixion of Our Lord, Stephen was stoned, though no further persecution of the Apostles took place at that time. The rising settlement of new converts around Jerusalem, however, was dissolved, the Christians dispersed, and some were murdered. A few years later, a new storm arose against them. Then it was that the Blessed Virgin, who until that time had dwelt in the small house near the Cenacle and in Bethania, allowed herself to be conducted by John to the region of Ephesus, where the Christians had already made settlements. This happened a short time after the imprisonment of Lazarus and his sisters by the Jews and their setting out over the sea. (Vol 4, p. 448)

在我们的主被钉十字架大约一年后,斯德望被石头砸死,尽管当时没有进一步迫害宗徒。 然而,耶路撒冷周围不断增加的新皈依者定居点被拆除,基督徒被驱散,一些人被杀害了。 几年后,一场新的风暴席卷了他们。 然后是圣母,在新迫害之前一直住在晚餐厅附近和伯达尼的小房子里,她允许若望带自己到厄弗所地区,那里有大量基督徒定居。 这发生在拉匝禄和他的姐妹们被犹太人囚禁并起身飘洋过海后不久。 (第 4 卷,第 448 页)

109. 圣母离世

109. The Death of the Blessed Virgin 圣母离世


The Apostles disperse to teach of Jesus in far off countries.

The Blessed Virgin erects the stations of the Holy Way of the Cross near her home in Ephesus.


109.  圣母离世



As the Blessed Virgin felt her end approaching, in accordance with the directions of her Divine Son, she called the Apostles to her by prayer. She was now in her sixty-third year. At the time of Christ' s birth, she was in her fifteenth. Before His Ascension Jesus had made known to His most holy Mother what she should say at the end of her earthly career to the Apostles and some of the disciples who should be with her.

当圣母觉得她的寿终临近时,按照她至圣圣子的指示,她通过祈祷召唤了宗徒。现在她已经六十三岁了。 基督诞生时,她十五岁。 在耶稣升天之前,耶稣已经让祂至洁的母亲知道她在尘世生涯结束时,她应该对宗徒和一些应该与她在一起的门徒说些什么。

He told her also that she should bless them, and that it would conduce very much to their welfare and eternal salvation. He entrusted to her also certain spiritual labors for the general good, which being accomplished, her longing after Heaven was to be realized. Jesus had at the same time made known to Magdalen that she was to live concealed in the wilderness and that Martha was to establish a community of women. He added that He Himself would always be with them. (Vol. 4, pp. 458-459)

主还告诉她,她应该祝福他们,这对他们的福祉和永恒的救赎非常有帮助。主也将某些属灵工作委托给她,为所有基督徒的利益,一旦完成,她对天堂的渴望就会实现。耶稣同时告诉玛达肋纳她要隐居在旷野,而玛尔大要建立一个妇女团体。 主补充说,祂自己将永远与他们同在。 (第 4 卷,第 458-459 页)

Three years after the Crucifixion all the Apostles met in Jerusalem, after which Peter and John left the city and Mary accompanied the latter to Ephesus. Then arose in Jerusalem the persecution against Lazarus, Martha, and Magdalen. The last-named had up to that time been doing penance in the desert, in the cave to which Elizabeth had escaped with John during the massacre of the Innocents.

耶稣被钉十字架受难三年后,所有宗徒在耶路撒冷会面,之后伯多禄和若望离开了这座城市,圣母被若望陪同前往厄弗所。 然后在耶路撒冷兴起了对拉匝禄、玛尔大和玛达肋纳的迫害。 到那时为止,玛达肋纳一直在沙漠的一个山洞做补赎,就是在黑落德王屠杀无辜婴儿期间,依撒伯尔与小若翰躲避过的那个山洞。

The Apostles, in that first reunion, brought together all that belonged to the body of the Church. When half of the time of Mary's life after Christ's Ascension had flown, about the sixth year after that event, the Apostles were again assembled in Jerusalem. It was then they drew up the Creed, made rules, relinquished all that they possessed, distributed it to the poor, and divided the Church into dioceses, after which they separated and went into far-off heathen countries. At Mary's death they all met again for the last time. When they again separated for distant countries, it was until death.

(Vol. 4, pp. 7-8)

宗徒们在第一次重聚中,将所有属于教会奥体的人聚集在一起。基督升天后圣母生命的一半时间已经过去了,大约在耶稣升天后的第六年,宗徒们再次聚集在耶路撒冷。就在那时,他们制定了宗徒信经,制定了教规,舍弃了他们所拥有的一切财物,分发给穷人,并将圣教会划分为教区,然后他们散开并前往遥远的异教国家。在圣母去世时,宗徒们再次见面,且是最后一次。 以后他们再次散开,奔向遥远的国家传教,直到死亡。(第 4 卷,第 7-8 页)




A Relic of Magdalen's Clothing


From The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, by Rev. Carl Schmoger, C.SS.R., Vol. 2, pp. 386-387.

源自《安纳加大利纳艾曼丽的生活和启示》,作者:卡尔施莫格神父,C.S.R.,卷二,第 386-387 页。

Toward dusk that same day, the Pilgrim [Clemens Brentano] opened another of the little parcels on which were inscribed the words: " From the clothing of a Saint, " and which contained also a bone and a label. It was almost dark and the objects were so very small that he did not imagine Sister Emmerich noticed his action. To his surprise, she called to him: "Take care of that label! The relic shines; it is authentic!" He handed her the particle of bone, when she instantly fell into contemplation.

当天黄昏时分,朝圣者 [克莱门斯·布伦塔诺] 打开了另一个小包裹,上面刻着来自圣徒的衣服的字样,里面还有一根骨头和一个标签。 天快黑了,圣物又非常小,他没想到艾曼丽修女注意到了他的动作。 令他惊讶的是,她叫他:看好那个标签!圣髑闪耀着发光,它是真实的!他把那骨头微粒递给她,她顿时陷入了默观。

On returning to herself she said: " I have been far away to Bethany, Jerusalem and France. The bone belongs to Martha; the clothing to Magdalen. It is blue with yellow flowers and green leaves, the remnants of her vanity, which she wore under a mourning mantle, in Bethania, at the raising of Lazarus. This dress remained in Lazarus' house when he and his sisters went to France, and pious friends took it as a memento. Some pilgrims when visiting their tomb in France, wrapped this relic in a part of the dress, thinking both belonged to Magdalen; but only the clothing is hers, the relic is Martha's." When the Pilgrim closely examined the inscription, he indeed found: " Sancta Maria Magdalen."



Mery Magdalen and Martha in Scripture


The following paragraph is taken from St. Luke's Gospel.


" Now it came to pass as they went, that he entered a certain town : and a certain woman named Martha, received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sitting also at the Lord's feet, heard his word. But Martha was busy about much serving. Who stood and said: Lord, hast thou no care that my sister hath left me alone to serve? Speak to her therefore, that she help me. And the Lord answering, said to her: Martha, Martha, thou art careful, and  art troubled about many things: But one thing is necessary. Mary hath chosen the best part, which shall not be taken away from her."

(Luke 10:38-42)

38他们走路的时候,耶稣进了一个村庄。有一个名叫玛尔大的女人,把耶稣接到家中。39她有一个妹妹,名叫玛利亚,坐在主的脚前听他讲话。40玛尔大为伺候耶稣,忙碌不已,便上前来说:「主!我的妹妹丢下我一个人伺候,你不介意吗?请叫她来帮助我罢!」   41主回答她说:「玛尔大,玛尔大!你为了许多事操心忙碌,42其实需要的惟有一件。玛利亚选择了更好的一分,是不能从她夺去的。」


Mary Magdalen in Catholic Traditions


The following article, " Mary Magdalen," is from The Catholic Encyclopedia,

1910, Vol. 9, p. 761.


1910 年,卷9,第 761页。

Mary Magdalen  so called either  from Magdala near Tiberius,  on the  west shore of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women’s hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adultress. In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke 7:2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had been cast out of her. (Mark 16:9). She is next named as standing at the foot of the Cross. (Mark 15:40; Matt . 27 :56 ; John 19 :2 5; Luke 23 :49) .

玛利亚玛达肋纳的名字来自于加里肋亚西岸提庇留附近的玛格达伦,或者可能来自于塔木德法典》的一种表达,意思是卷头发的女人,《塔木德法典》将其解释为一个女通奸者。 在新约中,她在陪伴基督和服侍他的妇女中被提及(路加福音 7:2-3),新约中还说耶稣从她身上赶出七个鬼 (马尔谷福音 16:9)。 她接下来被称为站在十字架脚下的人。 (马尔谷福音 15:40;玛窦福音 27:56;若望福音 19:2 5;路加福音 23:49)。

She saw Christ laid in the tomb, and she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. The Greek Fathers, as a whole, distinguish the three persons: the "sinner" of Luke 7:36-50; the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Luke 10:38-42; John 11 ); and Mary Magdalen. On the other hand, most of the Latins hold that these three were one and the same. Protestant critics, however, believe there were two, if not three, distinct persons.

她看见基督被埋葬在坟墓里,她是第一个被记录的基督复活的见证者。希腊教父们把福音中的这三个词视为一个整体,指出这三处指的是同一人:路加福音 7:36-50 中的罪人 玛尔大和拉匝禄的妹妹(路加福音 10:38-42;若望福音11章); 和玛利亚玛达肋纳。 另一方面,大多数拉丁教父也认为,这三个处指的是同一个人。 然而,新教批评者认为有两个人,即使不是三个人,也有二个载然不同的人。

It is impossible to demonstrate the identity of the three; but those commentators undoubtedly go too far who assert, as does Westcott (on John 11: 1), "that the identity of Mary with Mary Magdalene is a mere conjecture supported by no direct evidence, and opposed to the general tenor of the gospels." It is the identification of Mary of Bethany with the "sinner" of Luke 7:37 which is most combatted by Protestants. (See Plummer, International Critical Comment on St. Luke, p. 209.)

无法证明三人的身份; 但是那些评论家无疑走得太远了,他们断言,就像韦斯科特(若望福音 111)一样说,玛利亚与玛利亚玛达肋纳的身份只是一个没有直接证据支持的猜想,与福音书的一般基调相反。 " 新教徒最反对的是伯达尼的玛利亚与路加福音 7:37 中的罪人的身份认同。 (参见 Plummer,《关于圣路加的国际批判性评论》,第 209 页。)

It almost seems as if this reluctance to identify the " sinner" with the sister of Martha were due to a failure to grasp the full significance of the forgiveness of sin. (See Mayor in Hastings, Dictionary o; the Bible, III, 284.) The harmonizing tendencies of so many modem critics, too, are responsible for much of the existing confusion.

The  first  fact  mentioned  in  the  Gospel  relating  to  the  question  under discussion is  the  anointing  of Christ' s  feet by a  woman,  a "sinner" in the city. (Luke 7:37-50).

这种似乎不愿将罪人与玛尔大的妹妹等同起来的原因,是因为没有理解罪得赦免的全部意义。 (参见 Mayor in Hastings, Dictionary o; the Bible, III, 284.)许多现代批评家的妥协倾向也是造成许多现有混乱的原因。福音中提到的第一个与所讨论的问题有关的事实,就是基督的脚是由一个城里的“罪人”,一个妇人所膏抹的。 (路加福音 7:37-50)。

This belongs to the Galilean ministry, it precedes the miracle of the  feeding of the five thousand and the third Passover. Immediately afterward St. Luke describes a missionary circuit in Galilee and tells us of the women who ministered to Christ, among them being "Mary who is called Magdalen, out of whom seven devils  were gone  forth" (Luke 8:2); but he does not tell us that she is to be identified with the "sinner" of the previous chapter. In Luke 10:38-42, he tells us of Christ's visit to Martha and Mary "in a certain town" ; it is impossible to identify this town, but it is clear from Luke 9:53 that Christ  had definitively left Galilee, and it is quite possible that this "town" was Bethany.

这属于加里肋亚人的事工,在那行奇迹,喂饱五千人和公历三月间的逾越节之前。 紧接着,圣路加描述了在加里肋亚的巡回传教,并告诉我们那些侍奉基督的妇女,其中有名叫玛利亚玛达肋纳的,耶稣从她身上赶出来了七个鬼(路加福音 82); 但他并没有告诉,她是指前一章的罪人 在路加福音 10:38-42 中,他告诉我们基督在一个小镇上看望了玛尔大和玛利亚;我不能辨认出这个城镇,但从路加福音 9:53 可以清楚地看出,基督已经明确地离开了加里肋亚,而且这个城镇很可能就是伯达尼。

This seems confirmed by the preceding parable of the good Samaritan, which must almost certainly have been spoken on the road between Jericho and Jerusalem. But here again we  note  that there is  no suggestion of  an  identification  of  the  three persons, viz., the " sinner," Mary Magdalen  and Mary of Bethany; and if we had only St. Luke to guide us we should certainly have no grounds for so identifying them. St. John, however, clearly identifies Mary of Bethany with the woman who anointed Christ's  feet. (Luke  12;  cf.  Matt .  26;  Mark  14). 

这似乎证实了前面关于善心撒玛黎雅人的比喻,这几乎可以肯定是在去耶里哥和耶路撒冷之间的路上说的。 但在这里,我们再次注意到,没有任何迹像表明这三个人的身份,即罪人”:玛利亚玛达肋纳和伯达尼的玛利亚; 如果我们只有圣路加来引导我们,我们当然没有理由这样认定她们。 然而,圣若望清楚地将伯达尼的玛利亚与为基督敷抹脚的妇人联系在一起。 (路加福音 12 章;参见玛窦福音 26 章;马尔谷福音 14 章)。

It is  remarkable that already in John 11:2, St. John has spoken of Mary as "she that anointed the Lord's feet," It is commonly said that he refers to the subsequent anointing which he himself describes in 12:3-8; but it may be questioned whether he would have used if another woman, and she a "sinner" in the city, had done the same.

值得注意的是,在圣若望福音 11:2 中,圣若望称玛利亚为膏抹主脚的妇人, 通常说,他指的是他自己在12章3至8节所描述的随后的膏抹; 但如果圣若望说的是另一个女人,而且她是这城里的罪人,也做了同样的事,他就不会使用,就可能会受到质疑。

It is conceivable that St. John  just because he is writing so long after the event and at a time when Mary was dead, wishes to point out to us that she was really the same as the "sinner." In the same way St. Luke may have veiled her identity precisely because he did not wish to defame one who was yet living; he certainly does something similar in the case of St. Matthew, whose identity with Levi the publican (Luke 5:7) he conceals.

可以想象,圣若望只是因为在事件发生很久之后,在玛利亚去世的时候才写作给我们,他希望向我们指出,她真的和「罪人」一样。 同样,圣路加也可能因为不想诋毁一个还活着的人,而隐瞒了她的身份。 肯定地,他在圣玛窦的案例中做了类似的事情,他隐瞒了玛窦即税吏肋未的身份(路加福音 5:7)。

If the foregoing arguement holds good, Mary of Bethany and the "sinner" are one and the same. But an examination of St. John's Gospel makes it almost impossible to deny the identity of Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdalen. From St. John we learn the name of the "woman" who anointed Christ's feet previous to the last supper. We may remark here that it seems unnecessary to hold that because St. Matthew and St. Mark say "two days before the Passover," while St. John says "six days," there were, therefore, two distinct anointings following one another.

如果上述论点成立,伯达尼的玛利亚和罪人是同一个人。但是,对圣若望福音的查验就几乎无法否认,伯达尼的玛利亚与玛利亚玛达肋纳同一身份。我们从圣若望那里得知了在最后的晚餐前膏抹基督脚的女人的名字。 我们可以在这里指出,似乎没有必要坚持这一点,因为圣玛窦和圣马尔谷说逾越节前两天,而圣若望说六天,因此,两个不同的恩膏礼依次进行。

St. John does not necessarily mean that the supper and the anointing took place six days before, but only that Christ came to Bethany six days before the Passover. At that supper, then, Mary received the glorious encomium, "she hath ,wrought a good work upon Me . .. in pouring this ointment upon My body she hath done it for My burial ... wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached ...that also which she hath done shall be told for a memory of her."

圣若望并不一定是说晚餐和膏抹发生在六天前,而只是说基督在逾越节前六天来到伯达尼。 在那次晚宴上,玛利亚接受了光荣的赞美,她在我身上做了一件美事……她将这香膏浇在我的身上,是为我安葬作的……无论在何处传这福音……也要述说她所行的作为纪念。

Is it credible, in view of all this, that this Mary should have no place at the foot of the Cross, nor at the tomb of Christ':' Yet it is Mary Magdalen who, according to all the Evangelists, stood at the foot of the Cross and assisted at the entombment and was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. And while St. John calls her "Mary Magdalen" in John 19:25, 20:1 and 18, he calls her simply "Mary" in John 20:11 and 16.

鉴于这一切,这个玛利亚应该没有站在被钉的耶稣十字架下,也没有去基督的坟墓,这是否可信?然而根据所有圣史的记录,玛利亚玛达肋纳是站在十字架脚下和协助埋葬的人,是第一个被记载的复活见证人。圣若望在《圣若望福音》 19:2520:1 18 称她为玛利亚玛达肋纳,但在若望福音 20:11 16 中,他简单地称呼她为玛利亚

In the view we have advocated the series of events forms a consistent whole; the " sinner" comes early in the ministry to seek for pardon; she is described immediately afterwards as Mary Magdalen "out of  whom seven devils were gone forth"; shortly after, we find her "sitting at the Lord's feet and hearing His words." To the Catholic mind it all seems fitting and natural. At a later period Mary and Martha tum to " the Christ, the Son of the Living God," and He restores to them their brother Lazarus; a short time afterward they make Him a supper and Mary once more repeats the act she had performed when a penitent.

在我们看来,这一系列事件形成了一个连贯的整体罪人在早期传教就来寻求赦免; 她随后立即被称为玛利亚·玛达肋纳(Mary Magdalen),有七个鬼从她身上赶出 不久之后,我们看见她坐在主脚前听祂的话 在天主教徒看来,这一切似乎都很合适和自然。 过了一段时间,玛利亚和玛尔大转向基督,永生天主子,耶稣就把她们的兄弟拉匝禄复活归还给她们; 不久之后,她们为耶稣做了晚饭,玛利亚又再次重复了她在忏悔时所做的动作(膏抹耶稣)。

At the Passion she stands near by; she sees Him laid in the tomb; and she is the first witness of His Resurrection-excepting always His Mother, to whom He must needs have appeared first, though the New Testament is silent on this point. In our view, then, there were two anointings of Christ's feet——it should surely be no difficulty that St. Matthew and St. Mark speak of His head-——the first (Luke 7), took place at a comparatively early date; the second, two days before the last Passover. But it was one and the same woman who performed this pious act on each occasion.

在耶稣受难时,她就站在旁边; 她看见耶稣被安放在坟墓里; 她是耶稣复活的第一个见证人——除了祂的母亲,耶稣必须先向她显现,虽然《新约》没有提到这一点。因此,在我们看来,基督的脚有两次膏抹——圣玛窦和圣马尔谷谈到主的头被膏,应该没有什么困难——第一次膏抹(路加福音 7)发生在较早的日期; 第二次膏抹,是在最后一个逾越节的前两天。但每次都是同一个女人做出这种虔诚的举动。



The Greek Church maintains that the saint retired to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin and there died, that her relics were transferred to Constantinople in 886 and are there preserved. Gregory of Tours, De miraculis, I, xxx, supports the statement that she went to Ephesus. However, according to a French tradition (see LAZARUS OF BETHANY, SAINT), Mary, Lazarus, and some companions came to Marseilles and converted the whole of Provence. Magdalen is said to have retired to a hill, La Sainte-Baume, near by where she gave herself up to a life of penance for thirty years.

希腊教会认为,这位圣人和圣母一起隐退到厄弗所,并在那里去世,她的圣髑于 886 年被转移到君士坦丁堡,并保存在那里。 都尔的格里高利, De miraculis, I, xxx, 支持她去厄弗所的说法。 然而,根据法国的传统(参见《伯达尼的圣拉匝禄》),玛利亚、拉匝禄和一些同伴来到法国的马赛,使整个普罗旺斯都皈依了基督教。 据说玛达肋纳已经退隐到一座名叫圣波美的小山上,在那附近,她在那里度过了三十年的苦修生活。

When the time of her death arrived she was carried by angels to Aix and into the oratory of St. Maximinus, where she received the Viaticum; her body was then laid in an oratory constructed by St. Maximinus at Villa Lata, afterward called St. Maximin. History is silent about these relics till 745, when, according to the chronicler Sigebert., they were removed to Vezelay through fear of the Saracens. No record is preserved of their return, but in 1279, when Charles II, King of Naples, erected a convent at La Sainte-Baume for the Dominicans, the shrine was found intact, with an inscription stating why they were hidden.

她去世的日子近了,她被天使带到艾克斯,进入圣马克西姆的祈祷室,在那里她领受了终傅圣事。 然后,她的尸体被安放在拉塔别墅的圣马克西姆(St. Maximinus)建造的一个祈祷所中,后来被称为圣马克西米娜(St. Maximin)。 历史对这些圣髑一直保持沉默,直到 745 年,根据编年史家西格伯特的说法,由于对撒拉逊人的恐惧,圣髑被转移到维泽莱。没有关于圣髑返回的记录,但在 1279 年,当那不勒斯国王查理二世在圣波美为多明我会建造一座修道院时,人们发现圣骨匣完好无损,上面有铭文,说明了它们为何被隐藏。

In 1600 the relics were placed in a sarcophagus sent by Clement VIII, the head being placed in a separate vessel. In 1814 the church of La Ste. Baume, wrecked during the Revolution, was restored, and in 1822 the grotto was consecrated afresh. The head of the saint now lies there, where it has lain so long, and where it has been the centre of so many pilgrimages.

-  Very Rev. Hugh Pope, O.P., S.T.L

1600 年,这些圣髑被放置在克莱门特八世送来的石棺中,其头颅被放置在一个单独的容器中。 1814 年,在法国大革命期间遭到破坏的波美的拉斯特教堂被修复, 1822 年,岩洞又重新奉献了。 历经数代,圣人的头颅现在仍躺在那里,它曾经是那么多朝圣地的中心。

-  Very Rev. Hugh Pope, O.P., S.T.L







若望:我是您的网站——小德兰书屋的读者与灵魂的受益者,最近读了您网站上的连载书籍:安纳.加大利纳.艾曼丽神视中的玛利亚玛达肋纳(紫微蕾塔小德兰译,杨开勇校阅),近乎于震撼,感到得到了黄金钻石一般的精神宝藏。因为主耶稣告诉我们经常默想祂的苦难,会得到无穷的福报,而此书中的对于主的苦难的描述,甚至于比圣· 加大利纳的《苦难心曲》更详细!






玛达肋纳最值得我们学习的,是她身上的真诚和感恩,这位有血有肉的圣人,是我们每个人都可以效法的圣人,她容易激动,气质敏感,敢爱敢恨,敢说敢做,很多的缺点,很多的不完美,甚至有人把她当成了疯子,这一切并没有让她灰心沮丧,因着她对耶稣的爱,她能体贴到 主耶稣的心,她洞察主耶稣的使命,做出了连宗徒在内都做不出的爱的举动:膏抹耶稣,为救主耶稣的受难和安葬做好了准备。



她也开始学习贞洁和端庄。以往的恶习要完全离弃,新的良好的言行要重新建立,谈何容易? 每次悔罪后,她的心里就有一种奇妙的改变,闷闷不乐的心因着悔改而重新获得神赐的喜乐。可是,没有多久她又会犯相同的罪。虽然她反复不断的沉沦,仿佛一个不可救药的人,可是主耶稣在她的心里播下了信赖的种子,当浪子回头时,慈爱的主又再一次把平安和喜乐赐给她。


遇到耶稣,尝到了主恩的滋味,渐渐地,玛达肋纳的目光定睛在耶稣身上,她不再从受造物中寻找幸福,主的爱使她不断地向自身之外超越,使她越爱越广阔,外面的世界对她一点吸引力都没有了,从此,玛达肋纳成了一个新造的人, 她的生命犹如一朵美丽的鲜花,在主爱中绽放无暇。





